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Free Visa And US$10,000 Riot Insurance For Thailand Tourists Extended By One Year


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TIT TOT LOS NTFT ROTFL LOL BRB BKK.. go figure.. A friend wanted to but a new Ford Ranger.. He offered to pay cash if they give a really good deal.. The car deal said one set price and would not come down for cash.. not one baht.. but they did offer him a deal of pay so much each month and pay over 5 years the asking price and get this 0 % interest.. just the asking price that was a low as they could have dropped is as that month was real bad for them and they need to move some inventory..

So, my friend goes to his bank and asks them what sort of interest they would give him if he set up a new account for sole purpose to pay for that truck. The said 3% and he said okay.. He deposited the full asking price for the truck and earn the interest pocketing him a ton of extra cash.. Make sense?? TIT??

Tell me what is logical here?? There is no real common sense here... You would think...??

NO!! IRMA LA DOUCE.. (the play or movie)... But that is another story... remember??

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Same old subject...

What is the point to argue for saving -or not- one thousand baht?

Indonesia has just canceled their seven days visa rules, which is affecting a lot of people living in Singapore ; who are regularly weekending in the Riau Achipelago... but on their expat (sic!) local forums I did not read about people complaining regarding this.

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TIT TOT LOS NTFT ROTFL LOL BRB BKK.. go figure.. A friend wanted to but a new Ford Ranger.. He offered to pay cash if they give a really good deal.. The car deal said one set price and would not come down for cash.. not one baht.. but they did offer him a deal of pay so much each month and pay over 5 years the asking price and get this 0 % interest.. just the asking price that was a low as they could have dropped is as that month was real bad for them and they need to move some inventory..

So, my friend goes to his bank and asks them what sort of interest they would give him if he set up a new account for sole purpose to pay for that truck. The said 3% and he said okay.. He deposited the full asking price for the truck and earn the interest pocketing him a ton of extra cash.. Make sense?? TIT??

Tell me what is logical here?? There is no real common sense here... You would think...??

NO!! IRMA LA DOUCE.. (the play or movie)... But that is another story... remember??

hard to do the math without knowing, how much is the interest on the truck,verses 3% interest bank is paying you, over what period of time?

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If they want more tourist they should devalue the baht. I live here and its getting too bloody expensive. They just dont have a clue.

You got that right. Wife and I just came back from our first trip to Vietnam; 10 days for Tet. Everything was cheaper, except clothes shopping than Thailand. There are more international food restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City than Bangkok, they pride themselves in having strict laws against harming foreigners,easier immigration/ work permit laws, and even my Thai wife was amazed and wondered, "what the hel_l we doing staying in Thailand?!?!?!?

I love Vietnam, however I need a Visa in advance, I normally get that through a travel agent in BKK.

So the tourist immigration for me (British) is a lot more difficult for Vietnam than it is for Thailand.

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I believe we are talking about US$10,000 not 10,000 Baht.

Posts which contain only quotes and no response have been deleted. Please don't post if your not going to post!

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TIT TOT LOS NTFT ROTFL LOL BRB BKK.. go figure.. A friend wanted to but a new Ford Ranger.. He offered to pay cash if they give a really good deal.. The car deal said one set price and would not come down for cash.. not one baht.. but they did offer him a deal of pay so much each month and pay over 5 years the asking price and get this 0 % interest.. just the asking price that was a low as they could have dropped is as that month was real bad for them and they need to move some inventory..

So, my friend goes to his bank and asks them what sort of interest they would give him if he set up a new account for sole purpose to pay for that truck. The said 3% and he said okay.. He deposited the full asking price for the truck and earn the interest pocketing him a ton of extra cash.. Make sense?? TIT??

Tell me what is logical here?? There is no real common sense here... You would think...??

NO!! IRMA LA DOUCE.. (the play or movie)... But that is another story... remember??

Car dealerships pay interest to the manufacturer/supplier on the cars on the lot, if they have not sold them say within 30 days. The longer a car sits on the lot the extra interest/cost to the dealer is penciled on to the dealers invoice. When a client wants the red one instead of the black one and I say I have to charge you more for the black one even though each vehicle has the exact same options, I have to tell the client that the red model has been on the lot for 6 months and we have to pay the manufacturer more money for it because it has not sold it has incurred us interest charges on our cost price. The customer thinks I am feeding him a line of shit. So the longer a car sits on the dealers lot, the more it costs the dealer and the customer. I sold cars in Canada for many years.

Are you sure its the same with Thai dealerships as Canadian??

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If they want more tourist they should devalue the baht. I live here and its getting too bloody expensive. They just dont have a clue.


Right. Screw up the lives of millions of Thais just so a few tourists can afford a couple extra beers.

Brilliant logic. Are you by happenchance employed by the Greek Ministry of Finance?

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If they want more tourist they should devalue the baht. I live here and its getting too bloody expensive. They just dont have a clue.

You got that right. Wife and I just came back from our first trip to Vietnam; 10 days for Tet. Everything was cheaper, except clothes shopping than Thailand. There are more international food restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City than Bangkok, they pride themselves in having strict laws against harming foreigners,easier immigration/ work permit laws, and even my Thai wife was amazed and wondered, "what the hel_l we doing staying in Thailand?!?!?!?

When they say 'free' visa from 1st April what kind of visa are they referring to?

Are you for real?? what visa do you think as it ran last year and expires March 5th

Doesn't make a bit of differnece to anyone if its free or $35 except for the local expats that need do visa runs

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If they want more tourist they should devalue the baht. I live here and its getting too bloody expensive. They just dont have a clue.

You got that right. Wife and I just came back from our first trip to Vietnam; 10 days for Tet. Everything was cheaper, except clothes shopping than Thailand. There are more international food restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City than Bangkok, they pride themselves in having strict laws against harming foreigners,easier immigration/ work permit laws, and even my Thai wife was amazed and wondered, "what the hel_l we doing staying in Thailand?!?!?!?

I love Vietnam, however I need a Visa in advance, I normally get that through a travel agent in BKK.

So the tourist immigration for me (British) is a lot more difficult for Vietnam than it is for Thailand.

There are plenty of travel agents in Vietnam, (do a search) that will give you the visa application online, you fil it out and return it by email. Your then given a number and can apply for a visa on arrival when u enter Vietnam

Plus i have heard from various people that regularly travel to Vietnam on business that Vietnam is not cheaper than Thailand at all. PLus long term visa are VERY dificult to obtain now

Edited by phuketrichard
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If they want more tourist they should devalue the baht. I live here and its getting too bloody expensive. They just dont have a clue.

If you are talking GBP, exchange, dont worry, the official rate today is about 48 baht, but the British Embassy struck a rate on 15/2 of 55 baht, for the purpose of paying Visa fees. So they dont believe the Forex, so it cant be true.

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what if you get hurt, but it wasn't deemed an actual riot and just a scuffle? Has the term riot been clearly defined, and what are the chances that the Thai insurance companies are not going to behave like the American non-health industry and find every loophole possible so as not to pay? :)

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If they want more tourist they should devalue the baht. I live here and its getting too bloody expensive. They just dont have a clue.

You got that right. Wife and I just came back from our first trip to Vietnam; 10 days for Tet. Everything was cheaper, except clothes shopping than Thailand. There are more international food restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City than Bangkok, they pride themselves in having strict laws against harming foreigners,easier immigration/ work permit laws, and even my Thai wife was amazed and wondered, "what the hel_l we doing staying in Thailand?!?!?!?

Get real. You really ought to get around more in the real world if you consider Thailand expensive.

This forum should consider changing it's name to "Thai Visa forum for whiners". Regardless what is done somebody will whine about it. When a step in the right direction is done they will still complain about it. Then it is "not enough", "doesn't make a difference", "should have done something else" or complain about something unrelated. This time free tourist visa's geared toward longtime stayers/expats (like so many on this forum) gets this treatment.

Would be nice to hear you answere your own question: "Why the hel_l do you stay in Thailand?"


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what if you get hurt, but it wasn't deemed an actual riot and just a scuffle? Has the term riot been clearly defined, and what are the chances that the Thai insurance companies are not going to behave like the American non-health industry and find every loophole possible so as not to pay? :)

Exactly, this would be the name of the game and probably somebody's busy in the backgrounf by filing stuff and names and get the dough into their own pocket.

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I live here and its getting too bloody expensive. They just dont have a clue.
Er, you could always get a job here. I understand that they pay in baht.

And perhaps a strong currency and a rising GDP suggests that they just might have a clue, tourists or not?

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I can just see the TOT blurb

" Thailand-Land of Smiles. Enjoy the tranquility and harmony of a place where people have co-existed peacefully for centuries. ( Free riot insurance included. Offer ends Jan 2011) "

I guess we can only pray that it will not ntake them too long to see that the strength of the baht is unsustainable for tourist purposes as well as exports and they let it devalue. we can hope!!

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OMG we have been had. This is not real. I can see Toyoda is following the example right now. Free death benefit if your throttle gets stuck open. Yea, that will give them a comfort zone. Just who is running the ad department at TaT some one from Oxford.

I wish someone would teach old Oxford boy the definitions of 'arse' and 'elbow' because he clearly doesn't understand the difference between the two.

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Far too many whiners on this topic. You guys want some cheese and crackers with that whiiiine? :)

Yes there are some awkward challenges as how to effectively implement an insurance policy protecting travellers against violence in a "peaceful" country. I would not want to be responsible for that target market.

What do you guys want? A reach around and a Ferrari? This is not a commonly offered benny around the world. Does the USA offer this? The UK? Germany? France? Spain?

I do not ALWAYS purchase travel insurance. Probably should, as most should, but I don't always. Thank you TCT! I'll take whatever I can get.

So buck up and stop whining.

This is a welcome addition, especially since Thaksin's ruling might pose some unexpected travel challenges.

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If they want more tourist they should devalue the baht. I live here and its getting too bloody expensive. They just dont have a clue.

With You 100% on That one !!!!! :D:D:D

The Baht is too high! Tourism is down, but I don't like tourists anyway. Much safer driving around without them! :)

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If they want more tourist they should devalue the baht. I live here and its getting too bloody expensive. They just dont have a clue.

With You 100% on That one !!!!! :D:D:D

The Baht is too high! Tourism is down, but I don't like tourists anyway. Much safer driving around without them! :)

Where did u get your figures that tourism is down....if you like to check the arrivals at the International Airports within you will find that the figures are above the previous year by a considerable amount

With all the complaining about the baht being over valued maybe you should ask Gordon Brown and other European leaders what they have all done to their currencies to devalue against the baht....The Banks in Thailand did not get into the subprime markets etc etc which have bought the UK European and USA markets to their knees.....USA is coming out of it but I fear the other two have still some way to fall...IMYHO if I was brit I would bring enough money into Thailand now before the rate drops to the low 40's

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The amazing la-la land that is Thai Visa - where the perpetual whingers whine when the government says the temporary free visa policy will finish, and then whine even more when the government reviews the situation, and says it will be retained. :)


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If they want more tourist they should devalue the baht. I live here and its getting too bloody expensive. They just dont have a clue.

You got that right. Wife and I just came back from our first trip to Vietnam; 10 days for Tet. Everything was cheaper, except clothes shopping than Thailand. There are more international food restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City than Bangkok, they pride themselves in having strict laws against harming foreigners,easier immigration/ work permit laws, and even my Thai wife was amazed and wondered, "what the hel_l we doing staying in Thailand?!?!?!?

First I'll start out by saying you're wrong. I lived there for 4 1/2 years there and Vietnam is total crap. There are way more int'l restaurants in Bangkok than hcmc/hanoi. They have more laws there, period -- it isn't about protecting the foreigner (if you get hurt, there's nothing to protect you and all you'll get it "oh, sorry!") I'll take freedom over suppression (bkk vs. vn) every time. Don't suffer from travelers lunacy -- you went on a trip and saw what you wanted to see. Thailand no doubt is deserving of more and more criticism these days and I don't refute that, but I can tell when a guy sees things through his "traveler goggles", as is your case. VN sucks!

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Just get me to a riot and beat me up a bit, 10,000 USD guaranteed!

I will even speak to the press how I was beaten by the red shirts and tried to run away but I forgive them because I am a Tourist!

And I will testify how the GT3000 red shirt scanner detected my assailants too.

(GT3000 scanners on sale for only 1M Baht each at e-bay).

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If they want more tourist they should devalue the baht. I live here and its getting too bloody expensive. They just dont have a clue.

You got that right. Wife and I just came back from our first trip to Vietnam; 10 days for Tet. Everything was cheaper, except clothes shopping than Thailand. There are more international food restaurants in Ho Chi Minh City than Bangkok, they pride themselves in having strict laws against harming foreigners,easier immigration/ work permit laws, and even my Thai wife was amazed and wondered, "what the hel_l we doing staying in Thailand?!?!?!?

First I'll start out by saying you're wrong. I lived there for 4 1/2 years there and Vietnam is total crap. There are way more int'l restaurants in Bangkok than hcmc/hanoi. They have more laws there, period -- it isn't about protecting the foreigner (if you get hurt, there's nothing to protect you and all you'll get it "oh, sorry!") I'll take freedom over suppression (bkk vs. vn) every time. Don't suffer from travelers lunacy -- you went on a trip and saw what you wanted to see. Thailand no doubt is deserving of more and more criticism these days and I don't refute that, but I can tell when a guy sees things through his "traveler goggles", as is your case. VN sucks!

Before the mod close this topic, let me said Baguettes in Vietnam are very nice, spring rolls are more tasty AND the coffee beans you purchase at the market are D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S

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