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The Day Of The Dude, Sat. March 6th 8pm


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Hey there's going to be an informal bowling get together at Lanna Bowl this Saturday March 6th at 8pm for anyone who'd like to celebrate the Day of the Dude, Dudeism's high holy day. (Dudeism is a not-so-serious religion with 70,000 ordained "Dudeist Priests" and was a cover story in December's Chiang Mai Citylife Magazine).

All you've got to do is show up. There will be some free prizes handed out (tee shirts, "what would dude do" bracelets and dudeist voodoo dolls (dudeoo dolls) and possibly on the spot ordinations. If you wear a bathrobe, a tee shirt and short pants, you'll look especially apropos.

There's a facebook invite page here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=338406237889

And you can see more about The Day of the Dude here: http://dudespaper.com/the-day-of-the-dude.html/ and Dudeism here: http://dudeism.com

If you haven't gone bowling in Chiang Mai in a while or ever, it's highly recommended. The lanes are world class and it's guaranteed fun, and it's cheap.

No proceeds will go to anyone but the bowling alley, by the way. Dudeism is a non-prophet religion.

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I had a visit the other day from one shrewd dude, who'd clued in many and said howdy doodism was a puppet profitt

I am working out with waits now and will be there with a one size fits all robe... just can't seem to get enough of bowling

Just love to grab those balls and roll them..... I'm big into rolling you know


Edited by Gonzo the Face
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I've always been a dude, and have ardently practiced dudeism since the age of 35.

Which was a while ago. A long while ago.

Glad to see there is a cabal, no a community of fellow Dudeists here in CM.

But I don't do the dude bowling rif.

Can the dudes get together at GM for rock music, or hike to a secret Hmong farm, or ride our motorsai to Burma?

I don't have a satin bowling jacket, with lots of trophy pins, is why. :)

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lanna bowling is indeed inside the northwestern corner of the moat. it's an impressive 24 lane place where no one ever goes for some reason. i went a few weeks ago and had a ball (pun intended).

sounds like after bowling the posse will be headed over to guitarman for white russians. guitarman is up the road towards the river from mcdonalds in the night market (chang khlan). good bands play on saturday.

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By the way, the event is going to start rolling at 7pm for those interested in getting an early start on the evening. they make food there so if you'd like to dine, that's your option, man. can't vouch for the quality though.

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isn't that Shomer Shabbos? I don't f&@%ing roll on Shomer Shabbos!!!

8 year olds dude.

hey take it easy man. no one's gonna cut your day of rest off. bowling starts at 7pm which is after sundown and hence, does not violate the sabbath. so you sure as s**t can f**king roll!

if you will it it is no dream.

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sounds like after bowling the posse will be headed over to guitarman for white russians. guitarman is up the road towards the river from mcdonalds in the night market (chang khlan). good bands play on saturday.

Rudy's Army will be playing G'man about 10:30, a decent band and they always play an eclectic selection of songs.

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