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Saturday March 13th No Electricity Will Be Available 8am-2pm

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First I'm not trying to spread any rumors on this, just going from 2 areas from what I know.

My wife's brother inlaw was informed and he told us about this and then we called Electric company .Basically heres what I know from the power company on samui. On

Saturday March 13th 2010

From 8 AM - 2 PM ( I meant to post the times on the Topic Title but not sure if had room or not )

Either parts of the island or the whole island will have NO electricity because there trying to either make major repairs or upgrades I'm not sure which. Heres the number below you can call and ask them yourself mind you my thai staff let me know after talking with them


At least you guys know and have a heads up.

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nice 1 for letting us know. wish there would be more public information about power cuts so i could plan my day around them. take it all the samui people on here will be offiline for a few hours.

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