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Disrespect And Prejudice Towards My Thai Wife In The Uk


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I had a Thai girlfriend in the UK a few years ago. She was a student living completely independantly. My family still inquired as to the wisdom of me being with a Thai girl. Fairly or not, Thai girls have an abysmal reputation overseas. You could pick a girl from anywhere else and it would be fine, but mention Thailand and all hel_l breaks loose.

Once I experimented with this, and when talking about my girlfriend to a coworker, told this lady that she was from Isaan (she wasn't). Her reaction? Pleasant curiosity. When she pressed for details on the location of this mysterious country, and I explained further that she was from Thailand, the change in her reaction could be tracked as the recognition first hit her eyes, and then altered her face until it now displayed a look of bitter distaste, coupled with an air of mockery. "Oh, I see." She said, as she turned away, vaguely suppressing a laugh. This was a woman who worked in a low level admin role in an office. My girlfriend was studying for her masters.

Such is the reputation of Thai girls. You should understand this. You are from the UK.

As for my family, after a few comments which i ignored, I finally took the bait and I told them I appreciate their concern but would appreciate it more if they had faith in my character judging ability. What didn't need to be said was that I would make my own decisions regardless. They have the right to a respected and listened to opinion but ultimately they have no say in how I choose to live my life. I am not a child anymore, and neither are you OP.

I suspect there is much more to this than you are telling us.

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What did you think would happen? The UK is an Island, with an Island mentality, (small minded) I'm English and proud to be so, however, there are way to many people in the UK that have never been any where…. Done anything or been anyone, who works all week, or not! And go on about the (not in any particular order) wars we have won, football and how they would run the England team, how to pull a bird, and be happy to tell you how much they know about everything. If you need to know anything in the UK, go to a pub on a Fri night, find the biggest bar fly and ask him…. Anything! Everything in the UK is dumbed down for the bone heads that now live there. Anything you say that doesn't fit their view or what they've seen on TV…. And you're a liar. Sorry to hear your family seems to be cast from the same stone. Time to move on, you've out grown them mate. The world is a big place, life a journey, not a destination. Good luck!

Obviously Mr Mae Tang you have been in an English Pub to much, I am proud to be English one of the most cosmopolitan races on the planet, My wife who is Thai has always been teated with respect from neighbors and friends , those who insult her, which i do not know of any, are not friends anyway,

Edited by Thongkorn
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Op. here. The whole situation has become down right nasty and is eating me up. My "problem" is I don't think on my feet so when a nasty remark is directed at me/my wife I don't seem able to respond on the spot. It's the resentment and bitterness that seems to poison me afterwards, I seem to hate the individual that the barb came from and get down on myself for not giving some back.

My "family" here in the UK are to find a better word C***S and should be ashamed of themselves for the pain that they have caused. Not one of their viperous commments have passed me by and although I have tried to protect my sweet, good natured wife from the racism and prejudice she is picking up on it, if only by way of picking up on my hurt.

I have a bit of a track record of falling out with my elder farang sister and for a number of years I didn't speak to her at all. Looks like ther same thing is going to happen again, in fact I am considering cutting ties with her all together, closely followed by my mother.

My elder sister is an extremely toxic individual, a creater of chaos, a gossip monger, abusive and insulting. With hindsight I should never have exposed my wife to the dam_n woman in the first place.

When I can find the energy I will post the full story of my situation..

Talk to them. Find out why they are behaving in such a hostile manner and be honest with them - let them know how their behavior is causing so much hurt and grief to you.

I do hope that they have their reasons - if it were based on pure racism then i think you shouldnt allow them to destroy your marriage. If they have their own rational reasons - albeit generalisations or hearsay, then you take the opportunity to prove them wrong. Either way, show them what a wonderful woman she is.

But i must insist that you make your stand clear to them - DO NOT TOLERATE their open attacks on her. They can have their reservations or prejudice against her (we cant help it sometimes), but what we say or do is a CHOICE. They can choose to hold their tongues in front of you and your wife in spite of what they may feel inside. It is more out of basic, human respect than anything else. If they cant even show basic respect to another human being, let alone one that their son loves, then i really hate to say it but best to ignore them.

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I had the same problem in Sweden. Most of my family are quite "conventional" and my mother is a possesive person. What makes things worse is that my ex-wife have managed to fill her with lieswhile i have been away. Since she knows the only way for her to se her grandson is to buy into these lies, she have done so. When I brought my thai wife to Sweden my mother was quite rude and managed to stir up my father and one of my brothers. The result was that we didnt see them anymore. Now she has realised that she was wrong, I think mainly because of my father who now realise how things are. He has had a stroke so he is not in good condition anymore, but he would like to come and visit us. I just wait and see what happens. I will not go back to Sweden with or without my wife

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I recall sitting in the Dentist in the UK in the waiting room one late afternoon. The room was quite full with only a few chairs left for the patients waiting to be called. As you know these type of waiting rooms are always deathly quiet and sometimes embarrassingly quiet for some reason, that i could never understand why.

Anyway in pops a couple, hes 40 something shes 20 something and Thai and pregnant. They both sat down waiting to be called in but had some time to wait due to the people waiting in front.

I was also at the back of the que and could see what was going on in the waiting room quite clearly. Everyone was just staring at the couple like they were freaks, when one of the couple caught someones eye who was staring they instantly looked away, i myself was looking as it was clear something was not right with everyone in the room.

I was waiting for the man to stand up and shout <deleted> you all staring at? but he didn't, he kept cool and had to respect him for that.

Its how people are unfortunately, personally i would never live in the UK with a Thai lady it would eat me away every time situations like the above occurred. No matter how strong you are, how much you think you can ignore it, it will eventually get to you and probably ruin the relationship. Whatever background she was from it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference, the writing is already on the wall.

There is a stigma attached to these relationships, like it or not, that's how it is.

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I'm planning to take my my Thai wife back to the UK to live later this year and I have major concerns about the attitudes of resident Brits.

There are so many foreigners residing in the UK now nobody will notice another one. Anyway, the country is awash with various types of immigrants, so she's more likely to be interacting with them on a daily basis than English natives.

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This is Not news.

There are plenty of "Escapists" living here because their lifestyle choices are "missunderstood" or harshly judged back home. It seems much easier to live with your thai wife in Thailand. Don't have to face your mates or your family who mostly have partners of "more comparable" social standing. being the odd one out sometimes sucks. But if you CHOSE to be the odd one out. Man up and live with it. Or Sell up and live with it in the land of smiles.

I remember when my brother's mate brought his philipino wife to my brothers wedding. There was some talk about trouble with her visa and her having to return and whatnot. I didn't give it a second thought. Having lived in Los now and having a greater understanding of Asia I see now I missed a great opportunity to be a biggoted evil minded twunt!. Ah well...

There will be others chances I am sure...

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My cousin married a 24 year old Thai lady and took her back to the UK 6 years ago.

They had 2 children together and over the last 3 years his wife has had numerous affairs, appeared on facebook cuddling another guy, has a string of guys she sees and sometimes stays with overnight, then eventually leaving my cousin altogether.

My cousin has the same attitude towards his siblings and parents when they all tried to warn him what type of person his wife is.

So what's your story, Mr ukme? I don`t believe your family would deliberately go out they're way to be vindictive for no reason.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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I wouldnt worry about it if i was you. With all the comments Farangs get from Thai's in Thailand.... i am sure some of her family members have said alot worse to her about you.

The way Thai's treat Farangs in genral in Thailand as 2nd rate people and walking ATMS . Thai people have no right to moan or be surprised when people say bad things about them when they go to other countrys .

Now maybe if Thais start treating us Farangs a bit better then i could stick up for your Thai Wife. If this was in Thailand and a Thai saying bad about Farangs no would care and they would just smile and laugh. So why should we care when someone says something bad about Thai's in another country

P.S if i was you i would not even consider cutting ties with your real family for a thai girl ( i am not saying your thai wife is bad or anything like that ) . But she would never cut ties with her family for you. Also more Thai - Farangs Marriages dont work than ones that do. So dont lose your real family over this .

What an obnoxious post. Note that people who post this kind of Thai-bashing are almost always semi-literate and fail to refer to the Thai people properly, calling them "Thai's".

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OP, Correct me if i'm wrong, here, but, you mention words like "sister" and "even my own mother"

Could this be just a case of the green eyed monster rearing its ugly head, and perhaps just a "woman thing"?

Or are you getting stick from the male members of your family, too?


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What did you think would happen? The UK is an Island, with an Island mentality, (small minded) I’m English and proud to be so, however, there are way to many people in the UK that have never been any where…. Done anything or been anyone, who works all week, or not! And go on about the (not in any particular order) wars we have won, football and how they would run the England team, how to pull a bird, and be happy to tell you how much they know about everything. If you need to know anything in the UK, go to a pub on a Fri night, find the biggest bar fly and ask him…. Anything! Everything in the UK is dumbed down for the bone heads that now live there. Anything you say that doesn’t fit their view or what they’ve seen on TV…. And you’re a liar. Sorry to hear your family seems to be cast from the same stone. Time to move on, you’ve out grown them mate. The world is a big place, life a journey, not a destination. Good luck!

You will come across this amazing phenomenon everywhere in the world, not just the Fort Britannia. We are all conditioned to a village "mentality" and only a small fraction of the worlds population travels. Travel is a great education as they say and not everyone is fortunate enough to have it. Humanity takes comfort in shared perception. It's all about perception folks, we all have our share of perceptions and prejudices (just read Thaivisa :) )

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The only problem that I have encountered was from a so call mate

He asked me how much I paid for my wife!!!

My reply "A lot less than you paid for your wife, Think about it "

My family were sceptical at first, But are now OK,

I suppose they were being over protective.

All the best


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I wouldnt worry about it if i was you. With all the comments Farangs get from Thai's in Thailand.... i am sure some of her family members have said alot worse to her about you.

The way Thai's treat Farangs in genral in Thailand as 2nd rate people and walking ATMS . Thai people have no right to moan or be surprised when people say bad things about them when they go to other countrys .

Now maybe if Thais start treating us Farangs a bit better then i could stick up for your Thai Wife. If this was in Thailand and a Thai saying bad about Farangs no would care and they would just smile and laugh. So why should we care when someone says something bad about Thai's in another country

P.S if i was you i would not even consider cutting ties with your real family for a thai girl ( i am not saying your thai wife is bad or anything like that ) . But she would never cut ties with her family for you. Also more Thai - Farangs Marriages dont work than ones that do. So dont lose your real family over this .

Ongoing..its always better to treat others as you would like to be treated ( Golden rule), than to treat others as you are treated ( tit for tat)..

signed: knee jerk reactions rarely meet with success

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It's funny. As I am no longer willing to tolerate my families abusive/insulting behaviour and slowly distance myself from them, their small mindedness, ignorance and prejudice, they have lovingly accussed me of thinking that my wife and I are "above them"???? and are no doubt attacking us even more.


it paints a sad picture..perhaps they will decide to change..but expect the worst and you won't be disappointed. Good for you to choose your wife above your judgemental family!!!

signed: if they could only look in the mirror

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If the OP feels very bad treated, maybe he should opt for leaving and/or put the family ties on hold (or less and less contact).

Never cut the family ties (burn bridges) totally.

One never know how people change over time.

Very good advice.

Not surprising the family is anti Thai wife,considering the constant Thai negative feedback in the Media,there is even a

Sit com in the UK with a fat,mouthy Thai woman who is only after her spouses money.Surprising how some people

can form opinions from this brainwashing kind of trash.

however something is amiss with the family feedback and needs to be clarified as to what actually is the families

problem with your Thai wife???

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It's funny. As I am no longer willing to tolerate my families abusive/insulting behaviour and slowly distance myself from them, their small mindedness, ignorance and prejudice, they have lovingly accussed me of thinking that my wife and I are "above them"???? and are no doubt attacking us even more.


Painful as it may be you've found out what your family thinks about you and your wife and how small minded, ignorant and prejudiced they are. Then if they accuse you of thinking your 'above them' by all the ways that this could be measured, you are above them aren't you?

No doubt they are still talking about you but as my g/f says when anyone talks about me or her or farang this and farang that, 'they have mouth, can talk if they want...up to them' family are ok they don't say bad things but they hear them said, what can you do mate? If your family won't accept your wife as your wife then they obviously don't respect you or your choices in life.

They will try and make out that, if there is a breakdown of your relationship with them that it was your doing when, in fact, it was theirs.

Good luck with everything. Hope it works out.

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Are they saying truthful things that you find hurtful? Why would they be purposely mean to you as a family member? Regardless, talk to each of them individually and verbalize your thoughts. They might still think whatever they are thinking, but at leas they won't say it to your face.

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It's funny, I can see nothing in the OP's posts that indicate any kind of bad behaviour or bad intent from his wife, yet some posters seem intent on dragging in the sins and stereotypes of a nation upon her head. The logic seems to be "You can't blame your family for reacting badly, what with the reputation Thai women have and the way Thai people act."

You know what? Yes you can. You can blame them for imposing stereotypes on the individual in front of them. If he'd brought home an middle-eastern woman, would it have been acceptable to treat her as a would-be bomber? Imposing stereotypes on individuals is pretty much the essence and very definition of racism. As my dear departed, non-racist mum used to say, you take people as you find them. In other words, drop the preconceptions and react to how the individual is.

When the OP talks about 'vituperative', you have a fair idea of where the comments are coming from. Suckee-fúckee five dollah, ping-pong balls and all the pathetic rest of it. It's ironic that the people who are fondest of racial stereotypes are the ones who most sound like clones from the Jeremy Kyle Show parade of white trash.

If I were the OP, I'd be looking at the family relationships before and after he married his Thai wife. If they were loving and supportive before and have changed now, you might cut them some slack for speaking out of concern. That still doesn't excuse treating his wife like dirt however. And if they genuinely were concerned, how about - and here's a revolutionary idea for you - expressing that concern in a tactful and loving manner.

It sounds more like his Thai wife is just being used as another stick to beat him with. She seems to have become the latest pawn in an ongoing family feud. And that's not fair to her. If I were the OP, I'd retain my own dignity, even as his family are abandoning theirs. Tell them that one more unpleasant, hurtful or smart-áss comment about his wife while they're in his house and they're out the door until such time as they can act better than a teenage chav.

I'm tired of hearing excuses for other people's prejudices. His wife deserves to be treated with respect. His family are rapidly losing that right. They can come back when they're willing to act like decent human beings.

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This is Not news.

There are plenty of "Escapists" living here because their lifestyle choices are "missunderstood" or harshly judged back home. It seems much easier to live with your thai wife in Thailand. Don't have to face your mates or your family who mostly have partners of "more comparable" social standing. being the odd one out sometimes sucks. But if you CHOSE to be the odd one out. Man up and live with it. Or Sell up and live with it in the land of smiles.

I remember when my brother's mate brought his philipino wife to my brothers wedding. There was some talk about trouble with her visa and her having to return and whatnot. I didn't give it a second thought. Having lived in Los now and having a greater understanding of Asia I see now I missed a great opportunity to be a biggoted evil minded twunt!. Ah well...

There will be others chances I am sure...

And when those chances come......let them pass, you'll be glad you did. :)

Bigots and racists are the saddest people in the world, they spend all of their lives being miserable, and trying to pass their misery on to others, with their stupid views and attitudes. Why would any sensible person want to join them?

To the OP, your sister sounds the kind of person, that most of us are glad we left behind in the UK, suggest you do the same.

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I wouldnt worry about it if i was you. With all the comments Farangs get from Thai's in Thailand.... i am sure some of her family members have said alot worse to her about you.

The way Thai's treat Farangs in genral in Thailand as 2nd rate people and walking ATMS . Thai people have no right to moan or be surprised when people say bad things about them when they go to other countrys .

Now maybe if Thais start treating us Farangs a bit better then i could stick up for your Thai Wife. If this was in Thailand and a Thai saying bad about Farangs no would care and they would just smile and laugh. So why should we care when someone says something bad about Thai's in another country

P.S if i was you i would not even consider cutting ties with your real family for a thai girl ( i am not saying your thai wife is bad or anything like that ) . But she would never cut ties with her family for you. Also more Thai - Farangs Marriages dont work than ones that do. So dont lose your real family over this .

What happened? Bitter because you got burned and were too dumb to see it coming?

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ukme, I think you may see some piling on which is typical on the net. You may have some responsibility but that's not for me to say.

If your mom and sis are racist, then maybe avoid them and decline requests to get together. They will likely never come around. And if your wife - your family of choice- is decent and good, then stick with the healthier, happier family life that you chose.

If your mom and sis are being petty, catty, or jealous of your beautiful, young, very feminine wife - than that's sad for them. They may come around when they see they've estranged you. But that may take time and you will need to let go of them with kindness. They just suffer from fears in this case, but sounds like it results in unacceptable behavior.

Your mom and sis may see something that you are blind to, however. I have no idea. But every man thinks he is different, not able to be duped. And we like to think our sweet Thai wife is just what we want to imagine she is. Many men get the rug pulled from under their dream world, however. If this is the case, and you've retaliated against those who loyally defend you -even if in a provincial, petty manner- you will be very alone with no one to blame. And no one will give a dam_n.

My ideas are worth exactly what you've paid. <2cents.

But I'd maybe get in a forgiving, understanding frame of mind. Write a courteous, short note explaining what you see and how it feels. You don't have to state that you're going to take your football and run off, they'll notice you wont see them anymore. If they are mean and ignorant, no harm done -but no good will come either, so don't expect a thing. But you would've stood tall and took the high road. It may plant a seed. Humans can change, but that's out of our control 100% isn't it?

I've made a sweet little life with my wife and see very little racism in America. I do see large farang women look at my wife in a jealous/curious way. But That's about it, to our face anyway. Thai women are very deceptive and I know things can turn upside down without notice, however. I'm no kitten. I maintain even the weakest family relationships for that day when the rain might come. There will be absolutely no abusive family in my life, no way. So life is good, zero chaos!

Edited by ding
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We're not in the UK, but from her arrival she was accepted with open arms & hearts - much as I was by her family.

It takes all types. We have some rels here we don't see & some we do. The closer they live to us, the less likelihood there is of seeing them.

She's probably had more problems with other Thai here than Aussies.

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Unfortunateley to some ignorant people Thai,s seem to have this reputation of been sex objects , and some finding out your wife is Thai brings out the ting tong jokes and you bought a wife remarks , When deep down most are very jeoulous stuck with there fat wives who can,t cook and who have no skills at all other than downing lager and buying tracksuits.

My family have been great , they love her cooking , and she teacher,s her handycraft skills in school to the young children , I would say the biggest problem I,ve found is other Thai my Wife meets when out shopping etc, Some of these woman have been trying to tell my wife , she must do this or that to get money from me and she must hide money from me and all sorts of things. These Woman are obviously ex bargirls and trying to force there mentality onto my wife , I don,t want to pick my wifes friends but I have found myself telling some of these woman where to get off ! We are retiring to Thailand in 3yrs time , it can,t come soon enougth for me to get my wife away from all these negative farang woman and ex bargirls . :)

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If the OP feels very bad treated, maybe he should opt for leaving and/or put the family ties on hold (or less and less contact).

Never cut the family ties (burn bridges) totally.

One never know how people change over time.

Very good advice.

Not surprising the family is anti Thai wife,considering the constant Thai negative feedback in the Media...

Surprising how some people can form opinions from this brainwashing kind of trash.

So which is it then? Surprising or not surprising?

and this constant negative feedback in the media..... what form does that take exactly? Can't say as I've noticed it to be honest.

I have noticed that people have varying remarks/opinions when they find out I have a Thai girlfriend, many many people have either been to Thailand themselves or know of people who have relocated there and want to see photos and hear all about the place. Most do say 'so she wants to come over here then?' The view in the UK is that everyone wants to come here.... and I suppose the inference is that that's why she's with me.

I think, to some degree anyone's motives for leaving their home country will be questioned by some people. Immigrant families aren't made all that welcome, comments like 'the country's awash with immigrants' etc. and mixed relationships involving immigration can bring out the worst in people, either here or in Thailand (the current gossip in my girlfriends village is that i'm not rich enough to buy her a house! ie she's stupid enough to love me for nothing! if I was then I'm sure the gossip would be she only wants my money!)

Only one reaction in the UK so far, was openly negative, I mentioned I was going back to Thailand again to see my girlfriend and this lady remarked 'that's just disgusting' !!! quite where she formed her views and what she thought was going on is of no interest, but there are ignorant people everywhere.

It's hard for people who have loving, caring families to understand but some people are hateful and uncaring.

Sadly, the OP seems to have some in his family

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I don't know the answer, but I'm very very keen to understand more from anyone who has first hand knowledge on this subject - I'm planning to take my my Thai wife back to the UK to live later this year and I have major concerns about the attitudes of resident Brits.

Some good some bad.

Even before i had visited Thailand(8 years ago),i had a relationship with a thai woman who worked in a hotel in uk,and had done all her life,in Thailand,Dubai,and Singapore.Every time we went out i had hassle off young kids(18-25 ish) asking how much i had paid to buy her.One in particular was nasty,it cost him mega bucks for his teeth to be re-done,but 6 stitches in my hand too.

My older brother came to visit me in Thailand when i decided to live here,met a thai lady,and after 3 years,married and went back to UK to take care of my mum and dad.She has been treated brilliantly by all the family except the sister in law,works hard and actualy contributes most of the money to the household and not her family.She is a wonderful woman and does everything for my mum and dad.

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If the OP feels very bad treated, maybe he should opt for leaving and/or put the family ties on hold (or less and less contact).

Never cut the family ties (burn bridges) totally.

One never know how people change over time.

Very good advice.

Not surprising the family is anti Thai wife,considering the constant Thai negative feedback in the Media...

Surprising how some people can form opinions from this brainwashing kind of trash.

So which is it then? Surprising or not surprising?

and this constant negative feedback in the media..... what form does that take exactly? Can't say as I've noticed it to be honest.

I have noticed that people have varying remarks/opinions when they find out I have a Thai girlfriend, many many people have either been to Thailand themselves or know of people who have relocated there and want to see photos and hear all about the place. Most do say 'so she wants to come over here then?' The view in the UK is that everyone wants to come here.... and I suppose the inference is that that's why she's with me.

I think, to some degree anyone's motives for leaving their home country will be questioned by some people. Immigrant families aren't made all that welcome, comments like 'the country's awash with immigrants' etc. and mixed relationships involving immigration can bring out the worst in people, either here or in Thailand (the current gossip in my girlfriends village is that i'm not rich enough to buy her a house! ie she's stupid enough to love me for nothing! if I was then I'm sure the gossip would be she only wants my money!)

Only one reaction in the UK so far, was openly negative, I mentioned I was going back to Thailand again to see my girlfriend and this lady remarked 'that's just disgusting' !!! quite where she formed her views and what she thought was going on is of no interest, but there are ignorant people everywhere.

It's hard for people who have loving, caring families to understand but some people are hateful and uncaring.

Sadly, the OP seems to have some in his family

Some people are very hateful,but UK has a major problem with immigrants and some farangs do take their thai wife/kids,back to claim money,rather than get the lady to work.In the future laws will be tightened regarding bringing back loved ones,so be careful,wear a condom and dont moan when you get refused for a visa.Me personaly would never have a relationship unless i lived in Thailand,but everybody has different views.

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My TG came to England last summer ,for 3 months ,and all my family ,and friends loved her,she really enjoyed England ,I was working in liverpool ,for 1 month ,even the scousers loved her! I was keen to return thailand ,she wanted to stay! :)

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I wouldnt worry about it if i was you. With all the comments Farangs get from Thai's in Thailand.... i am sure some of her family members have said alot worse to her about you.

The way Thai's treat Farangs in genral in Thailand as 2nd rate people and walking ATMS . Thai people have no right to moan or be surprised when people say bad things about them when they go to other countrys .

Now maybe if Thais start treating us Farangs a bit better then i could stick up for your Thai Wife. If this was in Thailand and a Thai saying bad about Farangs no would care and they would just smile and laugh. So why should we care when someone says something bad about Thai's in another country

P.S if i was you i would not even consider cutting ties with your real family for a thai girl ( i am not saying your thai wife is bad or anything like that ) . But she would never cut ties with her family for you. Also more Thai - Farangs Marriages dont work than ones that do. So dont lose your real family over this .

Again i agree with you, regretably though, as this is something frankly i'd rather be in denial about. Does'nt concern me though asi don't give a toss what they think of me. I am respectful towards them and if it's not reciprocated...whatever!

Whilst i totally disagree with anyone showing predudice towards the OP's wife, maybe the Thais should stop and ask the question, why do they have the reputation they have in many quarters. In some cases justified in others not. Just my thoughts

Good luck to the OP anyway. I am not without first hand experience of this aswell :)

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