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Why Ning Is Going To Bangkok Tonight In Her Red Shirt


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Being poor and uneducated is not a crime. What is a crime is that if you get paid to come to Bangkok under the guise of calling for democracy. In this video you can clearly see the reds handing out 2,000 baht to people in Nakorn Panom to come to Bangkok, and they also took their ID card numbers for insurance as well.

Video Link to 2,000 baht handouts

Worker Unions in the West cover all expenses tax free during an organized strike, nothing wrong. Here with just less Bureaucracy.

What's your point.

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The rights and freedoms we enjoy in my country (UK) were not given to us by the ruling classes. They were taken from them.

That is true!

I disagree slightly. I believe they were paid for;

- With the blood of those willing to sacrifice so that others might be free from the yoke of tyranny.

- With the sweat from hard labour.

- With the heartache and stress that accompanies all of the above.

The greatest gift they gave us was the concept of justice and stuff like Habeas Corpus.

I'd also offer that the rights and freedoms won had to be fought for continuously, whether it was defending against the machinations of Rome and its European proxies centuries ago or whether it was standing up to the dark poisonous cloud of faciasm that consumed mainland Europe in the last century or whether it was in standing up to corrupt Argentinian generals/thugs.

As it went in England, so too will it come in Thailand, but in a manner best adapted to meet the Thai way.

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He was care-taker PM.

The care-taker PM is the leader until a new election. :)

The coup in 2009 was wrong, which was in meanwhile admitted by the coup leader Sonthi. So with a wrong coup a wrong constitution followed, logical, or not?

Thaksin would have been grounded by the mills of justice by now.

(2006 not 2009 - I'm sure that's a typo)

How did they come up with the 1997 constitution? Every election, every constitution comes after a coup at some point in time. It's a slow ride to a true (or acceptable) democracy.

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He was care-taker PM.

The care-taker PM is the leader until a new election. :)

Anyone could have been appointed care-taker PM.

The point is, he didn't "win" the 2006 election. He couldn't form a government. So he wasn't the "elected" leader.

And he appointed himself as caretaker pm.

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He was care-taker PM.

The care-taker PM is the leader until a new election. :)

The coup in 2009 was wrong, which was in meanwhile admitted by the coup leader Sonthi. So with a wrong coup a wrong constitution followed, logical, or not?

Thaksin would have been grounded by the mills of justice by now.

(2006 not 2009 - I'm sure that's a typo)

How did they come up with the 1997 constitution? Every election, every constitution comes after a coup at some point in time. It's a slow ride to a true (or acceptable) democracy.

yes, a typo.

That's not quite true. During all the coups before the Nation had nothing much to lose, put your calculator into gear. The 1997 constitution has proven the best so far and was not dictated by the army. It flew in smoothly as it was needed, presented by a real statesman everyone trusted. The latest one is full of flaws, even the PM recognized it as such. It was voted in at gun-point with no options left.

The 1997 constitution needs some minor adjustments to satisfy all, that's it. And yes, it has to go back all the way to those who instigated the coup. There's no by-pass possible. This self amnesty has no value in the last coup, because there was no situation for the army to move in. There are international rules of engagement to be considered as well. If not, we'll see many more coups coming in the future.

We all know that the PAD, Thaksin, coup leaders and certain military figures are in for the usual monkey deal (sportsmen remarks and golf clubs come to mind).

Nothing left for the people but misery. This why it won't work as designed.

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First off, the OP is too long for a blog entry. Even so I read it all.

Secondly, I've known Hill tribe and Thai and Burmese women like Ning, some have very similar stories, some have even worse stories. Growing up female in Thailand can be the pits sometimes.

If Ning decides to join the Red Shirts, that's her choice, but I think it has more to do with promises of immediate money (500 baht per marcher is the going rate, some get less, some get a lot more). It probably also has to do with promises of money later on (lucrative jobs, forgiveness of debts, all the things politicians are known to promise).

Fact remains, the guru behind the Reds is an extremely selfish man who twisted his former PM position to take money from all Thais - it was proven in Thailand's highest court. ...and that was just a modicum of that man's sordid track record as a human being. If she wants to hitch her fate to his fading star, then so be it. Good luck, girl.

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Nelson Mandella is a convicted terrorist and people all over the world look up to him. :)

I think he served his time.

Indeed, and the fact that he did serve his time is precisely why he is looked up to. Apparently this is lost on Mr UG.

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The point is, he didn't "win" the 2006 election. He couldn't form a government.

Maybe that had something to do with tanks in the streets. Sorry that's wrong -- I was living in Chiang Mai at the time and we only had a howitzer on our street corner.

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Nelson Mandella is a convicted terrorist and people all over the world look up to him. :D

I think he served his time.

Indeed, and the fact that he did serve his time is precisely why he is looked up to. Apparently this is lost on Mr UG.

Charles Manson is serving his time too! :)

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Nelson Mandella is a convicted terrorist and people all over the world look up to him. :D

I think he served his time.

Indeed, and the fact that he did serve his time is precisely why he is looked up to. Apparently this is lost on Mr UG.

Charles Manson is serving his time too! :)

Somewhat different offences.

Once he has served his time he will have satisfied the requirements of the US penal system. I doubt he would be 'fit' to serve as Thailand's PM.

Taksin, on the other hand, may well be deemed to be 'fit' to be PM if he served his sentance.

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What a load of <deleted>.

Ning is going to Bangkok because she id being paid to do so.

She was told that poor Mr Thaksin has a lot of his money stolen by this bad government, and Mr Thaksin loves all the people from Rural Thailand.

Ning cannot understand the complexities of the Court ruling that was handed down the other day, and how it showed that Thaksin has not legally earned all of the money that he has.

Ning cannot understand this because of the Standard of education she recieved.

The education system that was set up by Thaksin and others who have led this country.

This whole thing is about a greedy man in Dubai who wants his money back at any cost.

If ning and others get hurt, Mr Thaksin will not be there to wipe the blood off.

thanks for dropping the bottom line. that is what its about at the core..he's still eggin' it on too. the article is about as moving as a 15 year old mall goth kid's diary entry.

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Probably the best thing I have ever read on TV, must have the anti reds seething as it's very difficult not to be sympathetic, the usual 'they are paid' is just crap, so what, they have to eat don't they. Well written and I sincerely hope the reds at least force elections which is after all mostly what they want, just the basic rights many of the hysterical anti posters have always enjoyed at home. Elections and no coups, not so difficult surely?

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Nelson Mandella is a convicted terrorist and people all over the world look up to him. :D

I think he served his time.

Indeed, and the fact that he did serve his time is precisely why he is looked up to. Apparently this is lost on Mr UG.

Charles Manson is serving his time too! :)

Did it really need to be stated that simply serving time and accepting justice like a man is not all that it takes to be looked up to? Of course it isn't. Manson never will be. Thaksin however could be. If he did his time, apologised for his wrongs, and dedicated himself to charity work, in fact i have no doubt he would be. Shame it will never happen.

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I do not disagree with Ning but I also want her consider another perspective:

a) how is stealing money going to help the poor

b ) how is protesting helping the poor [affects the economy=lowers price value of some items=less investments in rice/OTOP/etc=people stay poor]

c) this protest is also about the rich, it is about the leaders of the red getting their money from Thaksin, in my opinion, they dont care about the poor

just their own pockets

d) does the red fight for the poor or for the whims and distress of one man [Thaksin]? (seems to me as though they fight for Thaksin)

e) If the red leaders are really as honest and caring for the poor as they say they are, why can't they run for office and do every thing Thaksin does

minus the corruption

f) How does violence in the streets help the people

g) Why are the reds worried that the court has taken 46billion baht from Thaksin, he still has some 30billion left, and if he is really as true to the thai

people as he says he is, how does he have 76billion in his possesion when we all know that goverment jobs get bad pay, if he is not stealing

money from the country when he could be using that money to help someone like Ning

In my opinion Ning should find a politician who is true to the cause of the poor, a person who will help the country more than he helps himself.

I also agree with the one of the previous comments which says that any story can be slanted towards any side, by trimming the facts (not lying-just omitting some facts) one could change the whole story and slant anyone into any direction.

I used to think "Why can't we just talk things out? why can't thaksin just come back and fight his own case instead of letting the reds do it for him? now i realize that almost every time Thai people(I specify Thai because i have too little info about any other country to use them as an example), especially Thai leaders talk this happens:


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My wife is 43 years old. She was the 3rd child in a poor family with 7 children. She remembers vividly the days when there was not enough food for all of them and hardly any rice. Her parents were and are farmers. They lived in a hut in the jungle. She had to walk to school, cross a river, which sometimes was impassible. She studied hard and was best in class. When she was 12, her parents sent her to her auntie and uncle far away where she could go on with school while being treated like a slave and do all the house work for her auntie's family. But she survived and finished High School.

Upon returning to her family, her mother refused to let her go to college (girls need no education), so an uncle in Bangkok took her away and financed her college. With 18 she was alone in Bangkok, looking for a job and a roof. She found both, worked hard, improved her life and her situation, together with her younger sister, who joined her in Bangkok. They worked hard and saved money to buy a small Town House.

At that time my wife worked for Shinawatra Telecommunication and adored her boss. At the same time she studied at Ramkhamhaeng University and graduated in Political Science.

Then we met and got married within 3 months. That was 12 years ago.

Now, after having lived 8 years in Europe, she has a broader view of things in Thailand and no longer adores her former boss. As a matter of fact, she hates him. They say in her province that the Thaksin family bought all the land along the coast and on Kho Chang and don't do anything with it, just hoard it. Local people have no chance to buy this land for farming. It's just empty land. Back in 2005, just after Thaksin had bought all the land, the government had announced plans to develop that area. The 2006 coup changed all that...

Including our moving to Thailand.

And the moral of the story? Not all people of poor or modest origin love Thaksin. Some actually wake up and use their brain.

Agree 100%. It shows how education can enable the people manipulated by Thaksin to really understand the unbridled greed of him, his family, his cronies and all the minions dependent on his handouts.

How much did he REALLY do to educate the poor in Thailand - NOTHING! He wanted them as voting fodder.

I have hopes for the current PM who seems to be a decent guy who wants to help his country and not get filthy rich by corruption like squareface.

I hope he gets the chance to prove his good intentions...

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My wife is 43 years old. She was the 3rd child in a poor family with 7 children. She remembers vividly the days when there was not enough food for all of them and hardly any rice. Her parents were and are farmers. They lived in a hut in the jungle. She had to walk to school, cross a river, which sometimes was impassible. She studied hard and was best in class. When she was 12, her parents sent her to her auntie and uncle far away where she could go on with school while being treated like a slave and do all the house work for her auntie's family. But she survived and finished High School.

Upon returning to her family, her mother refused to let her go to college (girls need no education), so an uncle in Bangkok took her away and financed her college. With 18 she was alone in Bangkok, looking for a job and a roof. She found both, worked hard, improved her life and her situation, together with her younger sister, who joined her in Bangkok. They worked hard and saved money to buy a small Town House.

At that time my wife worked for Shinawatra Telecommunication and adored her boss. At the same time she studied at Ramkhamhaeng University and graduated in Political Science.

Then we met and got married within 3 months. That was 12 years ago.

Now, after having lived 8 years in Europe, she has a broader view of things in Thailand and no longer adores her former boss. As a matter of fact, she hates him. They say in her province that the Thaksin family bought all the land along the coast and on Kho Chang and don't do anything with it, just hoard it. Local people have no chance to buy this land for farming. It's just empty land. Back in 2005, just after Thaksin had bought all the land, the government had announced plans to develop that area. The 2006 coup changed all that...

Including our moving to Thailand.

And the moral of the story? Not all people of poor or modest origin love Thaksin. Some actually wake up and use their brain.

Agree 100%. It shows how education can enable the people manipulated by Thaksin to really understand the unbridled greed of him, his family, his cronies and all the minions dependent on his handouts.

How much did he REALLY do to educate the poor in Thailand - NOTHING! He wanted them as voting fodder.

I have hopes for the current PM who seems to be a decent guy who wants to help his country and not get filthy rich by corruption like squareface.

I hope he gets the chance to prove his good intentions...

it seemed like he was interested in keeping them poor and rather uneducated..it was easier to administer his propaganda to them, and they seemed to believe it hook, line, and sinker. if only he could have put his cunning clever skills to good use. some thais i know are still paying back loans he offered: they indicated this is about the limit of what they received.

if those folks knew what was going on beyond the thai rat newspaper...they'd be furious for being duped...I think some are catchin' on. that million man march sounds like a pipe dream for them.

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Ning is a whores daughter with no education - who cares - I say shoot them all down and rid them of their misery. My uncle is one of the top 5 army guys in the country and am sure will have the same sentiments.

what computer war-games are you playing? Maybe this why. To much money and time at hand?

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Surely he

Ning is a whores daughter with no education - who cares - I say shoot them all down and rid them of their misery. My uncle is one of the top 5 army guys in the country and am sure will have the same sentiments.

what computer war-games are you playing? Maybe this why. To much money and time at hand?

I think the guy's high on something - his posting was outrageous

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Surely he
Ning is a whores daughter with no education - who cares - I say shoot them all down and rid them of their misery. My uncle is one of the top 5 army guys in the country and am sure will have the same sentiments.

what computer war-games are you playing? Maybe this why. To much money and time at hand?

I think the guy's high on something - his posting was outrageous

It was such a bad attempt at flaming that hopefully everyone will ignore it.

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SO many posters on this site represent themselves reprehensibly. The moderation, which clearly favors the elitist side of the argument in every thread is just as reprehensible.
Ning is a whores daughter with no education - who cares - I say shoot them all down and rid them of their misery. My uncle is one of the top 5 army guys in the country and am sure will have the same sentiments.

As offensive as that post was, I think you will find that your post is against forum rules and will not last very long.

The poster also succeeded in flaming you, where he failed with others. Do not bite.

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Sorry if this has already been covered (I could not be arsed to go through 500 pages of replies) but this story (aside from being "rapped" (sic)) would fit very nicely into the same story I heard from my old man about London in the 20's, dirt poor people, arse hanging out of their trousers, no shoes to wear or at best shoes with bloody great holes in the sole. Perhaps back then if the poor in Britain had a "leader" with gobs of money ready to pay them to create havoc and mayhem so he could get into power they might well have followed him, I dunno. Probably too bloody cold in Britain. The real problem with any of these kind of Thai hard luck stories aimed at tugging at the heartstrings is that they are just that, sentimental stories. I don't doubt for one minute that there are large groups of people in Thailand living in poverty; that there is discrimination going on left right and centre; that there is an elite (Eton, Oxford, Cambridge - couldn't happen in the West) really running the country. It is all no doubt true. But, compared to Europe 90 odd years ago they have it good. There's a big difference between having no shoes in Thailand and having no shoes in Britain. There's a big difference between having ragged clothes in Thailand and having ragged clothes in Berlin. No matter how poor they are I see very little evidence of Thais going hungry; I can tell you the same story of Britain in the 20's of a teacher giving a poor kid money for some fish and chips, but there were far more in dire straits in Britain then than there are now in Thailand. Abundant food and a human friendly climate ensures that.

So, what's my point. The only place I can think of where these appalling conditions led (in part - this is not the place for an in depth discussion of everything that led them there) to a politician deliberately creating havoc, paying people to do his dirty work, making alliances with the enemy for political gain, destroying and using the media to his own ends and ruthlessly trampling on anyone who was in his path was some bloke in Germany. He also did a lot of good things, just like this Thai fellow. No need to mention the other things. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. Then what?

I'd suggest that the fictional Ning would be far better served becoming politically active for real change in Thailand. I think that people would have more sympathy for the cause of the poor and disadvantaged if they disconnected themselves from Thaksin. I don't know what he has really ever done for anyone other than himself and his own; the truth is frighteningly difficult to establish in Thailand. What I do fear, very much, is that if the Thaksin supporters prevail and he does return, they will to a man/woman rue the day they set out on the road in his support. The old days of shooting people in their own front yards will return with a vengeance, and not for dealing ya ba this time. The current administration might not meet the westerner's distorted criteria for democracy (amazing how many of us actually believe we come from democratic countries. How naiive!) but if they were just one tenth as ruthless as the alternative would prove to be they would not have a problem this weekend. Believe me, if he comes back all Thais might just as well forget any future protests, unless they want a bullet in the head.

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If you're worrying about whether the story is fake or not you're missing the point. It really doesn't matter. Could it be true? Undoubtedly. Is it true? Who knows, who cares. As I say, it's not the point. Typically with TV idiots drive a perfectly valid and potentially interesting thread down a pointless rat hole. I despair at the lack of intelligence demonstrated by my fellow man. Sad sad sad.

Not a dig at Laughing man, of course. I agree.

I don't understand why so many are saying Nings story is fake, even if it was... do you all deny that stories just like that one actually do exist all throughout Thailand? Or is Thailand actually the paradise of equality and justice some of you are suggesting it is? :)
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I'm surprised that you and apparently others can't see through this farce, but there's plenty of clues already posted by others in this thread, not the least of which is the OP's other posting history.

There's still no reply to Admin's request by him and I really would not want to further what is already a quite successful troll of his to the tune of 168 replies.


170 replies now.

:):D Yet your posting history is 11 posts. 8 out of 11 posts all in this thread ??? So ...............

As for admins request I think it is easy to see it is original if you google any sentence of it you get only this thread.

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