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Asahi Beer Dissapearing...again?


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Maybe the combined brain power of the forums can get to the bottom of this one.

About 5 years ago, Asahi Beer was easy to find at Tesco and many other places. Then it just dissapeared- until about a year and a half ago when arrived at 7-11, food land, tesco etc. But now it's gone again! It's brewed in Thailand, so no import Bs. My theory is that the big breweries are trying to supress it because it's too good.

What do you think?

(please don't say that Asahi sucks. It'll hurt my feelings)

also...what's happened to all the good cigarrette brands?

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I like Asahi too. Probably the best brewed beer in Thailand. It's always been scarce in Phuket with only a handful of places carrying it that I have seen.

Speaking of beers in Asean, I wonder why with the new low tax rates from Asean countries we don't see any more beers from neighbouring countries. Couldn't be the local beer dynasty controlling imports could it?

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Maybe there is not enough of a demand for it in certain areas.

We were in Bangkok last month and the serviced apartment that we stay (in Satorn) has a little store on the premises which sells Asahi and were fully stocked. The two 7-11's in the area also had it in stock.

There is a Japanese restaurant where we live in the sticks whose cooler is always stocked as well.

I guess what beer appeals to your pallet comes down to personal preference. I would take Asahi over Leo any day. I wish that the local 7-11's in my area sold it.

Edited by mizzi39
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I noticed the same thing about Coke Light. Outside of Bangkok, I was quite surprised to not be able to easily find Coke Light, although Coke Zero was always easy to find. I suspect it's just a matter of poor inventory management.

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I know that the AFTA agreement will leave Laos and Cambodia out of the tariff reduction that was supposed to start January 1, (they were late joiners to ASEAN, so they've been given an extra 5 years), but maybe as another poster mentioned, this is a clear out of old stocks of everything before the newly re-priced stock comes in? This should have made the prices lower, but if they are holding out with the new stock, that makes me think that the price of alcohol and cigarettes will increase. Typical.

I've also noticed that 7/11 no longer carries Mekhong whiskey. Even Lotus seems to only have large bottles now. They all tell me that they've run out of stock. Is this related? Something is happening, but I'm not sure what...

The AFTA agreement was supposed to promote trade, but if they hold out on us, and then raise the price, that's not going to work. :)

Edited by Meridian007
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Asahi imported from Japan = very, very good beer.

Asahi transported from Kon Kairn = average Thai beer ie. better than Singha, but not as good as Leo.


Soundman, how do you tell the difference?

I love Asahi too. Luckily its more widely available in our area now. 7-11 and the local mini-shop in the apartment building next door.

Available at Villa too.

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Asahi imported from Japan = very, very good beer.

Asahi transported from Kon Kairn = average Thai beer ie. better than Singha, but not as good as Leo.


Soundman, how do you tell the difference?

I love Asahi too. Luckily its more widely available in our area now. 7-11 and the local mini-shop in the apartment building next door.

Available at Villa too.

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Not Hijacking the thread, but it's the same for Benson and Hedges cigarettes. Most 7-11 around Pattaya/Jomtien used to stock them, but now I can't find them anywhere. Maybe the same reason?

Cheers, rick

After trying just about everywhere for redlabel Pall Mall cigarettes without success I was told that the importer "had no money",so its been L&M for three weeks now. :)

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Not Hijacking the thread, but it's the same for Benson and Hedges cigarettes. Most 7-11 around Pattaya/Jomtien used to stock them, but now I can't find them anywhere. Maybe the same reason?

Cheers, rick

After trying just about everywhere for redlabel Pall Mall cigarettes without success I was told that the importer "had no money",so its been L&M for three weeks now. :)

Same here mate a real pisser. looks like it country wide from your location!

Cheers, Rick

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