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What Time Does Immigration Open?


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I've been just a few times since they starting using the ticket dispensing machine for the queue. They don't turn it on until about 8:15 - 8:20 but the waiting area is open and people enter and sit down well before 8 am. Once they start up the machine there's a mad rush for it with no regard to the order in which people arrived at the office.

There was a similar situation at the American Consulate before they started the excellent appointment system. There, people were told to stand across the road from the entrance until opening time. Then, when they opened the doors, there was a mad rush of people across the street and they entered without any regard to how long people had been waiting in the herd across the street. Plus, it wasn't safe to have everyone dash into traffic in an effort to be first at the door.

One time at the American Consulate an enterprising person starting handing out hand-written number tickets as people joined the early morning herd. The group agreed that we'd enter the building in our arrival order with the tickets serving as proof. No mad dash across the street with slow-moving people left behind. Perhaps someone who arrives early at the Immigration office could start handing out similar hand-written tickets to start a pre-queue for the queue ticket machine.

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I was at CM Imm this morning for a simple 90 day check in. Arrived 10:40 AM, got a ticket first thing.

I was aware yesterday was a holiday, but was taken aback- place was the most crowded I've ever seen.

Absolutely packed with people. All cafe tables full, people standing in the parking lot, etc.

Once my number was called, processed very quickly and efficiently.

1 hour total time.

Get there early is my advice.

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I arrived 7am, first one there, and got the first ticket - sorted . . .(or was it?)

I was applying to extend my non imm O for 60 days (marriage) to season my money ( as it was a few days short of 2 months

as per the instructions of the info guy who gives out the tickets last time I went for 90 days reporting)

My Imm lady arrived late (15 mins) but no big deal (as I was ticket 1)

First thing she says is 'where your wife?' so I said 'at home, looking after the baby, do you want to see her?'

Yes, she said, so I phoned my wife to come down with the baby and join me.

Then she said: 'where your bank letter, retirement, income letter'

So I tried to explain that I just wanted a short extension to season the money to 2 months as advised by the guy on the ticket machine.

She thinks for a few seconds and says : I change, 1 year marriage extension' Ok I say wife and baby will be here soon.

She said 'Need bank letter'

Ok I said I'll go and get a bank letter, and did, and returned at about 9.30 with wife, baby and bank letter.

She then re-looked at the papers and said.... need 2 copies of bank letter and picture of you two together.

So OK, I said, we left, went home got a couple of print outs of us together and photocopied the bank letter.

We then returned, she said, old number no good, go get new number, effectively sending us to the back of the queue. My,, wife, and 7 months old baby, that she had asked me to

be present earlier!

We got a new ticket at 9.49 . . . asked the ticket guy if that would be morning or afternoon, (No 32) Don't know, he said

so we stuck around. Lunchtime arrived, still number 23!

So we went for lunch.

Came back after lunch, still number 23!

by about 3pm she looked through the window and asked us what number we were (32, next on the digi read out anyway)

so we were called through to wait in the inner sanctum.

she then started to process us, and sent me out for yet MORE photocopies.

She scariest thing was when she tried to be nice to our baby, dada ing and such thing, really not nice...

anyway, she made our (non crying) baby cry, lots, so she hurried through the paperwork and sent us on our way to the outer sanctum to wait (long time)

to get my passport back.

Then I had to do a 90 days report which was quick and easy, go out about 3.30

SO.... unexpectedly got my annual extension processed, instead of just 60 days.... but...

SHE IS SUCH A COW! Why can't she be a little nicer!


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I can't believe what David has been through. The system that immigration personnell are required to operate under is racist, but I dont believe the local officials at CM immigration go out of their way to make it easier. Forcing David to bring his 7 month old baby along is DISGRACEFUL. Me? I never go near them. I go back to UK once a year, get a non imm visa and go to Tachilek every 3 months. I'd rather give my money to the paraih regime in Burma than the pariahs at immigration!

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Never had a problem with immigration. Great folks, not racist.

Totally agree with you PB. The only trouble I see at immigration is when people show up not prepared and expect special treatment. then they have trouble. Chiang Mai Immigration is not racist and do an outstanding job.

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Yes, that's the one!

I don't think she was trying to do me any favours, but once she'd started into me (loudly) for not having the paperwork

for the extension I WASN'T applying for, she would have lost face if she'd gone back and given me what I was asking for,

and for which I did have the correct paperwork!


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I had the extreme displeasure of dealing with her too. She's an arrogant, odious person. I was applying for a 60 day extension about a month ago and she told me that when that expires that I must come back and get a 1 year marriage extension. I said that I was hoping to get an extension based on work. She said that a marriage extension is my only option. What happens if you lose your job? I asked what happens if I lose my wife? No reply just a dirty smirk when the penny eventually dropped.

When I got to see the big boss in the inner inner sanctum I asked about a new extension based on work. No problem. My wife had to kick me under the table to stop me saying that the **** out front had basically told me I had no choice when it came to the type of extension I must get.

Let's hope she gets transferred sooner rather than later. Kwai!

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If the lady is the one I think she is, her nickname is Gung and she's been at CM Immigration at least since 1995. I haven't had any dealings with her for several years now since I moved from a Thai wife extension to a Retirement extension, but I always used to make sure I was seen by her when I had to visit the office.

Back in 1997 when the amount needed in the bank was 200,000 I had a balance of only 80,000 and she arranged for my visa to be extended for 4 months until I was able to receive funds to enable me to apply for the full 1 year extension, for which I was very grateful.

Of course, the lady that you are referring to maybe a different person but Gung always used to sit in the front row of desks near the window and has a very loud voice when chatting to her fellow officers.

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I'm surprised that someone whos been on here as long as PB cant be bothered to read posts before he jumps in. I didn't say the 'folks' at immigration are racist, I said that the system they operate under is racist. Davidoxen has a 7 month old child and is married to a Thai, yet he has to show money in the bank and astack of paperwork, It is presumably believed that his relationship may be phoney, otherwise why the need for photos. The hoops that foreigners have to jump through despite being married to a Thai and being the parent of a Thai child is racist. Once my wife had got to Uk and we had married she got 2 years with the right to work for 500 GBP. After that 2 years, provided we were still together she would have got another 5 years. Then a British passport. Most other civilized countries also allow the spouses of their nationals to become natonals after a period of time - regardless of how rich or poor they are. Not to do so is racist.

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One thing I don't understand about the marriage extension and the funding requirement is . . .

it's not as if there' a welfare state! There's no state vehicle to give us money if we have nothing

If we want to be poor, why can't we be? Why can't we live as the rest of

my wife's family do? 20k/month is fine for my sister and brother in law and baby to live on, but not us!

Mother in Law lives on 5k a month - quite happily.

Don't understand it really, and Why can't the income be from my wife?


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That's the part of the system that is based on your race. You are white and western therefore you are rich. Judgements made on a persons race gives rise to the term racism. As I said, i'm surprised some people can't see that.

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I'm surprised that someone whos been on here as long as PB cant be bothered to read posts before he jumps in. I didn't say the 'folks' at immigration are racist, I said that the system they operate under is racist. Davidoxen has a 7 month old child and is married to a Thai, yet he has to show money in the bank and astack of paperwork, It is presumably believed that his relationship may be phoney, otherwise why the need for photos. The hoops that foreigners have to jump through despite being married to a Thai and being the parent of a Thai child is racist. Once my wife had got to Uk and we had married she got 2 years with the right to work for 500 GBP. After that 2 years, provided we were still together she would have got another 5 years. Then a British passport. Most other civilized countries also allow the spouses of their nationals to become natonals after a period of time - regardless of how rich or poor they are. Not to do so is racist.

Yes, and look at the state of the UK, now.

A free for all and they give out British passports like candy.

The UK stay for marriage purposes doesn't work. The system is seriously flawed and abused. Marriages of convenience are typical examples.. The same would happen in Thailand. Farangs would be marrying Thais just to be able to gain a foothold in Thailand, property and business ownerships.

Naaa, leave things as they are, there are already too many corrupt and undesirable Farangs in Thailand.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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Yes, and look at the state of the UK, now.

A free for all and they give out British passports like candy.

The UK stay for marriage purposes doesn't work. The system is seriously flawed and abused. Marriages of convenience are typical examples.. The same would happen in Thailand. Farangs would be marrying Thais just to be able to gain a foothold in Thailand, property and business ownerships.

Naaa, leave things as they are, there are already too many corrupt and undesirable Farangs in Thailand.

What arrant nonsense! No wonder the system doesn't change with people making ridiculous statements like the ones you make here.

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