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I'm living and working in Phuket, sorry 'bout my bad English, I am German.

Due to heavy rain here in Phuket two weeks before my rented house was nearly flooded. So the "handyman" from my landlord came and hammered down a little wall next to my house to release the water for going down a little "valley".

When he smashed this wall an extension-wall collapsed aswell and a big part of land which was around my house.

Next to my house I've parked my motocross bike which slided down with all the water.....repairing cost:25.000.-Baht, which I've paid already.

I asked my landlord to pay for it but he rejects.

What can I do???

I've send my wife to him with the bill and I suggested not to pay the rental fee for 2months(same amount for repair).

But it made him very angry("......I make you big pompem when you not pay.........".)

I know that he has some influence in the local(Pathong) Thai community, you know what I mean......

Any good idea or an advice???



I'm living and working in Phuket, sorry 'bout my bad English, I am German.

Due to heavy rain here in Phuket two weeks before my rented house was nearly flooded. So the "handyman" from my landlord came and hammered down a little wall next to my house to release the water for going down a little "valley".

When he smashed this wall an extension-wall collapsed aswell and a big part of land which was around my house.

Next to my house I've parked my motocross bike which slided down with all the water.....repairing cost:25.000.-Baht, which I've paid already.

I asked my landlord to pay for it but he rejects.

What can I do???

I've send my wife to him with the bill and I suggested not to pay the rental fee for 2months(same amount for repair).

But it made him very angry("......I make you big pompem when you not pay.........".)

I know that he has some influence in the local(Pathong) Thai community, you know what I mean......

Any good idea or an advice???



Your motorcycle gets damaged when a worker is freeing flood water, and you want your landlord to pay 25,000......ummmmm............ummmmmmmmmm.......ummmmmmmmmm

Do yourself a favour, Pay your rent

Thanks for all the childish replies.

OK, do not pay your rent, take a court case out against the landlord, try to sue him, go to the police, pitch a tent in his garden, stage an organized protest, give the bill to the Handyman............

OK, is that what you want to hear?

End result will be....You Will Pay Your Rent!


you live where? what did they do? who did you send?

in bangkok you can do something about it, out there you're on your own, lets put it this way, the landlord have nothing to do with the worker that knock down the wall that hit your bike, follow me so far, so if you want some one to pay the bill you should send it to the worker he is the one that damge your bike not the landlord. PAY YOUR RENT, you don't live in the city, out there they have their own way of dealing with things

you pay bill *ME ANGRY LONG TIME*


Hi Thaigerd,Definitely understand the frustrations you are feeling both about your situation and the childish replies!!

One of the downsides ,for me,in living here is the feeling that I really don't have the same rights afforded to me as the citizenry enjoy.Therefore,I have to mentally weigh the advantages against the negatives of occasionally being ripped off,ignored by the authorities,intimidated/threatened without ,seemingly,any recourse other than leaving.It seems that anytime there is a problem,we get the short end of the stick.

I really don't have an answer to your problem.I would definitely move.But even though you want "justice",you will absolutely add to your problems by holding  back your rent!!Cut your losses,move on.Hopefully,the money you save by living here will more than make up for your losses!

If you really want to find out how "friendly" Thai people can be,try asking for equal rights!This a lose lose situation.Chok Dee.Best Regards,Stan

you live where? what did they do? who did you send?

in bangkok you can do something about it

Interested in what you think he could do about it in Bangkok??

Hi Thaigerd,Definitely understand the frustrations you are feeling both about your situation and the childish replies!!

One of the downsides ,for me,in living here is the feeling that I really don't have the same rights afforded to me as the citizenry enjoy.Therefore,I have to mentally weigh the advantages against the negatives of occasionally being ripped off,ignored by the authorities,intimidated/threatened without ,seemingly,any recourse other than leaving.It seems that anytime there is a problem,we get the short end of the stick.

I really don't have an answer to your problem.I would definitely move.But even though you want "justice",you will absolutely add to your problems by holding  back your rent!!Cut your losses,move on.Hopefully,the money you save by living here will more than make up for your losses!

If you really want to find out how "friendly" Thai people can be,try asking for equal rights!This a lose lose situation.Chok Dee.Best Regards,Stan

Stan you sound like a man that lives in a country that he does not like, why do you do that?

And after your long post....your advice is the same as mine was

Pay your rent


The land lord was performing his duty of providing safe lodgings for his tenants. You state that your "rented house was nearly flooded" and it seems that the landlord was trying to prevent further water damage to the property by taking immediate action.

His quick response to this emergency is commendable.

Most landlords under similar circumstances would say "Mai pen rai" and leave you to swim to your front door.

It seems apparent that your motor bike was not insured. If it was it would be doubtful that the insurance company would pay any claim as "storm damage" is regarded as "an act of God." Such a clause is written into most insurance policies.

For your landlord to be held responsible, you would need to prove "negligence" or "intent to cause damage" and from what you have written, you have no hope of convincing a court of law of either.

It could be held that you were negligent by leaving your motor bike in an unsafe location.

I suggest you get some legal advice on this issue to satisfy yourself.

If you fail to pay your rent, you are violating a "contract" between landlord and tenant. A verbal agreement is still regarded as a "contract," it  does not have to be in writing.

The landlord agrees to provide you with lodgings, and you agree to pay rent for those lodgings. A simple contract.

You asked for advice. My advice to you is to give a few bottles of beer to your landlord and apologize to him for your unfounded accusations.

If there is flooding in your area, consider moving to other premises or perhaps assist your landlord to prevent any further occurrences of a similar nature.

You have a  damaged motor bike, he has a damaged wall. You are both out of pocket. Leave it at that, smile and get on with your life.


Interested in what you think he could do about it in Bangkok??

lets put it this way, if you were the landlord and im the guy that you just destroy my bike, give 5-10hr and i'll rip apart and make you repair my bike plus pay me for making me stress, welcome to the city


:o You are right...........

I will have some beers and forget about it.

But next rainy season I will park my wife outside and take the bike inside the house.

After 2 years with my wife I'm riding the bike more than........

Anyway, thanks all for help.


Guest IT Manager

:o You are right...........

I will have some beers and forget about it.

But next rainy season I will park my wife outside and take the bike inside the house.

After 2 years with my wife I'm riding the bike more than........

Anyway, thanks all for help.


Gerd that was great and it only took 12 responses for you to see that mai penh rai can and does byte (compter pun).

The beers are  good idea and an apology for your (if it got to it), outrageous behaviour.

Ask the landlord if he will take your wife...that will save a bit as well.

Good on you. :D

By the way, you don't have a landlord problem, it's a lanslide problem.

It seems apparent that your motor bike was not insured. If it was it would be doubtful that the insurance company would pay any claim as "storm damage" is regarded as "an act of God." Such a clause is written into most insurance policies.

In Thailand they also include an "act of incompetent handyman" clause.

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