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Pregnant In Chiang Mai


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We've recently found out that we're pregnant and are looking at what options are available for us while living in Chiang Mai (Due in Dec). While we're still debating whether to go home (Canada) or have the baby in Chiang Mai, we'd like to learn a bit more about other people's experiences here. At the moment, we've had our first hospital visit at the Chiang Mai Ram with a new doc named Supachai. Other than one person suggesting a doctor at Lanna Hospital (Dr Udom), we don't really know what's available or recommended. If you have any advice, stories or resources that you'd like to offer, please do so. Thanks

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go pay a visit to a Dr called Mo Yaho, she has a "clinic" for consultations on Chotana Rd (coming from Mae Rim, right hand side before Teacher's college).

We went there with my wife and we were very happy :o

she is quite known in Chiang Mai as she teaches also.


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We've recently found out that we're pregnant and are looking at what options are available for us while living in Chiang Mai (Due in Dec).  While we're still debating whether to go home (Canada) or have the baby in Chiang Mai, we'd like to learn a bit more about other people's experiences here.  At the moment, we've had our first hospital visit at the Chiang Mai Ram with a new doc named Supachai.  Other than one person suggesting a doctor at Lanna Hospital (Dr Udom), we don't really know what's available or recommended. If you have any advice, stories or resources that you'd like to offer, please do so.  Thanks

Our baby was delivered at Chiang mai Ram by Dr Amnuay just over a year ago. Excellent facilities & Dr Amnuay is an excellent dr. I would definitely recommend this hospital. Excellent facillities. !5,000 bt for a regular birth, 25,000 for a c-section.

Enjoy the whole experience, we're still over the moon with Alexander!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife had a baby at the Lanna Hospital with Dr. Udom in Feb and it was a great experience. We really liked the english speaking pediatrician there as well. From our research we came away with the impression that Chiang Mai Ram is the most technologically advanced and most prepared to deal with major problems but Dr. Udom is pretty much the best around for "natural" childbirth. We had friends who gave birth at Chiang Mai Ram the around the same time as my wife. Their baby had serious problems and Chiang Mai Ram handled it very well. We would certainly recommend either, depending on your circumstances.

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There's a little book you can get for free at the Raintree Resource Centre called "Having a Baby in Chiang Mai" It was a huge help to me with my second baby. My first was born at Lanna with Dr. Udom. I thought he and the hospital were brilliant until something went wrong when I was 8 months pregnant. I went to Lanna around 8pm because I knew something was wrong, and the hospital told me to come back in the morning - they didn't want to bother Dr. Udom for nothing as he'd already gone home. So we went to Ram and they did an ultrasound. They said I needed to be admitted to hospital immediately. I wanted to be back at Lanna with Dr. Udom so I took my ultrasound films and went back. I demanded they call him. I was in tears by then, so they called. He came and was furious with the admitting department because something serious was wrong. But 3 days later when they let me go home (still pregnant) he was not at all aggressive in finding out what the problem was and just said to come back everyday to check the heartbeat. After 5 days he couldn't find the heartbeat and said "let's get this kid out." So as we were preparing for the C-section, my husband and Dr. Udom happened to be outside having a cigarette at the same time. He basically said to my husband "Listen, man, the chances that your baby will be born alive are 50-50." Fortunately, everything turned out okay as far as the health of the baby goes, but he never told me what had gone wrong, never ran any tests.

So, if everything goes normally, he's great, but.....

My second baby was born at Ram and I chose Dr. Kataleeya. She was fantastic and even let me try a natural birth after my first C-section. When I got nervous about having the same problems she did tests to put my mind at ease, telling me that the costs or inconvenience of the tests were minimal compared to what maternal stress levels can do to a pregnancy. Unfortunately, I think she may be out on maternity leave now. But I would definitely go back to her.

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One more thing...

after my son was born in Lanna, he was in an incubator for a week. it was 3 days before the nurses would let me see him. Everyone else in the world could see him, but they wouldn't take me and they wouldn't bring him to me (the nursery and the maternity ward are in different buildings). That wrecked me. I will never ever go back to Lanna for anything. I know it's only one case in thousands of good experiences, but it was enough to make my mind up.

would you really consider going to Canada to have the baby? Wouldnt that cost a small fortune? I'm also canadian and the reason I had mine here was because I lost my health insurance for being out of the country for more than 6 months of every year and have to be back in the country for 3 months before it comes back. Going home for a holiday this summer and have bought insurance for us because even though 3 of us travel on Canadian passports, we aren't entitled to any health benefits.

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Thanks for all your stories and suggestions. I'll have to check out the book at Raintree and we're now thinking of "shopping around" for doctors just to see what is available. MANY have suggested Dr. Udom but your story above makes us a bit hestitant now. Going back to Canada is still an option and we realize that it will cost us a fair coin to do so. However; it's our first child and we're both being extra-cautious about safety. If any of you can compare the standard of care between here and Canada during deliveries, I'd love to hear your opinions. Thanks again.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thanks for all your stories and suggestions.  I'll have to check out the book at Raintree and we're now thinking of "shopping around" for doctors just to see what is available.  MANY have suggested Dr. Udom but your story above makes us a bit hestitant now.  Going back to Canada is still an option and we realize that it will cost us a fair coin to do so.  However; it's our first child and we're both being extra-cautious about safety.  If any of you can compare the standard of care between here and Canada during deliveries, I'd love to hear your opinions.  Thanks again.

Dr. Catareeya is in our opinion the best O&G doc out there. Chiangmai Ram, 2 night stay for a natural and 3 night stay for a c-section is really not expensive considering the service and professionalism put in. We have had two kids there already. Our second kid could not be delivered by Dr. Catareeya cause she was herself pregnant and delivered around the same time but I believe she is back now. CM is probably the best place to give birth considering the low cost as compared to bangkok or other cities around the world. But you don't have to take my word for it. An appointment would not not harm.

all the best!


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