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Tiger Woods To Return To Buddhist Roots Learned From Thai Mother


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Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't Tiger offered Thai citizenship by the king a few years ago and he refused it? I can recall reading this a few years ago.

Americans can be provincial and jingoistic. He may have been very aware that many would think he's a brown skin traitor. I think the US doesn't allow dual citizenship either. IIRC you have to get a second citizenship and then NOT renounce your US citizenship. They don't force you to renounce. That was closer to the crazy Bush era too maybe.

His healing is gonna take a while. He's likely full of cuhRAP right now. Many who dedicate their lives to excelling at something have an atrophied character. He'll be fine.

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How can anybody be surprised at the commotion that Woods behaviour has engendered? A silly lady warbler gets one of her boobs out at a football game and America has an attack of the vapours. Seems that too many US citizens would be inclined to cover up the legs on the grand piano. Time to forget Victoriana and get real methinks. He is an extremely fit young heterosexual man, away from home a lot and temptations all around him. Who is to say that some of his sponsors and the organising committees of tournaments didn't actually offer other than financial inducements to him? It happens all the time in business - and professional golf is very much a business. Does anybody seriously believe that anybody with his public profile could get away with his errant behaviour for so long and that it wasn't an open secret?

Lets us examine the Tiger Woods myth and phenomenon. Nobody, but nobody, sensibly doubts that he has an extraordinary talent. When taking into account the standard of play of all competitors winning just one tournament per year is in itself a major achievement. What many golf aficionados have known for some time is that Woods behaviour on the course is less than exemplary and his caddy has also often been accused of hooligan behaviour. This is usually cut out of TV coverage by directors/producers. Etiquette and good manners are very much part of the game and in my view he fails in this respect. Rather than hand out a load of BS about re-finding his Buddhist roots, I suggest that he looks nearer home and he follow the fine examples of Nicklaus, Palmer and Watson, all wonderful players and true gentlemen and sportsmen. Jack and Arnie have both on several occasions paid tribute how a stable home environment helped them in their playing careers and publicly expressed their thanks to their wives. These three were universally loved and lauded; it seems to me that fans of Woods mainly comprise the 'rougher' elements of society who indulge in hooping and hollering, and yell out such inanities as "In the hole". I groan when these morons give voice when a drive from the tee has travelled a mere hundred yards rather than stifling their opinions and support until the ball has travelled a further hundred and fifty yards when a true judgement of the quality of the shot can be made. A reflection on how much they know about the game and its traditions? In spite of this element (often in their cups) now finding its way into golf in the UK the difference in spectator behaviour between the US and the UK is still noticeable.

I for one am happy that sponsors are turning their backs on Woods. It must be galling for fellow competitors knowing that Woods will pick up more in appearance money from the sponsors than the amount of the first prize. I wonder what else he either demands or is offered. Is this not a case of all are equal but some are more equal than others, and this is precisely the crux of many of Thailand's problems which many who post here are so voluble about? I am not happy to see him cut down in size and publicly humiliated but I certainly am less than enchanted with his lack of commitment to loftier ideals - for which he was handsomely paid by sponsors to uphold.

At the age of 55 years I decided that I had reached my level of competence and a quick count revealed that I had enough of the folding stuff to remove myself permanently from the treadmill. If Woods really has the interests of his family at heart why not take a similar option? He has nothing to prove to the world except that his contrition is genuine (rather than just feeling sorry for himself because he has been caught out) and that all his energies will in future be directed towards what he professes to be the more important facet of his life. He is already a dollar billionaire so having to eat the crusts from the load will not be a problem. How much more does he want?

Tiger's yacht?

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Tiger's Woods problems have nothing to do with either American values or its culture. He has a behavioural problem and it is typical of people with his personality: All controling and very successful. His behaviour has been seen in people from other cultures and other countries that had the same success and position in life. A tip off to his being a control freak was the way in which he made the announcement: No questions allowed and only a select few trusted friends and business associates were allowed to be present.

Does he feel remorse? I don't know. I doubt it, but it's not my place to judge him. If Thai religious beliefs can help him, well then, why not? However, he should have started off by not being petty. Making the announcement on a Friday the day before the Accenture tourney when the biggest names were going to tee off served to derail that event. Was it a slap at Accenture that dumped him? Was it a message to the other players that he was going to take the spotlight away from them and show that he was a bigger star? He could have waited until midweek to make his empty statement.

Are you serious? He shagged at least 3 girls that weren't his wife. Come on now. I'm gonna run that by my wife. You'll find what's left of me on the Chonburi highway.

The guy cheated on his wife. I has nothing to do with his "endorsements" No one cares anyway. Tiger cares about Tiger. Thaksin cares about Thaksin. Maybe they can share a room in Dubai.

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How can anybody be surprised at the commotion that Woods behaviour has engendered? A silly lady warbler gets one of her boobs out at a football game and America has an attack of the vapours. Seems that too many US citizens would be inclined to cover up the legs on the grand piano. Time to forget Victoriana and get real methinks. He is an extremely fit young heterosexual man, away from home a lot and temptations all around him. Who is to say that some of his sponsors and the organising committees of tournaments didn't actually offer other than financial inducements to him? It happens all the time in business - and professional golf is very much a business. Does anybody seriously believe that anybody with his public profile could get away with his errant behaviour for so long and that it wasn't an open secret

Great post.

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Oh jeez, we can't even get away from news about this monger while here in Thailand. :) Maybe we can get away from the Tiger news if we travel on over to Burma. Later dude. Burma or bust. The guy is a d**che bag extraordinaire...a first class dirt bag.

Ha ha!

By the way, how long since they released you?

Please don't tell your Cali crew I laughed at you.... :D

The sig is OK but a bit political for everyday use.

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animatic, good to read your posts.

What's happening to tiger is a pretty accurate reflection of the society he's brought up in. On the one hand you have movies marketing and most of the culture in america selling, and being obsessed by, sex, while on the other hand you have these pseudo-religious sorts displaying their rank hypocrisy and anti-human values. How often have we seen these apparently puritanical 'people' being exposed for their own sexual pecadillos?

And what about all the politicians and senators who are in all sorts of beds apart from their marital one?

The part of american society that demands tiger apologises (what the bloody hel_l for?!), be contrite, beg for forgiveness, is sick. It's all about image, and nothing about nature, free-will, being human and fallible. Those conservative people can be as conservative as they want, but why do they insist, absolutely, on everybody else living the same sorry pathetic miserable lives that they choose to?

I wish tiger had just said nothing, and left these puritanical sorts frothing at the mouth, dribbling their hatred for humanity into their own empty vessels. They got their pound of flesh, i wonder if they will now let him be.

People in society who spend their lives judging and moralising on others never see that their humanity is so much less than their targets.

I think this bears zero resemblance to what has happened. The people wanting him to apologize are those who are financially tied to him. There's not a pack of bible thumpers picketing his house. (Well actually the porn star mistress and her lawyer had a press conference right after asking him to apologize specifically to her. She isn't financially tied to him, but clearly wants to be.)

Many others are more accurately disappointed that his behavior fell far short of his well crafted image. (An image that is going to make him the first billionaire athlete.) Not for puritanical reasons, but for the deception. People don't like being deceived. Plenty of athletes and stars have a reputation of being hounds, and they're not being called to apologize by some miserable judgmental conservatives and neither is Tiger. Magic Johnson caught HIV while cheating on his wife, and that was a non-event because he made hardly any money from sponsorships. Rather, Tiger's sponsors just won't get the same return if his reputation keeps declining.

Note that the image reliant sponsors have been more willing to abandon him, while the golfing oriented ones haven't. Accenture (business consulting), AT&T. and Buick dropped him, Gilette and Tag Heuer scaled back their advertising with his image. Nike and Electronic Arts on the other hand have supported him. That's a lot of future income that just vaporized and only some restoration of his image brings back new lucrative sponsorships.

Tiger's advisors know that apologies go a long way in America. Fail to apologize for letting people down, and you end up like Pete Rose who waited way too long to acknowledge he bet on baseball. Had he apologized years ago, he'd have been largely forgiven, and might have a shot at the Hall of Fame. Few care that he bet on baseball, but he turned himself into a footnote by not apologizing to those he let down. He didn't even apologize when he admitted to gambling. Several of the baseball steroids guys are going to end up like Pete.

Come out and apologize, and pretty soon very few care. Kobe Bryant, Hugh Grant, Mel Gibson. They hit speed bumps, apologized, and came out just fine. Even Micheal Vick who went to jail for some horrendous dog fighting and torturing has fared surprisingly well, after one of the least believable apologies I've seen.

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A silly lady warbler gets one of her boobs out at a football game and America has an attack of the vapours.

The TV leads Americans by the nose. It was non-stop 'better-the-thou' phony outrage. We want to be pretend to be pure but it ends up squishing out in the most twisted ways in the end.

Tiger is 1/2 Thai, so he's discussed here. I don't know the details of his affairs cuz it's his issue, not mine. I change the channel. I hope he gets some peace. He seems to have a budding heart. We'll see if he does the work.

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Tiger Woods, half Thai and the other part (whatever). Is wanting to get saved with Buddha. It is the custom in Thailand to have another mistress for times when the wife “just doesn’t do it” You got Tiger.

Not even half --

Kultida (née Punsawad), originally from Thailand, is of mixed Thai, Chinese, and Dutch ancestry.
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Returning to buddhists roots? Have you seen how the men are here? Worse than tiger, I'm sure. Lie, cheat, steals tends to the the norm here. I work at a restaurant, and have seem men come in here with different girls on their arm every week. Until one day we were told to ignore him, guess what he brought his wife!!! Yeah sure Buddhism has lost a lot of leverage on this front. What was actually funny was that his actual wife looks younger than the GF. Don't get what is wrong with these people.

Tiger messed around like some men. He just got caught as it would have happened eventually. So no biggy there. Over here at least we won't say anything out loud.

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Apologys go a long way in America sure,

but are the needed to people who are not connected to the actual actions, no.

Oh dear me, I trusted your 'marketing image', please apologize to me.

Now I can feel better, since I have made you the big star grovel for MY forgiveness!

~It right out of Jerry Springer land.

It's not Tiger being hounded by bible thumpers and feminists,

but his sponsors who gladly jumped on his 'pure as driven snow image'

now being SCARED to lose a significant percentage of their market to those

same bible thumpers and feminists segments and extended families etc.

And not incidentally now cancel, and renegotiate LOWER, Tigers return contract.

So the 'pressure groups' who regularly plumb these 'specialty groups',

have jumped into the fray to increase their own leverage and power

over their social groupings. Target, attack, profit, power.

Pretty much nauseating.

I worked for a spell in NYC public relations and advertising, this is how the

'career rescue experts' will see it. I've met a few.

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I thought that this forum was for news in THAILAND.....


Are you kidding, I put something in the General Section about Iran's Ahmadinejad and it got the flick. I should have put it in the news section and got a :D . I thought all he did was back into a fire hydrant. :D

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