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The Hurt Locker Wins The Best Picture


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I dunno which bloke met all the ex-SAS, special forces in Samui of all places, but probably wannabes anyway. It seems those in the "trade" think that the movie is totally unrealistic, and the bloke would be considered a complete liability and be sent home to do ATF work. Mind you, the author has always maintained that it was meant to be a dramatic work of fiction, not a documentary.

The Hurt Locker went straight to DVD in the UK and barely caused a ripple stateside.

The academy hate commercial success, ask Steven Spielberg. It took the holocaust movie to get him the recognition he deserved.

Good entertainment though; both of them were, in their way.

Personally, I liked "Up".

You can't fault Cameron for making two of the biggest earners in history, but they're still way behind Gone with the Wind in tickets sold.

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Avatar was great as was Hurt Locker. SciFi never wins at the Oscars. Any rate Hurt Locker is pretty intense stuff - just shows that danger/war can be rather addictive drug. I mean look the lad was bored taking care of his family at home and then re-enlists to put his life in danger again. Very well done movie, and deserved the Oscar - even though seems inaccurate to lot of what is going on there. Personally would have given the Oscar to Avatar since it was ground breaking cinema, but as I said SciFi is usually looked down upon by the snooty Hollywood types.

You were right on "addictive drug" statement, actually “…war is a drug” were the words which is used for the opening scene of “The Hurt Locker”, and it is quoted from journalist Chris Hedges.

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Seems to me that the Oscar people are just average Americans who rather vote for a movie about war abroad than cleaning up their own backjard as shown in Precious.

I believe the reason was that it was a better film :D

That said, Mo'Nique was superd in Precious.

I was speaking to some guys yesterday in a bar on Samui. All these guys coincidentally were ex special forces....SAS, SBS, Delta force (strangely skint though and down on their luck) and they assured me it was very realistic :):D

:D yeh I bet it was very terrifying real to them, because they had never; served, or lived in such war zones.

Yet; no real "war experts" have accepted that movie as "realistic " , here is a photo essay for the real Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) squads.

The Real hurt locker

Also; it was quite interesting how the directer views the Iraqi people/victims ,that were generally viewed in the movie as "enemies" or suspected terrorists.

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Also; it was quite interesting how the directer views the Iraqi people/victims ,that were generally viewed in the movie as "enemies" or suspected terrorists.

Well I think the director was trying to point out that it's hard to distinguish the enemy vs friend. The EOD team was right to be paranoid especially when a lot of the IEDs are set off remotely. I think this is what she was pointing out in regards to the plot of the movie.

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I'm so happy Avatar got sh*t. That was such an absolutely crap movie; I couldn't believe that all the so called "critics" were raving about this complete waste of money, at least the academy have put it in it's place.

And all the losers on IMDB calling it the best movie of all time...<deleted>


Or did part of the $300Million go towards fake reviews? God i could flame this movie for a couple of hours, but i'll just leave it at that...(for now)

I'm so happy Avatar got sh*t. That was such an absolutely crap movie; I couldn't believe that all the so called "critics" were raving about this complete waste of money, at least the academy have put it in it's place.

And all the losers on IMDB calling it the best movie of all time...<deleted>


Or did part of the $300Million go towards fake reviews? God i could flame this movie for a couple of hours, but i'll just leave it at that...(for now)

I agree. Terrible movie.

Let me guess, you guys cant stand the very notion that we humans might be portrayed as villains eh?

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Hurt locker had huge "mistakes" for a "reality"-claiming movie that it is based on Iraq's invasion, specially with the first few scenes , when showing an explosive-detecting-robot roving the street, and "the butcher=meat shop" had the sign with the word : "ملحمة" , which meant that is either in Syria, or Jordan: definitely not in Iraq; cause they use the word "كصابة" !

I knew instantly by that scene , that the movie was shot in Jordan. :)

That absolutely ruined it for me too. But I didn't point it out to my mates because I didn't want to ruin it for them.

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I watched Hurt Locker trusting that someone may have seen something in it more than I was expecting, well enough to give it awards. I saw American propoganda and nothing else. All I got out of the movie was it was a good way to train terrorists on how the army works, what a stupid waste of time. Get over yourself USA.


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Hurt locker had huge "mistakes" for a "reality"-claiming movie that it is based on Iraq's invasion, specially with the first few scenes , when showing an explosive-detecting-robot roving the street, and "the butcher=meat shop" had the sign with the word : "ملحمة" , which meant that is either in Syria, or Jordan: definitely not in Iraq; cause they use the word "كصابة" !

I knew instantly by that scene , that the movie was shot in Jordan. :D

That absolutely ruined it for me too. But I didn't point it out to my mates because I didn't want to ruin it for them.


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I was disappointed in "The Hurt Locker". It tried real hard to look like a documentary, with it's gritty, handheld camera work. There was very little in the way of plot, except that "war screws up young men" and "it's difficult to know who the enemy is". These subjects have been done better by other films ("Platoon", "The Deer Hunter", "Blackhawk Down", even this year's "The Messenger" with Woody Harralson). It wasn't a bad movie, but certainly not Best Picture worthy, IMHO.

I really liked "Up In The Air", "Precious" and especially Tarantino's "Inglorious Basterds". Haven't seen "Avatar".

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The new Iraq movie The Green Zone (in theaters now) is much more entertaining (and true to the dark reality of how Americans and Brits were lied to about the reasons to enter the war) than the Hurt Locker. Neither is award worthy really, but The Green Zone is really worth seeing, and entertaining as well.

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I downloaded Hurt Locker and had a look, It was done well, but in the end it is a movie I would have forgotten about in a week had it not won Oscars. Whereas Avatar will not be forgotten too quickly by most people. Sure Avatar's storyline was low brow action orientated, and mainly an effects movie, but at least it represented a milestone for the industry, whereas Hurt Locker was just another movie. There are dozens of better war movies out there that never got best picture.

I also saw Blindside, because of the Oscar win. It was ok, very clean and family orientated (there should be an award for that) but the acting was plug and play, many actresses could have delivered that role, probably many would have been better than Bullock. I think she got the award because of the strong female role, and not for her acting. Hollywood loves to reward for politics. It reminded me of Julia Roberts winning the Oscar for Erin Brokevich (spelling?) Julia Roberts is pretty and charming and knows how to play a certain role. But there is no way she was ever the best actress in any year. Once again the award was given for the role.

They should just give multiple Oscars for writing screenplays that fit the political views of the academy and have a different award based on talent.

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The new Iraq movie The Green Zone (in theaters now) is much more entertaining (and true to the dark reality of how Americans and Brits were lied to about the reasons to enter the war) than the Hurt Locker. Neither is award worthy really, but The Green Zone is really worth seeing, and entertaining as well.

Actually Green Zone was complete utter rubbish for believability. Jason Bourne does Baghdad. :)

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Hurt locker had huge "mistakes" for a "reality"-claiming movie that it is based on Iraq's invasion, specially with the first few scenes , when showing an explosive-detecting-robot roving the street, and "the butcher=meat shop" had the sign with the word : "ملحمة" , which meant that is either in Syria, or Jordan: definitely not in Iraq; cause they use the word "كصابة" !

I knew instantly by that scene , that the movie was shot in Jordan. :D

That absolutely ruined it for me too. But I didn't point it out to my mates because I didn't want to ruin it for them.


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The new Iraq movie The Green Zone (in theaters now) is much more entertaining (and true to the dark reality of how Americans and Brits were lied to about the reasons to enter the war) than the Hurt Locker. Neither is award worthy really, but The Green Zone is really worth seeing, and entertaining as well.

Actually Green Zone was complete utter rubbish for believability. Jason Bourne does Baghdad. :D

Try "From Paris with Love'. It is kind of about terrorism, totally fake, but lots of fun. Travolta's best role since Pulp Fiction. :)

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