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The Theater manager has confirmed to me that Alice will be showing in 3D on Thursday.

Upon telling all my friends that we now have a digital projector capable of showing 3D movies in Cinema 6 (last one down on the right hand side) the first words out of their mouth is "Can we see Avatar?"

I have told the theater manager this and she is in talks with BKK to see if she can get a 3D copy of Avatar down here. I've told here that even if it's just one showing a day it's totally worth it and I estimate that there's easily 300+ people on the island who want to see it in 3D.

I personally flew to Singapore to see it in 3D and I've had friends go to BKK to see it in 3D.

I would love to see it again in 3D. Here's to hoping it reaches our fair island's shores!


Update RE Avatar 3D in Phuket. This issue is complicated as it may not be SFX's say-so in bringing it here and may be at the discretion of the film's Distributor.

Will continue to lobby for bringing it here.

Update RE Avatar 3D in Phuket. This issue is complicated as it may not be SFX's say-so in bringing it here and may be at the discretion of the film's Distributor.

Will continue to lobby for bringing it here.

I assume you have been talking with your ex co worker. I too will continue to lobby for it.

Update RE Avatar 3D in Phuket. This issue is complicated as it may not be SFX's say-so in bringing it here and may be at the discretion of the film's Distributor.

Will continue to lobby for bringing it here.

I and my missus would defenitely see it(Avatar) again if it comes in 3D


Avatar was shot entirely in 3D. Most of Alice was shot in 2D, and then uses computer tricks to generate a 3D image out of the original 2D.


I spoke with a rep from SFX last night & he said the coming 3D movies are Alice in Wonderland, starting tomorrow, after which we can expect Shrek & Toy Story so not really much to enthuse about. Avatar, which seems to be the most impressive 3D movie ever to hit the screens, will not be re released in Phuket according to the rep who said it was purely a business decision. He feels that everyone who has already seen the movie will not pay to see it again in 3D. However, he did infer it might possibly return if it did well at the Oscars.

I spoke with a rep from SFX last night & he said the coming 3D movies are Alice in Wonderland, starting tomorrow, after which we can expect Shrek & Toy Story so not really much to enthuse about. Avatar, which seems to be the most impressive 3D movie ever to hit the screens, will not be re released in Phuket according to the rep who said it was purely a business decision. He feels that everyone who has already seen the movie will not pay to see it again in 3D. However, he did infer it might possibly return if it did well at the Oscars.

Keeping my fingers crossed. I want to see it again in 3D

I spoke with a rep from SFX last night & he said the coming 3D movies are Alice in Wonderland, starting tomorrow, after which we can expect Shrek & Toy Story so not really much to enthuse about. Avatar, which seems to be the most impressive 3D movie ever to hit the screens, will not be re released in Phuket according to the rep who said it was purely a business decision. He feels that everyone who has already seen the movie will not pay to see it again in 3D. However, he did infer it might possibly return if it did well at the Oscars.

That's illogical. Both Toy Story and Shrek have been out on DVD for years, and good though they are, 'most' people who choose to watch it in 3D will be watching it again.

Avatar vs Shrek as a business idea.....................it;s a no brainer. Avatar 3D will definitely get more customers than TS or Shrek as they are old films.

Every bit of evidence that people are keen for Avatar 3D will help in bringing it to Phuket. Please post your enthusiasm here.

No question that if there was a 3d showing I would go for a repeat..

I used to work with 3d video (not for profit) and encoding a few years back so having 3d go mainstream is kinda nice to see.. As its so easy these days to put a projector in the home 3d is the killer app that (like scope before it) will keep cinema houses relevant.


i did not like avatar in 3d

normal was better in my humble opinion....

I will definitely go & see Avatar if they show it in 3D. Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland is coming which could also be good in 3D.
i did not like avatar in 3d

normal was better in my humble opinion....

I will definitely go & see Avatar if they show it in 3D. Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland is coming which could also be good in 3D.

That's interesting Sid.

I've seen Avatar in 2d twice now (in Central) and will DEFINITELY pay to see it again in 3d so i can make my own opinion.

PLEASE Central - show Avatar in 3d.

That's illogical. Both Toy Story and Shrek have been out on DVD for years, and good though they are, 'most' people who choose to watch it in 3D will be watching it again.

Avatar vs Shrek as a business idea.....................it;s a no brainer. Avatar 3D will definitely get more customers than TS or Shrek as they are old films.

both new movies for 2010: Toy Story 3 Toy Story 3 at Disney- US release date 18 June 2010. Read somewhere that TS 2 was being re-released also in 3D but unsure on this.

Shrek 4 Forever After, 21 May 2010 (USA) Shrek Forever After trailer


Well just got my sofa seats dead centre for later..

They really should allow internet booking for the sofa seats, its a pain to have to go to physically book them when all the others are bookable online.. I mean if your going to pre book, surely thats to get the good seats ??


Hit and miss... I posted this on another phuket forum.

At first when the 3d trailer and promo stuff came on.. I realized they had the stereoscopic images reversed (they had both working but the wrong one to the wrong projector, hence double imaging especially on text) so I get the misses to go quickly tell the ushers.. They said to her 'you dont get 3d on the trailers' erm of course but you DO get 3d on the 3d coming soon one and the 3d glasses bit before the movie..

So as they said to wait had no choice, then it comes to the movie and of course it still starts screwed.. I am straight out to them, expecting it, and not wanting this to go on with no one knowing this is not set up right wasting the film.. They nervously come inside, you can see everyone taking the glasses on and off, unsure whats what.. I tell the usher look its screwed up, please get a manager ASAP, he is trying the glasses on and actually told me "no thats how it looks" (dear god your an idiot !! No it isnt !!) Ok then read the Thai subtitles (which he then cannot cos its all double images), look please just get someone in charge.. By now theres 3 or 4 ushers all nervously not knowing what to do.. That kind of collective inertia where no one wants to be the one to do anything in case its wrong.. Just wishing someone else would take charge and doing nothing.. By now we are well into the movie, lead in over and the film is being wasted, audience who are new to 3d all confused etc..

Then a Thai guy got up, came back and pretty bluntly told them, look hes right, this is screwed up and actually went to hand them his glasses as tho he was leaving, just kind of waved them off dismissively as if he had had enough.. This seemed to break the inertia and they then sprinted for management who came in, I explained the images are reversed and the alignment for depth perception incorrect he took a 2 second look with glasses and ran off, he understood in 10 seconds the issue that the ushers were denying. 1 min later it snapped into 3d when the images were sorted.

All in all it was probably 3 - 4 mins of actual movie before they flicked the switch but typical piss up in a brewery.. Not getting it right, no one checking a entirely new system.. And then to simply deny theres anything wrong.. Factor in many havent seen 3d before and its all a case of "erm is this right" ?? The screw up not bad but the reaction to the problem more annoying.

The live action (faux 3d, computer done with layering) presented less well than other all digital 3d I have seen, like Ice Age or 3d Imax etc.. Movie was so so, Depps Scottish accent coming and going, but enjoyable hour or two for the Burton imagery and amazement of floating in mid air cheshire cats and the like. Lots of good people in it, Bonham Carter channelling Blackadders Queenie a bit and A1 casting for tweedledee and tweedledum.. Tho a bit too 'child biased' to really recommend as a film it was a good bit of escapism and images, great imagination and spot on casting, but weak 'movie' maybe.

They are adamant they are not showing Avatar.. Which makes no sense as it is the premier 3D film of the moment.

Overall its just some teething bugs, and its great that we now have a digital screen and 3d on offer, they just need to make sure the training to use it is improved and that staff can problem solve a bit better. Paid 650 for sofa seats on a non weekend day, didnt ask what normal seats or weekend prices were.


One aspect I didnt anticipate.. If you wear glasses, thats complicated by the 3D glasses..

I mean thats a 'DOH.. SLAP' obvious one but as I dont need to I hadnt thought, gave my GF trouble with the Thai subs to english movie.


Alice was a sellout today - Sunday; bought our tickets then went to eat, good scheme - first time I've seen a sold-out cinema at Central Festival (Phuket).

Thought the glasses would bother me but quickly forgotten, all ran smoothly with the distribution/collection of specs before/after.

I wouldn't rave about the movie, but wouldn't say 'don't go' it pleasant harmless fun though maybe a bit scary with the Jabberwock for little kids, but gf loved it and she's sat through enough of my choosing in the past so time for payback.

Admit to thinking 3d was just a gimmick, but expect we'll see more and more of them; have a better understanding now of why Avatar must have been so good - we saw it here in 2d.

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