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alot of people on TV get parking rage...

Its funny to hear you'd trash someones bike / car / motor / tires over something so simple...

I know its annoying getting stuck in but, for the guy who said he's "moved bikes" and then knocked em over, you gotta be a fakking baby man, a BABY! its funny ahahah i'd pepper spray yah for that, hope no thais see ya doin it either

Hmmm lets see your kid/Wife/Mother/Boyfriend (insert anyone) has just slashed open his hand in the house, you rush out to the car to get him to hospital beofre he bleeds to death, pretty simple now isnt it, mai pen rai no need for any anger, now that really wouldnt do would it.

Yup. Here comes a real life example. Tall, fit, polite, middle aged Thai-speaking farang out shopping for his farang wife who had occasional 'panic attacks'. Real, not a joke.

She called him and was in real distress, then one of the phones packed up. He rushed to his car in the multi storey of the Mall and was blocked in by a BMW in gear with brake on. No-one on duty to help at all.

After 35 minutes, the slick young Thai BMW man swanks up and ignores my chum. Chum, despite his anger and frustration, points out quietly in perfect Thai the error of the man's ways and the stress he has caused.

The Thai immediately flew into a rage and rather than attacking my chum, began furiously searching the inside of his own car, glove box, under the seats etc. Chum realises he is probably trying to find his gun, so starts his own car, all lights on and puts his hand on the horn.

Security finally turns up at the run and OF COURSE immediately targets the NOISY farang. Thai poser panics and does a Grand Prix start, never to be seen again.

Chum gets home to find wife in semi collapse and wishes he had killed the bastard with his bare hands.........

No consideration, no manners, no apology, no control. It IS these situations that prompt some people to sometimes take desperate measures.

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that is a disturbing post! I always try to park where I cannot be blocked in but not always possible.

Glad your friend got out Alive, thanks for sharing.

Reading stories like this help to keep me calm when dealing with certain types over here.

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I know its annoying getting stuck in but, for the guy who said he's "moved bikes" and then knocked em over, you gotta be a fakking baby man, a BABY! its funny ahahah i'd pepper spray yah for that, hope no thais see ya doin it either

I must have missed the "Knocked em over" part.

Please show us where that was posted and please, spare us from your street cred, infantile grammar.

It's obvious who the baby is here. :)

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Never had this happen to me but it sounds incredibly infuritatting. I would talk to security guard after a minute or so. If he does nothing tip him to get a tow or something. If he still does nothing depending on how long it takes and how isolated the car is, I can't imagine not getting myself on trouble. Spray painting some Thai obscenities on his drivers door seems appropriate. Would probably just bleed his tires though so he is stuck as long as me. Or tip someone 500 baht to blockhim in for a few hours?

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And two add my two cents about the brainless culture we have chosen to exist in is this: Usually in a large car park the coconut brains have more than half of the available parking spots blocked off with either yellow tape or traffic cones....Retarded :):D :D

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Same thing happened to me at Emporium a few years ago.

I waited by my car while the shop called out his number plate. It took him an hour to turn up.

It is my guess that he heard his plate number but didn't give two hoots.

He made no attempt to apologize before getting in his car while I waited by mine.

As he closed his door, I put my hand out to stop him and asked him why he couldn't even apologize for inconveniencing me for over an hour.

All I received was a shrug... as infuriating as it was he only got called a few expletives...

I would love to know what makes these people tick to really teach them a lesson for their self-centeredness and deliberate ignorance.

IDEA... If this happens, Nails on the floor in front of their car... So as they move away to clear the space, their tyre deflates !

Ever gave a thought to "FEUDALISM" like where the Lord of the manor can do what he likes and bugger you? That is all it is, they simply think they are superior to everyone! A bullet through the skull is more of what is needed for people like these.

They will never ever look you in the eye...they are like scared DOGS, they can only look down on Thais from a lower class, they probably barfed in their pants when they saw it was a farang...like someone with intelligence that they could not possibly argue with and hold a rational point of view....hence, get in the car, ignore the farang and get the ##ck out of here before I lose a bit of face.

The last thing in the world that they ever want is for someone to answer back to them!

They probably expected you to give them a Wai and kindly ask them to move their car, which they would acknowledge the wai and DO YOU A FAVOUR by moving the car.

Personally, I couldn't live in Bangkok, not with that kind of situation.

I would have purchased the biggest strongest motor, maybe a Humvee or something, and I would have simply "MOVED" his car for him!

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I've found that Thai's are unable to understand the concept of causing inconvenience to others. Whenever it happens (often) all you get is a blank stare of incomprehension.

You know i have found living here to be mostly pleasant most of the time, but this one negative trait that is seemingly ingrained in Thai culture is extremely annoying. It's not always the "HiSo" drivers that do this sort of thing. Happened to me last week coming out of the 7-11. Dirty, grungy old pickup truck had double parked right behind me and i had to wait till he shopped for his piece of piping from the hardware store and then take his time to mosey back out to his vehicle again without giving me so much as a nod of an apology. If I'd have said anything at all to the jerk, then i would have been seen as the one with the problem.....or get the famous "blank stare". I just don't get it! :)

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great post and so true in many ways. Most can be real wimps while on there own. I had a taxi driver start on me once, I had only just moved here and he tried to rip me off. I wouldn't have any of it and so he went round to 3 other taxis to try and get them to help him but lucky for me they told him to take a hike. Of course he just stood there and shut up then. One of the other taxis took me to my destination and was well tipped for it.

I have never seen a one on one scrap over here, except in the ring.

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It seems that so many posters here are unable to adapt to double parking. It's not going anywhere and is accepted as a normal way to park your car here as long as you leave it in neutral, but people DO make mistakes. So many people seem to think that all Thais are out to get them and intentionally make their lives inconvenient. Imagine if this kind of attitude was reciprocated, though I'm sure you guys wouldn't have to worry because you're all perfect and never make mistakes that cause others even the slightest inconvenience.

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Traffic signs, red lights, zebra crossings, left turns on Red, are all just guides to these "hi so" people

My experience has generally been the opposite.. the more "low-so" a car is, the worse they drive. The more hi-so, usually more polite in driving.

Some farang posters (not referring to you, Langsuan Man) simply just seem to hate "hi-so" at all costs. Why? Because a lot of these farang marry %$&^%-girls. :)

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So many people seem to think that all Thais are out to get them and intentionally make their lives inconvenient.

I've discovered that this is what separates people with chips on their shoulder, and those without. (Yes, it includes me sometime back; maybe all of us at one time or another).

When you have a chip on your shoulder, you tend to assume (or want to assume) that every error by another which negatively affects you was done "intentionally" and you seize that as an "opportunity" to legitimately bitch about the other person or get revenge.

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I'd guess that he probably WAS mortified, though more at the loss of face than for being so inconsiderate. He couldn't look you in the eye, much less say sorry, because that would only acknowledge his loss of face.

I understand what u say but my experience with Thai loss of face is that it works only one way. If I or any visitor to Thailand had blocked a Thai car for even 3 minutes, loss of face doesn't apply and the Thai will seek more than his pound of flesh. Personally I'd favour the 12 year old school boy approach, if no apology. Do u think it's nice to block me? No, it's not. Is it good or bad not to apologise? U don't know? Sure. Yes, that's right, it's bad.

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It's not always the "HiSo" drivers that do this sort of thing. Happened to me last week coming out of the 7-11. Dirty, grungy old pickup truck had double parked right behind me and i had to wait till he shopped for his piece of piping from the hardware store and then take his time to mosey back out to his vehicle again without giving me so much as a nod of an apology.

It's not even mostly the 'hiso' drivers actually. But I think we all know why people have an issue when it's someone who appears to be better off than them pissing on them. It's just another straw on the camel's back, from the visa hoops, to the 8 year old cutting in front of you at Burger King, to the people your significant others have to pay 3% interest and no principal to each month, and ah yes, to the 'double parked and in gear' brigade... all leading to your inevitable state of emasculated resentment.


Edited by Heng
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It's not always the "HiSo" drivers that do this sort of thing. Happened to me last week coming out of the 7-11. Dirty, grungy old pickup truck had double parked right behind me and i had to wait till he shopped for his piece of piping from the hardware store and then take his time to mosey back out to his vehicle again without giving me so much as a nod of an apology.

It's not even mostly the 'hiso' drivers actually. But I think we all know why people have an issue when it's someone who appears to be better off than them pissing on them. It's just another straw on the camel's back, from the visa hoops, to the 8 year old cutting in front of you at Burger King, to the people your significant others have to pay 3% interest and no principal to each month, and ah yes, to the 'double parked and in gear' brigade... all leading to your inevitable state of emasculated resentment.


Correct, and anything more than a very small reaction is an overreaction due to it being a chip on one's shoulder. Why project these other problems one has onto some twit who's parked you in ? If you're one of the people who do this, it's quite manic, you know. Inappropriate for the situation. Just point it out politely.

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I understand what u say but my experience with Thai loss of face is that it works only one way. If I or any visitor to Thailand had blocked a Thai car for even 3 minutes, loss of face doesn't apply and the Thai will seek more than his pound of flesh. Personally I'd favour the 12 year old school boy approach, if no apology. Do u think it's nice to block

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I find it pretty amusing that the biggest problem people seem to have is the fact the other driver does not apologize. As if that changes anything? Come on people, you are living in Asia; such politeness to strangers is just not something that is ingrained such as in the west. Doesn’t make it wrong, just different.

The fact that someone would park and leave the car in gear shows how little thought Asians generally give to people not in their immediate circle. Fact of life, live with it or go around with the farang paranoia chip on your shoulder, but don’t expect an apology to make all better.


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I find it pretty amusing that the biggest problem people seem to have is the fact the other driver does not apologize. As if that changes anything? Come on people, you are living in Asia; such politeness to strangers is just not something that is ingrained such as in the west. Doesn’t make it wrong, just different.

The fact that someone would park and leave the car in gear shows how little thought Asians generally give to people not in their immediate circle. Fact of life, live with it or go around with the farang paranoia chip on your shoulder, but don’t expect an apology to make all better.


Perhaps the driver of the vehicle in question just forgot to leave it in neutral?

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It seems that so many posters here are unable to adapt to double parking. It's not going anywhere and is accepted as a normal way to park your car here as long as you leave it in neutral, but people DO make mistakes. So many people seem to think that all Thais are out to get them and intentionally make their lives inconvenient. Imagine if this kind of attitude was reciprocated, though I'm sure you guys wouldn't have to worry because you're all perfect and never make mistakes that cause others even the slightest inconvenience.

Not really, I just consider others and don't appreciate it if others don't return the effort. If I can't get a parking spot in a car park then I'll shop somewhere else, it's not rocket science.


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I find it pretty amusing that the biggest problem people seem to have is the fact the other driver does not apologize. As if that changes anything? Come on people, you are living in Asia; such politeness to strangers is just not something that is ingrained such as in the west. Doesn't make it wrong, just different.

The fact that someone would park and leave the car in gear shows how little thought Asians generally give to people not in their immediate circle. Fact of life, live with it or go around with the farang paranoia chip on your shoulder, but don't expect an apology to make all better.


Hi Thaihome.

I really would like to think your tongue is in your cheek with this - and your later - post. But I don't see much evidence of a smile, or a tell-tale bulge!

Maybe you missed the earlier posts on how this infantile selfishness can cause real distress? Just a TAD more important than your allegation of farang paranoia!

I suggest that you strive to pull yourself into the real world and help us to help each other - and our Thai hosts - rather than (apparently) excusing mindless behaviour.

The motor car is very new to Thailand by any world standards. Look it up. We should help to improve matters, and this topic should encourage us to do so.

Stop blaming the victims. We are NOT early explorers in Africa and we did NOT voluntarily jump into the cooking pots. Kow jai?

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I love Thailand, I am married to a great Thai lady who I love very much and have an even greater Half Thai son who I think the world of. I love my life here in Bangkok and am a very happy easy going person. But when some <deleted>, Thai English or any other race blocks me in for 45 minutes and can't say sorry when they come back then I think I have a right to get upset about it. It's got nothing to do with where the person came from, it's got all to do with manners and giving a shit about a fellow human being.

I know he did not do it on purpose, everone makes mistakes, no problem. But at least say something!!! I do not understand why on Thaivisa there are so many people who say chill out and he didn't do it on purpose and he just left in gear. Maybe you guys need to be blocked in for some time to find out how annoying it is. With these attitudes some of you do not own a car over here for sure!

I want to drive to work and park up and drive home again, yes I could take a taxi or get squashed on the BTS or even walk the 12 kilometers to work. But why the <deleted> should I? I can afford a car, I like to drive even if it is in Bangkok and I will keep on driving.

I would not block another car in, but if I did make a mistake and forgot, then you can be sure that I will say sorry and do what I can to make it up to the person who I upset. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone CAN say sorry, it costs nothing and can make it so much better.

So those of you who stick up for the rude moron no matter where he comes from should step back take a breath and think again.

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It's not always the "HiSo" drivers that do this sort of thing. Happened to me last week coming out of the 7-11. Dirty, grungy old pickup truck had double parked right behind me and i had to wait till he shopped for his piece of piping from the hardware store and then take his time to mosey back out to his vehicle again without giving me so much as a nod of an apology.

It's not even mostly the 'hiso' drivers actually. But I think we all know why people have an issue when it's someone who appears to be better off than them pissing on them. It's just another straw on the camel's back, from the visa hoops, to the 8 year old cutting in front of you at Burger King, to the people your significant others have to pay 3% interest and no principal to each month, and ah yes, to the 'double parked and in gear' brigade... all leading to your inevitable state of emasculated resentment.


Funny post. Probably not too far from the truth though.

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OMMV. It's all of the things combined that gets people this way. Otherwise it doesn't make sense to see folks having 'blown top' type fits at things that seem rather insignificant on their own.... Baht fluctuating half a point, atm fees going up a bit, nuts/bolts in the wrong bins at HomePro, etc.


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I know its annoying getting stuck in but, for the guy who said he's "moved bikes" and then knocked em over, you gotta be a fakking baby man, a BABY! its funny ahahah i'd pepper spray yah for that, hope no thais see ya doin it either

I must have missed the "Knocked em over" part.

Please show us where that was posted and please, spare us from your street cred, infantile grammar.

It's obvious who the baby is here. :)

Post #13

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Judging by this thread, this problem happens very often. I did at one point nearly key his car and let the air out of his tires but that would of made things worse.

When he turned up I had to walk off because I was fuming that he could not even say sorry to me. I wanted to have a go but again where would it have gotten me?! We just have to put up with this shit I suppose because had I started on him the guards would probably have sided with him!!!

no you don't plenty of little toys available to wreck car/fuc_k up peoples day's/close offices, etc

all legal to purchase- of course i would never advise anything illegal

Thailand is a great place for people like me to show a little love back

its sonkran i love the most- my favorite season

I love when taxi drivers will not use meters or mess me around

they have no idea how much that little errors costs them

in this case i would of used a spray that is invisible but in hours strips the paint off

another one causes a slow puncture

another causes a smell from hel_l that can never be removed

superglue the locks

get his reg plates and..... creative thinking here

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I've found that Thai's are unable to understand the concept of causing inconvenience to others. Whenever it happens (often) all you get is a blank stare of incomprehension.

I think it depends on the "wronged" persons status. If the average Somchai blocked the Big Mans (Thai of course) car, then Somchai would have been begging for forgiveness.

As foreigners we don't count and most Thais could care less if they inconvenience us. Just the way it is here :)

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It's not always the "HiSo" drivers that do this sort of thing. Happened to me last week coming out of the 7-11. Dirty, grungy old pickup truck had double parked right behind me and i had to wait till he shopped for his piece of piping from the hardware store and then take his time to mosey back out to his vehicle again without giving me so much as a nod of an apology.

It's not even mostly the 'hiso' drivers actually. But I think we all know why people have an issue when it's someone who appears to be better off than them pissing on them. It's just another straw on the camel's back, from the visa hoops, to the 8 year old cutting in front of you at Burger King, to the people your significant others have to pay 3% interest and no principal to each month, and ah yes, to the 'double parked and in gear' brigade... all leading to your inevitable state of emasculated resentment.


Funny post. Probably not too far from the truth though.

Dead-on! I just have to hang around a 7 eleven for 10 minutes to witness at least 2 disturbed farangs make complete fools of themselves. There is a conspiracy that seems to be gaining traction. The US, England and other western countries are convincing all their derelicts to move to Thailand where they then proceed to preach to no end about the senseless natives.

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