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I've studied a bit about snakes and lizards, but know absolutely diddley-squat about Thai spiders.

I eventually will try to learn something, but -

are there dangerous spiders in Thailand? I don't mean just a simple bite, as I've had small spider bites before, but any danger?

Further to that, I spotted this gentleman (or lady) on the wall of my living room (house in Rayong province).

Any ID? (He/She wasn't carrying an official Thai picture ID!)

P.S. I didn't harm him, as I've got lots of respect but little fear of arachnids, but .....

He/She's about three centimetres across, from tip to tip (small body obviously).


Edit: size


Not dangerous except gives you the creeps is all. FAST buggers too. I get one or two a week usually in the bathroom killing bugs.

?? as to what it is called.


killed one just now in the bathroom...the goddam hatch cover to the roof space is missing and they infiltrate from there...and no, I couldn't call the police an' have 'im arrested...

I always apologize as they got a right to be here as much as humans do...but not within 2 miles of my bed because I know that if I turn my back they will find a way to crawl over my face when I am sleeping... :)


I use kitchen spray to kill them - but you have to be accurate otherwise they run away - or worse, straight towards you :) . But a good dollop on top of them and they curl up pretty quick. After killing one, you have to keep an eye out for it's mate who often comes looking for it's friend.

Not sure if this is the same type - it was in the bathroom. Not for long, though. :D Sorry.


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