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Apple Launches Macbook Repair Extension Program


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Apple launches MacBook repair extension program for hard drive Issues

A hard drive failure is one of the most painful problems than can affect your computer. Sadly, Apple has identified that a “very small” percentage of MacBooks sold between May 2006 and the end of 2007 are exhibiting higher than normal hard drive failure rates. If you have one of these MacBooks, drop everything and backup your data. The identifying symptom of this problem, hard drive failure, is booting to a flashing question mark instead of OS X.

Affected models are said to be 13” white MacBooks with processor speeds of 1.83GHz, 2GHz, or 2.16GHz and hard drive capacities of 60GB, 80GB, 120GB or 160GB. If you see the dreaded flashing question mark, call up Apple or bring the machine to an Apple Store. If Apple confirms that your hard drive failure is affected by this specific issue, they’ll replace it for free. Also, if you’ve already experienced this event with the machine specs listed, Apple may reimburse you. More details can be found on Apple’s support page including who to call.

What they can’t replace is your data. If you have one of these MacBooks and haven’t had any problems, you should drop what you’re doing and backup your data. If that means burning your documents to a DVD, so be it. But the optimal method is to use Time Machine to fully backup your hard drive. An external hard drive dedicated to backups may seem like just another expense, but you’ll thank yourself when you experience a hard drive failure. I say “when,” not “if,” because it will happen, it’s just a matter of how long it will take. I’ve witnessed three hard drive failures in the past five years, two of which were backed up. Two out of three is not good. Don’t let this happen to you. Back up your data now, because your hard drive will eventually fail. Be ready when it does.

So take this as your reminder to get an external hard drive and set up Time Machine to protect your data. You’ll thank me later. And for those of you who already have a fresh Time Machine backup, good job, keep up the good work.

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Small percentage Piffle!

I've had two replacements, and last time i was in (in CM not NY!) another guy was having the same problem and when I mentioned it to a friend that evening he said I just got mine back.

BTW better to just get a large capacity HD from Computer Plaza for a couple of thousand baht and use the replacement in a back up case, Apple will only replace the original size which after 3 or more years is usually rather small mine was 80 gig I think.

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