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Need Quick Answer About Charcoal Pills


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Doing research on here I see that "activated charcoal" is recommended alot for stomach woes. Anyone have a picture/specific brand name/ or preferred pharmacy I can go to to get this? Also, the posts I read didn't say how much charcoal should be taken at once and for how many days. One of the posts said take it 3 times a day, but didn't specify how many pills/tablets to take. I was constipated a few days ago, then 3 days of diahrea and today is a mystery as to what awaits me.

Also I saw Gelusil MPS and Mag 77 are used. I'm trying to avoid new drugs, so it may be better to use the charcoal. Right?

Thanks for any advice.

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Imodium is a fairly common general fix in a packet of four pills from any drug store. If you just say I-MO-DI-YUM four syllables nice and slowly, they'll know what you are asking for. Costs around 30 baht from memory.

I don't have any ideas on the charcoal tablets, but just a suggestion for overcoming common stomach woes in Thailand.

Get well soon.

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Imodium is a fairly common general fix in a packet of four pills from any drug store. If you just say I-MO-DI-YUM four syllables nice and slowly, they'll know what you are asking for. Costs around 30 baht from memory.

I don't have any ideas on the charcoal tablets, but just a suggestion for overcoming common stomach woes in Thailand.

Get well soon.

Thanks for your answer, but as far as I know, and this board recommends as well, the immodium does more harm than good.

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Activated Charcoal tablets are sold at pretty much every Pharmacy - they are inexpensive (even in your budget). I would suggest staying away from the imodioum. A further alternative is this the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) which is can be used to manage diarrhea and gastroenteritis. BRAT-type foods provide a combination of bland, low dietary fiber foods which provide energy without gastric irritation. Just a curiosity, how long have you been shitting through the eye of a needle for?

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Activated Charcoal tablets are sold at pretty much every Pharmacy - they are inexpensive (even in your budget). I would suggest staying away from the imodioum. A further alternative is this the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) which is can be used to manage diarrhea and gastroenteritis. BRAT-type foods provide a combination of bland, low dietary fiber foods which provide energy without gastric irritation. Just a curiosity, how long have you been shitting through the eye of a needle for?

Agreed imodioum bungs you up, when you have a dose of the trots, you want to get it out not keep it in.

In all my years travelling around various sh*t holes in the world, always found charcoal and possibly antibiotic (if food posioning) works the best, not suggesting you jump straight into antibiotics, try the charcoal first.

As to one posters questions how much charcoal ?.....I start with two immediately and 2 every 4 hours, if this doesnt start showing improvement after 12 hours, start and antibiotic with the charcoal.

Charcoal doesnt cause constripation....only effects you will see is that "liquid" you are producing turns blackish thats all...

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Brand names for activated of charcoal:



Ultracarbon X

the last one is an import (Merck) others are locally made.

Dosage = 3 tabs 3-4 times a day

Do not take it within an hour of any other medication as it will interfere with absorption. More than 2 holurs apart better.

Immodium best avoided

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The pharmacy sold me a box of UltraCarbon X. I'll see how it goes.

Thanks everyone.

Brand names for activated of charcoal:



Ultracarbon X

the last one is an import (Merck) others are locally made.

Dosage = 3 tabs 3-4 times a day

Do not take it within an hour of any other medication as it will interfere with absorption. More than 2 holurs apart better.

Immodium best avoided

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Brand names for activated of charcoal:



Ultracarbon X

the last one is an import (Merck) others are locally made.

Dosage = 3 tabs 3-4 times a day

Do not take it within an hour of any other medication as it will interfere with absorption. More than 2 holurs apart better.

Immodium best avoided

I usually take either of the last two and I also eat boiled egg sandwiches and that works well for me.

I thing the last time I took immodium was about 5 years ago in Pakistan and then I really needed it but I won't go into detail about that.

Back in the 60's when I was in the military we used to take kaolin-et-morph which did the same thing as immodium but tasted much better. It used to be issued in pint bottles and 2 or 3 pints of that a day certainly fixed you up.

After eating a lot of military food especially in Bahrain in 1963/64 almost anything was better.

They used to serve for 15 minutes then stop for 15 to allow the guys to eat.

Butter used to be in 5 pound tins and was the consistency of water as the summer temperatures were in the high 30's.

Edited by billd766
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Back in the 60's when I was in the military we used to take kaolin-et-morph which did the same thing as immodium but tasted much better. It used to be issued in pint bottles and 2 or 3 pints of that a day certainly fixed you up.

The Kaolin/morph I believe is now banned in almost all places as it contained morphine.....Now I know why I was always a happy kid... :) as used to be fed doses of it as well

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I forgot to ask for howlong do people take these charcoal pills? Is there a recommended set of days, or is it just until you start to feel better because your system is flushing itself of the dirt?

In my experience if you are not sorted out with charcoal within 24 hours, there is something else wrong other than a normal dose of the trots....ie Food poisoning which may require "stronger" medication

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I'm not an Eric Bahrt-type character, BTW, but do some research on turmeric and cinnamon, and balance your diet towards fruit and veg. It always helps with my digestion/stomach problems. Especially turmeric (kamin chan, in Thai), and bananas (kluay) and papaya (malakor). Turmeric you should take long term for prostate cancer -- 15 years ago my prostate PS rating was 3.8 (0-4 is normal). Today it is 2.5. Say what you will, but check the facts first (look at studies of Indians who consume a lot of turmeric). Also, don't forget nuts when you're sick. Almonds, walnuts, cashews and peanuts provide essential minerals that help to increase the immune system.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ca-R-Bon is sold in capsules and the normal prescribed dose is 2 capsules (as many as 4 in severe cases). Most if not all the others are of lesser strength, I believe, hence 3x. The capsules are easier to swallow than the rough-edged tabs.

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