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2nd Tourist Visa To Uk...5months Or 3months?

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Hi guys, my thai gf came over to be with me in uk last year for 5months on her first tourist visa. I am her bf and sponsered her . We were advised to 'put' 3 months on the form as her length as stay . We got the visa no problem, and we were initially happy for her to stay 3 months in uk, return to thai for couple of weeks together then come back to uk for another 2 months. Our plan changed when we came to buy the air ticket (TG916/ TG917), instead of the £500 we pay in UK for 'London -Bkk -London', a 'Bkk-London-Bkk' ticket cost us £1150. Anyway because of this she/we decided to stay in UK just over 5 months. She did return before the visa expired though, so we have already demonstated she didnt do a runner/ work/ do anything bad.

Anyway we will be applying for another tourist visa next month (same criteria as with first visa), and I want her to stay 5 months. I am concerned that if we 'put' 5 months on the form (instead of say 3 months) it may effect the likelihood of her getting the visa? I dont know why though , it is a 6 month visa afterall....interested to know your thoughts.

ps we did apply for a second tourist visa 4 months ago but was turned down as she had only been back in thai 3 weeks....It broke the 'any 6 month in any 12 rule'. ( I didnt know about this....and still cant find anything about this rule on theiw website forms/notes).

Ultimately we want to get married and next year (2011) we will apply fiancee settlement visa but I am still waiting my decree absolute from previous marriage (complications with joint pensions and transfer of my company etc) ..This tourist visa route is the only immedite route we have of being together in UK in the immedite future. Are we likely to get the visa ? (ps It will not break the 6 month in any 12 rule this time...but only just haha).

Best Regards Roland

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A 'successful' visit visa always makes it easier for a further visa to be approved. By this I mean coming to the UK (or other country) staying and behaving then a timely return to the country of origin as promised.

Always be truthful because any black mark will make life more difficult. My wife had problems with the first visit visa but once the first had been granted further ones were issued promptlyand without question.

A six month visa gives permission to visit for that period - it is of little interest to the authorities whether the stay is 3 or 5 months. They will be looking at the application to make sure that it will be for a visit and that the person can support themselves for the time in the country then will return home. Get this side covered and the length of visit will not make a difference.

Edited by bobrussell
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Rolandrums, be careful how you go when writing your sponsor letter,"this tourist visa route is the only immediate route we have of being together in

the immediate future." If the ECO checking the visa application gets a whiff or suspects your g/f is using a tourist visa of a way of residing in the uk forget it,tourist visa is what it is a tourist visa,all the best but tread carefully with these ECO.

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Tell the truth. If she's coming for 5 months, put 5 months down. Imagine what is going to happen if you do apply for a settlement visa next year having twice applied before for 3 months and stayed 5 each time. It's not going to stop the settlement visa, but it may put the ECO in the frame of mind that he can't 100% trust you. If you feel a bit conscious about the lengthened stay, put a brief one or two line explanation into the covering letter as to why she stayed 5 months and not 3.

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thanks guys, ok we will put 5 months on the letter and stay 5 months (thats what we want anyway) . Is there any harm in saying on my sponser letter that 'we will be planning on getting married within the next year'? ...afterall we are genuine bf/gf and spending 5months in the uk again is still a holiday for her. Im glad to hear that planning to stay 5 months instead of 3 doesnt make likelihood of a refusal any higher.

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Agree that you should be honest and and your girlfriend should say five months if that's what your plans are.

But bear in mind that one of the reasons a lot of applications fail is because of the reason to return, if your girlfriend is working or studying she needs to explain to the ECO how she can justify leave of absence for that period of time and convince the ECO that she is not using the tourist visa route to live in the UK.

But yes, she needs to be honest.

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