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well, i'd like to have farang friends in thailand. How do i know them? Where will i go? I'm not going to gay bars.

Does anyone know the chat room websites? i'd like to chat and meet with farangs in thailand.

I'm 22 m thai

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Doesn't this question deserve a decent answer, though, folks? I mean, oddly enough considering some of us, there ARE real Thai guys out there who might occasionally be interested in meeting foreigners to be friends or go on a date.

So what can a decent Thai guy do to get to know more foreigners, as friends first (there are plenty of foreigners looking for sex, so I don't think that's so much of a challenge)?

Here are some suggestions:

1. Of course, you'll need to work on a foreign language. These days, English is probably the most widely spoken. Most foreigners are here for far too short a time to learn enough Thai to communicate well, and even if they're here longer they're often a bit lazy about language study (I'm no exception). Besides, you'll be able to use this ability in other areas of your life, so it's not wasting your time no matter if you use it in your personal life or not.

2. The best way to make FRIENDS is to find some sort of club or interest group, like a sports team or a social gathering, where both foreigners and Thais are welcome. Then you'll pick up friends as you participate. Unfortunately, if the group is not specifically gay-themed, there's no guarantee that you'll meet gay foreigners. However, there are so MANY gay foreigners in Thailand (really!) that if you're brave you may be able to ask your new friends for introductions to the other gay foreigners they're sure to know.

3. Know what your goals are- be honest with yourself. Are you REALLY looking for friends, or do you need sexual attention or a boyfriend? It doesn't usually work well if you're trying to trick yourself (or others) into thinking your goal is the first one (friends) when you really need the second one (sex). It's actually pretty hard to deal with the first one if you haven't taken care of the second one in awhile.

4. On the subject of sex, and also taking into account the young age of the opening poster, remember that a lot of these foreign tourists visiting Thailand are older, more experienced guys who have lives outside of Thailand. You may be disappointed if you let your feelings get too strong for one of them. Also remember that no matter what anyone else says, you MUST practice safe sex (use condoms!) each and every time!

5. Foreigners need a lot of help in Thailand, especially if we don't speak Thai very well. Helping us out with simple challenges can be one way both to help your new friends and improve your English skills. If you find this especially easy, you might consider going into tourism as a career.

6. Cultural differences or not, decent behavior is decent behavior. Trust your instincts- if you think someone is behaving badly towards you, then get away from them!

7. People are all individuals. Don't blame all foreigners if one of them does something bad. Protect yourself, get away, and try again when you feel ready.

That's what I can think of for now.


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