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Iphone Killer?


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iPhone killer? I doubt that any mobile phone will ever become an iPhone killer. The iPhone, you see, is an iPod with the phone function added. Samsung and other companies are traditional mobile phone producers and recently have started to create new models with multimedia functions added. Any mobile phone that would want to be an iPhone killer would first and foremost have to be an iPod killer, and after that it would have to outdo Apple in marketing. I believe that no mobile phone manufacturer considers this even worth trying.

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I think it is a pity that the phone uses a 3.5 mm jack for charging the battery. I thought the micro USB had been decided upon as a standard:


Operating system: Bada, Samsung's own, newly created OS.



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<deleted> Samsung created their own OS? Not based on anything? That's pretty surprising. Anyone have any info on that?

Sifting through the Samsung developer site, it doesn't look like they want to give out a lot of info about it.... which... doesn't bode well for this new OS IMO...

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There is some video clip on the net how it works, they have an iphone as well, screen was much better on the Samsung, lets see when it come out, if it is as good as they say i will try it for sure, still hate to charge my phone all the time.

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Apparently Samsung are one of the partners for the new Windows 7 Phone OS... doesn't say much about the future of their Bada does it.. (PS my wofe has an Omnia, its very good, but only after the pain of getting used to it.. not exactly what one could describe as intuitive

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an iPhone is an iPhone an that's it as an Apple is an Apple Product, so are the app's, their availability, usability and functionality!

By the way anyone knows the curent price of the Samsung’s new Bada powered TouchWiz Samsung S8500 Wave phone?


Edited by Samuian
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No one phone is ever going to own the market. Their popularity depends on how well they suit the needs of the user. IPhone isn't for everyone, nor is Blackberry, Palm, or Droids.

I couldn't agree more. But why do companies like Samsung persist in their attempts to emulate the iPhone, rather than come up with their own innovative concept and design?

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No one phone is ever going to own the market. Their popularity depends on how well they suit the needs of the user. IPhone isn't for everyone, nor is Blackberry, Palm, or Droids.

I couldn't agree more. But why do companies like Samsung persist in their attempts to emulate the iPhone, rather than come up with their own innovative concept and design?

Even if they can compete with the technology and level of finish that iPhone has, Apple, for the time being has that cool factor that the Koreans just can't copy.

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Even if they can compete with the technology and level of finish that iPhone has, Apple, for the time being has that cool factor that the Koreans just can't copy.

I agree. I have an iphone but I would like to see an iphone killer - for the competitors to rise to the challenge. The Iphone hasnt really progressed much over the last 3 years but still noone really can compete. Now with the ipad we will become Apple junkies. You will only be able to live with yourself if you own their stock.

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I do agree, I think the Iphone is the phone to beat, and rumours are tat the 4th version will arrive this year, I am curious to see how Apple will handle Microsoft's new OS. Personally I am really taken with what M$ have demo'd so far for for their Windows Phone 7 series (or whatever it is they call it).

Its too early to call it an Iphone killer but it does look very promising (see link above)

Im not a Mac hater (I love my ipod) but cant say I'd buy an Ipad. Personally I'd much rather have a decent netbook, where I can edit powerpoint presentations and later transfer them to my PC without any compatibility issues. Yes there are some. Powerpoint files are compatible with keynote, but it does not work so smoothly the other way around.

For me a small form factor mobile computing device's main role is to run client presentations, some of which include links to internet sites where I'll need to run both the presentation software and a browser. If it cant do that its a no sale, now matter how pretty it looks.

Edited by quiksilva
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I do agree, I think the Iphone is the phone to beat, and rumours are tat the 4th version will arrive this year, I am curious to see how Apple will handle Microsoft's new OS. Personally I am really taken with what M$ have demo'd so far for for their Windows Phone 7 series (or whatever it is they call it).

Its too early to call it an Iphone killer but it does look very promising (see link above)

Im not a Mac hater (I love my ipod) but cant say I'd buy an Ipad. Personally I'd much rather have a decent netbook, where I can edit powerpoint presentations and later transfer them to my PC without any compatibility issues. Yes there are some. Powerpoint files are compatible with keynote, but it does not work so smoothly the other way around.

For me a small form factor mobile computing device's main role is to run client presentations, some of which include links to internet sites where I'll need to run both the presentation software and a browser. If it cant do that its a no sale, now matter how pretty it looks.

To be honest quiksilva you might be lacking some imagination about what the Ipad will ultimately do. You will go into the room and the Ipad will control the lights, the music, the TV. It will download a copy of the Times before you wake up. It can almost be integrated into every function that you need. Nobody is going to be writing word documents on an ipad but it will be doing things that a netbook wouldnt even dream of. It has the basics - a fast processor, good battery life and a decent screen - give it 140,000 Apps, 20,000 developers and you have the iphone on acid.

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Im not a Mac hater (I love my ipod) but cant say I'd buy an Ipad. Personally I'd much rather have a decent netbook, where I can edit powerpoint presentations and later transfer them to my PC without any compatibility issues. Yes there are some. Powerpoint files are compatible with keynote, but it does not work so smoothly the other way around.

For me a small form factor mobile computing device's main role is to run client presentations, some of which include links to internet sites where I'll need to run both the presentation software and a browser. If it cant do that its a no sale, now matter how pretty it looks.

I have a Macbook Air and probably wouldn't be interested in an iPad now from what I have seen. That said, you will be able to edit Powerpoint presentations using an iPad because it will have Keynote available for US$10. And let's face it, Keynote completely blows Powerpoint out of the water with its ease of use and the amazing transitions that it will do that Powerpoint can't even come close to. I do a lot of presentations using Keynote, and afterwords I am constantly asked "how did you do that?" Keynote also has some really nice templates that go far beyond those old Powerpoint saws that everyone has seen a million times. And Keynote does export to Powerpoint very nicely. I do it all the time for Powerpoint handicapped clients, both Windows and Mac users. The file formats are common and there is absolutely no "compatibility" issue. The only think I can think of is that Keynote has a lot of effects and transitions that Powerpoint doesn't, so those get stripped out and converted to the basic ones that Powerpoint can handle.

I doubt anyone uses a laptop display for any serious presentations, regardless of how large the display size is. We all plug in an LCD projector for that, and you will be able to do that with an iPad as well. Since you said you mentioned a "small form factor...and run both the presentation software and a browser", iPad might be exactly what you are looking for. And no need for a netbook with transfers to a laptop, because you could do it all on the iPad.

Edited by bubba
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140.000 apps?

makes it roughly 19.17 apps per 24 hrs. over a 20 Years period...

say one rests, sleeps for 8 hrs, feeding, hygiene, work, leaves maybe

some 6 hrs. at best for checking these apps or even using them, that would still

challenge the user with 3 per hrs.! :)

Not to mention that every other competitor will have their very own apps....

is getting ever more ridiculous!

But then there got to be the people out there who think they need this!

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140.000 apps?

makes it roughly 19.17 apps per 24 hrs. over a 20 Years period...

say one rests, sleeps for 8 hrs, feeding, hygiene, work, leaves maybe

some 6 hrs. at best for checking these apps or even using them, that would still

challenge the user with 3 per hrs.! :)

Not to mention that every other competitor will have their very own apps....

is getting ever more ridiculous!

But then there got to be the people out there who think they need this!

I'm not sure what your point is. Of course nobody is going to ever look at even a fraction of them. But I'm sure that all iPhone users appreciate the diversity of the apps that are out there, and the ease of searching for exactly what you need. Would you rather be hobbled by a platform that has, say 140 apps rather than 140,000?

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Still waiting for the iPhone killer, haven't seen anything even come close yet....except.... for the new google android phone, but need to wait at least another year before it catches up with anything close to iPhone. Then the iPhone will probably be different, and maybe a few steps ahead.

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Im not a Mac hater (I love my ipod) but cant say I'd buy an Ipad. Personally I'd much rather have a decent netbook, where I can edit powerpoint presentations and later transfer them to my PC without any compatibility issues. Yes there are some. Powerpoint files are compatible with keynote, but it does not work so smoothly the other way around.

For me a small form factor mobile computing device's main role is to run client presentations, some of which include links to internet sites where I'll need to run both the presentation software and a browser. If it cant do that its a no sale, now matter how pretty it looks.

I have a Macbook Air and probably wouldn't be interested in an iPad now from what I have seen. That said, you will be able to edit Powerpoint presentations using an iPad because it will have Keynote available for US$10. And let's face it, Keynote completely blows Powerpoint out of the water with its ease of use and the amazing transitions that it will do that Powerpoint can't even come close to. I do a lot of presentations using Keynote, and afterwords I am constantly asked "how did you do that?" Keynote also has some really nice templates that go far beyond those old Powerpoint saws that everyone has seen a million times. And Keynote does export to Powerpoint very nicely. I do it all the time for Powerpoint handicapped clients, both Windows and Mac users. The file formats are common and there is absolutely no "compatibility" issue. The only think I can think of is that Keynote has a lot of effects and transitions that Powerpoint doesn't, so those get stripped out and converted to the basic ones that Powerpoint can handle.

I doubt anyone uses a laptop display for any serious presentations, regardless of how large the display size is. We all plug in an LCD projector for that, and you will be able to do that with an iPad as well. Since you said you mentioned a "small form factor...and run both the presentation software and a browser", iPad might be exactly what you are looking for. And no need for a netbook with transfers to a laptop, because you could do it all on the iPad.

My firm uses powerpoint, and all of our presentations are in a corporate format, so it would not be any good if slides import to Powerpoint misaligned etc (as they can do when using Corporate windows fonts etc). This also means I have no need for flashy transitions etc. If I click a link in my presentation I want the browser to open and navigate to the webpage, but with no multitasking the Ipad may struggle here.

Abrak, there are many more applications for Windows than the Iphone will ever have.

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I dont think Samsumg will make the Iphone killer, but something using Windows Phone 7 could do the trick, the Samsung OS apparently (i.e. according to gizmodo and engadget) paled in comparison to M$'s latest offerring.

Windows Phone 7, Engadget

I think the biggest shock - and I was shocked as well - is that Win7 is apparently not a copy of the iPhone. It's not a clone. They didn't, by the looks of it, copy anything!

Once the shock passes, and you look at what they do, it's a little underwhelming. But then again, maybe it's good enough, we'll see. I think its success might depend more on how desperate mobile hardware producers are to get a windows mobile OS, than on how good it actually is, just as long as it doesn't look like it was invented 100 years ago, like the current WinMo.

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There will be no iPhone "killer" because Apple has too big an infrastructure backing it up. Perhaps it may be wounded by Apple's failure to push the technology as they certainly have failed to do with the announced iPad. But there will always be a large number of people who are happy using only the apps Jobs has okayed.

I like a little more freedom to choose and last week received my Google Nexus One. I haven't found anything an iPhone can do that my gPhone can't. And I've found an app for everything I want right now. Ok. So the iPhone App Store has a hundred thousand more apps than Android? Great. How many fart apps were you looking for? I'm not a fan of Flash but, with Android, I can choose whether to use it. Apple? Sorry. Steve doesn't like Flash.

The future phone looks to me to be two camps: Apple and Android

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