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Burglary In My House This Morning 8am While Im Sleeping


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ok little more info on this is coming.

The CM CSI have a clue =)

About 15-20 minutes after the burglary to my house another house next soi got hit. This time the victim was young Thai guy who lost his laptop and wallet. He was just getting ready to leave to work and had the front door open notebook and wallet on the table and last minute call to toilet cost him his valuables.

In this case his neighbor saw the whole thing. About 20 year old girl driving motorbike and 40 year old thai man braking into house. The neighbor even got the registration number of the old red yamaha scooter... this registration number have found its way to police now, but surprisingly police was not very interested about it. They would the bike from some computer registration system and color etc matches, but could it be that if its very old bike it has changes owner several times without actually registering the change of the ownership. I know we have one old white Honda Dream that is registered to some guy we dont know (not the one we both it from, but previous previous owner). When we tried to register it for our name (we have the green book) it got too complicated and in the transportation office they recommended us not to do it =)

Anyway small changes that these low-life's will be found.

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And my friends think I am crazy for wanting to build a fortified house here. I beg to differ. Your house is your fortress, so why would you not want it secure as possible? I am not talking a full on bunker, but fortified, making it more difficult for someone to gain access. Thailand is the ideal place for this, as its low labour cost makes it affordable to build with these features, and, its a country that warrants the extra protection.

nothing wrong in protecting yr family and assets from scumbags, ratbags and riff raff

If it means making it difficult so they choose a softer target, good.

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So it is possible that it is NOT a middle class Thai that you are acquainted with?


middle class / high class/ low class thai/farang/asian... we dont know... but if they where the same guys as seen couple blocks away then they would be Thai again dont know about the class but driving old scooter would think they would be rather from lower or middle class... or high class Thais trying to be low class ?? +)

Anyway, not sure now how they got in... they might have actually come in from front door and only go to see back door whether to escape from there... as both doors where open when we come downstairs, but our neighbor was having coffee in his kitchen so he should have noticed if someone would have come/go out from back door... anyway CM CSI keeps on investigating...

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In Nimmanhamin area particularly our Soi, things get stolen on a regular basis.  

Visiting hours usually midday or very early in the morning.  Watch out for those who come to collect garbage.  

So it is possible that it is NOT a middle class Thai that you are acquainted with?


middle class / high class/ low class thai/farang/asian... we dont know... but if they where the same guys as seen couple blocks away then they would be Thai again dont know about the class but driving old scooter would think they would be rather from lower or middle class... or high class Thais trying to be low class ?? +)

Anyway, not sure now how they got in... they might have actually come in from front door and only go to see back door whether to escape from there... as both doors where open when we come downstairs, but our neighbor was having coffee in his kitchen so he should have noticed if someone would have come/go out from back door... anyway CM CSI keeps on investigating...

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Im sorry this happened to you OP, and it has given me a heads up to be more careful.


Jaideeguy, Ithought your post was great, but im sorry, i do have to make a comment regarding your last sentence:

Sorry to the Op and others. a robbery is like a rape in that you are violated.

Although robbery does indeed give a feeling of violation, it, imo, should not and cannot compare to the violation or rape. I feel that relating rape to robbery (particularly petty theft as such), reduces the extreme violation of rape. Items can be replaced. Items of sentimental value can be morned. A house can be made more secure. But rape of the body is something far more difficult to deal with in the aftermath. Although i realise you didnt particularly mean to undermine the effect of rape, i felt it was important to address.


Wish us all a safe and secure environment and home.

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I am sorry for what happened to you,its a nightmare to me thinkin bout that could happen if i have to leave my wife and daughter alone for a few weeks or month.

The easiest thing i think is to get a dog.

I have one and he as a member of the clan and he is a real good boy,but just the look of him will keep everybody from only thinking about breakin into my house!

And there are so many dogs in thailand that need a home,so you can do something good and protect your family.

Thats the boy:


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Although robbery does indeed give a feeling of violation, it, imo, should not and cannot compare to the violation or rape. I feel that relating rape to robbery (particularly petty theft as such), reduces the extreme violation of rape. Items can be replaced. Items of sentimental value can be morned. A house can be made more secure. But rape of the body is something far more difficult to deal with in the aftermath. Although i realise you didnt particularly mean to undermine the effect of rape, i felt it was important to address.


I very much agree, but I am sure that he was just using rape as a figure of speech - not literally. :)

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in high school, my GF family used to raise Basenjis (sp?).... they don't bark and are very protective animals.... great guard dogs...especially given all the noise of typical soi and mooban dogs here in thailand....

a side note: I got robbed twice when i lived in london, while i was in the house sleeping. One time the bloke had the cheek to ring the door clanger as he ran out of the house.... i jumped up and chased him for 3 blocks, in 2 feet of snow, when i heard my wife screaming: You are naked, you crazy arse.... and another one still might be in the house!

kinda funny, kinda painful and VERY cold.

if the OP is same Oz that i gave a cable to, i hope they didn't get that too! those are hard to come by!

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in high school, my GF family used to raise Basenjis (sp?).... they don't bark and are very protective animals.... great guard dogs...especially given all the noise of typical soi and mooban dogs here in thailand....

a side note: I got robbed twice when i lived in london, while i was in the house sleeping. One time the bloke had the cheek to ring the door clanger as he ran out of the house.... i jumped up and chased him for 3 blocks, in 2 feet of snow, when i heard my wife screaming: You are naked, you crazy arse.... and another one still might be in the house!

kinda funny, kinda painful and VERY cold.

if the OP is same Oz that i gave a cable to, i hope they didn't get that too! those are hard to come by!

They did not get the power adapter for the notebook. As far as I know there is only one place to get those in CM (Dell store in Airpot plaza 3rd floor) will inform them about the stolen notebook tomorrow.

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any dog can be rendered useless in seconds

trust me on that- from chemical means to more technical

a pro will not really consider a dog a threat unless it is inside a house- and is well trained.That is almost never.

even them some devices will mess with the dogs head so bad it will not be able to do anything- other than feel pain.

the hard truth is this.

I would say its very easy to Bulgar most peoples houses here in Thailand.

The good news is that with a small expense one can really stack the odds in ones favors.

There is so much info out there.Google it.

be careful of drugged up theifs they can be dangerous and it seem like this one may of been to take such a chance.

Do not challenge them, let them pass, your life and your family is not worth it.

he must of had local friends, he was probably watching a short time before, therefore someone would of seen him

offer a reward,incentive if its that important

Place devices on things which can help locate them.Its not a hard as you make think.

good luck

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Im sorry this happened to you OP, and it has given me a heads up to be more careful.


Jaideeguy, Ithought your post was great, but im sorry, i do have to make a comment regarding your last sentence:

Sorry to the Op and others. a robbery is like a rape in that you are violated.

Although robbery does indeed give a feeling of violation, it, imo, should not and cannot compare to the violation or rape. I feel that relating rape to robbery (particularly petty theft as such), reduces the extreme violation of rape. Items can be replaced. Items of sentimental value can be morned. A house can be made more secure. But rape of the body is something far more difficult to deal with in the aftermath. Although i realise you didnt particularly mean to undermine the effect of rape, i felt it was important to address.


Wish us all a safe and secure environment and home.

Rape is the same as theft? did I just read that correctly? I hope not.

go ask a rape victim how she feels

then go ask someone who has their TV stolen.

Items usually can be replaced.

A rape victim cannot go back in time and change things. They may have both mental and physical ( HIV) problems.

Both are bad, to say they are the same is completely inaccurate.

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This has been happening a lot lately to friends. Although some of the police are implying a gang on bikes, the areas its happened with friends are so widespread. . . off Nimmenhamen, on the river, by municipal stadium, behind CMU,(I guess not so widespread, now that i think about it) and with one exception, each one of these people were home when it happened. I'm trying to find comfort in the fact that the only thing I don't have in common with these friends is that I have dogs. Will be looking into insurance next week. It's getting too close to home.

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the poster said theft is "like rape" in the sense..........

In the english language there are literal and figurative acceptable uses of a word.

When someone compares something to another worse experience is to dramatize it. It would not work to compare theft to something more trivial like being overcharged at TOPS because it would not be dramatic.

Get off your Political Correct high horses. Nobody on TV is demented enough to say robbery is as bad a literal rape. And saying nobody on TV is that demented is really saying something.

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the poster said theft is "like rape" in the sense..........

In the english language there are literal and figurative acceptable uses of a word.

When someone compares something to another worse experience is to dramatize it. It would not work to compare theft to something more trivial like being overcharged at TOPS because it would not be dramatic.

Get off your Political Correct high horses. Nobody on TV is demented enough to say robbery is as bad a literal rape. And saying nobody on TV is that demented is really saying something.

If you read my reply carefully, you would have realised i was NOT having a go at the poster who related rape to robbery. BUT, that i felt it was important enough to mention, as even for dramatic use, RAPE , imo, should not be used so lightly.

IF, i am considered to be on a "politically correct high horse" because i feel that rape should not be used lightly, so BE IT!

Of course i dont believe anyone is demented enough to truly relate robbery to rape, but it was used for dramatic effect, which, i feel, is wrong. If you have a problem with that, then in all honesty, you can take your stick wagging "get off your high horse"

comment and shove it. THATS how strongly i feel about the subject!

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any dog can be rendered useless in seconds

trust me on that- from chemical means to more technical

a pro will not really consider a dog a threat unless it is inside a house- and is well trained.That is almost never.

even them some devices will mess with the dogs head so bad it will not be able to do anything- other than feel pain.

the hard truth is this.

I would say its very easy to Bulgar most peoples houses here in Thailand.

The good news is that with a small expense one can really stack the odds in ones favors.

There is so much info out there.Google it.

be careful of drugged up theifs they can be dangerous and it seem like this one may of been to take such a chance.

Do not challenge them, let them pass, your life and your family is not worth it.

he must of had local friends, he was probably watching a short time before, therefore someone would of seen him

offer a reward,incentive if its that important

Place devices on things which can help locate them.Its not a hard as you make think.

good luck

to be fair, how many thieves, pro or otherwise, would you think there would be out there, who would go to the trouble of rendering a guard dog useless? The thieves would be hel_l bent on getting into the place if they were. Meaning, they knew the pay off would be worth it. Most would move on to a softer target if they knew a guard dog was present. :)

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it's true... whether cars or houses, thieves tend to pick on easiest and quickest.

Of course, dogs, alarm systems etc... can all be bypassed, as can almost every good lock make on the planet.

so why bother... unless, as you say.... there are known "goodies" to make it worth the trouble

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any dog can be rendered useless in seconds

trust me on that- from chemical means to more technical

a pro will not really consider a dog a threat unless it is inside a house- and is well trained.That is almost never.

even them some devices will mess with the dogs head so bad it will not be able to do anything- other than feel pain.

the hard truth is this.

I would say its very easy to Bulgar most peoples houses here in Thailand.

The good news is that with a small expense one can really stack the odds in ones favors.

There is so much info out there.Google it.

be careful of drugged up theifs they can be dangerous and it seem like this one may of been to take such a chance.

Do not challenge them, let them pass, your life and your family is not worth it.

he must of had local friends, he was probably watching a short time before, therefore someone would of seen him

offer a reward,incentive if its that important

Place devices on things which can help locate them.Its not a hard as you make think.

good luck

Well my dog is 70Kg, can put his armpits on my shoulders, bites through buffalo leg bones with ease, lives inside the house and has the full run of down stairs, barks and growls at command (sits on a finger click and is trained not to take food from strangers - trained in the UK by a police dog trainer), loves his family and lets everyone coming to the door know that he is there. All our windows downstairs have inside bars (decorataive, but strong), my home office with my computers and camera equpiment has a solid door (internal only) and a highsecurity padlock (comes through the door, not silly self-tapping screw loops that can be levered off) and stays locked whenever I'm not in it. I also charge my phone in the office, so its never left laying around undsecured.

I would suggest by far most theives are either opportunists (see an open door) and/or are far from professionals (otherwise they'd pick some Thai movie star's house or a diamond warehouse rather than targeting a second hand notebook). I would also suggest most theives would need a fairly convincing reason to choose a house with a big dog; they make lots of noise as well as tend to collect evidence (like blood splatters or chewed off fingers). I love my dog, but I would never want to be on the wrong side of his aggresion if he was p[issed at me for some reason. Most Thai's will not enter my front gate until he is locked up out back - even when I show them he sits and stays on command. When I'm walking him, people change side of the road or duck into shops. He has never been in anyway aggressive to invited visitors (though he once forbid my cousin from coming in the house for no known reason - let the rest of the relatives in, just not him) or passers by in the4 street, but his size and jawline tends to scare the bejebers out of most Thais we come across.

BTW he is a French Malosser (Dogue De Bordeaux) American/Full Mastiff cross just over 2 years old. Never been robbed here in anyway (excluding ticket/entry prices of course). I had the same house broken into 3 times in the UK - no dog. One time my wife was home in bed (I had left for work) - she thought it nwas me returning and called out to him when he entered the bedroom - he legged it with my 8 month pregnant wife chasing him! Never took anything. While the house was being renovated, some one snuick in at stole all the old light switches, light bulbs and power sockets (that were over 20 years old and due to be replaced as part of the renovation - all cheap plastic!) - also stole a cheap chipboard mantel piece and a toilet systern. Some wiered people out there!

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the poster said theft is "like rape" in the sense..........

In the english language there are literal and figurative acceptable uses of a word.

When someone compares something to another worse experience is to dramatize it. It would not work to compare theft to something more trivial like being overcharged at TOPS because it would not be dramatic.

Get off your Political Correct high horses. Nobody on TV is demented enough to say robbery is as bad a literal rape. And saying nobody on TV is that demented is really saying something.

If you read my reply carefully, you would have realised i was NOT having a go at the poster who related rape to robbery. BUT, that i felt it was important enough to mention, as even for dramatic use, RAPE , imo, should not be used so lightly.

IF, i am considered to be on a "politically correct high horse" because i feel that rape should not be used lightly, so BE IT!

Of course i dont believe anyone is demented enough to truly relate robbery to rape, but it was used for dramatic effect, which, i feel, is wrong. If you have a problem with that, then in all honesty, you can take your stick wagging "get off your high horse"

comment and shove it. THATS how strongly i feel about the subject!

Clearly the word has a loaded meaning to you but rape, murder, incest. suicide etc for example can be properly used in the english language to mean far less insidious concepts than their literal definitions.

The rule of the english language have been around for a longtime. You have a lot of work to do in your personal crusade if you are going to change it's conventions of use at this late date.

Will it be easier to change a language or just talk to a therapist about this? I would consider the latter.

Sorry if it's use pushed one of your issue buttons but who was to know you use different rules of english.

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the poster said theft is "like rape" in the sense..........

In the english language there are literal and figurative acceptable uses of a word.

When someone compares something to another worse experience is to dramatize it. It would not work to compare theft to something more trivial like being overcharged at TOPS because it would not be dramatic.

Get off your Political Correct high horses. Nobody on TV is demented enough to say robbery is as bad a literal rape. And saying nobody on TV is that demented is really saying something.

If you read my reply carefully, you would have realised i was NOT having a go at the poster who related rape to robbery. BUT, that i felt it was important enough to mention, as even for dramatic use, RAPE , imo, should not be used so lightly.

IF, i am considered to be on a "politically correct high horse" because i feel that rape should not be used lightly, so BE IT!

Of course i dont believe anyone is demented enough to truly relate robbery to rape, but it was used for dramatic effect, which, i feel, is wrong. If you have a problem with that, then in all honesty, you can take your stick wagging "get off your high horse"

comment and shove it. THATS how strongly i feel about the subject!

Clearly the word has a loaded meaning to you but rape, murder, incest. suicide etc for example can be properly used in the english language to mean far less insidious concepts than their literal definitions.

The rule of the english language have been around for a longtime. You have a lot of work to do in your personal crusade if you are going to change it's conventions of use at this late date.

Will it be easier to change a language or just talk to a therapist about this? I would consider the latter.

Sorry if it's use pushed one of your issue buttons but who was to know you use different rules of english.

English is a complicated language...like all things must be kept in context.

When I say, "I'll be buggered" ...its not an offer :)

Edited by mamborobert
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the poster said theft is "like rape" in the sense..........

In the english language there are literal and figurative acceptable uses of a word.

When someone compares something to another worse experience is to dramatize it. It would not work to compare theft to something more trivial like being overcharged at TOPS because it would not be dramatic.

Get off your Political Correct high horses. Nobody on TV is demented enough to say robbery is as bad a literal rape. And saying nobody on TV is that demented is really saying something.

If you read my reply carefully, you would have realised i was NOT having a go at the poster who related rape to robbery. BUT, that i felt it was important enough to mention, as even for dramatic use, RAPE , imo, should not be used so lightly.

IF, i am considered to be on a "politically correct high horse" because i feel that rape should not be used lightly, so BE IT!

Of course i dont believe anyone is demented enough to truly relate robbery to rape, but it was used for dramatic effect, which, i feel, is wrong. If you have a problem with that, then in all honesty, you can take your stick wagging "get off your high horse"

comment and shove it. THATS how strongly i feel about the subject!

Clearly the word has a loaded meaning to you but rape, murder, incest. suicide etc for example can be properly used in the english language to mean far less insidious concepts than their literal definitions.

The rule of the english language have been around for a longtime. You have a lot of work to do in your personal crusade if you are going to change it's conventions of use at this late date.

Will it be easier to change a language or just talk to a therapist about this? I would consider the latter.

Sorry if it's use pushed one of your issue buttons but who was to know you use different rules of english.

Cobra, you are extreme. Because i gently suggest that violation of rape should not be used as a comparative to violation of robbery, im apparently on a politically correct high horse. Then, because i defend that in this regard, using rape as a comparison is inappropriate and i stick by that, you suggest i seek therapy.

As for the use of "rape" in non-literal contexts, im quite familiar with that, tnx. In this context, using robbery, was a direct comparison to violated feelings of rape. Ive worked in the gaming industry, people use "rape" in gaming terms "he raped me!"..so I am well aware of word rape being used in non literal terms. There are many examples of rape where it is used in non-literal terms.

So..anyway, in your opinion my saying that rape is best not being compared to robbery, means i use different rules of English to the rest of the planet. Really?? :) And, because i feel rape should not be used as a comparison to robbery, i obviously have some personal crusade where i wish to change conventions of English Language rules? Finally, i obviously need to seek therapy!

Good grief, if anyone needs their head checking.....


Anyway, apologies to the OP for being off topic and I hope that you can put the incident behind you. It certainly has me reminding myself that i should be more vigilant.

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things are sounding dire out there. i just found out that a good friend of mine was robbed while he was in the shower yesterday. took computer, money and phone. and i just found out that a couple i know well were also robbed while they were at home, one sleeping, one in another room working.

this is very worrisome.

i used to be afraid to leave my house. now i'm afraid to leave my computer room.

time to get a doberman i guess.

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Well my dog is 70Kg, can put his armpits on my shoulders, bites through buffalo leg bones with ease, lives inside the house and has the full run of down stairs, barks and growls at command (sits on a finger click and is trained not to take food from strangers - trained in the UK by a police dog trainer), loves his family and lets everyone coming to the door know that he is there. All our windows downstairs have inside bars (decorataive, but strong), my home office with my computers and camera equpiment has a solid door (internal only) and a highsecurity padlock (comes through the door, not silly self-tapping screw loops that can be levered off) and stays locked whenever I'm not in it. I also charge my phone in the office, so its never left laying around undsecured.

BTW he is a French Malosser (Dogue De Bordeaux) American/Full Mastiff cross just over 2 years old. Never been robbed here in anyway (excluding ticket/entry prices of course). I had the same house broken into 3 times in the UK - no dog. One time my wife was home in bed (I had left for work) - she thought it nwas me returning and called out to him when he entered the bedroom - he legged it with my 8 month pregnant wife chasing him! Never took anything. While the house was being renovated, some one snuick in at stole all the old light switches, light bulbs and power sockets (that were over 20 years old and due to be replaced as part of the renovation - all cheap plastic!) - also stole a cheap chipboard mantel piece and a toilet systern. Some wiered people out there!

Wolfie, if I didn't have my faithful, trustworthy little APBT, here's the dog I would go for. John Swinford was a vet looking for the best in a family loving, yet protective dog. Sounds similar to your cross and an absolutely beautiful looking dog.


BJOE97, if you have expertise on how to prevent intrusion, why not share the practicalities rather than just alude to it? I am a lazy git and whilst Google is good, info served on a plate is better. Especially if it is verifiable.... ;-)



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things are sounding dire out there. i just found out that a good friend of mine was robbed while he was in the shower yesterday. took computer, money and phone. and i just found out that a couple i know well were also robbed while they were at home, one sleeping, one in another room working.

this is very worrisome.

i used to be afraid to leave my house. now i'm afraid to leave my computer room.

time to get a doberman i guess.

You mean they had a weapon pointed at them of some kind and money or valuable demanded? Because that is a robbery. Burglary is a theft form a house. I think that is what you meant to say.

i was robbed
A friend of mine was robbed
We were robbed ...

There is a big difference between being robbed and being burgled, or burglarized. Big difference. :)

Edited by ScubaBuddha
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What is the law in Thailand regarding your right to defend yourself and your property from intruders? Is use of deadly force allowed? (especially as applied to farangs being the victim).

I've seen this discussed here before, but I don't think you are ever going to get a straight answer. This is an issue that has yet to be sorted out in western countries. These laws, often called "castle doctrines" change continually.

I do recall stories of family members of the burglar going after the farang when this has happened in the past, and farang paying big time. Don't recall the details though.

I think there are just to many variables to really say what the law is, or what the outcome would be. Thai law is seldom specific enough to say for sure what is and isn't, and to make matters worse, it is applied willy niley by judges depending more on things like lose of face, influence, wealth and status of the two respective parties involved, which are far more important here. Justice is seldom the goal or the outcome of the Thai legal system. Figuring out what the law actually is is sadly not nearly enough. We need to find some actual case law to see how it's being applied in real life, not that I think any judge would feel like they have to follow a law, whether statutory or from a prior case, if he had a manila envelope snugly tucked in his robe.

Whatever the Thai law is, it is surely going to be similar to western countries, where the rule of law is a bit more consistent and predictable. Generally, the laws concerning self defense in the home state you need to show their is danger of physical harm to yourself or another to justify using deadly force on an intruder. However there is more and more legislation being passed that gives even more latitude to the home occupants. Here is how the law is usually written:

Taking a life is not authorized except when necessary in resisting or preventing an offense which one reasonably believes exposes one to great bodily harm or death....

But more and more counties and states are adding this bit:

...or preventing the commission of a felony in one's place of abode.
(Entering a dwelling to commit a theft is a felony in most cases)

That second bit means you can shoot a burglar in the back before he even see's you.

One thing that is consistent with these laws protecting the home occupant is they don't allow the victim to set a trap for the burglar, or take revenge on them. One man in the UK tied up a burger, threw him down a shaft and set him on fire. He went to prison for murder. Follow this rule, the UK court says: "So long as you only do what you honestly and instinctively believe is necessary in the heat of the moment." And you should be OK.

I can not find any sources on the internets which state emphatically which of these two laws is the current law in Thailand, but it certainly should be one or the other. This is how a UK court recently tried to explain it: So long as you only do what you honestly and instinctively believe is necessary in the heat of the moment

Consider also that in Thailand if you are involved in an auto accident resulting in a fatality, by default you are charged with and arrested for causing death due to reckless driving regardless of who's at fault fault. (That's one of the reasons why Thai drivers always do a runner) In the Thai legal system the burden of proof does not always lie with the government or the accuser. This is why I have zero faith in the Thai justice system and pray I will never need them.

My suggestion is that if you, Gods forbid, have to take a life to defend yourself in Thailand, first, make sure it's clear to the police that the intruder had the ability to hurt or kill you, and then it's time to grab what you can and head to the nearest airport and head home. As soon as I was reasonably safe, I would make a statement to police explaining exactly what happened, and explain that I left because I have no faith in the Thai legal system and feel I would not receive fair treatment in their corrupt system. No western country is going to extradite you back to Thailand for this.

Or, you can stay and try your luck with the kamouys family/ friends/gang and the Thai police. I think it's a better bet to just hightail it even if that makes you look guilty.

EDIT: After all that I did eventually find a fairly detailed link about self defense in Thailand, although it's not specific to burglars. Sounds like it's written by a Thai laywer.

There are 2 kinds of self defenses on murder. One is justifiable whereas you are totally exonerated as if you didn’t commit the counter killing as self defense at all. Or that. You have or had the right by law to do so.

The other is unjustifiable one whereas you still have to serve some term deemed fit by the consideration of the judges depending on many aspects of how you have defended yourself or for the others “dear” to you.

Much more detail at the link:


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One of TVs most famous former posters was a former SAS soldier who called himself "The Gentleman" and later "Tornado". He reported finding a burglar in his house who he beat the crap out of, but the Thai police ended up charging him for it. I'm not sure that a foreigner can even claim self defense. :)

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Thanks Scuba for the input. Yes the issue of self defense in the home has been under debate for years in the UK with some absurd cases being covered of victims being sentenced for defending their families while the thieves go free!... Absolutely outrageous. I imagine the situation for a farang in Thailand may be just as murky, if not more so, as you stated...

Edited by greytown
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