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Work Permit - Is A Lawyer Required To Get One

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Hey Guys,

I hired a new sectary in my office. I have a new falang coming to work for us and asked her to take care of getting his work permit.

My old sectary always took care of getting mine some other falangs I had working for me, renew ect never a problem. This new girl is telling me we have to have a lawyer do this that it is required by the government for a lawyer to handle the legal documents. I think she has no idea of what to do and afraid to admit she does not know. Can anyone confirm that this can be done without a lawyer. Also if you can point me to the right thai website so I can have her work on this.

Really appreciate any help.



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Yep, either she has a relative who is a lawyer, sees an opportunity to do some skimming or she is too lazy to do it herself and/or she doesn't know how - or perhaps all of the preceding apply.

If she just looks it up on the net and then makes a few phone calls, prints out the application forms and has them delivered at the right times with all the correct paperwork, then it is perfectly do-able by one person without a lawyer. It is a pain in the arse, but the lawyer fees can be pretty pricey, and after the first year, renewal is easier. If she can't manage that, you have to wonder what else she can't do.

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Yep, either she has a relative who is a lawyer, sees an opportunity to do some skimming or she is too lazy to do it herself and/or she doesn't know how - or perhaps all of the preceding apply.

If she just looks it up on the net and then makes a few phone calls, prints out the application forms and has them delivered at the right times with all the correct paperwork, then it is perfectly do-able by one person without a lawyer. It is a pain in the arse, but the lawyer fees can be pretty pricey, and after the first year, renewal is easier. If she can't manage that, you have to wonder what else she can't do.

Also, consider that she is currently either lying to you or bullshi**ing you. Not a great way to start at a new job. Either way, she is already deceiving you and clearly thinks you are too stupid to investigate further. If she has never worked for a Farang before, she may be surprised to discover that unlike many Thais, we call bullshi**ers into the open without regard for "face".

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Thanks guys. i was pretty sure she was bullsh*ting me, but wanted to be positive before I confronted her on it.

I already told her to call my old sectary if she did not know what to do. (my old sectary left because she had a baby, cant wait until she comes back)

Not sure how long this girl is going to last. hearing rumors that she is always trying to get other girls in the office to do her work. Anyway thanks again.

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Thanks guys. i was pretty sure she was bullsh*ting me, but wanted to be positive before I confronted her on it.

I already told her to call my old sectary if she did not know what to do. (my old sectary left because she had a baby, cant wait until she comes back)

Not sure how long this girl is going to last. hearing rumors that she is always trying to get other girls in the office to do her work. Anyway thanks again.

Ah, one of those - bit of an archetype - the one who spreads her work around like love at Christmas time. Often they are pretty. But three out of the four secretaries I have had here have amazed me - hard working, honest, kept me on track with details I was supposed to know, shielding me from a-holes, never complained, but delighted to receive the gold necklace bonus - though not so deep down, they knew they deserved it. Two of them got pregnant too - I was panicking at the news more than her husband was.

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Thanks guys. i was pretty sure she was bullsh*ting me, but wanted to be positive before I confronted her on it.

I already told her to call my old sectary if she did not know what to do. (my old sectary left because she had a baby, cant wait until she comes back)

Not sure how long this girl is going to last. hearing rumors that she is always trying to get other girls in the office to do her work. Anyway thanks again.

Ah, one of those - bit of an archetype - the one who spreads her work around like love at Christmas time. Often they are pretty. But three out of the four secretaries I have had here have amazed me - hard working, honest, kept me on track with details I was supposed to know, shielding me from a-holes, never complained, but delighted to receive the gold necklace bonus - though not so deep down, they knew they deserved it. Two of them got pregnant too - I was panicking at the news more than her husband was.

LOL.. That's good. I made a rule along time ago not to get involved with girls that work for me. it has been hard.. i have been hard but it's been the best idea I ever had. This new girl, looks great but I have my doubts she can do the job, cant wait to my girl comes back. This one might be out the door sooner than she thinks if she keeps this up,.

Anyway thanks for the info guys and this was a great laugh..

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