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Does Anybody Own And Use A Kindle Here In Thailand?

Head Snake

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Yes, whatever, but B&N doesn't send in Thailand.

And actually I try to order a Nook and is 149 us$. Memory card, everybody have some 2/4/8 Gb micro SD card; you can charge by the enclosed USB, you really don't need a screen film, so you can save the 70 additional.

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Hah, I was not the only one to try and order one. I guess they're not interested in sales outside their own little pond. Either find an alternative brand, I'm sure now Kindle and Nook have dived in price all the Chinese copies will go similar down in price, or have a friend overseas buy one for you and mail it to you.

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Can someone tell me how easy it is to download from other than the Amazon site - or do you have to do that via a PC? One of the earlier posters mentioned about downloading books from the Gutenberg project (free). Is this easy to do and store on the Kindle?

One thing that previously stopped me from buying a Kindle was its proprietary format and I was vey keen on the Sony but was dissuaded by the price. Obviously from the comments here that has not been an issue for most owners.

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You download the book to your PC, use Calibre (free) to convert to the Kindle format, then transfer using a USB cable or SD card.

I believe in Thailand the Kindle is blocked from the internet to all sites except Amazon.

You can order a Kindle from Amazon.com to Thailand

Kindle 189 USD

Shipping 21USD

Import fee deposit 50 USD

Total 260USD

Edited by sarahsbloke
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The biggest problem with the Kindle is it's just so darn ugly! :) Looks like something designed in Russia in the 1970'es. I find the Nook is just a so much nicer looking device - and even considerably cheaper with the last price drop.

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More Nook order problems, I can't pay for it!

BandN won't allow an outside USA billing address

The credit card company won't pay if you don't use your registered billing address.

So without a USA credit card, you can't buy a NooK!

Trying Paypal now .........

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