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Massive Failure For The Red Rally


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Some posters sure get close to hatred for poor people, calling them uneducated, or (far) worse. Even without profanity, the underlying sentiment is that they're not worthy of voicing their opinion, are bought and stupid. They can deny this all they want but the key thing is that the rural poor themselves perceive it that way.

It would be really nice if everyone could muster some respect. Solutions to bridge divides happen when respect for other viewpoints is shown. :)

Good one, and completely correct.


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I am accusing certain people of hating CERTAIN poor people and CERTAIN people seem more than guilty of it. Stop the Spin! :)

I'm fully aware that that was your accusation. It remains a stupid one, no matter how many words you care to capitalise. Stop the BS.

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here you are yourself actively participating and desperately defending the reds every step of the way.

Pointing out lies, half truths and silly exagerations is far from defending anyone.

You are every bit as deluded as the people you defend but claim not to. :)

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Speaking of spin. I wonder if there is some kind of grand plan to the weak turnout on Friday. Now if they can muster 200K people (and of course lie about it and call it 500K) they can claim a huge victory (in comparison). As they bloody well know, they won't be getting a million.

The fiends, how can anyone prepare for the endless complexity of their strategy?

Whatever it is we can be certain it is diabolical, pure evil genius.

We would have a better chance of decoding the whistle codes of the parking attendants.

Thaksin without the makeup.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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It would be naive to think that the Red Shirts will give up. I read the newspaper article that claimed that this was Thaksin's "last stand", and could not have disagreed more. Just like an unemployed brother-in-law, the reddies and Thaksin will be around for a long time.

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I think some of you are disappointed that it has not turned violent already so you can spout 'I told you so', the fact that they contingent from chainag mai only left there at 11 am, added to the fact that the actual rally is sunday seems to have passed some of you by. people are still travelling to bangkok, today was always going to be about small meetings and the said non violent, and non violent it has been, I know this irks some of you.

As for total numbers at the end, it matters not one jot if it is one million people or one person as long as they achieve their objectives. Too many people actually thinking a million man march means there will be one million men, the same people probably think the 100 year war lasted exactly 100 years.

I thought more of some of you than this, a lot of thinks you guys write are sensible if a little biased, but this nonsense, well..............................

And you sure do know about writing nonesense........ thats plainly obvious...

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Casting aside the one million figure for a moment, does anyone have an idea of what kind of numbers the red shirts have amassed compared to last April? Less, the same, more, double, triple?

If it's less than last April then you could say that the movement is now a failure. If it's more (regardless of money spent blah blah blah) then the overlying problem and dissatisfaction remains.

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I think some of you are disappointed that it has not turned violent already so you can spout 'I told you so', the fact that they contingent from chainag mai only left there at 11 am, added to the fact that the actual rally is sunday seems to have passed some of you by. people are still travelling to bangkok, today was always going to be about small meetings and the said non violent, and non violent it has been, I know this irks some of you.

As for total numbers at the end, it matters not one jot if it is one million people or one person as long as they achieve their objectives. Too many people actually thinking a million man march means there will be one million men, the same people probably think the 100 year war lasted exactly 100 years.

I thought more of some of you than this, a lot of thinks you guys write are sensible if a little biased, but this nonsense, well..............................

And you sure do know about writing nonesense........ thats plainly obvious...

Did you think about countering my comments or just think abuse is the way forward? Or maybe you can't counter my comments. The post you quote is factual, the main event is today, it has not been violent, one person can make as much of a difference as one million people, and the 100 year war lasted 116 years.

This thread was obviously started to incite argument, there is no way the OP could possibly think on friday that it was a failure, or maybe it was tongue in cheek, or maybe the OP really is that clueless.

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Reports this morning are saying that at least 100,000 have made it to the central meeting point in Bangkok. That's not too shabby.

Yeah, its only 10% of the promised number.

Who promised one million?

It's what the name of the protest misleadingly promised.

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Too many people actually thinking a million man march means there will be one million men, the same people probably think the 100 year war lasted exactly 100 years.

The fact that the 100 year war didn't last exactly 100 years was something of a long-standing joke in history classes at school.

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Reports this morning are saying that at least 100,000 have made it to the central meeting point in Bangkok. That's not too shabby.

Yeah, its only 10% of the promised number.

Who promised one million?

It's what the name of the protest misleadingly promised.

is the world series open to all the teams in the world?

It is merely a name, if a million turn up great, if they don't so what? I don't remember any contract promising one million people, I don't remember any guarantee, and more importantly I don't think it matters one jot if there are 100,000 or 1 million. the important numbers will come during an election.

The important thing here is that they make themselves heard and that is what they are doing. I sense some disappointment on here with certain posters that it has been peaceful, they wanted to gloat and prattle on about stolen guns, leopards and spots etc. maybe this time the reds have managed to keep out infiltrators, maybe this shows that last year was a third hand, maybe you shpould give these people the benefit of the doubt and credit them for what they are trying to achieve, they are not sat at GH, they are not storming the airport, they are not exploding cars on Sukhothai Road in bangkok, the are not firing guns from the top of wagons. They are making their voices heard in the right way, they are highlighting the failings of the system, they are making sure everyone can see the current government are not wanted, and are in fact proving themselves to be inept with their poor governance.

personally I hope they succeed and an election is called, let the winners run the country at the request of the people.

Edited by tonywebster
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personally I hope they succeed and an election is called, let the winners run the country at the request of the people.

Do you support a bought election? vote buying? Misinformation? Non secret ballots?

Just asking..

there is no other kind in the world, name me a country where this does not happen, Rule out States and most of Europe straight away.maybe we should put our own house in order before we start telling others what they should and should not accept when it comes to democracy.

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personally I hope they succeed and an election is called, let the winners run the country at the request of the people.

Do you support a bought election? vote buying? Misinformation? Non secret ballots?

Just asking..

there is no other kind in the world, name me a country where this does not happen, Rule out States and most of Europe straight away.maybe we should put our own house in order before we start telling others what they should and should not accept when it comes to democracy.

Mm that is why they denied the UN to come and oversee the last election.

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Making their voices heard? THEY ARE BEING PAID TO PROTEST!!!!!

the people i know who have gone have closed their business's to go and show their support, they are losing money to do it. i am sure i do not need to use the caps button to get my message over.

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Making their voices heard? THEY ARE BEING PAID TO PROTEST!!!!!

the people i know who have gone have closed their business's to go and show their support, they are losing money to do it. i am sure i do not need to use the caps button to get my message over.

And so is everyone else who does not want to have any part of it..

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Making their voices heard? THEY ARE BEING PAID TO PROTEST!!!!!

the people i know who have gone have closed their business's to go and show their support, they are losing money to do it. i am sure i do not need to use the caps button to get my message over.

So their slogan should be ""I will fight to my last breath for true democracy, for freedom in my country! (as long as im paid expenses and petrol money. Oh and dont forget to feed me. Oh and i want a free tshirt and one of those nappy foot clapper things)!!''

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is the world series open to all the teams in the world?

It is merely a name, if a million turn up great, if they don't so what? I don't remember any contract promising one million people, I don't remember any guarantee, and more importantly I don't think it matters one jot if there are 100,000 or 1 million. the important numbers will come during an election.

The important thing here is that they make themselves heard and that is what they are doing. I sense some disappointment on here with certain posters that it has been peaceful, they wanted to gloat and prattle on about stolen guns, leopards and spots etc. maybe this time the reds have managed to keep out infiltrators, maybe this shows that last year was a third hand, maybe you shpould give these people the benefit of the doubt and credit them for what they are trying to achieve, they are not sat at GH, they are not storming the airport, they are not exploding cars on Sukhothai Road in bangkok, the are not firing guns from the top of wagons. They are making their voices heard in the right way, they are highlighting the failings of the system, they are making sure everyone can see the current government are not wanted, and are in fact proving themselves to be inept with their poor governance.

personally I hope they succeed and an election is called, let the winners run the country at the request of the people.

LOL ... now tony suggests that Songkran was not the reds rioting but was infiltrators. Great propoganda! Along with the rest of his rant. Reds have been publicly calling for violence. A red leader that is out on bail from his actions last year has been promoting violence AND now has a warrant out for his arrest but is not turning himself in. Avoiding responsibility for their actions is a trademark of the reds from the top down! Thaksin on the run from justice, a Red MP hiding behind immunity while he is in office, a red leader with an arrest warrant on stage.

Then comes the diversion (obfuscation -- hide the topic behind another thing) to make it about the yellows (and not reporting that accurately either). Sad.

But really, Tony isn't a red.

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