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Thailand's Woe

sriracha john

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It seems Thailand is getting trouble from all around... from disputes with Cambodia as pointed out here:


to problems with Burma as pointed out here:

Burma points finger at Thailand over recent bombings


to continued problems with Malaysia as Thailand blamed them yet again yesterday for troubles in the Deep South, insinuating that is where the bombers and the bomb making materials are originating.

Trouble on 3 fronts... and potentially all three could blow up in their face (hopefully, not literally) at the same time.

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Maybe Myanmar next too?  What if they all just decided to become one United Kingdom of Siam?  Heheh 2 United Kingdoms in the world?  Oh no, I can hardly stand the one we have already!

YOU have one already..........I don't think so ! !

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Hardly, Thailand is heavily supported and shouldered by the USA. Financially, through trade agreements and loans etc...and militarily. Cobra gold is one example to remind everyone in the area.... Thailand was a foothold for "Western Influence" at the time when it was threatened by Communism from Laos, Cambodia and Junta (dictatorship) in Burma and Muslim influence from Malaysia. It has grown to prosper and emerge into a militarily powerful nation, compared to its neighbors. Although, Myanmar is a very powerful foe, since it sifts all of its resources into the military, threatening Thailand would definetely not be in their best interest...

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Maybe Myanmar next too?  What if they all just decided to become one United Kingdom of Siam?  Heheh 2 United Kingdoms in the world?  Oh no, I can hardly stand the one we have already!

YOU have one already..........I don't think so ! !

Yes, we, being the world; already have a United Kingdom. Nobody ownes it. How come most of you people always take what I write in a different context than I intend them to have? I think you should read my posts 2 or 3 times before you try and reply to them. Take a minute to reflect and, take in their true meaning. I don't think I'm speaking Shakesperian English here, it should be easy enough to understand properly. :o

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"continued problems with Malaysia as Thailand blamed them yet again yesterday for troubles in the Deep South, insinuating that is where the bombers and the bomb making materials are originating" same old accussation

"Burma points finger at Thailand over recent bombings" then how the ###### the bombs end up in Burma.

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Maybe Myanmar next too? 

Oh no! Imagine being in a dispute with Burma AND Myanmar at the same time!!!

you beat me to it :o

Perhaps Peder is writing quicker than he's thinking today... :D

(no offence mate... just joshin! :D )

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Just think if Kampuchea joins into the fray and you'd have five bordering nations up against Thailand... :o


Not entirely beyond reason considering that Thailand's old 'friend', ex-Prince and ex- ruler of Cambodia, Norodom Sihanouk, is now reportedly responsible for the Cambodian border regions.

I doubt there are too many members of this board remember his days of glory, but it used to be quite a circus at times. :D

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It's a little surprising to hear Myanmar's junta of sick, crazed generals accusing Thailand and the CIA. They usually blame "The Lady" for everything. I'm almost finished with Barbara Victor's book "The Lady - Aung San Suu Kyi, Nobel Laureate and Burma's Prisoner" (Faber & Faber, 1998), and nothing the generals do makes a lot of sense, except to subjugate the Burmese peoples and make profits.

The recent rash of bombings in Yangon is alarming, and we may never know how it came about. The Lady and her political party, the NLD, are far from the only opponents to the brutal regime of Myanmar.

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