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'the Driver Fled The Scene'


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I just returned to Pattaya yesterday from a short job down South. While I was waiting for the taxi to arrive I received a call from my girlfriend.. She was close to tears and sounded pretty shaken up. Seems she was another victim of Thailand's 'I'm not responsible' culture..

On her way to work she stopped her car at the juction on Soi Nernplubwaan waiting to cross the busy 'bypass road' she was looking in the rearview mirror and saw a woman in the distance on a new scooter riding towards her. The woman in question was reaching into the scooters basket, eating some sort of 'khanom' whilst riding. My girlfriend said she then shifted her concentration back to the traffic in front.. Next minute her car is hit from behind ... Yep the dumbo on the scooter has failed to see the car in front and riden straight into the back.. My girl, worried that the rider is injured got out and went to investigate.. She bent over the girl and helped her to pull the scooter upright..Asking '' are you okay etc'' in Thai.. The woman now upright gunned the bike and rode off ! She managed to knock my girl down in doing so.. She has a long cut and a lot of abraided skin on her leg from the bikes passenger 'pegs'...

So much for the 'Land of smiles' and the Bhuddist culture... :) Just goes to prove it isn't just farangs who come off worse when confronted with the selfish and irresponsible types.. My girl was upset her car was damaged . Cracked rear bumper, dented tailgate and scratched paint.. I feel bad as she bought it herself and saved hard for the deposit. It wasn't an easy come/easy go gift and she was very proud when it was first delivered. She's also angry with herself for not getting the licence plate number of the woman.. It has also opened her eyes to the fact that not all people are decent and she needs to be on the defensive with strangers..

As for me, well I'd like a word or too with the 8itch responsible but know we are unlikely to find her.. My girl went into the bank and nearby shops to see if any of them had security cams running and asked around for witnesses.. No luck unfortunately..

Luckily the car is fully insured and her leg will heal in a week or so .. Can't say she will feel the same as she did before when it comes to her fellow Thais though. She was amazed that this was a woman and that she was so desperate get away she didn't care if she injured someone who had initially come to help her..

After 10 or more years of living here I can't say I was suprised.. I've seen enough selfishness and rudeness from some Thais to be under no illusion as to what some are capable off..

So be wary if you have an accident.. Might be worth getting their licence plate number before assiting the injured ?

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That's a drag. Very unfortunate for your girl. We all know this kind of thing can happen. Some people are just irresponsible.

It makes sense that many people are like this. It is what they are taught. Simply look at the actions of the role models of society: police, military, politicians, and businessmen. Even schools require tea money for admission. It really is no wonder that the common person acts in a similar fashion.

Certainly there are a great many Thai people who are kind, honest, and generous, despite the negative influences surrounding them. These 'good ones' come from all walks of life and they should be applauded for their honesty and integrity. Unfortunately they tend to get slapped down in life and are relentlessly victimized by the not so good ones. Much like everywhere else in the world.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Having driven here in Thailand for nearly 25 years, it didn't take me long to realise that when a Thai gets behind the wheel of a car, or onto a motorbike, their personality changes completely. From the usual pleasant, courteous, smiling type, to a rude inconsiderate, bugger you attitude.

Glad your lady will be OK.smile.gif

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I haven't ridden a motorbike for many years but I have been a motorist for over 40 years and I still don't understand why it is that so many Thai motorcyclists manage to not see the vehicle in front and to drive into the back of it. I just think it's all really odd, I mean, it's not as though their not facing in that direction anyway so how does it happen.

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I think the reason you see so many rear end crunches here is the simple fact that manyThai riders simply don't concentrate on the job in hand.. ie. riding the bike. I have been observing Thai riders for a long time now ( I ride a bike and drive a car her) I amn constantly amazed at how many you will see trying to 'multi task' while riding.. Common examples we have all seen are, talking on the mobile, eating, chatting to the pillion passenger, holding a kid/bag/box and picking their nose.. All of these are potentially fatal as it only takes a moments lack of concentration to miss what is happening in front. Also amazed at the amount of people you see riding along but looking to their left or right at the shops, people or their reflection in store windows. They just seem to easily distracted and have no interest in 'reading the road' ahead or keeping their bike in the corrrect road position..

As another poster said already they have no decent role model immitate, no education from the Govt and little awareness of road safety.. All could be easily rectified with road safety education at school. A nationwide advertising campaign ( a few words from 'you know who' would do wonders ) a stringent driving test and strong enforcement from the BiB... Can't see any of the above happening in my lifetime though...

Luckily my 'missus' seemed happier today.. She's off camping with her family and will be half way to Petchaboon by now... Let's hope she arrives there without incident.

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I haven't ridden a motorbike for many years but I have been a motorist for over 40 years and I still don't understand why it is that so many Thai motorcyclists manage to not see the vehicle in front and to drive into the back of it. I just think it's all really odd, I mean, it's not as though their not facing in that direction anyway so how does it happen.

That happened as well on Rapprapruk Road last October.  Unfortunately, the motorcyclist was driving so fast that he couldn't stop and ran his bike 1/2 way through the back of the SUV which has stopped for traffic, flinging his body up into the back window and killing himself.  No helmet, of course.  A sad way to end a young life.

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Sorry to hear about your ladies misfortune, hopefully she recovers quickly. Remind her that the car can be repaired & that she should prepare herself for next time, as chances are odds on that something is likely to occur when you drive here.

Nobody out there is your friend, its a war zone :)

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Thats a bummer Pdaz.

I cant help but laugh when i see Thai motorbike riders coming to a junction, they go as far as possible over to the right when turning right thereby blocking anybody from turning in, and when coming to a junction, they go through some weird and wonderful wobbly manouvers rather than actually stop and put their feet/foot on the ground??? whats that all about? :)

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Pdaz, while the accident is a done deal you will want to make sure your girlfriend sees a real doctor and gets her scratches cleaned out good. Infections in Thailand are a very serious deal as you should already know. I met a guy last year who had his wife call him and say she was scratched, it ended up infected and last I heard she had been in hospital 6 months with a huge bill. I have no idea if she recovered or not but it was a shocking story that started out as simple motorcycle scratch.

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Pdaz, while the accident is a done deal you will want to make sure your girlfriend sees a real doctor and gets her scratches cleaned out good. Infections in Thailand are a very serious deal as you should already know. I met a guy last year who had his wife call him and say she was scratched, it ended up infected and last I heard she had been in hospital 6 months with a huge bill. I have no idea if she recovered or not but it was a shocking story that started out as simple motorcycle scratch.

Very true. The first few accidents I had ALWAYS ended with an infection. After that I got antibiotics from a pharmacy just in case.

Sorry to hear of the OP's plight. It's just an every day normal experience in Thailand. Most everyone who replied was bang on. Thais do not see anything beyond a tiny bubble around their body. I see it all the time and it constantly amazes me. Running red lights, jumping green lights, not looking far enough ahead and driving at speeds beyond their vision, being distracted by cel phones, carrying too much for one scooter, and a multitude of other errors are common, everyday practises for Thai riders and drivers.

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"She was close to tears and sounded pretty shaken up."

A scooter bumped into her car, and SHE'S shaken up? Walking through the Esplanade mall, I noticed a business that might help her cope - it's the "Drama Academy".

Evidently you cannot read or you like a little "drama" yourself. The woman was knocked to the ground and banged up, its no suprise she was upset on the phone. I hardly ever bother to even read this forum anymore, the quaility of comments is getting worse and worse, to bad, OUT

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"She was close to tears and sounded pretty shaken up."

A scooter bumped into her car, and SHE'S shaken up? Walking through the Esplanade mall, I noticed a business that might help her cope - it's the "Drama Academy".

So, what YOU are saying is YOU wouldn't be upset if someone damaged YOUR vehicle, knocked you down and then took off?

Your response says a LOT about you. Unfortunately, there are far too many creeps in Thailand with the same attitude.

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OP -- don't condemn all Thais for the actions of one or a few.

I do have to tell you a humorous anecdote. A few years ago I had rented a car up in Chiang Mai, and we had driven down to Doi Inthanon for the day. On the way back we stopped at a stop light and bang...a fellow on a motorcycle bumped into us quite hard from behind. He fell of the bike. We got up and helped him. He was okay and no real damage to out bumper. So we all go on our way and at the very next stop light we stop and...you guessed it...same guy smacked into us from behind again and fell of his motorcycle. No, we detected no alcohol. Just dumb I guess. That second time we told him to go ahead and pass in front of us!

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"She was close to tears and sounded pretty shaken up."

A scooter bumped into her car, and SHE'S shaken up? Walking through the Esplanade mall, I noticed a business that might help her cope - it's the "Drama Academy".

Read my post 4uckwad... She was shaken up cos the girl on the scooter knocked her to the ground and cut her leg in her haste to get away. She's a very level headed girl but this was her first accident and she tends to think good of people.. Though you'd probably be an exception.. :)

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Pdaz, Luckily for you and your girlfriend the woman fled the scene otherwise you would have ended up paying for any damage to the women and the scoot !!!!

Unlikely.. My girl has 1st class insurance, a decent job and doesn't need my financial support.. She's used to me being away on business so is pretty self suficient. Never asked for a penny in our three years together.. So far so good :)

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She SHOULD have INSURANCE to cover this. The problem is half the Thai's don't seem to think details like having drivers license or insurance is worth the bother :)

Insurance? You jest surely. My ex-wifes car had lots of gold leaf patches and white squiggly paint all over the roof liner from the monks at temples. The car also had tons of bondo and cataloy in the panels from all the body shop repairs. Whenever she got the car back from the body shop, it was off to yet another temple to see if that monks holy water and squiggles would do a better job.

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Pdaz, Luckily for you and your girlfriend the woman fled the scene otherwise you would have ended up paying for any damage to the women and the scoot !!!!

Unlikely.. My girl has 1st class insurance, a decent job and doesn't need my financial support.. She's used to me being away on business so is pretty self suficient. Never asked for a penny in our three years together.. So far so good :)

Ahhh, now you've spoiled the thread with the 'my GF is different' point of view.

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