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Thaksin's Family Not Fleeing, But Flying Out Of Thailand

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are there any believers out there that actually think that Thaksin does not give money to support the protests ?

If it is so obvious that he is paying people, why did you have to blatantly misrepresent what he said? He is talking about lining up for 500 baht from the current government.

Seems to be an awfully lot of lies, half lies and gross exaggerations coming from the self rightous, self proclaimed "good" side.

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Pssst Thaksin in his own words on his own show mentioned them no longer having to line up for his 500 baht when he comes back into power :D It was recorded live and is on youtube .. the pause when he touches his earpiece after the remark is CLASSIC :D

And at the time it was said the yellows where getting 500baht a day to sit in the GOV house/airport. And could be explained he ment to say the yellow's wouldn't need to protest for money anymore, he would take care of his people even the yellows :)

It would not suprise me if both sides paid for some protestors, but their is no direct proof of either side paying for protestors....



Glad I don't have to live near you ... your views would irritate the hel_l out of me.

just as your holier than though views irritate the hel_l out of the me........

Thank You! I'll wear that as a badge of courage. I want my family to always be safe. I feel sorry for your family if you walk the walk that you talk when you come out of the shadows.

Not holier than Though, just respectful of my family and in fact all families.


i do not live in the shadows

i live in the glorius rural countryside around Mabrachan Lake near Pattaya

far from the madding crowd......

my family respect my outspokeness, as do my friends.(what few i have..)

for me, as i have said many times on this very forum, i would rather be a tiger for a day than a sheep for a lifetime

it may not be a path to old age but i do not lay in my bed at night thinking about what i wish i had said or done when i have had a problem

my insurance is all paid up and when the time comes, it comes and hiding away won't change that.

so what are you ? man or mouse ? come on squeek up!

are there any believers out there that actually think that Thaksin does not give money to support the protests ?

If it is so obvious that he is paying people, why did you have to blatantly misrepresent what he said? He is talking about lining up for 500 baht from the current government.

Seems to be an awfully lot of lies, half lies and gross exaggerations coming from the self rightous, self proclaimed "good" side.

i do not have a good side

he also said on interantional news channels that he was not financing the red faction until his ''come and get your 500baht'' blunder was shown on Youtube


that is not what he said. You either do not understand Thai or there is another reason that you are misrepresenting what he said. x19436698.jpg

whats your problem ulysses?

no one paying attention to you?

ok i will bite....

you made your point in post #96

theres no need to keep banging on about it

Ulysses have the full right to celebrate with a little parade. he busted a liar and propaganda monkey or some one who is a total simpleton and fell for most stupid propaganda lies and repeat them without check.

why he keep 'banging on about it'? my guess is he was waiting for some apologies and some entries like "ohh, sorry i was wrong and misguided, but now i stand corrected. the lesson i learned for the future is that i should be be more careful what to believe and what not. thank you ulysses."

woah Newbie! you have all of 17 posts!

i wonder what moved you to join an adult discussion

no prizes for guessing who is paying you for your time....

apologies? you and Ulysses will both be waiting a long time

however at least he made some sense in his posts and is not just a bought and paid for red monkey like you

But the fact that many countries recognise Abhisit as the PM of Thailand certainly shows that these countries aren't listening to Thaksin.

And why shouldn't they recognize Abhisit as PM? He became PM legitimately through an election process and then a coalition of parties. Many people forget the coalition process was very close, and it could have easily gone the other way, with the Thaksin puppet PM gaining power yet again.

100% agree JT.

When a leader is accepted by other countries, it usually means that people that say he shouldn't be leader are being ignored. (ie Abhisit is accepted. Thaksin is ignored.)

Edit: for clarification.

.....edited to shorten....

I am willing to bet Yingluck and the rest of them are also out of the country. What possible security risk does she face? Answer.....none. But there is safety in distance, no question about that.

.....edited to shorten....

... but then "they haven't done ANYTHING wrong!" :)

..is the "Military junta" behind this all, after fabricating all this evidence, after "manipulating the courts",

after managing everyone to be and carry "biased" views and sentiments against the

"Nelson Mandela" of Thailand and his Family, who did their utmost to help the poor out of their immense suffering!?

The rally is organized by Newin as Chalerm points out... it;s a giant Conspiracy to shame his name, everyone envies him,

because he won the hearts of the entire Thai population they would vote hm by next elections with 100% into office, like Saddam Hussein, Kim Il Song, Mugabe they are soooo much loved, they always win, "democratic elections" by 100%! ;-)


I did not even discuss people being paid... I am sure red as well as yellows were being paid somewhere...

What else would they live off?

My point is that Thaksin is asking the reds to assault the government... basically attack the government because I oppose it... seems like a dictator with no army support... well maybe sea deang will help him with that.

My point is Thaksin is provoking the current 100% legit government (made by coalition between elected parties after the previous majority was BANNED for BUYING VOTES, which was decided by the SUPREME COURT). now after provoking Thailand and threatening it with terror tactics he will of course take his family out and himself stay far AWAY from the VOILENCE. He would not want to stain his 5000 THB shirt with blood from taxpayers who he cheated of!

If he had any balls or even was right for 0.01% he would come and lead his ILLEGAL army by himself... what do you say Mr. Thaksin? Are you finally finished visiting China for the olympics?

.....edited to shorten....

I am willing to bet Yingluck and the rest of them are also out of the country. What possible security risk does she face? Answer.....none. But there is safety in distance, no question about that.

.....edited to shorten....

... but then "they haven't done ANYTHING wrong!" :)

..is the "Military junta" behind this all, after fabricating all this evidence, after "manipulating the courts",

after managing everyone to be and carry "biased" views and sentiments against the

"Nelson Mandela" of Thailand and his Family, who did their utmost to help the poor out of their immense suffering!?

The rally is organized by Newin as Chalerm points out... it;s a giant Conspiracy to shame his name, everyone envies him,

because he won the hearts of the entire Thai population they would vote hm by next elections with 100% into office, like Saddam Hussein, Kim Il Song, Mugabe they are soooo much loved, they always win, "democratic elections" by 100%! ;-)

I like your sarcasm! you referred to some nice examples!

And how do you know he won't show up. Be careful what you ask for, you might get it. I can only see any of them being present a negative to the situation, but then I am not being self indulgent.

I see no reason to call his children cockroaches or the reds monkeys and commie's ether. Making them out to be sub human does nothing to enforce ones position. It is just singing to ones self and like minded.

"And how do you know he won't show up."

So if the reds complete their mission in 3 days I guess we should expect him by Monday then?


I am just saying if he did it would not be a good thing, but use it as you see fit, some here always will.

" I can only see any of them being present a negative to the situation," I guess that means monday or any other time.

That is why it is better to use whole quote, you entend to show I am saying he will come and I never said any such thing. Please don't hack my posts.

woah Newbie! you have all of 17 posts!

i wonder what moved you to join an adult discussion

no prizes for guessing who is paying you for your time....

I never really understand why posters have to go on with such dribble about how little others have posted. Unless they are making mistakes against forum rules, why would you care if he has 17 posts or 17,000? Do you have to do a certain amount of qualifying posts before your theory counts? :)


Well, the original article in the Nation, that evoked possible kidnapping by the Red Shirts sounded a bit far fetched but highlighted the basic problem.

Nobody has any idea what the red shirt plan to do in Bangkok. Including the red shirts themselves. So they might just sit on their ass for a couple of days and then get bored and go home, or they could erupt in a riot at the slightest provocation. Could go either way.

If things do get out of control however, it might lead to a coup, and that's when Thaksin's family had better not be in the country. As thing stands the assets case has been resolved with their wallet significantly lighter but no criminal conviction against them, so they're free to go where they want for all I care.

That is why it is better to use whole quote, you entend to show I am saying he will come and I never said any such thing. Please don't hack my posts.

Kindly explain how your post was hacked? I quoted the whole post leaving it untouched then highlighted the part of interest outside. I followed standard etiquette.

You, on the other hand, didn't refer to anybody in your post and allowed yourself to be misinterpreted.

Are you blaming others for your misfortune? I spot a pattern emerging here :)

woah Newbie! you have all of 17 posts!

i wonder what moved you to join an adult discussion

no prizes for guessing who is paying you for your time....

I never really understand why posters have to go on with such dribble about how little others have posted. Unless they are making mistakes against forum rules, why would you care if he has 17 posts or 17,000? Do you have to do a certain amount of qualifying posts before your theory counts? :)


so does it not surprise you that whenever there is a tense political situation involving Thaksin and a lot of comments are made on TV about it , there seems to be a sudden flurry of new members on ThaiVisa that seem moved to comment in the most vociferous terms about how wrong we are to comment badly about him?

does that not strike you as even a little suspicuous?

if you really cannot see the possible connection and the number of posts made in relation to the credibilty of the poster, then i might be moved to comment that that is very naive dribble indeed......

That is why it is better to use whole quote, you entend to show I am saying he will come and I never said any such thing. Please don't hack my posts.

Kindly explain how your post was hacked? I quoted the whole post leaving it untouched then highlighted the part of interest outside. I followed standard etiquette.

You, on the other hand, didn't refer to anybody in your post and allowed yourself to be misinterpreted.

Are you blaming others for your misfortune? I spot a pattern emerging here :)

Yes, and then after doing so you draw out of context that which is of interest to your spin (a hack) how can you read the post and then do that without intent. Or it could be you have a reading comprehension problem, if that be the case I am sorry. The anyone is the topic of the OP and clan. Your real problem is I didn't support name calling them, so you attacked the post with intended misrepresentation of the context and point of the post. And yes there is a pattern of that which follows the anti's around, and its not emerging its been here for a long time.

Yes, and then after doing so you draw out of context that which is of interest to your spin (a hack) how can you read the post and then do that without intent. Or it could be you have a reading comprehension problem, if that be the case I am sorry. The anyone is the topic of the OP and clan. Your real problem is I didn't support name calling them, so you attacked the post with intended misrepresentation of the context and point of the post. And yes there is a pattern of that which follows the anti's around, and its not emerging its been here for a long time.

I think I'll settle for having a reading comprehension problem. Can you explain the sentence "The anyone is the topic of the OP and clan" ?

woah Newbie! you have all of 17 posts!

i wonder what moved you to join an adult discussion

no prizes for guessing who is paying you for your time....

I never really understand why posters have to go on with such dribble about how little others have posted. Unless they are making mistakes against forum rules, why would you care if he has 17 posts or 17,000? Do you have to do a certain amount of qualifying posts before your theory counts? :)


so does it not surprise you that whenever there is a tense political situation involving Thaksin and a lot of comments are made on TV about it , there seems to be a sudden flurry of new members on ThaiVisa that seem moved to comment in the most vociferous terms about how wrong we are to comment badly about him?

does that not strike you as even a little suspicuous?

if you really cannot see the possible connection and the number of posts made in relation to the credibilty of the poster, then i might be moved to comment that that is very naive dribble indeed......

Don't be so paranoia about something what isn't your business

woah Newbie! you have all of 17 posts!

i wonder what moved you to join an adult discussion

no prizes for guessing who is paying you for your time....

I never really understand why posters have to go on with such dribble about how little others have posted. Unless they are making mistakes against forum rules, why would you care if he has 17 posts or 17,000? Do you have to do a certain amount of qualifying posts before your theory counts? :rolleyes:

if you really cannot see the possible connection and the number of posts made in relation to the credibilty of the poster, then i might be moved to comment that that is very naive dribble indeed......


Ulysses G. Posts: 16,141

neverdie Posts: 5,955

timekeeper Posts: 929

yes, i am the newbie here and i agree in this issue with ulysses and neverdie, but that has nothing to do with the low post count the timekeeper has compared with them.


so does it not surprise you that whenever there is a tense political situation involving Thaksin and a lot of comments are made on TV about it , there seems to be a sudden flurry of new members on ThaiVisa that seem moved to comment in the most vociferous terms about how wrong we are to comment badly about him?

does that not strike you as even a little suspicuous?

if you really cannot see the possible connection and the number of posts made in relation to the credibilty of the poster, then i might be moved to comment that that is very naive dribble indeed......

You see timekeeper, I was once accused of being too suspicious, something which i know is true, but it went with my occupation well.

You of course seem to forget that some people tend to be drawn towards thai visa at times like these, although, Im not discounting what you bring to the table here....you just can't tar every poster in the cateogry with the same brush. Well I guess you can, but thats up to you......theres probably better ways to skin the cat though. :)

Political Opinions are like asssholes and everyones got one, its just a matter for a few to realise that theres certainly alot of smoke and mirrors in the politics game and not everything is as it first seems. I am happy to watch it, in the belief that the decent politicians out there are actually the minority and that by a long way. Sad but true.

In this situation neither the reds nor the yellows have clean backyards, it seems sad that nobody has actually stopped for a moment to think what long term damage they are doing to their country.

woah Newbie! you have all of 17 posts!

i wonder what moved you to join an adult discussion

no prizes for guessing who is paying you for your time....

I never really understand why posters have to go on with such dribble about how little others have posted. Unless they are making mistakes against forum rules, why would you care if he has 17 posts or 17,000? Do you have to do a certain amount of qualifying posts before your theory counts? :)


so does it not surprise you that whenever there is a tense political situation involving Thaksin and a lot of comments are made on TV about it , there seems to be a sudden flurry of new members on ThaiVisa that seem moved to comment in the most vociferous terms about how wrong we are to comment badly about him?

does that not strike you as even a little suspicuous?

if you really cannot see the possible connection and the number of posts made in relation to the credibilty of the poster, then i might be moved to comment that that is very naive dribble indeed......

Don't be so paranoia about something what isn't your business


who made you the Queen of May? are you auditioning for a mods job?

when some newbie poster on Thaksins payroll wants to take pot shots at me, then i am going to fire back

so until you get the job and can officially chastise me then why don't you mind your own business.


Don't be so paranoia about something what isn't your business


who made you the Queen of May? are you auditioning for a mods job?

when some newbie poster on Thaksins payroll wants to take pot shots at me, then i am going to fire back

so until you get the job and can officially chastise me then why don't you mind your own business.

You really are bored aren't you, how does your keyboard endure all that shit.


who made you the Queen of May? are you auditioning for a mods job?

when some newbie poster on Thaksins payroll wants to take pot shots at me, then i am going to fire back

so until you get the job and can officially chastise me then why don't you mind your own business.

I'm betting time keeper, if he did get an offical job he would too busy to chastise you over that......but at the same time you would have a monumental dummy spit if he did. :)

Anyway, mostly posting numbers I dont notice them, they seem ALMOST completely irrelevant, unless of course it is a case of what timekeeper already mentioned.

woah Newbie! you have all of 17 posts!

i wonder what moved you to join an adult discussion

no prizes for guessing who is paying you for your time....

I never really understand why posters have to go on with such dribble about how little others have posted. Unless they are making mistakes against forum rules, why would you care if he has 17 posts or 17,000? Do you have to do a certain amount of qualifying posts before your theory counts? :)

if you really cannot see the possible connection and the number of posts made in relation to the credibilty of the poster, then i might be moved to comment that that is very naive dribble indeed......


Ulysses G. Posts: 16,141

neverdie Posts: 5,955

timekeeper Posts: 929

yes, i am the newbie here and i agree in this issue with ulysses and neverdie, but that has nothing to do with the low post count the timekeeper has compared with them.

so mozeltoff, what made you wake up on the 7th March 2010 and decide to meander over to Thaivisa and launch yourself into the political mayhem and defend Thaksins honour so agressively?

just felt the urge to have an argument?

or was there another reason........maybe financial?

so mozeltoff, what made you wake up on the 7th March 2010 and decide to meander over to Thaivisa and launch yourself into the political mayhem and defend Thaksins honour so agressively?

just felt the urge to have an argument?

or was there another reason........maybe financial?

have you asked yourself the same question timekeeper?

This morning I have send protest letters to political parties in Germany and my own country the Netherlands. About Germany admitting two people and harbouring them while over 10 thousand EU citizens are under threat of harm because of actions of their dad. I wrote that it is in poor taste that the rich kiddies get protected while thier own dad is putting so many EU citizens in potential harms way.

I suggest other people do the same and write to political parties in Germany and their own home countries. You will usually get a reply back acknowledging that they will look into it. And maybe when enough people write some debate about it will start. You might also want to write newspapers back home.


SO kids should be punished for there fathers actions? If you make a mistake, your kids should get in trouble to?

In this case YES YES YES

His kids have profited from his actions

They have defended his action and act

just like him. They are greedy spoiled little

brats. They new very well what he was upto

and have profited form it.

Toss the kids in jail ...


who made you the Queen of May? are you auditioning for a mods job?

when some newbie poster on Thaksins payroll wants to take pot shots at me, then i am going to fire back

so until you get the job and can officially chastise me then why don't you mind your own business.

I'm betting time keeper, if he did get an offical job he would too busy to chastise you over that......but at the same time you would have a monumental dummy spit if he did. :)

Anyway, mostly posting numbers I dont notice them, they seem ALMOST completely irrelevant, unless of course it is a case of what timekeeper already mentioned.

you would lose that bet, i have been given a holiday before by a number of mods. Mario even commented on how gentlemanly i had accepted it

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