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Rich Thai Ladies


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How many famous American movie actresses marry Joe Nobodies?

I guess it COULD happen, but I've never heard of one. Same would apply to a rich, high society Thai lady meeting a poor farang and marrying him. Thai families are very close and proper in who their daughters get to meet.

Elizabeth Taylor

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A friend of mine has just been approached about 'entertaining' some wealthy Thai women in BKK. There are plenty of them, single and married, who are happy to pay around 30k+++ baht to be taken care of for an evening/night with a young, handsome farang guy (his words, not mine). They also pay for dinner, drinks and a hotel for the night, say's he's going to do it as he's single and could do with the extra cash. He said most are 40+ but he's not bothered.

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A friend of mine recently married a wealthy Thai lady. 3 years age difference and within a similar social-economic bracket....

It's a very normal and natural relationship...

IMO - If folks date within their means i.e. similar education, age and economic levels there will be a higher chance of relationship longevity and success.

Edited by richard_smith237
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Thai woman who have Thai boyfriend don't ask or get salary.

Thai woman who date foreign man demand a salary (most but not all)

My question is If most foreign men have to pay them to be a girlfriend (very sad on both parties) then why the hel_l would a rich Thai woman want to go out with a foreign man? :)

I think that this is harshly put and probably inaccurate. If a Thai gal works surely expenses will be shared. If not, more fool her. If she is a hausfrau he picks up the tab for everything. Most foreign men, especially the more senior, have it ingrained in them that they are the provider. Hopefully a Farang/Thai couple would come to a financial arrangement and specification of responsibilities and an appropriate monthly allowance agreed.

I told my wife that I wanted her to resume working after I realised that her sitting around all day watching TV after she had completed the housework was not a good arrangement. Furthermore my thoughts were that she was Thai and needed to maintain all her Thai relationships in good order since I expect to be kicking off before her and she would be in need of good company at some time in the hopefully distant future. A couple of Thai neighbours asked her why she worked when she had a farang husband and asked if I had enough money to support her. Did she hand over her earnings to me? She explained the rationale and explained that I meet all the household expenses and had provided the money to buy farms which her family now worked, and that some of the money that she earned was used to provide the capital to purchase farm machinery and maintain the properties. Why not, since the farms belong to her? I do, of course, act as her Financial Director but since she has over time acquired a good degree of financial prudence my hold on the reins has become lighter.

On marriage I explained to her that by my custom everything that I owned now belonged to her and everything that she owned belonged to me i.e. our resources are shared, just as everything else is. This has, in jest only, been bastardised into everything I own also belongs to her and everything she owns also belongs to her. :D

If anybody thinks that meeting the household and her personal expenses is akin to paying a salary I suggest that the corollary of that is, that in their minds, they would be cohabiting with a whore. I further suggest that they dismiss all thoughts of a close and loving relationship, let alone marriage, until they acquire a modicum of common sense and a firm grasp of reality.

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My post was deleted, but the gist of it was that there certainly are rich Thai women looking for relationships with poor (or at least poorer) "falangs" (is the correct spelling farung?). This is especially apparent when they've been divorced & are therefore not virgins, and not considered wife material in Thailand. They travel to western countries where they feel no stigma & smother young, handsome farungs.

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Money can't buy you love. :)

Actually it can.

In many cultures around the world, age differences never matter.

We all know that.

Very often if an older guy (with money), married a younger woman, and he actually took good care of her (and her family).

If he showed that he had a genuine good heart, she will very soon start to love him for real.

So, she maried him for security first, but soon learned to love him.

In other words, his money/security lead her to him, wich again lead to love.


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A friend of mine has just been approached about 'entertaining' some wealthy Thai women in BKK. There are plenty of them, single and married, who are happy to pay around 30k+++ baht to be taken care of for an evening/night with a young, handsome farang guy (his words, not mine). They also pay for dinner, drinks and a hotel for the night, say's he's going to do it as he's single and could do with the extra cash. He said most are 40+ but he's not bothered.

Yeah I did the gigolo trip one summer, private jets, wads of cash, great food, premium wines and all the rest. The perks were nice but being treated like a piece of meat didn't do the self-esteem any good.

However, for my part, it was a blast!

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A friend of mine has just been approached about 'entertaining' some wealthy Thai women in BKK. There are plenty of them, single and married, who are happy to pay around 30k+++ baht to be taken care of for an evening/night with a young, handsome farang guy (his words, not mine). They also pay for dinner, drinks and a hotel for the night, say's he's going to do it as he's single and could do with the extra cash. He said most are 40+ but he's not bothered.

Yeah I did the gigolo trip one summer, private jets, wads of cash, great food, premium wines and all the rest. The perks were nice but being treated like a piece of meat didn't do the self-esteem any good.

However, for my part, it was a blast!

Time to start sharing I'll send you my phone number. I wouldn't want your friend to get too burnt out.

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Money can't buy you love. :)

Actually it can.

In many cultures around the world, age differences never matter.

We all know that.

Very often if an older guy (with money), married a younger woman, and he actually took good care of her (and her family).

If he showed that he had a genuine good heart, she will very soon start to love him for real.

So, she maried him for security first, but soon learned to love him.

In other words, his money/security lead her to him, wich again lead to love.


No, that's not true. What IS true is; "In many {old-fashioned} cultures around the world, money and it's trappings are more highly valued than love, and can trump absolutely horrific age mis-matches".

So, no. That's not *love*. It's appreciation, and perhaps indebtedness.

In broader terms, it's much more akin to a "employer-employee" relationship, than love. Services rendered for fees paid. That's business, not love. Love cannot be bought. It can only be shared.. freely, fairly, mutually (with no monetary values attached or associated to it). Real LOVE is actually the special bond that develops between 2 people, when when they come to understand, trust, and care for each other over a period of time, in a way much more deeply than they do with mere friends. Deciding to financially take care of someone (who you share true love with already) AFTER the love is already there, can and does happen, but when the money comes first, the "learned love" that sometimes follows is NOT real love. A person may "love" the security that someone else provides for them.. BUT THAT'S NOT LOVE.

Love is ONLY free. It's a completely black and white issue, just the same as sex is. Sex, if anything is exchanged for it (except a token item of no longterm value, like a flower or a greeting card) .. is not a mutual coupling, but a business exchange, and nothing more. And yes, that does mean that I think that anyone who says "I would only consider sleeping with someone if they bought me nice things and took me out to a nice meal and a show, first" is a PROSTITUTE.

How does this tie into the topic? Because you cant love someone that is in your employ (unless you already had freely and mutually occurring love together BEFORE you started "taking care/employing" them). Sex can be bought, but love cant. There simply is no such thing as "learning to love" someone (that's employing you). It's a soothing myth, made up by people that want to try to feel better about paying someone to cohabit with them (or feel better about whoring themselves out).

How do I account for this theory? Pretty simply, really. People who couple (marry) for true love, will usually stay with each other through financial ups and downs, and even total financial ruin (unless the love itself ends). And reciprocally, people who marry for security (ie: money) are much more likely to cut and run, if that money (that they originally coupled for) should disappear, in hopes of finding it with someone else.

And don't tell me that you think that "love that was learned in response to someone taking care of them" will faithfully keep them with a newly poor partner, especially if they've already grown accustomed to the comforts of a well-to-do existence.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with people doing "business" with one another. And money makes the world go around. I just cant stomach it being called something other than what is is. I certainly can't handle it being called "love".

Harsh words, for sure, but let's just call it what it is: BUSINESS.

As to the topic of this post, rich and/or poor coupling with Thai and/or Farang; true love is possible within any combination of these players, but not if the money comes into play before the love does.

Bottom line: True love is blind, and it can't be bought.

I want to touch on another point, too.

The concept of accepting "paying for long-term partnership", in place of true love, is an old-world (and 3rd world) custom, usually between a richer man and a poorer woman, and is increasingly less common now in 1st world (especially Western) countries. It's popularity is even beginning to decrease in traditionally old-world localities (including modern parts of Thailand), as the globalization of the planet continues. As women start to follow the lead (from the West) that they can live, work, earn money, and gain social/political power equally as men do, they start to move away from the desire to be "kept" by a man, and to be equally partnered with him in a "real love" relationship, instead. And in terms of being nearly outright "bought and paid for" by a man, like purchased goods? (I'm talking about the archaic practice of dowry..aka: Sin-Sod, here in Thailand). Well, with that being only inches away from human trafficking in my eyes; I personally can't wait for that to become some terrible piece of ancient history (like slavery <for the most part> has).

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Money can't buy you love. :)

Actually it can.

In many cultures around the world, age differences never matter.

We all know that.

Very often if an older guy (with money), married a younger woman, and he actually took good care of her (and her family).

If he showed that he had a genuine good heart, she will very soon start to love him for real.

So, she maried him for security first, but soon learned to love him.

In other words, his money/security lead her to him, wich again lead to love.


No, that's not true. What IS true is; "In many {old-fashioned} cultures around the world, money and it's trappings are more highly valued than love, and can trump absolutely horrific age mis-matches".

So, no. That's not *love*. It's appreciation, and perhaps indebtedness.

In broader terms, it's much more akin to a "employer-employee" relationship, than love. Services rendered for fees paid. That's business, not love. Love cannot be bought. It can only be shared.. freely, fairly, mutually (with no monetary values attached or associated to it). Real LOVE is actually the special bond that develops between 2 people, when when they come to understand, trust, and care for each other over a period of time, in a way much more deeply than they do with mere friends. Deciding to financially take care of someone (who you share true love with already) AFTER the love is already there, can and does happen, but when the money comes first, the "learned love" that sometimes follows is NOT real love. A person may "love" the security that someone else provides for them.. BUT THAT'S NOT LOVE.

Love is ONLY free. It's a completely black and white issue, just the same as sex is. Sex, if anything is exchanged for it (except a token item of no longterm value, like a flower or a greeting card) .. is not a mutual coupling, but a business exchange, and nothing more. And yes, that does mean that I think that anyone who says "I would only consider sleeping with someone if they bought me nice things and took me out to a nice meal and a show, first" is a PROSTITUTE.

How does this tie into the topic? Because you cant love someone that is in your employ (unless you already had freely and mutually occurring love together BEFORE you started "taking care/employing" them). Sex can be bought, but love cant. There simply is no such thing as "learning to love" someone (that's employing you). It's a soothing myth, made up by people that want to try to feel better about paying someone to cohabit with them (or feel better about whoring themselves out).

How do I account for this theory? Pretty simply, really. People who couple (marry) for true love, will usually stay with each other through financial ups and downs, and even total financial ruin (unless the love itself ends). And reciprocally, people who marry for security (ie: money) are much more likely to cut and run, if that money (that they originally coupled for) should disappear, in hopes of finding it with someone else.

And don't tell me that you think that "love that was learned in response to someone taking care of them" will faithfully keep them with a newly poor partner, especially if they've already grown accustomed to the comforts of a well-to-do existence.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with people doing "business" with one another. And money makes the world go around. I just cant stomach it being called something other than what is is. I certainly can't handle it being called "love".

Harsh words, for sure, but let's just call it what it is: BUSINESS.

As to the topic of this post, rich and/or poor coupling with Thai and/or Farang; true love is possible within any combination of these players, but not if the money comes into play before the love does.

Bottom line: True love is blind, and it can't be bought.

I want to touch on another point, too.

The concept of accepting "paying for long-term partnership", in place of true love, is an old-world (and 3rd world) custom, usually between a richer man and a poorer woman, and is increasingly less common now in 1st world (especially Western) countries. It's popularity is even beginning to decrease in traditionally old-world localities (including modern parts of Thailand), as the globalization of the planet continues. As women start to follow the lead (from the West) that they can live, work, earn money, and gain social/political power equally as men do, they start to move away from the desire to be "kept" by a man, and to be equally partnered with him in a "real love" relationship, instead. And in terms of being nearly outright "bought and paid for" by a man, like purchased goods? (I'm talking about the archaic practice of dowry..aka: Sin-Sod, here in Thailand). Well, with that being only inches away from human trafficking in my eyes; I personally can't wait for that to become some terrible piece of ancient history (like slavery <for the most part> has).

Sums it all up very well.

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It is probably fair to say that there are a lot more rich thai women divorcing poor farang men than rich thai women marrying poor farang men.

Probably not so fair to say, actually.  At most, the number of rich women divorcing poor men would be equal to the number of rich women marrying poor men.  And that is if every single one of the marriages end up in divorce.  If only one couple stays married, then the number of divorces would be less than the number of marriages.

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It is probably fair to say that there are a lot more rich thai women divorcing poor farang men than rich thai women marrying poor farang men.

Probably not so fair to say, actually. At most, the number of rich women divorcing poor men would be equal to the number of rich women marrying poor men. And that is if every single one of the marriages end up in divorce. If only one couple stays married, then the number of divorces would be less than the number of marriages.

how profound :)

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Mega movie star "Sandra Bullock" married "Jesse James" a hot rod builder of sorts.. He is a big name in the custom car business.. but in Hollyweird.. WHO?? Ever hear him speak?? I have!

My good buddy (I've known since him since he was 16 and sold him a Thai Dog in 2000) Nicholas Cage married a Japanese waitress from a restaurant in BH. What's her name? (the dog or the wife?) Nick is one very smart guy and I know as I have had long conversations with him over the years.

Many super rich and mega famous men and women will step down to find a spouse...

I do each time I find a Thai lady to date longer than an evening or afternoon, as most all of them only want to be fed and cared for as the education of most college grads is simple unbelievable.

Ever try to carry on a intelligent conversation with anyone of these women here that you meet??

"Have you ever heard of Bill Clinton?" I asked one so-called local college grad..

"NO!" was her answer..

Do you have any idea where London, Rome, Paris, Munich, NYC, LA, or Honolulu are and in what countries the are in???

Or how about I make it easy and give you the names of all those countries and you match them up...okay?

Her answer was she had no idea what I was even talking about or had heard of any of these places and get this..

She claimed to be a ENGLISH teacher in a local school... daaaahh... back to the bar..??? or guesthouse???

"Does anyone know what time is is?" "Does anyone really care?"... 25 to 6 to 4 Chicago 1968

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"QUOTE (gorber @ 2010-02-15 06:13:42)

It is probably fair to say that there are a lot more rich thai women divorcing poor farang men than rich thai women marrying poor farang men."

"Probably not so fair to say, actually. At most, the number of rich women divorcing poor men would be equal to the number of rich women marrying poor men. And that is if every single one of the marriages end up in divorce. If only one couple stays married, then the number of divorces would be less than the number of marriages."

Could be that he meant, that there are a lot more (got) rich (after marry a farang) Thai women divorcing (became) poor farang men, than rich Thai women marrying poor farang men.

Edited by Birdman
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Money can't buy you love. :)

Actually it can.

In many cultures around the world, age differences never matter.

We all know that.

Very often if an older guy (with money), married a younger woman, and he actually took good care of her (and her family).

If he showed that he had a genuine good heart, she will very soon start to love him for real.

So, she maried him for security first, but soon learned to love him.

In other words, his money/security lead her to him, wich again lead to love.


No, that's not true. What IS true is; "In many {old-fashioned} cultures around the world, money and it's trappings are more highly valued than love, and can trump absolutely horrific age mis-matches".

So, no. That's not *love*. It's appreciation, and perhaps indebtedness.

In broader terms, it's much more akin to a "employer-employee" relationship, than love. Services rendered for fees paid. That's business, not love. Love cannot be bought. It can only be shared.. freely, fairly, mutually (with no monetary values attached or associated to it). Real LOVE is actually the special bond that develops between 2 people, when when they come to understand, trust, and care for each other over a period of time, in a way much more deeply than they do with mere friends. Deciding to financially take care of someone (who you share true love with already) AFTER the love is already there, can and does happen, but when the money comes first, the "learned love" that sometimes follows is NOT real love. A person may "love" the security that someone else provides for them.. BUT THAT'S NOT LOVE.

Love is ONLY free. It's a completely black and white issue, just the same as sex is. Sex, if anything is exchanged for it (except a token item of no longterm value, like a flower or a greeting card) .. is not a mutual coupling, but a business exchange, and nothing more. And yes, that does mean that I think that anyone who says "I would only consider sleeping with someone if they bought me nice things and took me out to a nice meal and a show, first" is a PROSTITUTE.

How does this tie into the topic? Because you cant love someone that is in your employ (unless you already had freely and mutually occurring love together BEFORE you started "taking care/employing" them). Sex can be bought, but love cant. There simply is no such thing as "learning to love" someone (that's employing you). It's a soothing myth, made up by people that want to try to feel better about paying someone to cohabit with them (or feel better about whoring themselves out).

How do I account for this theory? Pretty simply, really. People who couple (marry) for true love, will usually stay with each other through financial ups and downs, and even total financial ruin (unless the love itself ends). And reciprocally, people who marry for security (ie: money) are much more likely to cut and run, if that money (that they originally coupled for) should disappear, in hopes of finding it with someone else.

And don't tell me that you think that "love that was learned in response to someone taking care of them" will faithfully keep them with a newly poor partner, especially if they've already grown accustomed to the comforts of a well-to-do existence.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with people doing "business" with one another. And money makes the world go around. I just cant stomach it being called something other than what is is. I certainly can't handle it being called "love".

Harsh words, for sure, but let's just call it what it is: BUSINESS.

As to the topic of this post, rich and/or poor coupling with Thai and/or Farang; true love is possible within any combination of these players, but not if the money comes into play before the love does.

Bottom line: True love is blind, and it can't be bought.

I want to touch on another point, too.

The concept of accepting "paying for long-term partnership", in place of true love, is an old-world (and 3rd world) custom, usually between a richer man and a poorer woman, and is increasingly less common now in 1st world (especially Western) countries. It's popularity is even beginning to decrease in traditionally old-world localities (including modern parts of Thailand), as the globalization of the planet continues. As women start to follow the lead (from the West) that they can live, work, earn money, and gain social/political power equally as men do, they start to move away from the desire to be "kept" by a man, and to be equally partnered with him in a "real love" relationship, instead. And in terms of being nearly outright "bought and paid for" by a man, like purchased goods? (I'm talking about the archaic practice of dowry..aka: Sin-Sod, here in Thailand). Well, with that being only inches away from human trafficking in my eyes; I personally can't wait for that to become some terrible piece of ancient history (like slavery <for the most part> has).

Sorry, SiangDeeMahk, but things are not so black and white.

First of all, as SeanMoran pointed out, money can lead to a situation where love grows.  And money can be the catalyst quite easily.  For a woman or man who has lived in abject poverty, who has been concerned about the basic ability to survive, the fact that another man or woman comes in and pays for those necessities, freely provides that security, the mere fact that someone seems to care for the poorer person can result in real, true love.  It is a feeling that this person cares for them.  Your absolutes in your definition do not take into account the vast panalopy of human existence.

I would guess that money doesn't "usually" buy love, but that is not to say that it can't.

Second, you write that any sex in which something is exchanged is prostitution, unless it is a flower or greeting card.  So where is the line of demarcation?  One wilted rose? A dozen flowers?  A book?  A dinner? An offer of moving in together?  1,000 baht?  A million dollars?  

That reminds me of the Oliver Wendell Holmes story, where after a young lady at a formal dinner was going on about her romances, he asked her if she would sleep with him for a million dollars, and she laughed and said she would.  Then he offered her a dollar, and she indignantly shot back, "What kind of of woman do you think I am?"  His response:  "We've already established what kind of a woman you are. Now we're just negotiating over the price.” 

Love and sex are not black and white, as you contend, in my humble opinion. Humanity is so diverse that there are many different facets and structures of both.

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Who can give you reasons?

Who can tell you why?

Fools give you reasons,

Wise men never try.

For many years I believed that love was figment of wild imaginations and exploited by Hollywood and women's magazines just to make a few quid.

I now know differently and there is no mistaking the look in her eyes or the way that from time to time she makes my heart sing. I accept that it may have been a business arrangement initially since I wanted a live-in housekeeper and she wanted a safe harbour, but over time the relationship has changed, no floating on air or stars in our eyes, but like a deep river that flows brushing all obstacles such as different cultures, a 30 year age gap, a chasm in knowledge and experience, aside.

We all have different versions of reality and I choose to call the emotion that that we share, love. :)

P.S. Sorry for waxing so lyrical. :D

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Who can give you reasons?

Who can tell you why?

Fools give you reasons,

Wise men never try.

For many years I believed that love was figment of wild imaginations and exploited by Hollywood and women's magazines just to make a few quid.

I now know differently and there is no mistaking the look in her eyes or the way that from time to time she makes my heart sing. I accept that it may have been a business arrangement initially since I wanted a live-in housekeeper and she wanted a safe harbour, but over time the relationship has changed, no floating on air or stars in our eyes, but like a deep river that flows brushing all obstacles such as different cultures, a 30 year age gap, a chasm in knowledge and experience, aside.

We all have different versions of reality and I choose to call the emotion that that we share, love. :)

P.S. Sorry for waxing so lyrical. :D

Don't be sorry for waxing lyrical.  That was quite nicely written, and I felt it rather than merely read the text.

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"QUOTE (gorber @ 2010-02-15 06:13:42)

It is probably fair to say that there are a lot more rich thai women divorcing poor farang men than rich thai women marrying poor farang men."

"Probably not so fair to say, actually. At most, the number of rich women divorcing poor men would be equal to the number of rich women marrying poor men. And that is if every single one of the marriages end up in divorce. If only one couple stays married, then the number of divorces would be less than the number of marriages."

Could be that he meant, that there are a lot more (got) rich (after marry a farang) Thai women divorcing (became) poor farang men, than rich Thai women marrying poor farang men.

That is exactly what I meant. I thought it was obvious, but clearly not.

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Nice posts Bagwan and Bonobo.

There is no black and white and as the OP posed the question about Thailand, then whatever happens elsewhere is not necessarily applicable

For sure there are many Thai ladies both spinsters or divorced who are well/comfortably placed and seek companionship and emotional care. For them money is not the most important part of any equation not are they looking for 'toyboys' or 'gigolos'

Love is open to interpretation, but Thai women can experience what they believe to be love and foreign men can believe in turn, that they are being loved by Thai women. If that were not true, then why the hel_l are all you guys married/living with Thai partners?

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  • 4 months later...

I have never seen any young farang with older rich Thai ladies out on the town as some claim in this thread. Perhaps your friend didn't mention that it's actually men that he is prostituting himself to. Now, that I have seen. :)

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<!--quoteo(post=3342352:date=2010-02-15 12:34:36:name=skybluestu)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (skybluestu @ 2010-02-15 12:34:36) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=3342352"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->A friend of mine has just been approached about 'entertaining' some wealthy Thai women in BKK. There are plenty of them, single and married, who are happy to pay around 30k+++ baht to be taken care of for an evening/night with a young, handsome farang guy (his words, not mine). They also pay for dinner, drinks and a hotel for the night, say's he's going to do it as he's single and could do with the extra cash. He said most are 40+ but he's not bothered.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

Yeah I did the gigolo trip one summer, private jets, wads of cash, great food, premium wines and all the rest. The perks were nice but being treated like a piece of meat didn't do the self-esteem any good.

I hope that you at least insisted that they wear condoms.

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QUOTE Are there many rich Thai ladies who married a poor farang?

Are there many rich farang ladies who married a poor farang? rolleyes.gif

Thank you, That just says it all. No need to bash Thai girls with money, just because they are out of reach of the average broke ass farang.

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