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Thai Dogs Vs Farang Rights. What Comes First?


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It all depends how you react to dogs. I have 2 dogs and they love to bark to people who are scared. People who don't care about them they don't bark at. But they just know when you are scared and then they love to bark (not bite). So the moment i hear them bark i get out and look what they are doing. If they are harassing someone ill stop it (unless its a farang i love seeing them run).

When you run the dogs just love it and see you as prey. When you just look at them ignore them they wont do a thing most of the time. Still i can imagine its scary if a whole pack goes after you.

You've got to be kidding? You know your dogs chase people and yet you let them? Come on....and then you say its scary? Many people are naturally afraid of dogs. Sure, dogs sense that, but dogs should NOT be allowed to run free and do this. You are only adding to the problem.

I know my dogs bark at people, i also know they dont bite them or chase them. Follow them a bit bark a bit then stop. The moment i hear something like that i go out and make sure the dog stops barking. We are talking here about maybe 3 times 20-30 minutes a day that they walk free. They mostly stay in front of my home and sometimes bark at people (actually one of the dogs does the other doesn't care)

How often does it happen that he barks at people when free.. lets say once every three days .. wow so bad. Some people need a life. Does he bark at everyone.. no it just happens sometimes and then i go out and stop him. Sounds real irresponsible does it.

Your in Thailand dogs are allowed to walk free here so how can you say they should not if there is no law against it ?

This is the typical ignorant dog owner. In a perfect world they are the ones the anger should be aimed at, it is not the dogs fault. It is the owners fault.

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Yelling, hitting, kicking, threatening or any attempt to "discipline" a dog that has already been provoked, will most likely escalate the situation. Fear aggression on the part of a human is only going to elicit more aggression from a dog. Believe me you don't want the owner yelling around and getting all upset. It will only make things worse.

Exercising your right to be ignorant of dog behavior in Thailand is like disregarding how people actually drive in Thailand. Focusing on rules or rights will only get you hurt or worse. Use some common sense and deal with the realities of life and stop worrying about the theoretical.

Sure you may have the theoretical right to do or go wherever you want, but even in your own country there are parts of town where it is unwise to go. We don't have the right to be unwise and expect everyone else to look out for us.

Good point, people really don't seem to understand dogs. I got 2 of them and if someone starts hitting them im pretty sure they will run away but i cant garantee that the dog might defend himself.

Its real real real rare for a dog to bite, if you watch dogs fight most of the time they dont bite just snap around not biting. I seen my dog in a few fights with others before they knew each other but they never really bit one and other. Dogs wont bite humans easy unless they are cornered.

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No doubt the dog situation is out of control in this country. They are treated as the equivalent of India's sacred cows. It is really whacko. Malaysia has the right idea - loose dogs are generally not tolerated and they have "dog shooters" who cut the population down from time to time. Unfortunately, I think you will never see that here.

Yes. They also cane people and are good at bulldozing Hindu Temples and harassing Chinese Christians and Buddhists.

There are more efective ways of dealing with growing feral populations. It's called education and responsible management.

Whenever humans seek to intervene in a natural balance, the humans usually make the situation worse.

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It all depends how you react to dogs. I have 2 dogs and they love to bark to people who are scared. People who don't care about them they don't bark at. But they just know when you are scared and then they love to bark (not bite). So the moment i hear them bark i get out and look what they are doing. If they are harassing someone ill stop it (unless its a farang i love seeing them run).

When you run the dogs just love it and see you as prey. When you just look at them ignore them they wont do a thing most of the time. Still i can imagine its scary if a whole pack goes after you.

You've got to be kidding? You know your dogs chase people and yet you let them? Come on....and then you say its scary? Many people are naturally afraid of dogs. Sure, dogs sense that, but dogs should NOT be allowed to run free and do this. You are only adding to the problem.

I know my dogs bark at people, i also know they dont bite them or chase them. Follow them a bit bark a bit then stop. The moment i hear something like that i go out and make sure the dog stops barking. We are talking here about maybe 3 times 20-30 minutes a day that they walk free. They mostly stay in front of my home and sometimes bark at people (actually one of the dogs does the other doesn't care)

How often does it happen that he barks at people when free.. lets say once every three days .. wow so bad. Some people need a life. Does he bark at everyone.. no it just happens sometimes and then i go out and stop him. Sounds real irresponsible does it.

Your in Thailand dogs are allowed to walk free here so how can you say they should not if there is no law against it ?

This is the typical ignorant dog owner. In a perfect world they are the ones the anger should be aimed at, it is not the dogs fault. It is the owners fault.

What are you a pussy or something who pees his pants if a dog looks at him. Get a life or move out of Thailand.

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Yelling, hitting, kicking, threatening or any attempt to "discipline" a dog that has already been provoked, will most likely escalate the situation. Fear aggression on the part of a human is only going to elicit more aggression from a dog. Believe me you don't want the owner yelling around and getting all upset. It will only make things worse.

Exercising your right to be ignorant of dog behavior in Thailand is like disregarding how people actually drive in Thailand. Focusing on rules or rights will only get you hurt or worse. Use some common sense and deal with the realities of life and stop worrying about the theoretical.

Sure you may have the theoretical right to do or go wherever you want, but even in your own country there are parts of town where it is unwise to go. We don't have the right to be unwise and expect everyone else to look out for us.

Good point, people really don't seem to understand dogs. I got 2 of them and if someone starts hitting them im pretty sure they will run away but i cant garantee that the dog might defend himself.

Its real real real rare for a dog to bite, if you watch dogs fight most of the time they dont bite just snap around not biting. I seen my dog in a few fights with others before they knew each other but they never really bit one and other. Dogs wont bite humans easy unless they are cornered.

All the dogs run free around here. From the screams you would think they were killing each other half the time. It is all dominance display and no blood. The only time it gets bad is when they are fighting for breeding rights. Just like some guys I have known. :)

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ex is obviously a man of letters. His witty comeback speaks volumes and definitely proves my point.

Coming form someone who talks about poison or a lead pipe to the head of a dog and killing it. You sound like a Brit Hooligan. Just adapt to Thailand and accept that dogs roam free.

Seems to me im one of the better owners

- I dont let my dogs out all the time just 3 - 4 20 to 30 minute bouts

- The moment i hear my dogs bark i check it out and if there is a problem i solve it (even turn the music down during that time)

- It happens rarely that they bark at someone and it has never happened they bit someone

- When they do bark at someone i break it up immediately

- We are not talking about mad dogs attacking someone here but a dog keeping his distance and barking from 10+ meters

- The moment you threaten the dog he will run away and start barking a bit more later because he loves the game.

If you don't see the difference between this and a guy who lets his dog out all day not caring if he bites or chases people then your not worth discussing things with. I got every right to leave the dog out according to the law but i don't its called making sure others are not having too much problems and at the same time giving the dog some fun (walking free) too. Its a compromise.

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This post becomes a runaway train. Stop bickering, please!

I know dogs. I know their psychology and behavioral patterns. I have even dealt with wolves.

There are hundreds of stray dogs here in the streets and on the beach. They are NEVER aggressive, since they are not on their territory. I am NEVER afraid of ANY dog, even aggressive type. And I would never run. These dogs really meant business.

It is not the dog problem. It is entirely Thai problem. NOT CULTURAL DIFFERENCE. Lack of responsibility. Killing this dog would be childish. I would rather teach the bastard who let them loose. He does own them. Remember, I have returned with the Police.

I am not crazy enough to seek legally justice. First of all I am a Farang=> less than a Thai dog.

Second, the Thai family living there and looking after dogs, site, building materials, etc. ARE POOR. I wouldn't get any money out of them, even IF they were ordered to pay. Third, I don't want their stinking money! They are good for nothing anyway.



THERE IS NO FENCE. THIS WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. MAY WELL HAS HAPPENED BEFORE. FROM ALL YOUR RESPONCES HOWEVER DIFFERENT I COME TO A SAD CONCLUSION: we, Farang, matter less than the fleas on their f_cking dogs. Sad, very sad story! Bad for Thailand at the end...

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This post becomes a runaway train. Stop bickering, please!

I know dogs. I know their psychology and behavioral patterns. I have even dealt with wolves.

There are hundreds of stray dogs here in the streets and on the beach. They are NEVER aggressive, since they are not on their territory. I am NEVER afraid of ANY dog, even aggressive type. And I would never run. These dogs really meant business.

It is not the dog problem. It is entirely Thai problem. NOT CULTURAL DIFFERENCE. Lack of responsibility. Killing this dog would be childish. I would rather teach the bastard who let them loose. He does own them. Remember, I have returned with the Police.

I am not crazy enough to seek legally justice. First of all I am a Farang=> less than a Thai dog.

Second, the Thai family living there and looking after dogs, site, building materials, etc. ARE POOR. I wouldn't get any money out of them, even IF they were ordered to pay. Third, I don't want their stinking money! They are good for nothing anyway.



THERE IS NO FENCE. THIS WILL HAPPEN AGAIN. MAY WELL HAS HAPPENED BEFORE. FROM ALL YOUR RESPONCES HOWEVER DIFFERENT I COME TO A SAD CONCLUSION: we, Farang, matter less than the fleas on their f_cking dogs. Sad, very sad story! Bad for Thailand at the end...

Still believe you are in your rights.. problem is getting it done but would be the same problem for a Thai. If i get bitten here by a dog and i know its owner then they pay.. but if the owner is not really the owner or its hard to prove ect then i would not get money either just like any Thai.

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Well this certainly degenerated into a load of nastiness, racism and general abuse.

I suggest we drop it all or warnings will be handed out. Alternatively, I can close the thread to protect you from yourselves if you can't keep it civil. Your behavior will determine the result. bear that in mind when posting, cheers.

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Why on earth are you looking to kill it when pepper spray will sort out the problem?? Something v wrong there.

Have to say Robblok that my dogs bark at Thais, they ignore Westerners! V odd.

If a Dog is attacking a Human without reason and is actually biting, he has to be put down. Period.

I also dont care if its the Dogs fault or if his Owner was not tacking good care of him. Dogs like that are dangerous for the public.

Pepper Sprays are good to get you out of trouble. Next visit would be with a baseball bat, dont think its fair to poison a creature.

I did have Dogs myself and do love them, but I did take care of them and did spend time to learn them how to behave.

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On the rare occasion that I have been surrounded and nearly attacked, I always stood my ground and either used my bag or anything I had on me to protect myself. I always laugh when the owner comes running out and tells me Jai Yen Yen, get the feeling they are helping their dogs rather than protecting me :)

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On the rare occasion that I have been surrounded and nearly attacked, I always stood my ground and either used my bag or anything I had on me to protect myself. I always laugh when the owner comes running out and tells me Jai Yen Yen, get the feeling they are helping their dogs rather than protecting me :)

If my dog gets close enough for you to hit him and is barking and threatening you i would not help my dog. He never gets that close while barking.. he will walk up to people to take a sniff or just follow them without barking and threatening. When he barks he stays away from people like 10+ meter. But even then i help the person by catching my dog and bringing him in. ITs not that i like him barking at people, its just that i like him walking free.. but the moment he barks he will be caught and brought back into the house.

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Its incredibly unusual for Thai dogs to attack someone (even in a pack).

They are normally v gentle and cautious about people.

Are you crazy? Thai dogs attack people all the time. Ask any Thai person about this and they will tell you....some will even show you their scars!

Exactly. Not only in Thailand, but everywhere. 100,000 dog attacks a year only in Germany where dogs are usually properly held.

Soi dogs are a real nuisance and danger. I live in a upper area in BKK, where the rich Thais take care in a correct way of the problem: no dogs in my Soi.

So I'm lucky, others are not. Many Thais cannot walk in their Soi at night, due to the dog problem. A single dog is usually coward, but in a group they will become aggressive and a real danger. A stick helps, but when there are 6-8 dogs trying to get a piece of meat out of you, it is not easy to defend yourself.

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No doubt the dog situation is out of control in this country. They are treated as the equivalent of India's sacred cows. It is really whacko. Malaysia has the right idea - loose dogs are generally not tolerated and they have "dog shooters" who cut the population down from time to time. Unfortunately, I think you will never see that here.

Sadly not, cant believe the dog lovers loony rubbish they spout here. A dog that roams free and bites anyone is a dead dog for me, any dog roaming a street is not a loved dog its just a bone idle owner who cant be arsed to take care of it properly. (pardon the pun)

Add onto all of this the hazard to motorists, cyclists and motorcyclists etc Lost count of the time I see half a dog in the road and seen them get whacked smashing up peoples cars etc costing I dont know how much.

Sheesh I love the ways some of you guys can justify this crap.

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I cannot cycle or run the 1km soi between home and a main road, instead take a longer route to avoid the ownerless soi dogs.

A local US lady feeds some of them, and has 'trained' a group of them to run with her when she rides her motorbike to the shop, so of course now they chase other motorbikes too; after Xmas this caused a woman with child to crash on our corner - a tight 90 deg bend where she had no chance but to slow down; all very slow speed but could have been worse.

I would happily poison the lot, and sleep easy, if I had access to an effective, quick method.

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Recently recruited Thai seafarers to go to Japan and take over a merchant ship that was Thai owned, the first cook we recruited decided to pass, the second one returned a positive for VD, the third unfortunate soul went to the Wat to make merit and thank Buddha for getting the job, unfortunately a Wat dog attacked and managed to inflict several bites on his legs, he had to go to hospital for rabies shots and subsequently could not fly to Tokyo to take up his job. Dogs in Thailand can be a menace and they do bite for no reason, particularly when in a pack. They can sense fear in a person and this only encourages them to be more bold. I do not advocate killing all dogs that are roaming loose, only those that have attacked and bitten a human.

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No doubt the dog situation is out of control in this country. They are treated as the equivalent of India's sacred cows. It is really whacko. Malaysia has the right idea - loose dogs are generally not tolerated and they have "dog shooters" who cut the population down from time to time. Unfortunately, I think you will never see that here.

Yes. They also cane people and are good at bulldozing Hindu Temples and harassing Chinese Christians and Buddhists.

There are more efective ways of dealing with growing feral populations. It's called education and responsible management.

Whenever humans seek to intervene in a natural balance, the humans usually make the situation worse.

The dog overpopulation is the natural balance?? You've got to be kidding. As I said, Thais seem to revere these feral pests as if they were some sort of protected species, which there are in Thailand. The country is already overrun with them & the only responsible management is to cull them out. But, this will never happen here.

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Ya... I understand where people like F1Fanatic are coming from, some people feel that all stray dogs should be killed and I understand why that upsets her, I too am a dog lover. HOWEVER. As soon as a dog displays the kind of viscious behaviour that the op described where he was bitten badly and had to get rabies shots...well then all bets are off and that pack needs to be put down for the safety of the community. It's really just common sense, all the talk of "learning" dogs and teaching owners is silly, dogs that attack humans are potentially lethal threats that do not belong in our world. Scaring them away one time will not stop them from attacking someone else or someone elses child who can be killed fairly easily. I do not advocate putting down dogs that just bark. But once they start biting their life should be forfeit.

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Speeking as a person who has been bitten dozens of times my many dogs, the only solution is to BE the alpha male. Just kill the alpha dog in a physical combat. The other dogs will cower and run. And, they won't have any more to do with you after that. Use a green piece of bamboo about 4 feet long (120 cm) with two long screws sticking out from either side (about 2 inches) near one end. Then, sharpen the screws into very sharp points. That will give you a formidable weapon. I have no problem facing down the nastiest dogs anywhere. I once strangled a pitt bull that had attacked me and I had to tear its testicles off to remove it from my leg. I still have the scars to show for the attack. I killed the dog while the owner screamed at me. I just told him that he was next... and I meant it. I was a paper boy and a mailman in my youthful days and have dealt with dogs all my life. The nasty dogs should be put down the moment they turn nasty. But, nasty dogs are not necessarily all dogs that bite occasionally. Many dogs will bite to protect their master or when some stranger approaches them at feeding time.

No two dogs are alike, and many breeds are much worse than others when it comes to biting. Terriers of all types are the worst.

Like I said, if you walk anywhere that there are packs of nasty dogs then it's wise to carry a big stick. I prefer the killing stick as mentioned.

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No doubt the dog situation is out of control in this country. They are treated as the equivalent of India's sacred cows. It is really whacko. Malaysia has the right idea - loose dogs are generally not tolerated and they have "dog shooters" who cut the population down from time to time. Unfortunately, I think you will never see that here.

Sadly not, cant believe the dog lovers loony rubbish they spout here. A dog that roams free and bites anyone is a dead dog for me, any dog roaming a street is not a loved dog its just a bone idle owner who cant be arsed to take care of it properly. (pardon the pun)

Add onto all of this the hazard to motorists, cyclists and motorcyclists etc Lost count of the time I see half a dog in the road and seen them get whacked smashing up peoples cars etc costing I dont know how much.

Sheesh I love the ways some of you guys can justify this crap.

Here in the village they dont come close to the roads.. just the roads in the village where cars and motorcycles should drive slowly anyway.

The dogs that roam free here can go into the houses most of the time too, its just that they open the doors. So yes they are cared for here and they are washed a lot too by the owners.

These are not soi dogs just dogs that walk free (but always stay close to their owners house). I do however agree that any dog that bites should not be outside. But people should not complain too much if a dog barks a bit when they pass. (i take care of my dogs when they do but there is a difference between barking and attacking a person)

This is Thailand the Thais let their dogs walk free.. no way that you or anyone can change that. But here in my village they certainly dont let agressive dogs walk free. There is a dog who always barks at me when i pass.. do i get scared .. no .. i just ignore him or stare him down.

I think many people make mountains out of ant hills. Sure there are dangerous dogs but the majority is not. We dont stop driving cars because they kill either.

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Ya... I understand where people like F1Fanatic are coming from, some people feel that all stray dogs should be killed and I understand why that upsets her, I too am a dog lover. HOWEVER. As soon as a dog displays the kind of viscious behaviour that the op described where he was bitten badly and had to get rabies shots...well then all bets are off and that pack needs to be put down for the safety of the community. It's really just common sense, all the talk of "learning" dogs and teaching owners is silly, dogs that attack humans are potentially lethal threats that do not belong in our world. Scaring them away one time will not stop them from attacking someone else or someone elses child who can be killed fairly easily. I do not advocate putting down dogs that just bark. But once they start biting their life should be forfeit.

Of course dogs that start attacking and biting are a menace and should be dealt with. Its dangerous to let them roam around. However dogs that just bark are a totally different thing.

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I've never been in this situation but I'd say forget about it. You say the dogs come from a building site - the woman may well work there and know the dogs but that doesn't mean that they're hers. And, in any case, people in Thailand often have different - looser, more relaxed - relationships with animals so ownership is pretty hard to establish. If I were you, I'd take my medicine and - if you want to do something about it - go back to the same spot but with a pick-axe handle this time. I'd deal with the dogs that way.

I think it is something to do with Buddhist religion. People do not like the stray dogs, never less they feed them sometimes so they continue to stick around but they become very dangerous at night when not many people are around and they become pack animal.

I carry a teaser with me I go out at night and have used it to scare them away already

oh yeah? whats her name?

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I carry a teaser with me I go out at night and have used it to scare them away already


Teaser or Taser?

As in, firing wire connected darts with abt 40,000 volts?

Bought in Thailand?

Is not the ones that fires wire. It is the one makes spark and self contain and not sure how many volts. I bought it in Pattay 's night market a year ago

Most of the time the doges are scared of the spark and the sound

Why would you want to 'taser' a dog? The vast majority of posters have pointed out that dogs are not generally a problem. Are you looking for an excuse to hurt something?

I despair sometimes about the number of people who are looking to prove their virility/masculinity by hurting a defenceless dog.

As I've said before, a pepper spray (not in the face - just in front of it) works wonderfully.

the more you write the more i shake my head in disdain, either you are being obtuse, your comprehension is poor or you have an axe to grind. I suspect all three in varying degrees may be the answer.

read the post again where he says that the dogs are afraid of the SOUND and the SPARK, not the contact.

your 'humane' pepper spray is probably FAR more harmful to an animal with an incredibly developed sense of smell.

get off your high horse. if someone is attacked by a dog they have every right to defend themselves. I know countless folks who have suffered bites or snapping. i have been chased around the thai tobacco monopoly on my bicycle countless times until i gave up riding there at night. I have helped a thai jogger in the area to the hospital to have multiple bites from multiple animals treated, but YOU say this doesn't happen, "generally".

I have been in areas where the dogs are tame, i have also been places where the dogs are absolutely blood thirsty. Your tiny slice of Thailand defines only YOUR experience here, do not presume you understand where others live or what they see daily.

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No doubt the dog situation is out of control in this country. They are treated as the equivalent of India's sacred cows. It is really whacko. Malaysia has the right idea - loose dogs are generally not tolerated and they have "dog shooters" who cut the population down from time to time. Unfortunately, I think you will never see that here.

Sadly not, cant believe the dog lovers loony rubbish they spout here. A dog that roams free and bites anyone is a dead dog for me, any dog roaming a street is not a loved dog its just a bone idle owner who cant be arsed to take care of it properly. (pardon the pun)

Add onto all of this the hazard to motorists, cyclists and motorcyclists etc Lost count of the time I see half a dog in the road and seen them get whacked smashing up peoples cars etc costing I dont know how much.

Sheesh I love the ways some of you guys can justify this crap.

Here in the village they dont come close to the roads.. just the roads in the village where cars and motorcycles should drive slowly anyway.

The dogs that roam free here can go into the houses most of the time too, its just that they open the doors. So yes they are cared for here and they are washed a lot too by the owners.

These are not soi dogs just dogs that walk free (but always stay close to their owners house). I do however agree that any dog that bites should not be outside. But people should not complain too much if a dog barks a bit when they pass. (i take care of my dogs when they do but there is a difference between barking and attacking a person)

This is Thailand the Thais let their dogs walk free.. no way that you or anyone can change that. But here in my village they certainly dont let agressive dogs walk free. There is a dog who always barks at me when i pass.. do i get scared .. no .. i just ignore him or stare him down.

I think many people make mountains out of ant hills. Sure there are dangerous dogs but the majority is not. We dont stop driving cars because they kill either.

Staring at aggressive dogs = big mistake.

Cars don't kill people, stupid drivers do.

Now how can we get the stupid drivers to run over the aggressive soi vermin?

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No doubt the dog situation is out of control in this country. They are treated as the equivalent of India's sacred cows. It is really whacko. Malaysia has the right idea - loose dogs are generally not tolerated and they have "dog shooters" who cut the population down from time to time. Unfortunately, I think you will never see that here.

Sadly not, cant believe the dog lovers loony rubbish they spout here. A dog that roams free and bites anyone is a dead dog for me, any dog roaming a street is not a loved dog its just a bone idle owner who cant be arsed to take care of it properly. (pardon the pun)

Add onto all of this the hazard to motorists, cyclists and motorcyclists etc Lost count of the time I see half a dog in the road and seen them get whacked smashing up peoples cars etc costing I dont know how much.

Sheesh I love the ways some of you guys can justify this crap.

Here in the village they dont come close to the roads.. just the roads in the village where cars and motorcycles should drive slowly anyway.

The dogs that roam free here can go into the houses most of the time too, its just that they open the doors. So yes they are cared for here and they are washed a lot too by the owners.

These are not soi dogs just dogs that walk free (but always stay close to their owners house). I do however agree that any dog that bites should not be outside. But people should not complain too much if a dog barks a bit when they pass. (i take care of my dogs when they do but there is a difference between barking and attacking a person)

This is Thailand the Thais let their dogs walk free.. no way that you or anyone can change that. But here in my village they certainly dont let agressive dogs walk free. There is a dog who always barks at me when i pass.. do i get scared .. no .. i just ignore him or stare him down.

I think many people make mountains out of ant hills. Sure there are dangerous dogs but the majority is not. We dont stop driving cars because they kill either.

Staring at aggressive dogs = big mistake.

Cars don't kill people, stupid drivers do.

Now how can we get the stupid drivers to run over the aggressive soi vermin?

So far the dog that always barks at me backs off when i stare him down. But you are right eye contact can be interpreted as a threat.

As for your second question it seems that most dogs are smart enough not to be run over. I don't see many dead dogs on the roads (not if you compare it to the dogs that are available there).

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So far the dog that always barks at me backs off when i stare him down. But you are right eye contact can be interpreted as a threat.

As for your second question it seems that most dogs are smart enough not to be run over. I don't see many dead dogs on the roads (not if you compare it to the dogs that are available there).

That's the same dog mate - he likes how you smell apparently. :)

Re: 2nd point, unfortunately if they reach adult age - they have figured out how to avoid cars. We need to think outside of the box a little.

Problem: How to get rid of only the the aggressive mutts?


Viagra laced pork.

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... most dogs are smart enough not to be run over. I don't see many dead dogs on the roads (not if you compare it to the dogs that are available there).

agree; after a scary incident where we were effectively 'cornered' that had Mrs G shaking and close to tears, i went back in the 4wd for the main culprit who has 'hounded' me running or cycling for months. Smart b kept well away, couldn't get within 5m on my two attempts.

If successful one day, maybe it will be reincarnated as something less vicious.

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The way diseased ridden angry dogs are allowed to roam around amazes me, but its all part of the religion I am told. When I was teaching in a government there were dogs roaming around the school permanently and they would walk in my classroom, I would try and wave them out but with little success, the bitch had numerous offspring and they would be raised in the school grounds and some died and left for a day or so before being removed the smell was awful as you can imagine, You may think a school with young children allowing this to happen seems staggering....except this is Thailand.

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