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Ants In The Apartment


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We have a problem with ants in the apartment.

These are the tiny tiny ones, which one need to get very close to see.

One crumble of bread and soon this "string" with the small ants just appear.

They obviously hide in the crevises in the wall by the kithcen, as one just need to see where the string starts/ends.

They must have an amazing sense of smell, as they appear quite soon after some food is spilt.

Its just amazing, because the apartment is basically spotless. But these small guys appear as soon as a drop of soda or food ends on the floor.

My guess is that they operate like other ants, with a queen of some sort, and if one is able to kill of the queen, the entire colony die out.

I know from my experience on ships that there are some "bate" which kills of the pest, about 24-36 hours after they consume it.

This so they have time to bring it "home" and/or it goes into their food chain, and soon they all die out.

Does anyone know about any product I can buy in Bangkok, and where I can buy it?

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Sugar water and Borax or Barasic Acid or Borax in jam jars with holes for access near "paths" about 10% BA to sugar water..don't interupt path..plan is they take it back to nest..maybe take up to 7 days ..works for sure!! We had 'em climbing walls , in the bed over doors etc..gone now.. try it ..good luck


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Sugar water and Borax or Barasic Acid or Borax in jam jars with holes for access near "paths" about 10% BA to sugar water..don't interupt path..plan is they take it back to nest..maybe take up to 7 days ..works for sure!! We had 'em climbing walls , in the bed over doors etc..gone now.. try it ..good luck


Great, thnx a lot.

Where can I buy the Barasic Acid or Borax?

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Take their uncles away.

Oh, sorry, I thought you meant aunts. :)

The previous person in my hotel room had put out some ant bait and it did a pretty good job for 3 months, but just the other day those tiny little sugar ants are back. I have them everywhere and need some more bait powder. At least they aren't those nasty little red ants that DO bite and leave an itchy welt.

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Travel2003, have a look at this website. www.pestcontrolshop.co.uk, i have bought from these and i have never had a problem with Ants since. I don't think they deliver outside the UK, but i am travelling to the UK on April 29th and will arrive back in Bangkok on the 4th May. Pm me if you need anything brought back.


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Look for the aerosol can with a long thin (1.5mm) plastic pipe attached in the insect spray dept in supermarkets.

You need the pipe to spray down the crevices that the ants live in & hopefully kill the Queen.

I've never seen such fast ants, 0-100 in 3 secs.

Try the ant chalk as well.

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I use Chaindrite 1 termite spray. It has a long, small diameter steel straw. It's point and spray, and the small diameter straw will get into the crevices for a quick wipeout.

That's what I use too - Chaindrite crack and crevice spray.

Tip: don't kill the ants straight away. Follow the trail to where they are going and/or coming from. You will usually find food at one end and a small hole in the floor/wall at the other. Push the Chaindrite tube into the hole and give it a good soaking - use paper to cover the end so you don't get sprayed when the hole is full.

It usually keeps them at bay for a few weeks, and then they come out somewhere else.

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Those ants are amazing at making a trail to follow...and you soon learn which food they like....

Pizza chicken wings..they love 'em...

They don't bother my natural fruits bought from tops.... Iran figs etc.....

I usually put washing up liquid over the hole they are coming from and along the track so they seperate from each other and are no longer in the line to my processed food..

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Chaindrite powder is effective - but a new army of ants will invade after a couple of weeks. Chaindrite is sold in supermarkets, homepro, homeworks etc.

I would also like to try the sugar water/borax - but what is borax? and where can I get it?

Might be termites and not ants in this case,given the size of the 'invaders'.

There are a couple of old threads about ants that mention Boric acid and sugar like a ideal solution.For termites too?

Boric acid is the main component of many'eye lotions',so easy to find.

I never tried it yet,those insecticides seem to be powerful enough for many days.

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I had the same problem as you at several locations and the solution is quite simple and very effective. Go into any well equipped super-market (Carrefour, Tesco, Big C etc.) and find the shelf with insect detergents. There you will find a small plastic box which you fill up with a supplied powder and place where you have seen ants. The ants absoulutely love this powder and you will see hordes of them carrying the stuff back to their nest where they feed upon it. The powder is toxic and a day or two after you will usually not find a single ant in your place. The whole hive exterminated so they dont come back (unless a new hive is established).

The powder is usually a mix of small yellow and bigger brown particles. The yellow powder is by far in favour and the ants often leave the brown behind. I have had boxes with only brown parts and it is not that effective. If you happen to get one of those, go to another shop and get another box. It is the same brand, so not sure why some dont contain the yellow parts.


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Sugar water and Borax or Barasic Acid or Borax in jam jars with holes for access near "paths" about 10% BA to sugar water..don't interupt path..plan is they take it back to nest..maybe take up to 7 days ..works for sure!! We had 'em climbing walls , in the bed over doors etc..gone now.. try it ..good luck


I've used this method with great success when store bought baits had no affect. Be sure not to use too much boric acid because that would kill the ants taking it back to the colony too fast. You need to allow lots of ants to come and take lots of it back to their home where it is shared and becomes another Jonestown.

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I use Chaindrite 1 termite spray. It has a long, small diameter steel straw. It's point and spray, and the small diameter straw will get into the crevices for a quick wipeout.


I didn't see this post, I'm having problems with my keyboard.

It took me 20 minutes to post a few lines before and I shut down immediately after posting, :)

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Sugar water and Borax or Barasic Acid or Borax in jam jars with holes for access near "paths" about 10% BA to sugar water..don't interupt path..plan is they take it back to nest..maybe take up to 7 days ..works for sure!! We had 'em climbing walls , in the bed over doors etc..gone now.. try it ..good luck


Great, thnx a lot.

Where can I buy the Barasic Acid or Borax?

No need to make it. At Foodland for sure and maybe Villa, they sell a ready made thing (small white bottle - look around for it below all the sprays) that comes from the US. I have some at home. Works particularly well with the black guys.

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there is a thai powder i pick up at open markets for about 20 baht

you get 2-3 small packets in plastic, has a picture of ants on the cover

stuff smells wonderful, like chocolate (dont eat it)

works great

kills sweet and grease eating ants quickly

(i think there are only these two types of ants)

in about one day

keeps them away for months

this is one thing i wished i knew about ages ago

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  • 2 weeks later...
there is a thai powder i pick up at open markets for about 20 baht

you get 2-3 small packets in plastic, has a picture of ants on the cover

stuff smells wonderful, like chocolate (dont eat it)

works great

kills sweet and grease eating ants quickly

(i think there are only these two types of ants)

in about one day

keeps them away for months

this is one thing i wished i knew about ages ago

Made by ARS, a Japanese co.


I'm trying some out this week along with some ERA ant & roach powder. :)

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The last time I was in the UK I bought Antstop.

Little round blocks like the roach hives.

The ants swarm all over it for a day, taking in back to the nest.

Then you do not see them again.

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