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Why Ning Is Going To Bangkok Tonight In Her Red Shirt


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But as any good troll, he got a number of people believing this absurd fiction.

Also, as a proper troll, he hasn't posted on the thread since the OP.

I'm interested in which part of the story you find absurd and by necessity fictional.

Is it:

(a) the impoverished childhood;

(:) the untimely death of the mother;

© the fact she never knew her father;

(d) the rape;

(e) the indifference of the middle classes;

(f) the cycle of poverty as a young adult; or

(g) her self-identification as a red shirt?

Perhaps you could enlighten me, because I find these things very believable.

Edited by Sabre
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Throw out the "Sino-Thai elite"? What do you think Thaksin is?

He's an upcountry gatecrasher. Nowhere near the pedigree that the present PM has.

So there are different levels of sino-thai elite now? Throw out the Bangkok Sino-Thai elite, and replace them with the Chiang Mai Sino-Thai elite.

Sure, of course there are levels -- Thaksin was never part of the elite. That's exactly why they squirmed in their boots at the thought of this crass usurper with the great unwashed masses behind him; certainly a disruption of the institutionalized exploitation upon which the vast fortunes of old money in Thailand was built.

He might actually elbow them out at the trough.

Thaksin's a demagogue all right, and a distasteful fellow. But he did get the poor mobilized. I hope they get something done, then eject Thaksin. But one thing at a time.

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Goddamn that was sad, made me want to cry. :) This country DOES need a revolution, but of course Thaksin isn't the answer. Why is it so hard to find good people to run this country? Is there no one that would completely rehaul the education system and raise minimum wage and generally just look out for its main population?

What a beautiful insight, thank you so much for posting this story, so similar to my wife and her poor family, so so heart breaking...eventho it could all be true that Thaksin is corrupt and all charges could bare some sort of truth...I believe from what perspective you look at is what "Truth" you create.

I was an educator for 10 years in Thailand and work closely with the Min.of ED. in rehauling the ed.system. Thaksin was the one that upset the apple cart so much as he knows that Thai ed. system is keeping the people stupid and ignorant due to the big shots in their ed. posts feeling secure in their places of comfort...and keeping everyone else from overtaking them in their intelligence...if they dare they will either be demoted and or fired...Thaksin didn't try to reform, he tried to revolutionize the system...unfortunately it went too fast ..and most of big shots got scared and felt threatened..that is why his revolutions got underminded by these big shots....he even threatened to fire them all if they were not able to make big reforms fast enough and would hire foreigners to do the job.....

Now at least the poor are waking up and Thailand must evolve and there is no power in Thailand that can put the lid on the new Krakatoa...it will and shall eventually burst...great changes will emerge and the Thai people will evolve ...in the beginning Thailand will suffer...but in the end Thailand will flourish again and evolve more into higher form of consciousness and prosperity also for the poor.

May God bless all the Nings of Thailand...and all the wonderful people of Thailand whether reds, yellow, purple....

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Where are the Samuel Gompers, the Cesar Chavez's, the Ralph Naders to organize and lead these worthy people? Only carpetbagger Chao Por to suck their blood and anti Buddhist monks to addle their brains by feeding their superstitions. If Thaksin could fill that void, despite his arch criminal tendencies, I'd be all for him, but it seems he's not willing to take that risk.

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Re-write the identical story, only changing a few names here and there and it could be a propaganda piece for just about any Thai political party. Come to think of it, it could work as a propaganda piece for just about any developing county.

Clarice was born in Brooklyn 34 years ago –, her mother was an uneducated city girl from the Bronx - who never bothered to register her birth.

Clarice was handed to her grandmother in Brooklyn as a baby - to be raised by her. (I think grandmother has done a great job!)


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Sure, of course there are levels -- Thaksin was never part of the elite. That's exactly why they squirmed in their boots at the thought of this crass usurper with the great unwashed masses behind him; certainly a disruption of the institutionalized exploitation upon which the vast fortunes of old money in Thailand was built.

He might actually elbow them out at the trough.

Thaksin's a demagogue all right, and a distasteful fellow. But he did get the poor mobilized. I hope they get something done, then eject Thaksin. But one thing at a time.

I read a post earlier that indicated that the north/north-east poor considered a bangkokian with a car/house (with loans) as elite.

I think what it comes down to is that if you're not a reds supporter, then you must be elite and if you're not a reds supporter, then you then you don't support the poor.

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For Ning`s sake I hope that she will not feel used once more, this time by the only ones who will really benefit from this whole charade.

Arrogant p***k. You hear it from the horse's mouth and you still think you know better and that she doesn't 'really' know what's going on. You know that place better than her do you. Shame on you!

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For Ning`s sake I hope that she will not feel used once more, this time by the only ones who will really benefit from this whole charade.

Arrogant p***k. You hear it from the horse's mouth and you still think you know better and that she doesn't 'really' know what's going on. You know that place better than her do you. Shame on you!

Now try reading what I really said.

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For Ning`s sake I hope that she will not feel used once more, this time by the only ones who will really benefit from this whole charade.

Arrogant p***k. You hear it from the horse's mouth and you still think you know better and that she doesn't 'really' know what's going on. You know that place better than her do you. Shame on you!

That just went way over your head didn't it!

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Goddamn that was sad, made me want to cry. :) This country DOES need a revolution, but of course Thaksin isn't the answer. Why is it so hard to find good people to run this country? Is there no one that would completely rehaul the education system and raise minimum wage and generally just look out for its main population?

What a beautiful insight, thank you so much for posting this story, so similar to my wife and her poor family, so so heart breaking...eventho it could all be true that Thaksin is corrupt and all charges could bare some sort of truth...I believe from what perspective you look at is what "Truth" you create.

I was an educator for 10 years in Thailand and work closely with the Min.of ED. in rehauling the ed.system. Thaksin was the one that upset the apple cart so much as he knows that Thai ed. system is keeping the people stupid and ignorant due to the big shots in their ed. posts feeling secure in their places of comfort...and keeping everyone else from overtaking them in their intelligence...if they dare they will either be demoted and or fired...Thaksin didn't try to reform, he tried to revolutionize the system...unfortunately it went too fast ..and most of big shots got scared and felt threatened..that is why his revolutions got underminded by these big shots....he even threatened to fire them all if they were not able to make big reforms fast enough and would hire foreigners to do the job.....

Now at least the poor are waking up and Thailand must evolve and there is no power in Thailand that can put the lid on the new Krakatoa...it will and shall eventually burst...great changes will emerge and the Thai people will evolve ...in the beginning Thailand will suffer...but in the end Thailand will flourish again and evolve more into higher form of consciousness and prosperity also for the poor.

May God bless all the Nings of Thailand...and all the wonderful people of Thailand whether reds, yellow, purple....


I seem to remember quite clearly that Mr. Thaksin tried to introduce a piece of legislation that would lead to more kids per teacher. ie. a worse off education system.

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My GF is 34 and had a poor upbringing and was sent off to be raised by an aunt because there were too many children in the family.

To the best of my knowledge she was never raped by a local policeman - but she has cremated her father, younger sister, her younger sister's son and her own son.

After her divorce she eventually found her way to Pattaya and was lucky enough to meet, err........ me.

She is not putting on a red shirt (unless for reasons of fashion) and she is certainly not going to Bangkok.

She seems to think a mass protest, with the associated risk of violence, is a bad thing for her country. She worries what people will think of her country if we see scenes similar to the Pattaya or Songkran riots. She even worries how the reputation of her King might be viewed by outsiders. She worries that "everytime Thai fight Thai, Cambodia does something against Thailand".

So she is not going.

She believes that Thai people should sit down and speak to each other. She believes that she can achieve more by voting than protesting.

There is no self-pitying, there is no aggression towards the ruling/controlling elite - just a pride and passion for her country that she does not wish to sullied by petty squabbling that pitches Thai against Thai.

I am very pleased I met her, and not Ning.

Whats wrong with peaceful protest as per the OP's text?..........one persons "petty squabble" could mean an awful lot to another.....chai mai?

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I am always suprised at the off hand unsolicited comments that people slip out about Thaksin. Just because people are "uneduated" does not mean that they are stupid or dumb, or should have less of a say, or can work out who out of different corrupt alternatives will do the best for them..

I went to my local eatery (In Chiang Mai) and was having a bit of a joke with the waitresses (most of whom are from further North in the Chiang Rai region) about would they be open in the next few days and would I be able to get a meal or were they all going down to Bangers with the red shirts. Nutt answered that she would be staying, and not wearing a red shirt, but that "Thaksin is in my heart", and the others nodded in agreement.

Not everyone that supports Thaksin is a red shirt.

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Being poor and uneducated is not a crime. What is a crime is that if you get paid to come to Bangkok under the guise of calling for democracy. In this video you can clearly see the reds handing out 2,000 baht to people in Nakorn Panom to come to Bangkok, and they also took their ID card numbers for insurance as well.

Video Link to 2,000 baht handouts

Edited by Cayenne
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But as any good troll, he got a number of people believing this absurd fiction.

Also, as a proper troll, he hasn't posted on the thread since the OP.

I'm interested in which part of the story you find absurd and by necessity fictional.

Perhaps you could enlighten me, because I find these things very believable.

I'm surprised that you and apparently others can't see through this farce, but there's plenty of clues already posted by others in this thread, not the least of which is the OP's other posting history.

There's still no reply to Admin's request by him and I really would not want to further what is already a quite successful troll of his to the tune of 168 replies.


170 replies now.

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-- The Nation 12/03/2010


Fugitive ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra left Dubai and arrived in Cambodia on Friday as red shirts started gathering to join the mass rallies on Sunday.

PM's secretary Chavanon Indharakomansut said Thaksin travelled to Siem Reap province of Cambodia by his private jet.

Thai foreign ministry has already contacted its embassy in Phnom Penh to monitor Thaksin's activities in Cambodia, Chavanont said.

Thaksin has been appointed as an economic adviser to Cambodia's PM Hun Sen and the Khmer government. The appointment has led to protests by the Thai government.

That's what I expected, he's knocking at the door.

Nero burnt Rome when he couldn't get what he wanted.

Bounty still up?

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I read a post earlier that indicated that the north/north-east poor considered a bangkokian with a car/house (with loans) as elite.

Could be true. Sad isn't it? There are tens of millions who are that poor.

I don't know how noble the Red Shirts are, but after people voted with the majority twice and their elected leader was deposed in some slimy way (when he was at a UN conference), the Reds might be the closest thing to justice they're going to get. They sure ain't going to get a break from the same old good old boys that have been running the show forever.

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But as any good troll, he got a number of people believing this absurd fiction.

Also, as a proper troll, he hasn't posted on the thread since the OP.

I'm interested in which part of the story you find absurd and by necessity fictional.

Perhaps you could enlighten me, because I find these things very believable.

I'm surprised that you and apparently others can't see through this farce

Farce? There are millions of "Nings" in Thailand. There is nothing phoney about her. :)

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I read a post earlier that indicated that the north/north-east poor considered a bangkokian with a car/house (with loans) as elite.

Could be true. Sad isn't it? There are tens of millions who are that poor.

I don't know how noble the Red Shirts are, but after people voted with the majority twice and their elected leader was deposed in some slimy way (when he was at a UN conference), the Reds might be the closest thing to justice they're going to get. They sure ain't going to get a break from the same old good old boys that have been running the show forever.

Except that "their elected leader" wasn't actually the leader when he went to the UN conference. After the 2006 election, he couldn't form a government (therefore not elected). He was care-taker PM.

EDIT: Typo: 2005 should be 2006.

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Goddamn that was sad, made me want to cry. :) This country DOES need a revolution, but of course Thaksin isn't the answer. Why is it so hard to find good people to run this country? Is there no one that would completely rehaul the education system and raise minimum wage and generally just look out for its main population?

I agree! An educational revolution, not a violent revolution. The educational system here needs reform, but upper education in most countries, I know, require money to attend. Knowledge is power, as it has been said. And what's the minimum wage here? Is there a class system? Hmm...

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I'm surprised that you and apparently others can't see through this farce

Farce? There are millions of "Nings" in Thailand. There is nothing phoney about her. :)

While there certainly aren't "millions", there are many, but that's not my point.

My point is that this particular OP is fiction.

It would further the understanding of people in this situation infinitely better if the premise for the discussion was factual, such as post #61.

post #176 and counting

sheesh. edit to 177

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I'm surprised that you and apparently others can't see through this farce

Farce? There are millions of "Nings" in Thailand. There is nothing phoney about her. :)

Although this particular story is a probably a fabrication, as UG said, there are millions of "Nings" in Thailand.

But as one poster said above, his "Ning" "... believes that Thai people should sit down and speak to each other. She believes that she can achieve more by voting than protesting."

So not all the "Nings" beleive in the reds.

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He was care-taker PM.

The care-taker PM is the leader until a new election. :)

The coup in 2009 was wrong, which was in meanwhile admitted by the coup leader Sonthi. So with a wrong coup a wrong constitution followed, logical, or not?

Thaksin would have been grounded by the mills of justice by now.

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