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Rock Thrown Through Windscreen


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Yesterday 2 mates, 1 being an Aussie Police Officer and the wife were heading to Lop Buri via Ayutthaya , when I saw a kid on the overhead walkway throw a large piece of rock which hit the windscreen shattering it, no one was hurt, just shocked. I hit the brakes and my mate’s went up the walkway one side and I the other. We grabbed the 2 little bas**rds and booted their arse’s. The wife called the Thai police, who were there in no time at all. My wife told them what had happened and that my friend was a policeman from Australia and things started to happen. They booted the kid’s arse’s as well.

They asked us all to go to the Police Stn where the police insisted that the parents of the 2 kids attend the Station. When they arrived one parent spoke to the police and had the windscreen replaced in no time at all and had the car thoroughly cleaned inside and out. The other parent who we were told, came from a well to do family in the area, had offered me B6000 in damages if his kid was not charged and he promised the police, he would make sure it would never happen again? I agreed.

After all was settled, I gave both the police B1000 each, had the windscreen fixed and cleaned at one fathers expense, copped B6000 in damages from the other father and went away with a story to tell and satisfaction for once.

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How old were these kids?

Does not mater , They were good aimers though, Seriously they could have killed someone,

They were 13 and 15 Years of age. They had an Air Blade Bike at the bottom of the steps.

Edited by OZEMADE
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How old were these kids?

Does not mater , They were good aimers though, Seriously they could have killed someone,

They were 13 and 15 Years of age. They had an Air Blade Bike at the bottom of the steps.

Luckily you're alright. I'm glad the boys we caught. I hope their parents were furious.

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How old were these kids?

Does not mater , They were good aimers though, Seriously they could have killed someone,

They were 13 and 15 Years of age. They had an Air Blade Bike at the bottom of the steps.

Luckily you're alright. I'm glad the boys we caught. I hope their parents were furious.

They were furious, and they lost face in front of us and the Police. Not happy chappies.

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The other parent who we were told, came from a well to do family in the area, had offered me B6000 in damages if his kid was not charged and he promised the police, he would make sure it would never happen again? I agreed.

So despite all the farang involvement and good intent 'catching' these little sh!ts, nothing different really happened.

Accordingly, if it was a well to do family, I would have gone for at least 25000 baht... the same that they probably would have asked for if the positions had been reversed.

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Rock throwing at cars happens a lot in Thailand with many deaths .Its reported on a lot on Thai TV .

Glad that the two shits were caught in this case .

The added advantage is the cops have a couple of names if it happens again. (They will go looking for the ones with rich parents :) )
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Rock throwing at cars happens a lot in Thailand with many deaths .Its reported on a lot on Thai TV .

Glad that the two shits were caught in this case .

Good point. Why on earth do they do it??

Practising for this weekend perhaps??

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So paying for the windscreen and additional 6000 Baht gets you out with nothing if you get caut. In my opinion its very dangerous, I would not applaud for taking money and dont get the little shits registed, no Problem, they are well off, next time they will try to buy there way out of a murder maybe? But everybody seams just too happy with the outcome. But hey..... Teaching the little Farts how to get out by paying a little money.

Probably pissend themself laughing all the way back home.

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CHdiver that's the way it always happens here, it's not OP's responsibility to try to change that. Where I come from, the police probably wouldn't have cared at all, the parents wouldn't have bothered to come and pick up their offspring at the station, the changing of the windscreen would have taken three weeks... and a lawyer would have advised the minors to file a complaint against OP for assault!

Edited by Chaam local
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getting the parents into a furous state is what counts in this case.

So paying for the windscreen and additional 6000 Baht gets you out with nothing if you get caut. In my opinion its very dangerous, I would not applaud for taking money and dont get the little shits registed, no Problem, they are well off, next time they will try to buy there way out of a murder maybe? But everybody seams just too happy with the outcome. But hey..... Teaching the little Farts how to get out by paying a little money.

Probably pissend themself laughing all the way back home.

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So paying for the windscreen and additional 6000 Baht gets you out with nothing if you get caut. In my opinion its very dangerous, I would not applaud for taking money and dont get the little shits registed, no Problem, they are well off, next time they will try to buy there way out of a murder maybe? But everybody seams just too happy with the outcome. But hey..... Teaching the little Farts how to get out by paying a little money.

Probably pissend themself laughing all the way back home.

Obviously you know more about Thai culture than I. However I would believe, when your son has had a whacking by the persons he could have killed and by the local Police and the parents of the 2 kid's have lost Face in the eyes of the Police, I would think that they did not and will not get off scott free especially by their familie's.

I think they would have been pissing themselves on the way home as well, but not with laughter.

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I still assert that if you are going to play the Thai 'face' game, you should have gone for 25000 baht and NOT tipped the bloody MiB for doing something they are paid to do anyway.

These kids could have been up for attempted murder in any country where there is respect of law and law enforcement so I don't think that a new windscreen, $200, car valeting and a back-hander to the polis is anything to beat your gums about. You, your mates or your wife could have been seriously injured or killed.

PS. I do agree with the booting their <deleted> though. My dad was a career policeman and when he caught me red-handed doing stuff the other neighbourhood delinquents were doing, I couldn't sit down for a week!

Edited by NanLaew
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I still assert that if you are going to play the Thai 'face' game, you should have gone for 25000 baht and NOT tipped the bloody MiB for doing something they are paid to do anyway.

These kids could have been up for attempted murder in any country where there is respect of law and law enforcement so I don't think that a new windscreen, $200, car valeting and a back-hander to the polis is anything to beat your gums about. You, your mates or your wife could have been seriously injured or killed.

PS. I do agree with the booting their <deleted> though. My dad was a career policeman and when he caught me red-handed doing stuff the other neighbourhood delinquents were doing, I couldn't sit down for a week!

I wasn't playing the Thai face game the Police did that and you are saying that your Father who was a Policeman caught you red handed, let's say throwing bricks through a windscreen or the likes, didn't have you charged as well and let you off with an arse kicking? Mmmmm :):D

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I wasn't playing the Thai face game the Police did that and you are saying that your Father who was a Policeman caught you red handed, let's say throwing bricks through a windscreen or the likes, didn't have you charged as well and let you off with an arse kicking? Mmmmm :):D

OK, throwing bricks through car windscreens versus stealing the neighbours potatoes... let me think about that momentarily.

Nope, no comparison but luckily for me the death sentence for the latter was repealed in Scotland in 1892.

You did play the Thai 'face' game and played it farang style... and lost.


Must try harder.

Edited by NanLaew
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I wasn't playing the Thai face game the Police did that and you are saying that your Father who was a Policeman caught you red handed, let's say throwing bricks through a windscreen or the likes, didn't have you charged as well and let you off with an arse kicking? Mmmmm :):D

OK, throwing bricks through car windscreens versus stealing the neighbours potatoes... let me think about that momentarily.

Nope, no comparison but luckily for me the death sentence for the latter was repealed in Scotland in 1892.

You did play the Thai 'face' game and played it farang style... and lost.


Must try harder.

How do u figure they lost in this case? Yr in thailand for gods sake and from what ive seen over the years this has worked out well. Frankly i think 9/10 is the appropriate score.. :D

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I wasn't playing the Thai face game the Police did that and you are saying that your Father who was a Policeman caught you red handed, let's say throwing bricks through a windscreen or the likes, didn't have you charged as well and let you off with an arse kicking? Mmmmm :):D

OK, throwing bricks through car windscreens versus stealing the neighbours potatoes... let me think about that momentarily.

Nope, no comparison but luckily for me the death sentence for the latter was repealed in Scotland in 1892.

You did play the Thai 'face' game and played it farang style... and lost.


Must try harder.

How do u figure they lost in this case? Yr in thailand for gods sake and from what ive seen over the years this has worked out well. Frankly i think 9/10 is the appropriate score.. :D

I would possibly consider a grade of 9/10 if they had thrown the little buggers off the bloody bridge and carried on with their journey!

(10/10 if they took their motorcycle with them).

Howdya like them TiT apples huh?

Edited by NanLaew
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