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They will not hurt you . leave a window open it may fly out, If you are going to catch it put some gloves on,They carry rabies and a host of other things but in general they are a good thing,

It is a sign of good luck. Throw a squashed papaya at the ceiling and you'll be blessed if it gets fed.

agreed that and i would ad that any deposit you had eventually put down for the room will get blessed all along too, even if the bat got an upset stomach or something...

It is a sign of good luck. Throw a squashed papaya at the ceiling and you'll be blessed if it gets fed.

agreed that and i would ad that any deposit you had eventually put down for the room will get blessed all along too, even if the bat got an upset stomach or something...

DO NOT get bitten. Last year I had to pay 25.000 for vaccine after getting bitten.


I had a (small) bat fly into my house once too. Fortunately I'm not frightened of them, so just watched in amazement - it was so fast!

It flew round my downstairs living area, upstairs, round a bedroom, back down and round the living area again before flying back out of the patio doors.

I was impressed - birds (other than the mynah (?) birds) never find their own way out.


Flying up and down in my room and not sure if she's on a duty catching mozzies or just tryin to get out.

Not really scary just a bit strange, no idea do they attack people ?

Depends on how big it is.



Bats don't normally attack people. The bat is probably as scared of you as you are of it. Bats navigate by sonar, they hear the echos and guide their flight path by the echos. If the bat is in a small enclosed room there may be too many echos bouncing off the walls, ceiling, and floor which will confuse the bat...it won't be able to find the way is to go out,

So the best thing you can do in the case you describe is to open the door, and leave the room or sit down and stay quiet. When the bat sees/hears the open door it will probably head for that opening. Just give it a way to find "out" and it will probably take it. Also you should remember that bats are nocturnal animals, there eyesight is adapted for the darkness. A room with very bright lights on might be confusing to a bat...there's too much light for its vision. If you are moving around the room a lot, the bat may panic. It sees you moving around, acting (by it's standards) as if you were an elephant stumbling around the room. Of course, the bat is afraid of you...you're several thousand times its weight and hieght.

So to let the bat out, open a window or the door and either leave the room or just sit quietly. Give the bat a path to the "outside". Remain calm and don't move around, and the bat will probably find the right way to get out once it calms down.

Bats eat the wieght in insects every week...don't harm them, unless you want more mossies about.


Flying up and down in my room and not sure if she's on a duty catching mozzies or just tryin to get out.

Not really scary just a bit strange, no idea do they attack people ?

Depends on how big it is.

ask for its name. if it is Dracula be careful! :)



This guy came in and tried watching TV with me the other night. I opened the door and within a few minutes he flew out. Also, a good way to catch birds, and I assume a bat, is to gently throw a towel over them (if they sit still long enough). Carefully gather up the towel and the critter and carry it outside and release.

Flying up and down in my room and not sure if she's on a duty catching mozzies or just tryin to get out.

Not really scary just a bit strange, no idea do they attack people ?

Depends on how big it is.

ask for its name. if it is Dracula be careful! :)

Vampire bats are not as bad as Katoey Bats. I heard they can shape shift into different bats and theyve been known to suck peoples mud.....

I know, that's bad, I know...


Bats are very cool little critters. Many people tend to be afraid of them, but they are not much more than a mouse with wings. As with any wild animal, treat it with caution/respect, but they are far from aggressive creatures when left to their own devices.

Bats are very cool little critters. Many people tend to be afraid of them, but they are not much more than a mouse with wings. As with any wild animal, treat it with caution/respect, but they are far from aggressive creatures when left to their own devices.

They're like a flying piece of black velvet with onboard GPS...

If it bites you or scratches you, look for a paddle, as you will be up Shit Creek.


I agree Gunga, and I might add that to get rabies you don't actually have to be bitten.

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