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I'm 16 years older than my wife and never presumed that our arrangement was about anything than money...she looks after me and I work and get money for her and her family to be happy. Easy arrangement...and there ain't nothin' wrong with it. If one deludes oneself that there may be love then ok for them. What is love between thai women and falang? Something stupid like madam butterfly? More likely a poor woman looking to raise her families living standard. I have been with my wife for nearly 5 years now...we have respect for each other and enjoy each others' company. She has been supportive when I have been unemployed. No...there is no goo goo eyes but so what...we both got what we need.

I reckon that I'm on a good one and expect to die in our little town and to be cremated at the local wat...best what you know than foolish expectations...

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I met my Thai wife abut 15 years ago, been married for 13 years. I met her in the U.S. when I was in the army. So I know she did not marry me for a green card or for the money. You would be hard pressed to find a harder working woman than her. If you find the right Thai woman you will never find a better wife or friend in the world. If your heart tells you she could be the one then I would listen to it.

But I can also tell you the other side of the coin from which I have witnessed by watching my wife's thai friends. There are a lot of them that have married for money and a green card and love to talk about how they are ripping off their husband with the other thai women. I could list a bunch of examples for you but I am not the worlds fastest at typing.

One thing I can tell you for sure is Thai women are supper jealous, even with their close friends.( my wife included ) This takes a little getting use to but if that is all you have to worry about I say you are in the clear.

best of luck


Thai women are like any other woman- if its true love then its for loves sake, however if a women is mercernary then its for the money. This is true worldwide, just not Thai women.

I'm 16 years older than my wife and never presumed that our arrangement was about anything than money...

You disappoint us, Tutsi.

We thought all along that it was for your well known charm and wit that a lot of people in this forum learned (the hard way) to appreciate,... :o

I'm 16 years older than my wife and never presumed that our arrangement was about anything than money...

You disappoint us, Tutsi.

We thought all along that it was for your well known charm and wit that a lot of people in this forum learned (the hard way) to appreciate,... :o

You never know if Tutsi is taking the piss! But if that is true , at least he is happy and under no illusion...personally I would rather be single , but Tutsi describes a relationship that is more honest than many Farang couples that I know.

One thing I can tell you for sure is Thai women are supper jealous, even with their close friends.( my wife included ) This takes a little getting use to but if that is all you have to worry about I say you are in the clear.

Yes, very jealous. Mine too.

I guess it's because they grew up seeing so many cases married men flirting around. The high percentage of (Thai) men being disloyal makes them realize how easy it is a man could become disloyal.

One thing I can tell you for sure is Thai women are supper jealous, even with their close friends.( my wife included ) This takes a little getting use to but if that is all you have to worry about I say you are in the clear.

Yes, very jealous. Mine too.

I guess it's because they grew up seeing so many cases married men flirting around. The high percentage of (Thai) men being disloyal makes them realize how easy it is a man could become disloyal.

The word disloyal must never be used more than once in the same sentance , it implies disloyalty.... :o

When you grow up, you will find the answers to most of those questions yourself.

Alas, some people never grow up!

Me and the "little woman" have been together nearly 25 years now and have shared quite a bit along the way. She might have appreciated the green card back in 1980 when we were married but now wants to live permanently in LOS.

...Just wishes she could have the Wal Mart Supercenter too! :o


bluecat and chonabot...yeah...I'm quite happy with my present arrangement. My wife has not disappointed me as she appears to uphold her end of the deal. She also has a large and close-knit immediate family and this has suited me as they are nice folks and there are always lots of kids around. My wife has developed an affection for me based mostly on the fact that I am a man of 'good heart'. I knew that this would happen and that our relationship wouldn't always be on a strictly business basis. But I went into it with eyes wide open and with no illusions.

Thanks for your concern.

So yes I be a lad- Blue Cat! Mind you always thought u were a lad too until recently read you weren't!

Read ALL the posts, not only the ones specifically written for my "dear friend Mb...",... :o:D

bluecat and chonabot...yeah...I'm quite happy with my present arrangement. My wife has not disappointed me as she appears to uphold her end of the deal. She also has a large and close-knit immediate family and this has suited me as they are nice folks and there are always lots of kids around. My wife has developed an affection for me based mostly on the fact that I am a man of 'good heart'. I knew that this would happen and that our relationship wouldn't always be on a strictly business basis. But I went into it with eyes wide open and with no illusions.

Jeez, Tutsi, what happened to you?

Songkran holidays making you "soft"?

We love you and I'm sure your wife does also.

And do not give us the "jai dee" bullshit,... :o


Jai Dee- well one of the overly used Thai Gal words. Hmm translate you're an ugly bastard, but wonderful personality. :o

Few pints would work well right now for me....

It's cool...I don't mind bein' an ugly bastid...something that you have to live with in middle age...like constipation...

Hmmm, the wife REALLY sold the house,... :o:D

  • 1 month later...

Women of course being exactly the same only marry for one reason. This is the same with clothing and why you can only find dresses which are exactly the same color and same style.

So some women marry just for money, some marry just for love some marry because you beat them just the way daddy did.

When they decide to divorce, if they think it was their fault and they are sad, they walk away.

If they think it was your fault, they in the words of Robin Williams, remove your testicle through your wallet.


I have always thought marriage is a bit like eating in a restaurant.

You go in sit down, you look at the menu for ages deciding want you want then you finally decide.

You tell the waiter what you want and off he goes to get it.

When he brings what you have ordered he puts it down on the table you look on the next table and think "I wish I had ordered that instead".


There are all kinds of people everywhere on this planet. Good ones, bad ones. It's all our responsibility to screen people that are coming into our lives. I know some people who married for money, social status, security, etc. And lots of people got married because they loved their partner.

I am a Thai and my darling is an English (not inbred, mind you). We've discussed pre-nup and we are on the same wavelength here that we would get one if we got married. Ahem ahem, it's me who initiated it. Even though he told me he would move back to the UK eventually, it didn't scare me. We would go for it. Now that he's leaving Tokyo for good soon, to live in BKK for a while, we wouldn't get anything that couldn't be registered in his name.

So, that's me and my darling. Hope it makes you guys feel better, and can see that we all are not that bad.

PS. So, Steve and all your inbred brothers, I know you are stalking me. Well, just wanted to say again that.. I have a darling.. and you are not going to get my pics in this lifetime. Cheers :o


Hi LC, FYI a pre-nup is not recognised in the UK, so you would still be on a winner even if you signed one. There is a saying "you don't really know the woman you married until you get divorced!!"

Every thing may be on the up at the moment and have been that way for a while, but what happens when you tire of his little habits that you find so sweet now. That gentle snore that could develop into the sound of a juggernaught slammimg on its airbreaks!!! The way he leaves the lavatory seat up all the time, he never used to do that. etc. etc.

You would be amazed how quickly love can turn to hate.

I wish you all the best in your forth coming marriage, I really do, but don't hand out that old blarney about signing a pre-nup agreement as it holds no water, and I guarantee you that if you did divorce you would go for your pound of flesh the same as the next woman!!!!

You may think this is harsh but I've seen it so many times and even been on the recieving end of it.





Thanks for your posting. I've done some research and have found that pre-nup agreements are enforcable in Thailand, but the UK. Looks like it's changing in the UK though. I can understand things can turn sour in the future (shouldn't be the toilet as I always leave the toilet seat up :D ). But still, if we ever got married and, God forbid, had to divorce, I wouldn't want anything from him.. except sending me home. I would still have a home and business here.

Anyway, thank you for your suggestion and I will think about it. We still have got some other things to sort out too. :o



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