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Wisom Teeth Extraction


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Hey everyone,

Before you start pointing out the search option in the upper right corner, that's what I have been doing for the past 30 minutes or so :)

I am currently contemplating having my wisdom teeth removed and, since I assume most of you have had that procedure done by now, was wondering if you could give me some advice on it, like what to do (nitrous oxygen or not?, etc.) and which Dental Clinic in Chiang Mai I should use for that.

Right now I am thinking about either Grace (expensive but a good reputation) or Kitcha (read that they are pretty good as well and not as expensive).

I hate going to the dentists and would of course prefer the least amount of pain :D

I have emailed both clinics and asked them for a quote. Just curious, if there are others that you can recommend or maybe even used for that exact same purpose.

What would be the best time to do it, as I am working 5 days a week and would rather not miss out on any days. Do it on a Friday evening and hope it will be better by Monday?

Thanks a lot everyone!



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I had mine done under a general anaesthetic, I don't really like the dentists and wouldn't have felt comfortable being awake whilst they try to remove them, It was expensive though. This was done in Phuket, I think 30-40k baht for removing two wisdom teeth and a few other bits and pieces (root canal).

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I just had some major dental surgery perform at Chiang Mai Ram. Major infection, in hospital 6 days and six teeth removed for new partial Total 74,000 baht not cheep but excellent service. I was knocked out for the removal. I would recommend their dental clinic any time.

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I just had some major dental surgery perform at Chiang Mai Ram. Major infection, in hospital 6 days and six teeth removed for new partial Total 74,000 baht not cheep but excellent service. I was knocked out for the removal. I would recommend their dental clinic any time.

I also recommend the RAM dental clinic. I had my first two wisdom teeth done courtesy of the US Marine Corps many years ago and not only was I in severe pain, but I was almost bedridden for almost a week.

I have had a wisdom tooth and two root canals done at RAM without a bit of pain and no drugs necessary. If you can love a dentist, I love the place. :)

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"Contemplating" having your wisdom teeth removed? When I had mine done it was well past the point of contemplation and I looked and felt like an alien (of the space variety) for three days. Speaking for myself, I'd definitely head to a hospital dental clinic and ask for a knockout. I have the impression that nitrous isn't as widely used for commonplace events here as it may be in other regions, but will welcome correction on that point.

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Just to clarify this a bit, most of the clinics when it comes to wisdom teeth extraction, they would call in a specialized dentist (usually freelancer) to come in to their clinic. So in terms of pricing, most of the time I think the labor will be the same but any excess will be charged from the dentist.

I had mine removed a year ago at Mukmai Clinic near the old city center. The process itself isn't painful at all though. Only anesthesia is needed really and the whole operation isn't painful at all. The real pain comes afterwards for a week though.

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I just had some major dental surgery perform at Chiang Mai Ram. Major infection, in hospital 6 days and six teeth removed for new partial Total 74,000 baht not cheep but excellent service. I was knocked out for the removal. I would recommend their dental clinic any time.

I also recommend the RAM dental clinic. I had my first two wisdom teeth done courtesy of the US Marine Corps many years ago and not only was I in severe pain, but I was almost bedridden for almost a week.

I have had a wisdom tooth and two root canals done at RAM without a bit of pain and no drugs necessary. If you can love a dentist, I love the place. :)

We may of had the same dentist. :D

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I just had some major dental surgery perform at Chiang Mai Ram. Major infection, in hospital 6 days and six teeth removed for new partial Total 74,000 baht not cheep but excellent service. I was knocked out for the removal. I would recommend their dental clinic any time.

I also recommend the RAM dental clinic. I had my first two wisdom teeth done courtesy of the US Marine Corps many years ago and not only was I in severe pain, but I was almost bedridden for almost a week.

I have had a wisdom tooth and two root canals done at RAM without a bit of pain and no drugs necessary. If you can love a dentist, I love the place. :)

We may of had the same dentist. :D

Had my wisdom tooth done here by a lady dentist 2 years ago come songkran. She previously worked for 5 years in Germany, wery professional, wery quick and no pain under local anastetic.

Would go back any day of the week.

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A Thai friend just had a wisdom tooth removed - dental clinic just after Ruam Chook Market (Rimping) going towards Mae-Jo just after the bridge the row of shop houses to the left -the first dental clinic - there is another one 50 meters further.

They made an apointment and had a specialist there took about 50 minutes - 4000 baht and the lucky guy had hardly any pain after.

I had one removed years ago and was in pain for 2 days - I had prepared him to expect the worst - he must have been wondering what all the fuss was about!? :)

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I had 3 of my 4 wisdom teeth removed at Grace. the first was done in the US. I could have had the remaining 3 done for free in the US under my medical insurance plan but I chose Grace. That should tell you something.

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I always have problems with dental visits, injections etc.

Ask in advance for a tranquiliser tablet, I find it helps me a lot, calms me down.

I have had valium tablets from the dentist in UK, Luxembourg and Philippines,

and I have had Midazolam tablets in the Philippines.

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I always have problems with dental visits, injections etc.

Ask in advance for a tranquiliser tablet, I find it helps me a lot, calms me down.

I have had valium tablets from the dentist in UK, Luxembourg and Philippines,

and I have had Midazolam tablets in the Philippines.

They don't seem very keen on that sort of thing here.

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I left my wisdom teeth in San Francisco. I think my doc used local and laughing gas. There wasn't any pain during the procedures except for a feeling of pressure in the jaw. Personally, I think general anaesthetic for this procedure is insane and not worth the risk of it. What you will need is pain meds for AFTER the procedure for a number of days. I had codeine pills. Again, getting pain meds seems to be a problem in Thailand. I would be very clear about getting the pain meds sorted out before submitting to this procedure.

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I had all 4 of mine extracted when I was 17 or 18 (2 then the other 2 two weeks later). They were impacted and infected. I went to an oral surgeon as is the practice in California. He gave me sodium pentobarbital, sodium pentothal and gas. I don't remember a thing until I woke up in the recovery room and was asked to pay my bill. Was very uncomfortable for at least a week each time.

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I had three wisdom teeth removed a few months ago at Grace. I'm 36 and needed to have them removed to undergo orthapedic work also at Grace. I've allways hated going to the dentist based on previous experiences in the uk, which is probably why my teeth were so awful in the first place. I was absolutely terrified before having my wisdom teeth removed, but new I had to get it done, I did two removals in one sitting and had three injections, there is absolutely no pain and it's so quick. The third wisdom tooth was the lower back, and once again no problems or pain with the removal but for a week or two afterwards I still had a numb tongue, the dentist warned be this could happen and after research on the internet it appears that this is perfectly normal because of the nerve placement, and it's back to normal now. Grace is not the cheapest, but it's clean, officient, English speaking, experinced staff make up for the extra bht in my opinion. Go for it & good luck!


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