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Trying To Find A School For My Daughter

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I have been searching the forum looking for advice on schools in Thailand, but to my surprise, cannot find a thread that specifically covers schooling for the children of Expats. I'm hoping that the readers in this sub-forum may be able to offer me some advice.

I have been working overseas and visiting Thailand for the past 15 years. I built a house about 10 years ago and have a 9 year old daughter who speaks much better Thai than English (you know the story, she is surrounded by Thai family and friends day in day out and she finds it easier to communicate with me in Thai, even though I have always tried to make an effort to speak English with her; I simply spend far too much time away from home).

She attends a small private school and I am fairly happy with her academic progress to date, but as she approaches secondary school age, I want to find a good 'all girl' school (not necessarily an international school... Regent et al are out of my price range) which will provide a good stepping stone for university entrance.

I am not concerned where the school is located (Bkk, Chiang Mai, Phuket...) and will consider full time boarding in an effort to imbue a little independance, but they must have a sound academic record and as I said, be an all girl school. To date, I have only found one such school with a full time boarding program Rajinibon School they are located in Bkk and have a good math/science program, but I would like to consider other options.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and respond to this post.

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The forum doesn't allow for posting the same topic in different forums. I will close this topic if you have posted it elsewhere. If this presents a problem, please contact a moderator for assistance. If need be, you can hit the report button.

I will be away from the computer this evening, but best of luck in your search.

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