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5 Days To The 12th Of Never, Perhaps.


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It would seem that the news reports are growing in intensity about this coming weekends events. Hard to call this one for faranges with no inside info. It could go either way. Bangkok is in for an interesting time no doubt.

It could be a peaceful rally or bloody hel_l. Is anyone in CM making plans for a getaway just in case ? I was thinking a trip to Chiang Khong on Wednesday and a few days stay at a nice place on the Mekong River with the option of going over to Laos in case things got wild here. I have seen the unimaginable happen before so my reptillian sensors are a little peaked now. Anyone else have an uneasy feeling about this weekend ? As they say "hope for the best but plan for the worst". :)

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We have friends who come here every winter, usually leaving around mid-March. This year they decided to leave a week early because of concern that the Bangkok airport might be closed as part of the 12 March demonstrations. So, yes, some people are concerned enough to change travel plans and deprive Thailand of their tourist spending.

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Is anyone in CM making plans for a getaway just in case ? I was thinking a trip to Chiang Khong on Wednesday and a few days stay at a nice place on the Mekong River with the option of going over to Laos in case things got wild here.

Yes, I'm going to Bangkok. Will likely check out the main rally site at Sanam Luang; it's convenient relative to the Khao San Road area so might as well check it out. Should be good, but if it isn't then I'll stay away.

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Is anyone in CM making plans for a getaway just in case ? I was thinking a trip to Chiang Khong on Wednesday and a few days stay at a nice place on the Mekong River with the option of going over to Laos in case things got wild here.

Yes, I'm going to Bangkok. Will likely check out the main rally site at Sanam Luang; it's convenient relative to the Khao San Road area so might as well check it out. Should be good, but if it isn't then I'll stay away.

You are one gutsy khwai.

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I haven't read any reports of the red-shirts planning a rally in Chiang Mai. I certainly won't be re-scheduling my weekend plans to CM. I was in CM last year when a red-shirt rally was on near the airport and didn't see a thing. Me reckons no need to worry a bit - be it CM or BKK.

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Is anyone in CM making plans for a getaway just in case ? I was thinking a trip to Chiang Khong on Wednesday and a few days stay at a nice place on the Mekong River with the option of going over to Laos in case things got wild here.

Yes, I'm going to Bangkok. Will likely check out the main rally site at Sanam Luang; it's convenient relative to the Khao San Road area so might as well check it out. Should be good, but if it isn't then I'll stay away.

You are one gutsy khwai.

In general, foreigners should avoid all political rallies in Thailand. Those who don't are ignoring the clear warnings of our embassies. AYOR.

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My assessment it will all fizzle out and turn into nothing...one big anti-climax. In any case, i was in bangkok during last years disturbances and in many parts of the city, especially farang parts of sukhumvit it was business as normal.

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IF the reds dont draw a million people to the rally in Bangkok .as they are proposing ,there will be a certain loss of face and further gatherings may lose their appeal. I dont expect much here in CM it will be all hands to the pumps in Bangkok,hopefully.

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Any sustained violence in the coming weak will only damage the UDD . I suspect it is inevitable that there will be some violence but on what scale is hard to predict.

The PAD/legitimately appointed Government, and the UDD extremists are both at loggerheads at the moment and I suspect there is a lot of movement by the PAD/Government to discredit the UDD via the media.

It seems to me at the moment regarding the PAD and the UDD, that the needs of a few out weigh the needs of the many; as in the UDD party at the moment the needs of the few are ruining chances of the many.

I read an article the other day that suggests that there is split in the UDD (Thatskin) camp, one group it was suggested who wanted to move away from the Thatskin personality politics and emphasize more broad democratic reform, the other group who were basically benefiting politically, and financially through their association with the former premier.

If their is violence to any great extent, it will be the whole of the UDD party and even the many opposed to Violence as well as the few individuals that have been responsible for it that will suffer at the hands of the media , hence the needs of the few are ruining the chances of the many.

The present government is probably doing the UDD movement (and the majority of Thai citizens although a lot probably don't realize it) a great favor at the moment by weeding out some prominent trouble makers, it might give way for more sensible people with in the UDD to move in to higher positions of importance with in the party to promote popular policies aimed at their huge following mainly from the farming and rural communities.

http://' target="_blank">I am sure as most people will feel if their was an election tomorrow (Before the March 12th protests) then the UDD would most likely win but apart from some dramatic violent measures taking place or a Coup d'etat, that ain't gonna happen the next parliamentary elections to take place is i believe some time in December 2011.

Like the O/p rightly said hope for the best and plan for the worst.

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I think we should be OK here in Chiang Mai, as surely the reds will be heading down to Bangkok...imagine an empty stage infront of Grand Warorot. My staff say that their families in other northern provinces are being offered 500 baht a day to go down with ID confiscation until return. So who knows about numbers...

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Any sustained violence in the coming weak will only damage the UDD . I suspect it is inevitable that there will be some violence but on what scale is hard to predict.

It depends. The reds are most likely trying to incite (or stage) army attacks against protesters, monks, fake monks, etc. for incendiary public relations purposes. They are taking a shot here. They may make progress or they may move backwards. But they are surely engaged in a dangerous game.

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In honor of Khun GotLost's wonderful seventeen-syllable haiku beginning, "If you know where the rocks are," we offer our own pathetic loosely-haiku-form tribute:

double-crossing the river

can be dangerous;

the rocks may have moved

best, ~o:37;

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Any sustained violence in the coming weak will only damage the UDD . I suspect it is inevitable that there will be some violence but on what scale is hard to predict.

It depends. The reds are most likely trying to incite (or stage) army attacks against protesters, monks, fake monks, etc. for incendiary public relations purposes. They are taking a shot here. They may make progress or they may move backwards. But they are surely engaged in a dangerous game.

More likely to come from outside the reds, with factions posing as reds to incite some form of violence that has been talked up by the likes of The Nation.

The govt have done no favors by yet again invoking the security act which in effect bans rallies but I don't see that stopping the reds from their protest this time,sadly it likely to be seen as more of a provocation than a bid to maintain order.

It is after all an anti government (or pro Thaksin-which ever way you want to look at it) protest by the reds and that no longer seems to be allowed in Thailand which is even sadder.

Edited by Thailand
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If the UDD's prediction of the numbers expected in Bangkok is accurate Chiang Mai should be a safe and quiet place to be.

Let's hope the list of people going to the demo include

1. Advertising loudspeaker van drivers,

2. Anyone who possesses an angle grinder (but we hope they won't take the angle grinder with them!)

3. All the Akha Frog sales ladies (who should take their flower selling kids along to boost numbers)

4. All songthaew drivers whose vehicle is over 5 years old (thats 90% of them)

5. Any tuk-tuk drivers who clap their hands at foreigners to attract attention.

Maybe they could encourage support from

1. Farang who drive motorbikes that emit a noise louder than 90 decibles

2. Farang who want to start a fight after 3 beers

Wouldn't Chiang Mai be a quiet place for a few days!

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I think we should be OK here in Chiang Mai, as surely the reds will be heading down to Bangkok...imagine an empty stage infront of Grand Warorot. My staff say that their families in other northern provinces are being offered 500 baht a day to go down with ID confiscation until return. So who knows about numbers...

Does that include free food, a T Shirt and a hand clapper? Quite an attractive proposition

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I have a flight to Bangkok booked for March 17. The big Red rally is slated for March 14. I was planning to go sightseeing in BKK, then hit the beaches. I booked it ten months ago with Air Asia for 450 baht total (return flight incl). I will decide at the last minute if I'm going.

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I have a flight to Bangkok booked for March 17. The big Red rally is slated for March 14. I was planning to go sightseeing in BKK, then hit the beaches. I booked it ten months ago with Air Asia for 450 baht total (return flight incl). I will decide at the last minute if I'm going.

450 Baht RT, lucky you, good planning, I hope the madness is over by St. Paddy's Day and you can enjoy

the beaches. Chok dee.

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I have a flight to Bangkok booked for March 17. The big Red rally is slated for March 14. I was planning to go sightseeing in BKK, then hit the beaches. I booked it ten months ago with Air Asia for 450 baht total (return flight incl). I will decide at the last minute if I'm going.

450 Baht RT, lucky you, good planning, I hope the madness is over by St. Paddy's Day and you can enjoy

the beaches. Chok dee.

too bad no guinness will be available

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sao jiang mai.

re ... I think we should be OK here in Chiang Mai, as surely the reds will be heading down to Bangkok...imagine an empty stage infront of Grand Warorot.

you think so ?

i hope so but these pictures tell a different story.

pic 1 was taken outside red shirts hq 14 oc 09

pic 2 ............................................. 21 feb 10 they changed the stage picture theyd been using for months

pic 3 .. 4 and 5 were taken from opposite sides of red shirts hq today

why do you think the old tyres / barrels and more barriers have been arriving every day for the last week.

hope your right .... dave2

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sao jiang mai.

re ... I think we should be OK here in Chiang Mai, as surely the reds will be heading down to Bangkok...imagine an empty stage infront of Grand Warorot.

you think so ?

i hope so but these pictures tell a different story.

pic 1 was taken outside red shirts hq 14 oc 09

pic 2 ............................................. 21 feb 10 they changed the stage picture theyd been using for months

pic 3 .. 4 and 5 were taken from opposite sides of red shirts hq today

why do you think the old tyres / barrels and more barriers have been arriving every day for the last week.

hope your right .... dave2

Why the need for all those tires ? I know from experience that they burn easily and send up a lot of black smoke.

The air here is bad enough without 500 burning tires. Any ideas ?

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re .... Why the need for all those tires ?

you tell me !

perhaps ug is right and sao jiang mai ( who ive never heard of ) has her hand on the pulse of this but i dont plan on going anywhere near the red shirts hq from tomorrow or anytime soon.

i can ( and am already prepared ) to stay in my room for a week .... with no problems if the s#### hits the fan in chiang mai in the next few days

if nothing happens i will be hitting the bars with the rest of you every night .... lets hope for that : )


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re .... Why the need for all those tires ?

you tell me !

perhaps ug is right and sao jiang mai ( who ive never heard of ) has her hand on the pulse of this but i dont plan on going anywhere near the red shirts hq from tomorrow or anytime soon.

i can ( and am already prepared ) to stay in my room for a week .... with no problems if the s#### hits the fan in chiang mai in the next few days

if nothing happens i will be hitting the bars with the rest of you every night .... lets hope for that : )


You might know her better as Pim of CityLife fame

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Sao Jiang Mai is not only Thai, but she has her own magaazine and ties to the news industry.

That may be where it breaks down, at the news industry. Because the news industry at times doesn't have to many ties to what's actually happening, and are often actively trying to paint a picture that sits well with their agenda.

Case in point were the pictures posted by dave2, very newsworthy but not from any newspaper. I don't like seeing that, if only because it's an eyesore. I think that should be cleaned up.

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