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Massive Failure For The Red Rally


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However, I do question the motivations of the farangs here who seem to be filled with an obsessive hatred for poor people who are just trying to improve their lives.

There are foreigners here who hate the reds, as there are foreigners here who hate the yellows - and of course there are those who hate Thaksin. But foreigners here who hate the poor? No, i don't see that from any of the sides, be that Thai, be that foreign.

Just something you dreamt up - or perhaps something you read in the latest red leaflet. Either way, it's another dollup of BS to add to your sizeable pile. :)

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the thing has not even started in earnest yet and the same old posters on here proving their tediousness, how about waiting for tomorrow and Sunday, then make a judgement call, after all the rally is tomorrow and not today, today is small gatherings.

I sometimes wonder what people hope to achieve with such nonsense as this thread, do they think it makes one iota of difference to the actual happenings? do they think abhisit is reading this forum and getting excited because some nomark says not many reds have turned up, or do you think he is concerned with the facts rather than the ramblings of some old fool on a farang forum.

Balanced perspective... Thanks Tony

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However, I do question the motivations of the farangs here who seem to be filled with an obsessive hatred for poor people who are just trying to improve their lives.

There are foreigners here who hate the reds, as there are foreigners here who hate the yellows - and of course there are those who hate Thaksin. But foreigners here who hate the poor? No, i don't see that from any of the sides, be that Thai, be that foreign.

Just something you dreamt up - or perhaps something you read in the latest red leaflet. Either way, it's another dollup of BS to add to your sizeable pile. :)

You nailed it rixalex....

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do they think it makes one iota of difference to the actual happenings? do they think abhisit is reading this forum and getting excited because some nomark says not many reds have turned up

yes there are people reading this forum and many other forums as well. They are paid by this government to monitor the situation and people's feelings... they are also trying to react if there is too much dissinformation!

The same way as there are people paid by the opposition to write BS about the situation, to influence people's opinion. What do you think that the motivation is for all these suddenly new posters on TV... this is part of cyberwar, people's perception is in fact their own reality, so it is vastly important.


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I can never quite decide if these threads are more annoying, depressing, or just plain silly.................

We have judgments of Guilty---without evidence ...or proof

We have failed events before they have even started....

We have a video of a fight between two guys--one in a red T-shirt as "evidence" of Redshirt violence

We have all kinds of "evidence" of people being paid......"a friend of a friend's cousin's employee was offered 300bht to demonstrate".........

We have Reds detonating bombs all over the place.....but sometimes they forget to pull the pin on the grenade... stupid reds

All those people who stay at home instead of riding in the back of a pickup truck all the way from Udon Thani to BKK are not supportive..? There is no such thing as "passive" support in Thailand....

If the pickup driver is given 2000Thb to cover the costs of getting to BKK.....that's evidence that only people who get paid support the movement?

It goes on and on and on.....I'm looking forward to the "Post Mortem" discussions next week..........gawd help us... :D

I hope you guys are never selected for jury duty.............. :)

We have all this also related to the jellow, blue and black, you know very well...pls dont wast my time post video from youtube and pic show the same whit all color....the point my friend is...and so?

What do you want? if you are annoyed go drink singa and play whit some lady( remember this is Thailand and we come here for that not for play politics) dont read forum around the net, plus why so many whit few post come in this 2 days to talk about red that are looser, criminal ecc ecc....to all of you....is not the color but the people and good guys and bad guys are everiwhere....in all color.

And again...moderators....dont live Mr vicco MR commons and friend flame as more please. They try all over the forum.

Now that is what I call a thoughtful and well balanced response........and I think goes a long way to proving my point.....

I think I will follow your well meaning advise, and go play whit a lady and go drink a singa....cause this is Thailand---and we sure don't want to play politics.....or wast your time... :D

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do they think it makes one iota of difference to the actual happenings? do they think abhisit is reading this forum and getting excited because some nomark says not many reds have turned up

yes there are people reading this forum and many other forums as well. They are paid by this government to monitor the situation and people's feelings... they are also trying to react if there is too much dissinformation!

The same way as there are people paid by the opposition to write BS about the situation, to influence people's opinion. What do you think that the motivation is for all these suddenly new posters on TV... this is part of cyberwar, people's perception is in fact their own reality, so it is vastly important.


I hope I get my ID back! :)

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It is looking like quite a few people will be joining the rally today. I dont think it will be as disappoitning as yesterday for the reds. Lots of pick ups, some buses and cars on the roads. It is hard to judge numbers as the vehicles are often carrying only a few people but it is a big procession.

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Look and talk to people out in the provinces. They are being stopped from getting anywhere near Bangkok by the police.

At police checkpoints all vehicles are being searched for Red shirts and various other items. No wonder they are slow in reaching Bangkok.

Maybe it is the same in your area.

I gather the Reds are really getting p*ssed off at this treatment. The authorities need to take care in case their is a backlash against this treatment.

Of course, if these people cannot get to Bangkok then the government and their allies here on Thai Visa can say the rally was a failure.

And you are going to blame the government or the military for this caution and not Sae Daeng and Arisman etc etc etc?

Red leadership calls for violence and people are surprised that a civil government tries to protect its citizens? Amazing Thailand!

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It won't take a million people to wind up the authorities and instigate violence and headlines in the worldwide media.

Three days ago on BBC's website.

Greece hit by third general strike in a month

Riot police fired tear gas at stone-throwing protesters during a large demonstration in the capital, Athens.

Thursday's march in central Athens was the largest since the troubles in Greece began, with an estimated 25,000 people taking part, says the BBC's Malcolm Brabant.

Riot police, who were out in force to avoid a repeat of the violence seen during the previous strike last Friday, fired tear gas to disperse dozens of hooded protesters who threw rocks and other projectiles at the start of the march.


I don't say anything, hehehe, hehehe

Will they be getting on the red shirt stage too?

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I can never quite decide if these threads are more annoying, depressing, or just plain silly.................

We have judgments of Guilty---without evidence ...or proof

We have failed events before they have even started....

We have a video of a fight between two guys--one in a red T-shirt as "evidence" of Redshirt violence

We have all kinds of "evidence" of people being paid......"a friend of a friend's cousin's employee was offered 300bht to demonstrate".........

We have Reds detonating bombs all over the place.....but sometimes they forget to pull the pin on the grenade... stupid reds

All those people who stay at home instead of riding in the back of a pickup truck all the way from Udon Thani to BKK are not supportive..? There is no such thing as "passive" support in Thailand....

If the pickup driver is given 2000Thb to cover the costs of getting to BKK.....that's evidence that only people who get paid support the movement?

It goes on and on and on.....I'm looking forward to the "Post Mortem" discussions next week..........gawd help us... :D

I hope you guys are never selected for jury duty.............. :)

We have all this also related to the jellow, blue and black, you know very well...pls dont wast my time post video from youtube and pic show the same whit all color....the point my friend is...and so?

What do you want? if you are annoyed go drink singa and play whit some lady( remember this is Thailand and we come here for that not for play politics) dont read forum around the net, plus why so many whit few post come in this 2 days to talk about red that are looser, criminal ecc ecc....to all of you....is not the color but the people and good guys and bad guys are everiwhere....in all color.

And again...moderators....dont live Mr vicco MR commons and friend flame as more please. They try all over the forum.

Now that is what I call a thoughtful and well balanced response........and I think goes a long way to proving my point.....

I think I will follow your well meaning advise, and go play whit a lady and go drink a singa....cause this is Thailand---and we sure don't want to play politics.....or wast your time... :D

Drop the flaming, baiting and other nonsense now, thanks.

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However, I do question the motivations of the farangs here who seem to be filled with an obsessive hatred for poor people who are just trying to improve their lives.

There are foreigners here who hate the reds, as there are foreigners here who hate the yellows - and of course there are those who hate Thaksin. But foreigners here who hate the poor?

Spin baby, spin!


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However, I do question the motivations of the farangs here who seem to be filled with an obsessive hatred for poor people who are just trying to improve their lives.

There are foreigners here who hate the reds, as there are foreigners here who hate the yellows - and of course there are those who hate Thaksin. But foreigners here who hate the poor?

Spin baby, spin!


It's ridiculous UG.

To claim that people hate the poor because they don't like Thaksin could be considered offensive.

Whatever, it is certainly dubbya-esque: "You're either with us, or against us."

Edited by Moonrakers
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Speaking of spin. I wonder if there is some kind of grand plan to the weak turnout on Friday. Now if they can muster 200K people (and of course lie about it and call it 500K) they can claim a huge victory (in comparison). As they bloody well know, they won't be getting a million.

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Look and talk to people out in the provinces. They are being stopped from getting anywhere near Bangkok by the police.

At police checkpoints all vehicles are being searched for Red shirts and various other items. No wonder they are slow in reaching Bangkok.

Maybe it is the same in your area.

I gather the Reds are really getting p*ssed off at this treatment. The authorities need to take care in case their is a backlash against this treatment.

Of course, if these people cannot get to Bangkok then the government and their allies here on Thai Visa can say the rally was a failure.

And you are going to blame the government or the military for this caution and not Sae Daeng and Arisman etc etc etc?

Red leadership calls for violence and people are surprised that a civil government tries to protect its citizens? Amazing Thailand!

Blah blah blah. Same old rhetoric. So, if these vehicles are being stopped at checkpoints it is who making sure it happens? Ah, of course, it is the Reds fault. Like I said, same old rhetoric. Change the tune.

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However, I do question the motivations of the farangs here who seem to be filled with an obsessive hatred for poor people who are just trying to improve their lives.

There are foreigners here who hate the reds, as there are foreigners here who hate the yellows - and of course there are those who hate Thaksin. But foreigners here who hate the poor?

Spin baby, spin!


It's ridiculous UG.

To claim that people hate the poor because they don't like Thaksin could be considered offensive.

Whatever, it is certainly dubbya-esque: "You're either with us, or against us."

Don't mind UG. He's just trolling. Almost all he does these days.

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Speaking of spin. I wonder if there is some kind of grand plan to the weak turnout on Friday. Now if they can muster 200K people (and of course lie about it and call it 500K) they can claim a huge victory (in comparison). As they bloody well know, they won't be getting a million.

The fiends, how can anyone prepare for the endless complexity of their strategy?

Whatever it is we can be certain it is diabolical, pure evil genius.

We would have a better chance of decoding the whistle codes of the parking attendants.

Edited by canuckamuck
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It is not my movement. I probably would be better off personally if the Yellows stay in power.

However, I do question the motivations of the farangs here who seem to be filled with an obsessive hatred for poor people who are just trying to improve their lives. I really am starting to wonder if this is all about maintaining the status quo so that it remains cheap to live here - I get that, but it seems rather selfish to me. :)

As a supporter of Abhisit and a confirmed opponent of Thaksin, I find your remark regarding farangs hating the poor to be rather odd.

I do not hate the poor, neither does my wife who comes from a poor rural area of Phichit province in the lower north and she very definitely is more outspoken against the Reds than I am. So, not all poor are 'Red Shirt" supporters, just a vocal minority

IF Abhisit was actually allowed to carry out some of his planned policies to help the disenfranchised people of the rural areas of this country, particularly the Isaan region, then there would probably be no reason for this protest.

The organisers like Nattawut, Veera & Jattaporn have a lot to lose if they fail Thaksin this time in his bid for power.

However Thaksin Shinawatra has managed to fool these poor people over the last ten years or so into believing that he was their saviour and benefactor. As has been proved, he was only in this for self aggrandizement and used the poor as a means to enrich himself.

He managed to control the poor through a network of corrupt 'poo yais' and thugs who were on his payroll and who managed the village finances and kept the people believing that Thaksin was the only politician who could help them.

These are the very people who have no interest in letting the Democrats or any other party, anywhere near their people.

It's all to do with money and control.

Very definitely the Bangkok establishment must listen to the voices of all the poor, not just the red shirt crowd.

I believe given time that Abhisit and his group can achieve this.

There is absolutely no chance of Thaksin ever regaining power in this country. IMHO

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Don't mind UG. He's just trolling. Almost all he does these days.

So says two obsessive red-bashing posters who are trying to change a statement about "hatred for poor people who are trying to improve their lives" into something else completely. As I said before:

Spin baby, spin! stock-vector-boy-in-merry-go-round-vector-16331143.jpglightbox_inactive.pnglightbox_active.png

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Some posters sure get close to hatred for poor people, calling them uneducated, or (far) worse. Even without profanity, the underlying sentiment is that they're not worthy of voicing their opinion, are bought and stupid. They can deny this all they want but the key thing is that the rural poor themselves perceive it that way.

It would be really nice if everyone could muster some respect. Solutions to bridge divides happen when respect for other viewpoints is shown. :)

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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So says two obsessive red-bashing posters

Always with the obsessed accusation, but as always with all these threads, here you are yourself actively participating and desperately defending the reds every step of the way.

trying to change a statement about "hatred for poor people who are trying to improve their lives" into something else completely.

What planet are you on?

Nothing about your statement,

However, I do question the motivations of the farangs here who seem to be filled with an obsessive hatred for poor people who are just trying to improve their lives.

has been changed by anyone. You made yourself very clear to everyone. You are accusing certain people of hating the poor. It is complete and utter nonsense.

What's going on here isn't spin, rather twisting and wriggling by you to distance yourself from something stupid you said.

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As has been mentioned on TV many times as well as other media throughout the world " The poor are the least educated most underemployed/abused, make up a large number of the unemployed, drug users, incarcerated population and command very little respect, except in peer groups" They might or might not admit/answer to ignorant but not stupid. But every country has glaring exceptions as the poor people who made good will attest.

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So says two obsessive red-bashing posters

Always with the obsessed accusation, but as always with all these threads, here you are yourself actively participating and desperately defending the reds every step of the way.

trying to change a statement about "hatred for poor people who are trying to improve their lives" into something else completely.

What planet are you on?

Nothing about your statement,

However, I do question the motivations of the farangs here who seem to be filled with an obsessive hatred for poor people who are just trying to improve their lives.

has been changed by anyone. You made yourself very clear to everyone. You are accusing certain people of hating the poor. It is complete and utter nonsense.

What's going on here isn't spin, rather twisting and wriggling by you to distance yourself from something stupid you said.

I am accusing certain people of hating CERTAIN poor people and CERTAIN people seem more than guilty of it. Stop the Spin! :)

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Some posters sure get close to hatred for poor people, calling them uneducated, or (far) worse. Even without profanity, the underlying sentiment is that they're not worthy of voicing their opinion, are bought and stupid. They can deny this all they want but the key thing is that the rural poor themselves perceive it that way.

It would be really nice if everyone could muster some respect. Solutions to bridge divides happen when respect for other viewpoints is shown. :)

That's just ridiculous... no one hates the poor people.

But wouldn't it be nice if the "poor" people would be able to hear both sides to the story (reds and democrats) so that they can make an informed descision at the polls... instead of being just handed 20thb. Do you think they know the real difference between the different parties? But it's impossible when the other rival party is chased out of town when they want to speak..

On a side note, it seems some "poor" people think that Abhisit has cancelled the 20thb healthcare system... where does this come from unless it's red propaganda...

The rural people will only be allowed to hear what the reds want them to hear and that is not democracy.

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here you are yourself actively participating and desperately defending the reds every step of the way.

Pointing out lies, half truths and silly exagerations is far from defending anyone. Why is it that anyone who doesn't buy your paranoid fantasies gets labeled a "Red"?

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Red shirts fill streets as protests begin

By Conor Duffy

Updated Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:43am AEDT

Thai politics have a reputation for violence and it is not known what the next few days will bring. (Reuters: Kerek Wongsa )

For weeks now Bangkok has been bracing for massive political protests that have just got underway.

Thousands of the red shirt supporters of Thaksin Shinawatra protested at six points across the city in the curtain raiser to what they claim will be a million-strong march on Sunday.

So far the protests have remained largely peaceful, but all sides of Thai politics have a reputation for violence and it is not known what the next few days will bring.

In central Bangkok on the first day of this protest, some streets have already been effectively shut down by the red shirt protesters.

Crowds of pickup trucks are driving along the street. On the back are dozens of red shirt supporters crowded together, waving flags, chanting and cheering.

The streets are lined with people. Some are supporting them; others occasionally show their displeasure.

At least on this first day, the protest has more of a festival or carnival feel. People are shouting and clapping; some are even drinking beer.

Using megaphones, the red shirts are sitting on the back of the trucks yelling loudly that they demand elections.

One woman, who did not want to give her name, says she came to see the government fall.

"We've come here to demand the government to dissolve the house and to have a new election," she says.

A man who wants only to be known as Mr Dung is on foot helping to steer the rally past.

He says he also came to see the downfall of the current government led by prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

"I'm here to chase the Government," he said.

"They should either dissolve the house or resign, that's the whole purpose."

Mr Dung says Sunday will be a crucial day in Thai history.

"Hundreds of thousands of people will come out, or even a million," he said.

"They will wear red and ask the government to decide whether to dissolve the house or resign. We come out in peace."

He is worried, though, that it may come at a personal cost to him and his red shirt comrades if the army loses patience.

"There's no problem with police, only a problem with soldiers," he sad.

"They did this many times already. If they use real weapons I'll be afraid. If they do not use weapons then no problem."

If the first day of these protests is anything to go by, there will not be anyone in Bangkok who does not know the red shirt rally is happening by Sunday.


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here you are yourself actively participating and desperately defending the reds every step of the way.

Pointing out lies, half truths and silly exagerations is far from defending anyone. Why is it that anyone who doesn't buy your paranoid fantasies gets labeled a "Red"?

Maybe it's your red avatar...

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