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Hi-so Girls In Thailand


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I have been to Thailand many times and I still can't figure this out.

Its seems that an unemployed upcountry girl with little education or money can climb the social ladder by having an "older sponsor" (usually thai) or by socialising in the right places - qbar, bed places like that.

I know this Isaan girl, I know her family are farmers in Isaan. She is exceptionally beautiful, and has an older sponsor who she never sees in public .

She has never had a proper job, she used to work as a promo - girl for a drinks company. She didn't even finish her secondary education. But she seems to have a great deal of respect from older educated Thais, has friends working a lawyers, teachers, doctors and even supermodels.

I don't understand the Thai's way of thinking. It seems by wearing the right brands, drinking the right drinks in the right places they can climb the social ladder, without having education, money, good job etc etc. How would having this older sponsor who sends her about 30-40,000 baht a month put her in a different "class" from a bg?

Is this all about show / face? Is she really afforded so much respect, or only because she is beautiful.

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I have been to Thailand many times and I still can't figure this out.

Its seems that an unemployed upcountry girl with little education or money can climb the social ladder by having an "older sponsor" (usually thai) or by socialising in the right places - qbar, bed places like that.

I know this Isaan girl, I know her family are farmers in Isaan. She is exceptionally beautiful, and has an older sponsor who she never sees in public .

She has never had a proper job, she used to work as a promo - girl for a drinks company. She didn't even finish her secondary education. But she seems to have a great deal of respect from older educated Thais, has friends working a lawyers, teachers, doctors and even supermodels.

I don't understand the Thai's way of thinking. It seems by wearing the right brands, drinking the right drinks in the right places they can climb the social ladder, without having education, money, good job etc etc. How would having this older sponsor who sends her about 30-40,000 baht a month put her in a different "class" from a bg?

Is this all about show / face? Is she really afforded so much respect, or only because she is beautiful.

You should not surprised :o money can do everything in this world, not only in Thailand! open you eyes and travel the four corner of the globe and you may find the answer. :D

Edited by thymode91
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Hehe, who really understands the way we/they think?

There seems to be a universal law of clubs/nightlife that if a few people think that you are very important, then everyone will automatically think the same. In Thailand they won't even question it.

Then add the fact that this person has $$ to throw around. Does everyone know about her sponsor? If they don't, then they just see a very beautiful, rich girl who wears the right clothes.

You'd be surprised how much attitude/confidence can contribute to these class systems. Sometimes it's simply a matter of 'believing' that you belong.

I too was once caught up in being "in". It feels very nice to think you're down with the elite. But it's way too shallow. IMO, real relationships are rare in these types of places, and I don't like how they judge the 'lower classes' It took a near-death experience for me to realise how sillly it all really is. Open your mind, don't get sucked in to a pool of BS.

My .02 cents

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I have been to Thailand many times and I still can't figure this out.

Its seems that an unemployed upcountry girl with little education or money can climb the social ladder by having an "older sponsor" (usually thai) or by socialising in the right places - qbar, bed places like that.

I know this Isaan girl, I know her family are farmers in Isaan. She is exceptionally beautiful, and has an older sponsor who she never sees in public .

She has never had a proper job, she used to work as a promo - girl for a drinks company. She didn't even finish her secondary education. But she seems to have a great deal of respect from older educated Thais, has friends working a lawyers, teachers, doctors and even supermodels.

I don't understand the Thai's way of thinking. It seems by wearing the right brands, drinking the right drinks in the right places they can climb the social ladder, without having education, money, good job etc etc. How would having this older sponsor who sends her about 30-40,000 baht a month put her in a different "class" from a bg?

Is this all about show / face? Is she really afforded so much respect, or only because she is beautiful.

You should not surprised :o money can do everything in this world, not only in Thailand! open you eyes and travel the four corner of the globe and you may find the answer. :D

i have to agree with this, corruption is everywhere in many shapes and forms

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I have been to Thailand many times and I still can't figure this out.

Its seems that an unemployed upcountry girl with little education or money can climb the social ladder by having an "older sponsor" (usually thai) or by socialising in the right places - qbar, bed places like that.

I know this Isaan girl, I know her family are farmers in Isaan. She is exceptionally beautiful, and has an older sponsor who she never sees in public .

She has never had a proper job, she used to work as a promo - girl for a drinks company. She didn't even finish her secondary education. But she seems to have a great deal of respect from older educated Thais, has friends working a lawyers, teachers, doctors and even supermodels.

I don't understand the Thai's way of thinking. It seems by wearing the right brands, drinking the right drinks in the right places they can climb the social ladder, without having education, money, good job etc etc. How would having this older sponsor who sends her about 30-40,000 baht a month put her in a different "class" from a bg?

Is this all about show / face? Is she really afforded so much respect, or only because she is beautiful.

Personally, and I know this is just "terminology", but I wouldn't associate "hi-so" with "class". Lots of people from diverse backgrounds could be called hi-so in thailand. In fact hi-soness is easy to acheive if you really want to.Meet the right friends, go to the right parties, get your photo in the right magazine.....blah blah blah. And it is temporary.

Class is something nurtured over time and some of the components of it, IMHO, are education, family heritage, wealth, career, power,associations.It has far greater foundation and permanance than hi-soness.

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I gather you must talking primarily here about the way foreigners see such things. Among Thias, birth is what matters, today and forever. Money's not a bad thing, of course, but it can never repair the rank into which one is born. Ask almost any truly upper-class Thai (not Thai-Chinese) what they think of the PM, for example, and you will almost certainly get a particularly vivid illustration of that.

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Hehe, who really understands the way we/they think?

There seems to be a universal law of clubs/nightlife that if a few people think that you are very important, then everyone will automatically think the same. In Thailand they won't even question it.

Then add the fact that this person has $$ to throw around. Does everyone know about her sponsor? If they don't, then they just see a very beautiful, rich girl who wears the right clothes.

You'd be surprised how much attitude/confidence can contribute to these class systems. Sometimes it's simply a matter of 'believing' that you belong.

I too was once caught up in being "in". It feels very nice to think you're down with the elite. But it's way too shallow. IMO, real relationships are rare in these types of places, and I don't like how they judge the 'lower classes' It took a near-death experience for me to realise how sillly it all really is. Open your mind, don't get sucked in to a pool of BS.

My .02 cents

I agree, I dislike this kind of nonsense. Respect for someone who works hard in a respectable profession, well educated etc is one thing but for just for showing up at the right places, wearing the right clothes and BS like that makes me cringe. Its true the world over but its very obvious here. But im not sure that its all about money here, because teachers are low paid but have quite a high status here (as they should do).

What was the near death experience?

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Most of this environment is made up of people who struggle to afford the "right" brands, to portray an "elite" lifestyle, the funny thing is, most of these people are knee deep in debt.....and are struggling to get by...from one event or hot spot to the other. Not all, ( you do have the "real Hi SO") but most are just struggling to belong to that level of society. This goes pretty much for anywhere in the world. However in this part of the world, it is funny how some people do anything to try to make the payment plan on their mercedes, only drink chivas, wear armani, Lacoste and Ralph Lauren, have the latest Nokia/samsung/ericsson....But live in an utter cr@p hole....I guess this has to do with Face value... :o

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I agree, I dislike this kind of nonsense. Respect for someone who works hard in a respectable profession, well educated etc is one thing but for just for showing up at the right places, wearing the right clothes and BS like that makes me cringe. Its true the world over but its very obvious here. But im not sure that its all about money here, because teachers are low paid but have quite a high status here (as they should do).

What was the near death experience?

I was on a boat that burned & sank in the middle of the Gulf. Half a day later I was picked up by a fishing boat that was staffed by some (i'm assuming poor) guys from Laos. They didn't want any $ and were only too happy to save me. Interesting way for me to realise that people are all the same.

"We All Bleed Red"

Edited by HedKeeQuai
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I was on a boat that burned & sank in the middle of the Gulf. Half a day later I was picked up by a fishing boat that was staffed by some (i'm assuming poor) guys from Laos. They didn't want any $ and were only too happy to save me. Interesting way for me to realise that people are all the same.

"We All Bleed Red"

"First, let me make it very clear, poor people aren't necessarily killers. Just because you happen to be not rich doesn't mean you're willing to kill." George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 19, 2003

Edited by CrossBones
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I have been to Thailand many times and I still can't figure this out.

Its seems that an unemployed upcountry girl with little education or money can climb the social ladder by having an "older sponsor" (usually thai) or by socialising in the right places - qbar, bed places like that.

I know this Isaan girl, I know her family are farmers in Isaan. She is exceptionally beautiful, and has an older sponsor who she never sees in public .

She has never had a proper job, she used to work as a promo - girl for a drinks company. She didn't even finish her secondary education. But she seems to have a great deal of respect from older educated Thais, has friends working a lawyers, teachers, doctors and even supermodels.

I don't understand the Thai's way of thinking. It seems by wearing the right brands, drinking the right drinks in the right places they can climb the social ladder, without having education, money, good job etc etc. How would having this older sponsor who sends her about 30-40,000 baht a month put her in a different "class" from a bg?

Is this all about show / face? Is she really afforded so much respect, or only because she is beautiful.

First off, you're mistaken if you think Bed and QBar are "hi-so" places. Hi-So people may RARELY slum-it in places like that for kicks, but they would most certainly turn their noses up at anyone who actually thought QBar was a cool scene.

Secondly, the "great deal of respect" you see her getting is probably due to the fact that you are not Thai and you don't understand Thai as well as you think you do (if at all).

Thais can say the most insulting and degrading things to each other, while at the same time sounding perfectly polite and respectful, it's all about the selection of words and expressions.

I know people who turn their noses up at anyone who can't roll their "R's" properly or don't use the proper "high Thai" words and pronunciation (like saying "yip-et" instead of "yee-sip-et"). They'll still be super polite to anyone they meet, but the minute that person is out of earshot, it's all gossip and put-downs.

So this upgrade in "class" you percieve is probably based on your misinterpretation of Thai culture.

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To the OP, i think you are mistaken. Hi-so girls don't go to bars like Bed, Qbar etc., they are hardly allowed out of the house by their parents in the first place. They'd only attend family sanctioned social events and balls in other people's homes and luxury hotels and restaurants, family properties in the country and beach villas etc. They'd typically hang only with the children of recognised members of their own society, but mostly, they are homebodies and are rarely seen in public places. You may not realise this, but hi-so girls are kept very closely guarded by thier families until their marriage.

The friend you have is what is known as a social climber, and yes, they come in many shades apart from the bg variety. But don't worry, their ambitions typically only go as far as landing themselves a rich farang, not realising of course that 99% of farangs wouldn't even get through a hi-so door. Many also end up as a temporary plaything for a young Thai guy, or as a mistress for a rich Thai man. They spend an inordinate amount of their money on luxury items (the Real Hi-so have other priorities) so that they can fool people around them into believing in their high status, and many do actually get fooled.

So there is really nothing to fret about, the Thai class system is not under any threat like you suggest, and since the people who are actually being fooled are themselves mistaken about their own class, its merely a case of the blind misleading the blind.

Edited by thedude
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Thedude is pretty much spot on. A hi-so girl would never work as a promo girl. They typically land jobs in either the civil service or for big multi-national firms that their parents have organised for them. Hi-so girls do finish high school (usually somewhere like a Mater Dei on Ploenchit). Whether they deserve to finish or not is another matter, but the school would never dare fail a true hi-so child as the consequences for the school would be disastrous. They go on to Chula or Thamassat, and then may nick off to the US or UK for a couple of years for a Masters.

A good barometer of if you are a true hi-so or not are if you are a member of the RSBC, have a M.R or M.L at the start of your name (or a Na Ayuthaya at the end). Through that, your social group is pretty much decided. You attend all the society weddings, balls and you tend to end up in the social pages of Thailand Tattler at least a couple of times per year.

The may or may not drive a Merc or a BMW. I know hi-so girls from very old money families who drive a corolla to work. They can be as unassuming as they come, but in the right circles, a crowd will part for them like the red-sea did for Moses. It is by no means all about the ‘Bling’. Their families will typically have members in the civil service, business, judiciary, policy and of course army.

And they don’t hang out at ‘Bed’ Supper Club.

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enlighten me pls...

is it YIP-ETT or

is it YI-SIP-ETT

IF I ever wann abe a high-class thai speaking farang...


May I interupt you both joinme2leave, Pudgimelon

Its a suggestion only: you better use "yi-sip-ett" because this is the official and correct meaning of "twenty one".

This suggestion was based on my Thai Friends. :o

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OK well thanks for clearing things up.

I imagine the real hi-so's are much more pleasant than the wanna-be's -As they are in the UK. But the chance of a falang having a relationship with are real hi-so girl are very slim even if you somewhat belong there.

The aspiring middle class in Thailand are annoying - as they are everywhere.

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It is a society in transition (though to what remains to be seen). So "old privelege" will naturally be denigrating "new power", as somebody said vis-a-vis disparagement of the family background of the PM.

Within my lifetime, GBSs dictum: "Whenever an Englishman opens his mouth he makes another Englishman despise him" held very true. But, fifty years down the line, things have altered considerably----witness the results of last week's election in the UK, when the Tories continued to 'flat-line' despite so many circumstances being in their favour.

"Hi so" will probably wane away over the next couple of generations.

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I imagine the real hi-so's are much more pleasant than the wanna-be's -As they are in the UK. But the chance of a falang having a relationship with are real hi-so girl are very slim even if you somewhat belong there.

The aspiring middle class in Thailand are annoying - as they are everywhere.

I think you are right there. If you get the chance, it is actually easy for farangs and 'real' hi-so's to get along. Many are western educated, most have no need to impress (materially), so you can end up having a decent chat with them about things beyond the superfical. Its actually quite refreshing.

As for farang mixing it with the hi-so's. It depends. Thais tend to comparmentalise their lives/social groups in so many ways. But I have found that ethnic Thai hi so's are more open minded that the ethnic thai-chinese thai hi-so's. So you never know.

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OK well thanks for clearing things up.

I imagine the real hi-so's are much more pleasant than the wanna-be's -As they are in the UK. But the chance of a falang having a relationship with are real hi-so girl are very slim even if you somewhat belong there.

The aspiring middle class in Thailand are annoying - as they are everywhere.

There are still many Hi-So families and kids around Hua Hin Beach. Not far from Sailom Hotel ( belongs to Hi-So's family ) you can see many old beach houses or big land on the beach, old thai style houses, or new style houses or many Condos along the beach, mostly belong to Old Hi-So families. On Thai publich holidays, you can see many Hi-So walking and relaxing on the beach. Hi-So kids like to walk midnight market in Hua Hin Town, eating grilled corn or Old thai style coconut ice cream. YOu see, it is not hard to meet Hi-So on vacation. They look like ours. But sometimes, Hi-So mom still love to wear high carat of jewery during shopping morning market and let her driver bought a newspaper, she just pointed which Newspapers she want, she didnt like to touch the newspaper coz of the ink. Or he might have to iron the papers before giving to his boss huh ? Sounds like Budler in UK always does. hehe ( Just seen with my own eyes recently, and we did enjoy that scene ..heheee..) :D:o

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Hehe, yes I also like the way the hi-so ladies seem to model themselves with Victorian English style hair-do's (big hair!) and frumpy clothing - not very Thai!

OK well thanks for clearing things up.

I imagine the real hi-so's are much more pleasant than the wanna-be's -As they are in the UK. But the chance of a falang having a relationship with are real hi-so girl are very slim even if you somewhat belong there.

The aspiring middle class in Thailand are annoying - as they are everywhere.

There are still many Hi-So families and kids around Hua Hin Beach. Not far from Sailom Hotel ( belongs to Hi-So's family ) you can see many old beach houses or big land on the beach, old thai style houses, or new style houses or many Condos along the beach, mostly belong to Old Hi-So families. On Thai publich holidays, you can see many Hi-So walking and relaxing on the beach. Hi-So kids like to walk midnight market in Hua Hin Town, eating grilled corn or Old thai style coconut ice cream. YOu see, it is not hard to meet Hi-So on vacation. They look like ours. But sometimes, Hi-So mom still love to wear high carat of jewery during shopping morning market and let her driver bought a newspaper, she just pointed which Newspapers she want, she didnt like to touch the newspaper coz of the ink. Or he might have to iron the papers before giving to his boss huh ? Sounds like Budler in UK always does. hehe ( Just seen with my own eyes recently, and we did enjoy that scene ..heheee..) :D:o

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The social layers in the Thai society are perhaps as complicated as many others in the world. The "Hi-So" label is used both for those visible and non-visible people. The visible ones are easily spotted - they are constantly in many "Hi-So" type of publications - photos, stories, gossip columns, etc. Many of them are visible because of their business promotions/connections. This is the arena where "social climbers" with money or connections can put their foot in the door. Many goes as far as paying the news people to make sure that their photos are taken at events and climb up that way. Some of them with money or skills have been successful at eventually being branded "Hi-So" - how long they last based on many factors - if they use their public arena for charity or if they somehow win the approval of the inner circles.

The invisible "hi-so" is a whole other thing - this is based on heritage, money, social positions, etc. Within this structure, there are the informal unpublished "A" "B" lists of last names, social circles, etc. that determine who's included in what events. While many children in these families marry within their own circles, not all of these families are stuck up or conservative so intermarriage can happen because they are more exposed to intercultural settings.

Of course, there are wannabees everywhere......

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