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Think There May Be Drug Making Going On Right Above My Unit


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Talk to security or somebody else in your building who speaks english and can get it checked out but you are jumping to a HUGE assumption that this is a meth lab. NOTHING you said would make me think it is a meth lab. Actually it sounds like they have cats that piss on the floor and they hose it down once in a while. As for noise ... you live in a bad condo cause the way these concrete ones are made, you would need to be dropping large anvils upstairs to have you hear any noise.

Make youself feel better and get the gossip on what is going on but if the cleaning and noise bothers you ... then move because chances are making a stink about it is going to result in an unhappy life there ... if they are not cooking up some hard drugs (which by the way requires no noise and in fact you want to be quiet)

Also have to wonder how the cat piss smell is going "down" to your apartment. Do you live in an area that has a constant wind flow downward that then makes a a sunned horizontal move into your windows? Because if the smell is making it through the concrete floor and ceiling ... I would move for safety reasons.

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Cooking up Meth isn't a noisy business, nor would you do it in an apartment block.

Why would you not do it in an apartment block..... have you ever been to Melbourne..?

As a Melbourne native, this has me baffled.

Me too. Maybe he was talking about Dandenong. :)

As a former Dandy resident, that would make sense...

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The cat urine smell that comes with meth manufacture is from methylamine. Now believe me, it smells a helluva lot more than cat pee, imagine ammonia times 100 and your eyes will also start to water profusely. It will also smell extremely strong from an air con outlet which cat pee certainly wont, so if you can smell it around the unit your suspicions may be correct.


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1) walk by their door with an open flame


2) walk by the door and listen for any cats.

Have somebody else ( preferably somebody you don't like) walk by the door with an open flame while you wait a block away... :)

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Put a can of 'Whiskas' on a stick and hold it up to the balcony above.

* Make sure you open it*

This will cause one of two things:

a. the cats will go ballistic and leap out onto the verandah for a quick nibble.


b. the meth-makers may nip out themselves for a mouthful if the munchies have set in.

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