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Read In Newspaper ' Aussie Man Killed In Phuket '


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I read this online on the website of the local phuket expat newspaper.


What is going on here. How is this a accident ?? How does a guy go from trying to get into the wrong hotel room to falling out of a building ? Ok he was drunk but still. What did he do, did he get into this wrong room and just jump out of the window himself ? I dont think so. Surly someone from there should be on a muder charge for this. Has this syian couple been allowed to leave thailand ? I hope not becuase surly the police need to find out what happened and bring charges against anyone involed here. Or is the some sort of cover up going on ? I cant see why there would be. By the sounds of it no thai people where involed in this. Does anyone know anything about this story and what really happened here ?

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Aussie lad was drunk and tried to get in the wrong hotel room....apparently he was in the wrong building of the hotel complex where he was actually staying.

"Around this time, Mr Edwards apparently lost his balance on an external walkway and fell, dying instantly of head trauma" -Phuket Gazette

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as a point of reference, I knew someone who lived here, had a successful business, but was a crazy alcoholic. By this I mean he would not just drink and stumble home peacefully like some alcoholics. He was prone to erratic behavior. Trying to start fights, being rude, no common sense, etc.

Anyways, one night he was involved in a hit and run with him doing the running. Although the police were not following him, he thought they were and abandoned his car, ran into a hotel, busted in to someone else's hotel room and on his own jumped off the 3rd floor balcony. He lived.

My point is, who knows if this aussie was paranoid, being chased by ladyboys or whatever. I highly doubt foul play was involved. People come here, drink to much and do stupid things.

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There is definately more to it. Maybe he had a scuffle with the Syrians, or, the hotel security, during which, he was forced over the balcony. Or, during the scuffle, he hit his head and died, or was unconscious, then, people paniced and tried to cover the whole thing up by throwing the body off the balcony. Tragic story where the truth may never truly be known.

To my knowledge, there have been 3 Aussies killed in Phuket in the last 6 weeks. At the risk of sounding morbid, I wouldn't mind knowing the total deaths of farang, by misadventure, per year, on Phuket. I have a feeling the statistics are increasing each year.

Edited by NamKangMan
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^look to the obvious - as I stated earlier drunk farang slips and falls. The lad wasn't even in the right building, this is how legless he was. Let this be a lesson - dont get so legless you do not know what the h*ck you are doing. It's sad way to go, but sometimes this is what happens in life.

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Sad story. More depressing considering the age of the kid. When we used to go out on a bender, we used the buddy system. Even today, when one of my friends drinks too much, he crashes on the the sofa instead of being allowed to drive home drunk. About the only thing I have managed to teach my Thai friends - keep an eye on your mates if they have been drinking.

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Sad story. More depressing considering the age of the kid. When we used to go out on a bender, we used the buddy system. Even today, when one of my friends drinks too much, he crashes on the the sofa instead of being allowed to drive home drunk. About the only thing I have managed to teach my Thai friends - keep an eye on your mates if they have been drinking.

Your ' Thai ' mates ? haha. Well by the sound of it you have taught yourself to belive things that arent ture. As a rules Thai's dont listen to what Farangs have to say. Also i am willing to bet they dont call you up alot asking you to go for a drink. More like you never stop calling them....

But all joking aside. There is no way you have conviced thais to look after there mates when they are drunk. Thai people dont really think like that. Only if there mates are from the same village as them and they have grown up together. Look out for a farang .... you keep dreaming and telling your self these things :) ... you will wake up after you have been here a couple of years :D

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Your ' Thai ' mates ? haha. Well by the sound of it you have taught yourself to belive things that arent ture. As a rules Thai's dont listen to what Farangs have to say. Also i am willing to bet they dont call you up alot asking you to go for a drink. More like you never stop calling them....

But all joking aside. There is no way you have conviced thais to look after there mates when they are drunk. Thai people dont really think like that. Only if there mates are from the same village as them and they have grown up together. Look out for a farang .... you keep dreaming and telling your self these things :) ... you will wake up after you have been here a couple of years :D

Well, you were a bit harsh there Ongoing, but, yes, there is some truth to what you say. Most farang only have Thai mates after the farang goes to the ATM, or, I should say, most Thais only have farang mates, after the farang goes to the ATM. :D :D

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^look to the obvious - as I stated earlier drunk farang slips and falls. The lad wasn't even in the right building, this is how legless he was. Let this be a lesson - dont get so legless you do not know what the h*ck you are doing. It's sad way to go, but sometimes this is what happens in life.

Well, with an attitude like that, you would go well in the Thai Police. "Farang commit suicide - case closed." I haven't seen the balcony. Does it have a railing that comes up to your waist? If so, how do you "slip" over something that high? Does it have a bottom railing? If so, how do you "slip" under something that low? I understand he was drunk, but let's wait for the toxicology report to find out how drunk. He obviously got his key from reception, pressed a button on a lift, or walked up stairs, so, he had some physical and mental capacity at the time, which, doesn't make him legless.

Uklike you, I don't just look at the obvious, because the obvious is where criminals want you to look. I look to the obvious and the unobvious and form a theory and this case has a smell to it. I hope the police give it the attention that it deserves and if it was an accident, fair enough, but if there was fowl play, investigate and prosecute the case to the fullest, after all, who hasn't ever had one too many and stumbled home.

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So, he bought the key with him. Great. He manages to find his hotel, walk past reception, get into a lift, find a door number with similar digits, or visual location within the hotel, and goes from that, to "slipping" off a balcony. I have no doubt he was drunk, but not that drunk. I googled the hotel - from the internet photo, the balcony is concrete and high, with a bar on top. So, he definately didn't "slip" under it.

If it was a balcony railing with metal bars, and he fell asleep on the balcony in a pile of his spew and rolled over, and off the balcony, I would agree with you. However, that's not what happened.

He could have jumped - suicide, but most leave a note or make a telephone call prior.

So, Britmuppet - CASE OPEN.

Edited by cdnvic
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Well have you heard any other news concerning this accidental fall? So I guess CASE CLOSED! :)

It's only "case closed" because the Thai Police don't give a sh*t. Just like they wounldn't give a sh*t if it was me, or you, or any other farang. There would be no justice for our families. So, whilst the case may be closed as far as the Thai Police, that doesn't mean he "slipped" off the balcony. Look at how many "balcony jumpers" there are in Thailand - all "case closed" as suicides when, clearly, some were not.

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Or maybe he was just so drunk, he got paranoid the hotel security or the occupants of the room were going to kick his ass, so he jumps over the balcony trying to get away. Too drunk to realize just how high up he is. Never underestimate the stupid things people can do when drunk.

Edited by shawndoc
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Or maybe he was just so drunk, he got paranoid the hotel security or the occupants of the room were going to kick his ass, so he jumps over the balcony trying to get away. Too drunk to realize just how high up he is. Never underestimate the stupid things people can do when drunk.

That scenario is more plausable than he slipped off a balcony. What you describe, may well have been what actually happened, BUT, that would mean more paperwork for the police because, now, security staff and/or occupants, have had a role to play in his death, so, best to say "he slipped" and put all the blame for his death on him being drunk.

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Or maybe he was just so drunk, he got paranoid the hotel security or the occupants of the room were going to kick his ass, so he jumps over the balcony trying to get away. Too drunk to realize just how high up he is. Never underestimate the stupid things people can do when drunk.

That scenario is more plausable than he slipped off a balcony. What you describe, may well have been what actually happened, BUT, that would mean more paperwork for the police because, now, security staff and/or occupants, have had a role to play in his death, so, best to say "he slipped" and put all the blame for his death on him being drunk.

I seriously think it's time people stopped trying to put all kinds of spin on this story, based on imagination only and without any form of substantiation. At least for me, unfortunate though it was, the guy was completely drunk, didn't know where he was, and (from my own local and reliable sources) tried to get into what he thought was his room (but wasn't, not even the correct building) by using an outside staircase to traverse the building from balcony to balcony. Very sad, but please, stop the conspiracy theories.

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Well i might as well have a go at playing armchair detective

Syrians are not usually known for their huge levels of patience so im guessing the Syrian tried to deal with the guy before the door was destroyed...

He may have had to use extra force to shove the drunk guy out of the doorway or the guy was holding onto something and the Syrian had to dislodge him by force,and tragically the momentum takes the guy over the balcony...The gaurd arrives, there are no witnesses and the syrians are inside with the door closed.


a. I dont think the Syrian would just stand by and let this guy destroy the door.

b. I dont think the drunk guy would have given up and wandered off either and if he was coherant enough to attack the door i doubt he would have jumped or slipped himself.

Seems strange to think no scrutiny was levelled at the Syrians but if there are no witnesses then i dont think Thai cops would do to much investigating..

As always, its a matter of taking responsibility when in another country and not getting so wasted as to find yourself in these situations. The folly of youth..

sad story

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The only information I have is from the story that ran in The Phuket Gazette, which, to me, didn't sound right. If it was reported as you have said it, I have no problem with it. Certainly, going balcony to balcony, from the outside of the building, was never reported.

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Sad story. More depressing considering the age of the kid. When we used to go out on a bender, we used the buddy system. Even today, when one of my friends drinks too much, he crashes on the the sofa instead of being allowed to drive home drunk. About the only thing I have managed to teach my Thai friends - keep an eye on your mates if they have been drinking.

Your ' Thai ' mates ? haha. Well by the sound of it you have taught yourself to belive things that arent ture. As a rules Thai's dont listen to what Farangs have to say. Also i am willing to bet they dont call you up alot asking you to go for a drink. More like you never stop calling them....

But all joking aside. There is no way you have conviced thais to look after there mates when they are drunk. Thai people dont really think like that. Only if there mates are from the same village as them and they have grown up together. Look out for a farang .... you keep dreaming and telling your self these things :) ... you will wake up after you have been here a couple of years :D

Ouch. I know it may come as a surprise to you, but Thais share as many of the good traits of farangs as they do the bad ones. It is obvious to me that you do not have any Thai friends. Perhaps if you were friends with university educated folks that do not work in a bar you might have a different perception? My closest friend usually calls me before he makes a major purchase and talks it over with me. Last year he wanted to buy an apartment building and he didn't after we discussed it. Another friend was considering the purchase of a car and his g/f and I went through a cost analysis and he didn't make the purchase despite the "great financing". I have been a bit tipsy at times and my friends always take me home and or if I refuse will call to make sure I am ok. I have never left a friend behind either. In a country of 65million, the odds are that there are going to be many millions of people that skew to the right of the Bell curve.

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Ouch. I know it may come as a surprise to you, but Thais share as many of the good traits of farangs as they do the bad ones. It is obvious to me that you do not have any Thai friends. Perhaps if you were friends with university educated folks that do not work in a bar you might have a different perception? My closest friend usually calls me before he makes a major purchase and talks it over with me. Last year he wanted to buy an apartment building and he didn't after we discussed it. Another friend was considering the purchase of a car and his g/f and I went through a cost analysis and he didn't make the purchase despite the "great financing". I have been a bit tipsy at times and my friends always take me home and or if I refuse will call to make sure I am ok. I have never left a friend behind either. In a country of 65million, the odds are that there are going to be many millions of people that skew to the right of the Bell curve.

I am sure your ' best thai friend :) ' does call you before he makes a purchase. I can bet what he says to... That he wants to buy a new TV but this month he has no money so you buy for him and he will pay you back each month. Farangs with thai friends. awww they soon learn what thailand is about very fast. Email me back after you and him have a disagreement and he tells you ' farang go home '

Also what are you talking about ' I have never left a friend behind ' Are we talking about a night out in phuket with your ' Thai buddies :D ' or going to War ??? haha

I am not saying all Thai's are bad or anything like that. I am just saying Thai farang friendships... Errr not really happening . Wake up my friend.

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