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This afternoon I had to kill a three foot cobra that was in a face to face 'argument' with one of my dogs. Tonight I just saw another long cobra slip down a hole and go under my house.

Cobras are not uncommon where we live but I am now concerned that there is a nest under my house.

I take no pleasure in killing snakes, but I have to protect my family and dogs.

Any suggestions on how I can get rid of these cobras....either peacefully or lethally.


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I had the same thing a few years ago.Told the brother inlaw and the next day he had killed one out the back of our house.Not sure how he found it as i was away at the time. These type of problems are best to ask someone local as im sure they will know what to do.

I to do not like the killing of anything but when you have children around this is the best way as it would probably find a way back.

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There is a plant you can put around your property . its called Pang Pong, think thats how you spell it, It also can be eaten for snake bites, The Thai give there children it as they grow up so they can become snake charmers. plant it around or put it in plant pots,

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