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Major Figures Flee Thailand


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And one should also note what is so glaringly MISSING in these electoral numbers.

The parties of heavyweight power brokers like Sanoh, Newin and Banharn and a few other.

Why are they apparently suddenly not running? Previous elections, there they were.

Oh yes, they sold their voters BEFORE hand to Thaksin and became 'TRT Factions'.

Scrapping temporarily their actual party listings. Apparatus intact, registrations dropped or changed.

Now of course they have left the moribund PPP never bothered with the inept PTP,

and went back as themselves, or if banned as a renamed version of themselves.

So if you see TRT 60.47 % 61% etc. remember that it is INCLUDING 2-4 large minor parties,

with blokes like Sanoh, Banharn, Chalerm and Newin, pretending for expediences sake that they are TRT.

ie a pre-purchased coalition government, just big enough to finally win a outright majority.

But larded with the SAME small party politics under a different guise.

PPP 2007 may most likely reflect the actual TRT numbers, since they were NOW running

against some of the other bully boy parties. And less about the spurious suppression claims.

So landslide election or false landslide because it is an coalition in disguise, while it lasted.

Smart move, but still a BIG lie, when you get down to it.

You sir are just flat out wrong and are trying to rewrite history. TRT won the election in a landslide taking every province except for Bangkok and one in the south. Pattani maybe. But even in BKK a significant number of people voted TRT.

Every province except for Bangkok and one in the south??

Here are the 2005 Election Results:

House of Representatives - Feb. 8, 2005.



Thai Love Thais Party -

Phak Thai Rak Thai (TRT)



Democrat Party -

Phak Prachatipat (PP)



Thai Nation Party -

Phak Chart Thai (PCT)



Mahachon Party (MP)



But maybe you're talking about the 2006 election, which was boycotted by most of the parties except for TRT:

House of Representatives - Apr. 2 and Apr. 23, 2006

(Partial results)



Thai Love Thais Party -

Phak Thai Rak Thai (TRT)



Other parties



No vote






Proportional Representation



Or the 2007 Elections with PPP standing in for TRT:

House of Representatives - Dec. 23, 2007











People's Power Party






Democratic Party






Thai Nation Party






For the Motherland






Thais United National Development Party






Neutral Democratic Party






Royalist People's Party







or the 2009 by-elections:


Let's try to keep the disinformation to a minimum here. Statements like the OP are simply an insult to everyone's intelligence.

I'm pleased to see that someone is interested in FACTS and not just what they read in the BKK post and The Nation.

Edited by animatic
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According to Bangkok Post, Newin has left Thailand for London, UK. Add him to the list of fleeing figures, please.

I don't think it is the fleeing politicians that pissed so many off, but rather that Thaksin's family left.

Well, his family may have left, but at least Thaksin is coming back now, so they won't be too disappointed. :)

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According to Bangkok Post, Newin has left Thailand for London, UK. Add him to the list of fleeing figures, please.

I don't think it is the fleeing politicians that pissed so many off, but rather that Thaksin's family left.

Well, his family may have left, but at least Thaksin is coming back now, so they won't be too disappointed. :)

He was in Cambodia last Songkran with the rumors that he was coming back to Thailand to lead the protests, but he didn't show up. Things didn't go his way. Before he comes back he will need to know his safety is ensured and that won't happen unless a deal is worked out and the protests are halted. As it relates to compromises in Thailand, I never say never.

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According to Bangkok Post, Newin has left Thailand for London, UK. Add him to the list of fleeing figures, please.

I don't think it is the fleeing politicians that pissed so many off, but rather that Thaksin's family left.

why are only the "red" moves are relevant. does that matter at all?

or imagine his family would actively join the red shirt protest on full scale. all the internet heart attack that would cause amongst the hater mob.

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According to Bangkok Post, Newin has left Thailand for London, UK. Add him to the list of fleeing figures, please.

I don't think it is the fleeing politicians that pissed so many off, but rather that Thaksin's family left.

why are only the "red" moves are relevant. does that matter at all?

or imagine his family would actively join the red shirt protest on full scale. all the internet heart attack that would cause amongst the hater mob.

Does it matter that Thaksin is calling for the people of Thailand to put themselves at risk while making sure his family flies to safety? No, in the broader scheme of things it will have no bearing on the outcome whatsoever, but it still pisses people off.

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According to Bangkok Post, Newin has left Thailand for London, UK. Add him to the list of fleeing figures, please.

I don't think it is the fleeing politicians that pissed so many off, but rather that Thaksin's family left.

why are only the "red" moves are relevant. does that matter at all?

or imagine his family would actively join the red shirt protest on full scale. all the internet heart attack that would cause amongst the hater mob.

Does it matter that Thaksin is calling for the people of Thailand to put themselves at risk while making sure his family flies to safety? No, in the broader scheme of things it will have no bearing on the outcome whatsoever, but it still pisses people off.

if you just look at the the internet hate machine rolling at that subject in two threads it is kinda understandable that certain public figures cannot live a normal daily life like the som tam vendor in your soi anymore.

but it's fun to see how people taking the change and show off their parentage, their family /social/ educational background.

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if you just look at the the internet hate machine rolling at that subject in two threads it is kinda understandable that certain public figures cannot live a normal daily life like the som tam vendor in your soi anymore.

but it's fun to see how people taking the change and show off their parentage, their family /social/ educational background.

The certain public figures you are talking about have never lived a normal daily life like the som tam vendor in your soi or mine.

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Uh, no they were not. The red shirts are lead by the red shirt leaders that you see at the rallies. The yellow shirts were led by the yellow shirt leaders that you saw at the rallies. Thaksin is behind the red shirts. Who's behind the yellow shirts? Neither of the true leaders of either movements were on the streets.

Ummmm now there's a new tin-hat conspiracy theory? Who IS the leader of the Yellow shirts. Sondhi L former friend of Thaksin started the yellow shirt movement, another former friend and political ally(of Thaksin) Chamlong Srimuang joined early on ..... but tell us rainman who is the REAL leader of the yellows? Or is this yet another strawman?

edit for clarity

Where are the PAD during all this, I wonder if their backer has stopped backing them, well no real need to keep backing them as they did their job, they got the dems into the hot seat and have now been cast aside, even their proxy leader sondhi has been handed jail terms (he has not served one day mind) and a new warrant is being issued for him for lesse majeste.

be careful who you work for, when they have used you they will feed you to the dogs, and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Wow --- the tin hat is on more than one head! But I see you didn't answer who the real leader is.(Obviously Sondhi and Chamlong and a few other are in the core group).

Sondhi is out on appeal ... but unlike your man Thaksin Sondi has stayen in Thailand and even been shot and nearly killed. You have to at least give him credit for not being the coward that your hero Thaksin is!

But to answer your question. The PAD accomplished its goal of getting rid of Thaksin and his proxy party and there is no need for them to get involved in this silliness. (And they didn't get the Dems in so much as they got the convicted fugitive and his proxies OUT :) )

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if you just look at the the internet hate machine rolling at that subject in two threads it is kinda understandable that certain public figures cannot live a normal daily life like the som tam vendor in your soi anymore.


"Internet hate machine" is already a new mantra of certain forumists who post in support of - of whom and what?

The provocative term contributes little to the discourse or discussion. Previously a mantra of the revolutionists was that Thailand is not a democracy and therefore deserved to have its government and state authority overthrown. That approach however was eventually abandoned as it too was provocative and counter constructive.

The term "internet hate machine" is a terminology which is hot, instigating and which needs to be reconsidered in order to have a more calm and rational discourse. How about, as an alternative term, 'internet opinion discussion forum?"

Some less emotive expression would I think be helpful and contributory.

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Maybe the high profile figures have fled as they have realized they have little chance of winning with dwindling support and are scared of being bullied for extra cash handouts which they know will no longer reap any dividends in the future. Perhaps the penny has finnaly dropped and reality has sunk in at all levels.

Then again ...

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Maybe the high profile figures have fled as they have realized they have little chance of winning with dwindling support and are scared of being bullied for extra cash handouts which they know will no longer reap any dividends in the future. Perhaps the penny has finnaly dropped and reality has sunk in at all levels.

All the penetrating analysis of the Leo swilling brigade I have come to expect here on TV. I wouldn’t' be surprised if that "special security law” as in area specific martial law does not have some addendums which would allow the arrest and jailing of ‘organizers’ the determination of which is left to police or government, which is why these people are clearing out!


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PTP MPs are actively organizing support for the red rally.

Would they not be potentially in trouble for supporting violence?

Jutuporn and Arisman doing this against their bail agreements from Songkran last.

They could be picked up instantly and locked up and rightly denied bail for

breaking their bail agreements.

As opposition party does PTP have the right to foment insurection just to regain the cabinets control?

Which is the nicest action they can be charged with. No doubt there will be worse available soon.

Charles Manson was convicted of murder for instigating his little band to murder and pillage.

Mafia Don's get convicted for telling their soldiers to do or prevent something from happening

in an illegal manner,and if deaths occur during another crime, all involved in the original crime

are deemed guilty of the death too. Joint guilt for all actions springing from the original criminal action.

One guy pulls the trigger the other guy doesn't, but they acted in concert.

It's not just those who do the actions, but those that set those actions in motion,

AKA the masterminds, that are culpable.

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Ignore them, it is irrelevant to todays news. Kids being dumb .

More distraction from the point shlimazeltov.

not sure about the 'dumb' thing, but the PM is not a kid anymore. he or his PR agency running his hi5 account should be more careful who select as friend and who not.

with a opposite sign or other personal involved i am sure the usual suspects at this board would simulate an internet heart attack and start to screaming bloody murder.

anyway, keep on hunting Shinawatra family members. maybe you can win some internet blockwart badge.

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Ignore them, it is irrelevant to todays news. Kids being dumb .

More distraction from the point shlimazeltov.

not sure about the 'dumb' thing, but the PM is not a kid anymore. he or his PR agency running his hi5 account should be more careful who select as friend and who not.

with a opposite sign or other personal involved i am sure the usual suspects at this board would simulate an internet heart attack and start to screaming bloody murder.

anyway, keep on hunting Shinawatra family members. maybe you can win some internet blockwart badge.

That wasn't the PMs hi5 account... The name was even spelled wrong...

that was obviously a fans site.

Are you really that gullible, Ferd?

Not gullible. For some Thaksin apologists bags of faeces will be thrown at any opportunity.

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That wasn't the PMs hi5 account... that was obvious.

Are you really that gullible, Ferd?

eizel, i never said that. i said look at the friendlist of this account.

EDIT: Just looked back at the original post ... more info than in the quotes.

People joining fan sites are a bit different than leaders advocating violence.

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That wasn't the PMs hi5 account... that was obvious.

Are you really that gullible, Ferd?

eizel, i never said that. i said look at the friendlist of this account.

If it's not his account, it is really relevant who is in the friendlist?

are charles manson and his red haired girls relevant to this thread? not really, but some people like to talk about this things.

so i asked him what he would make up about this http://kill-thaksin.hi5.com account.

you can get only on this friendlist if you press some approval button.

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All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others
They most likely believe the goverment will arrest them if something happens, or if it doesn't, makes sense. Strange I don't recall PAD's leaders being arretsed when they occupied Goverment house and the airport. But different justice for different groups, the achilles heel of this crackdown.

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others :)

I agree indeed, like evry logical decent human been would. But unfortunately some people don't get much of the things happening around them........ hang them.....bomb them....those kinda guys loooool

Let' avoid bangkok for now anyway

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