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Thaksin's Rural Red Shirts Swarm The Capital


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The main reason, and maybe the only reason, for the insistence on holding an election now is that with current government continuing most of the populist programs and the improving economy the PTP knows it will be a very had battle to even maintain their current strength in an election 18 months from now.


Yes if they actually can be seen for doing the good I believe thay have started,

it would be an insurmountable advantage, especially with an utterly discredited Thaksin,

languishing sans Twitter in a Montenegro Sanitarium and no checkbook access.

In the best of all possible worlds.

Could you list the good things that Abhisit has done for Thailand - I've asked you this before remember?

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Abisits Military Junta impugned the court's, along with democracy and the constitution.

"Abisits Military Junta" ?

I was not aware that the leader of the Democrats, and the current-PM, had formed a junta, or was a member of the one which illegally took power in September-2006. Do you have a source for this claim, Clod ? :)

Check the archives of the English Language Press for the coup period and for the period when Abhisit was bought by the Military.

Could you also remind me when this fine Democrat stood up and denounced Military Coups.

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Whatever you judge to be a decent crowd, or not, Thaksin honestly doesn't deserve the support he has received this week from the reds in Bangkok. Harp on all you will about people being paid, but I don't think many people on this board would spend all day in the scorching sun for 300-1,000 baht. So be it paid or unpaid support, the vast majority of those attending deserve some respect for actually bothering to attend.

At present there is a rather large majority of Bangkokians sitting on the fence waiting to see which way the wind blows. If the reds had gotten the upper hand, then I think we would have seen more red shirts on the streets. There were certainly a few thousands at the end of sois on Monday waving and cheering.

If they could only ditch Thaksin, they would enjoy better support in Bangkok. But, crucially, most of the funds supporting them would also dry up. Catch-22.

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The main reason, and maybe the only reason, for the insistence on holding an election now is that with current government continuing most of the populist programs and the improving economy the PTP knows it will be a very had battle to even maintain their current strength in an election 18 months from now.


Yes if they actually can be seen for doing the good I believe thay have started,

it would be an insurmountable advantage, especially with an utterly discredited Thaksin,

languishing sans Twitter in a Montenegro Sanitarium and no checkbook access.

In the best of all possible worlds.

Could you list the good things that Abhisit has done for Thailand - I've asked you this before remember?

Well for me, I am happy to have a PM that spends time sellign Thailand to the world, and a team getting on with things without the PR.

crop insurance scheme - the biggest change to rural Thailand in 10 years I think

stabilised financial markets and staved off recession in Thailand - fact - Thailand's business sector had a great 3rd/4th quarter 2009 - that's the engine for Thailand

adherring to the will and desire of the constitution to improve rural rights without bending to big business- map da put

promoting and supporting free media without government interference

handling political protests in a responsible way and an open door for red shirts to meet, to talk to protest

improved govt departments management - particularly that infrastructure projects are moving forward including roading, water,

a healthcare system that now works

balls to open the Saudi blue diamond affair with an aim to getting 200,000+ Isaan workers access to that market again

responsible tourism

creative economy -building economic strength into the economy

BOI - strong FDI still coming despite the Map Ta Put issue

cancelling Thai elite scamcard

no stupid PR trips - reality TV etc

A successful ASEAN summit eventually

Good presentation worldwide addressing Thailand's image and selling Thailand

No stupid reality TV shows, cooking shows, supersticious mumbo jumbo

What i didn't like were the giveaways - crass and stupid. But they probably injected needed cash into the economy

I don't think he's done a good job in the south....yet. But the mess inherited from TRT won't be easy to fix

I don't like that he hasn't pushed to prosecute Jathamas former TAT governor

OK, let's see your list. What good did PPP do in their 1 year of power prior to this?

As for support of the red shirts in Bangkok, I think more than anything it's fatigue. Some of us have jobs and work. All these dumb protests (as they are perceived) about pointless junk (as it is perceived) interfere with our earnings.

Look at the MPs elected in the last election. And the list vote for PPP vs. Dems. I think you'll find red shirt support far lower than that. Having Arisaman and these twits talking about coming with petrol, faeces and plans to block traffic.....there's not a lot of love in BKK for red shirts.

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The main reason, and maybe the only reason, for the insistence on holding an election now is that with current government continuing most of the populist programs and the improving economy the PTP knows it will be a very had battle to even maintain their current strength in an election 18 months from now.


Yes if they actually can be seen for doing the good I believe thay have started,

it would be an insurmountable advantage, especially with an utterly discredited Thaksin,

languishing sans Twitter in a Montenegro Sanitarium and no checkbook access.

In the best of all possible worlds.

Could you list the good things that Abhisit has done for Thailand - I've asked you this before remember?


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stabilised financial markets and staved off recession in Thailand - fact - Thailand's business sector had a great 3rd/4th quarter 2009 - that's the engine for Thailand

Thailand's economy was better before the coup and the new government. So I guess first ruining everything and then rebuilding it is how it works? Sounds a little bit like Bush & Iraq.

promoting and supporting free media without government interference

I almost spilled my drink on this one. No further comment needed.

handling political protests in a responsible way and an open door for red shirts to meet, to talk to protest

So far no talks have happened.

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a healthcare system that now works

It surely works for those that have the money to pay for it. Sadly, the poor Thais don't.

no stupid PR trips - reality TV etc

Driving around in his limousine in Bangkok, interviewing people for his weekly TV show ...isn't that a reality TV show? Samak had to give up his PM post because of the cooking show. How is that any different?

A successful ASEAN summit eventually

You're listing things that haven't even happened yet as his success?

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The main reason, and maybe the only reason, for the insistence on holding an election now is that with current government continuing most of the populist programs and the improving economy the PTP knows it will be a very had battle to even maintain their current strength in an election 18 months from now.


Yes if they actually can be seen for doing the good I believe thay have started,

it would be an insurmountable advantage, especially with an utterly discredited Thaksin,

languishing sans Twitter in a Montenegro Sanitarium and no checkbook access.

In the best of all possible worlds.

Could you list the good things that Abhisit has done for Thailand - I've asked you this before remember?


Even if he does say so himself:


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Steves answer works well for me.

But I'll add he is trying to reform the moribund education sector,

and not with just bureaucrats, but 'real people' committees,

add much more school milk and increased the ages for free education.

And attempts to up the quality of teachers and their materials.

if only 20% of what they are trying gets done, this is a BIG leap for all children

Openly standing up to the Police hierarchy corruption is a good thing too.

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a healthcare system that now works

It surely works for those that have the money to pay for it. Sadly, the poor Thais don't.

no stupid PR trips - reality TV etc

Driving around in his limousine in Bangkok, interviewing people for his weekly TV show ...isn't that a reality TV show? Samak had to give up his PM post because of the cooking show. How is that any different?

A successful ASEAN summit eventually

You're listing things that haven't even happened yet as his success?

LOL Rainman more strawman arguments! The healthcare system now costs the poor less to use it than under Thaksin has has more funding. But don't I remember you complimenting Thaksin on the healthcare system?

TV shows? Can you be that silly? Doing the weekly TV show could have been Samak's game too. Instead he did a cooking show and then lying about the payment got him nailed. The fact that Samak was still waiting on charges ... well .... Sadly the man is dead so the results of those charges may never be known. Want to guess if Abhisit is taking money or lying about what he does?

Having a car and driver is an issue for you too? I guess Thaksin opening up his car on the motorway wasn't a problem for you though! Having a car and driver is normal for anyone with any responsibility.

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jdinasia, I think you're Thaksin posting in disguise. Admit it, we caught you! It's okay, come out :)

Put the bottle down.

and I have been "out" since I was a teenager :D Perhaps that helped with being able to be honest and not try and hide my meaning when I speak :D Maybe you should finally come out! A closet sure can be confining .. at least at your age :D

PS I think you must mean Abhisit .....---- Thaksin is obviously going nuts but he still won't tell you the truth about himself and of course, I won't hesitate to say the truth :D

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Seems like one finance magazine thai businesses and the set think current government is doing ok.

I am no expert but I guess its a lot better than ppp and samak which did nothing. The 2 years before the coup thaksin did nothing anyway.

I will never forget that ppp ran thailand during the peak rice prices but they bought it from the farmers at higher than market prices and now it cannot be sold. I guess that's the genius of samak and mingkwan.

And thaksin was great for the first year. After that he was only soso then worse.

As I remember they built the airport lied about chicken flu dealing with the tsunami and ran out of money and no economic growth so they started mega projects and trying to

Convince people to swap chicken for planes and such.

For all the claims isn't suranond abhisits cousin? Trt. So if they are an elite family I suppose so are som trt peps too.

I can't see how u can run a country well and deliver 20% gdp growth when china and europe and usa were collapsing.

Gdp isn't the best guide but despite unrest and weak demand worldwide thai economy is doing ok. And not from a weak baht. It is from improvement.

I think aphisit is doing pretty good and he isn't screwing stuff up. My industry in marine last year was good this year will be great.

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I think aphisit is doing pretty good and he isn't screwing stuff up. My industry in marine last year was good this year will be great.

Imagine what he could do if he didn't have to deal with red shirt messes every few months and instead could concentrate on his job.

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I think aphisit is doing pretty good and he isn't screwing stuff up. My industry in marine last year was good this year will be great.

Imagine what he could do if he didn't have to deal with red shirt messes every few months and instead could concentrate on his job.

One reason Thaksin is so desperate for a house dissolution now is the improving economy, education reforms and successful price subsidies of key farm produce last year by the Democrats. Korn promises land tax reform this year which will further help the poor.

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a healthcare system that now works

It surely works for those that have the money to pay for it. Sadly, the poor Thais don't.

no stupid PR trips - reality TV etc

Driving around in his limousine in Bangkok, interviewing people for his weekly TV show ...isn't that a reality TV show? Samak had to give up his PM post because of the cooking show. How is that any different?

A successful ASEAN summit eventually

You're listing things that haven't even happened yet as his success?

1. as you are probably well aware, 30b healthcare was never actually thirty baht, and was a big mess; not that I blame the TRT govt for hurrying too fast to install (which they admit) but now it actually works how is was supposed to, and is free

2. Thaksin lived in Roiet with his fendi robes when the protests were going on; he ran away from the problem. Samak was legally not allowed to earn income from a TV show or any other job; some feel that running a political show, profiting from it and using that time to cook slop is less important than working as a PM, they obviously didn't see the 'cooking governor' who RIP also spent his time as BMA governor cooking and not running the city

3. http://www.asean.org/23498.htm

I mean what I said.... the ASEAN summit, the one held in Cha-am last year, that was by all accounts, a success as far as these sorts of events go. I don't think anyone disputes that Dr Surin Phitsuwan is doing a great job as the head of ASEAN (based in Indonesia) and so for the event to be held, for AANZFTA to start 1 Jan significantly improving the economies on both sides of the equator, the MOU of China and ASEAN, the MOU on IP, the successful implementation of the ASEAN charter - basically in the last 12 months the role of ASEAN has emerged as having one, rather than just talking about it - not solely due to the PM by any means, but at least he was able to hold the summit - that's apparently a sucess (something that both he and the PPP govt were earlier unable to acheive)

I'll leave it at that for now, each of us can decide for ourselves which government delivers results, most of my clients are sitting on record profits late last year and are feeling pretty happy right now. They are also happier that their tax dollars aren't being spent on buying votes with crop pledging, debt forgiveness and the like. But they do want to see true reform, so the ones in the lower sectors of the Thai economy start to contribute more and enjoy the rewards more - again - where is the person that will lead and push a rural agenda - a real agenda and not more giveaways and non sustainable daft programs?

The time is right for a hero to emerge.

And lest we think that Thaksin was the first to do so, the relatively high literacy rates, the infrastructure of roads power and water, the fact there is a school system at all upcountry, the general way in which the rural economy works and has improved at a rate faster than much of the rest of the world under successive governments including TRT suggests that Thaksin certainly wasn't the only one, and wasn't the first.

On the other hand, the gap between rich and poor has not closed.

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1. as you are probably well aware, 30b healthcare was never actually thirty baht, and was a big mess; not that I blame the TRT govt for hurrying too fast to install (which they admit) but now it actually works how is was supposed to, and is free

2. Thaksin lived in Roiet with his fendi robes when the protests were going on; he ran away from the problem. Samak was legally not allowed to earn income from a TV show or any other job; some feel that running a political show, profiting from it and using that time to cook slop is less important than working as a PM, they obviously didn't see the 'cooking governor' who RIP also spent his time as BMA governor cooking and not running the city

3. http://www.asean.org/23498.htm

I mean what I said.... the ASEAN summit, the one held in Cha-am last year, that was by all accounts, a success as far as these sorts of events go. I don't think anyone disputes that Dr Surin Phitsuwan is doing a great job as the head of ASEAN (based in Indonesia) and so for the event to be held, for AANZFTA to start 1 Jan significantly improving the economies on both sides of the equator, the MOU of China and ASEAN, the MOU on IP, the successful implementation of the ASEAN charter - basically in the last 12 months the role of ASEAN has emerged as having one, rather than just talking about it - not solely due to the PM by any means, but at least he was able to hold the summit - that's apparently a sucess (something that both he and the PPP govt were earlier unable to acheive)

I'll leave it at that for now, each of us can decide for ourselves which government delivers results, most of my clients are sitting on record profits late last year and are feeling pretty happy right now. They are also happier that their tax dollars aren't being spent on buying votes with crop pledging, debt forgiveness and the like. But they do want to see true reform, so the ones in the lower sectors of the Thai economy start to contribute more and enjoy the rewards more - again - where is the person that will lead and push a rural agenda - a real agenda and not more giveaways and non sustainable daft programs?

The time is right for a hero to emerge.

And lest we think that Thaksin was the first to do so, the relatively high literacy rates, the infrastructure of roads power and water, the fact there is a school system at all upcountry, the general way in which the rural economy works and has improved at a rate faster than much of the rest of the world under successive governments including TRT suggests that Thaksin certainly wasn't the only one, and wasn't the first.

On the other hand, the gap between rich and poor has not closed.

Quite a sensible post but a few comments.

1.Sorry I do seriously question Surin's performance as Secretary General, ASEAN.He's a reasonably capable fellow but his performance in the job has been very average, and failing miserably on intra-ASEAN disputes.On Burma his contribution has been particularly mediocre and craven.

2.Let's put Thaksin on one side and the fact that the current government is simply copying many of his policies.The French philosopher de Tocqueville pointed out that dramatic political change happens when thing are getting better, as they certainly have in rural Thailand - and certainly not just because of Thaksin.

3.You with respect make the mistake of many middle class city dwellers in Thailand of thinking somehow economic fairness and social justice will be graciously bestowed "de haut en bas".It doesn't work that way as any student of modern political history will tell you.The "lower sectors" as you call them will one way or the other end up dictating the agenda.The challenge for the middle class liberals (Abhisit, Korn et al) is to manage that process so we get an evolutionary change and not landed with some Thai version of Chavez.

4.Your comment about the relief businessmen feel that their tax dollars aren't being wasted doesn't make any sense, just foolish bar talk though perhaps the bar at the Conrad.Your clients clearly haven't looked at or perhaps don't understand the numbers.

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.....Your comment about the relief businessmen feel that their tax dollars aren't being wasted doesn't make any sense, just foolish bar talk though perhaps the bar at the Conrad....

next time come over, I'll buy you a few nice single malts ;_) Stop hiding in the corner.

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thx and thx again

your dialogue and recapitulation helps to remind me of how much good the current thais are enjoying and should be grateful for....

particularly, the open commercial competition among the less opportuned sectors of thailand.... which before were controlled entirely by tuksin's associates.... before if one wanted to enter into any sort of bidding.... the unwritten rule was agreeing to a 30% commission to be paid to the tuksin's associates.... including to his estranged former wife--kunying port-ja-marn.... it is such a disgrace.... and the chin-na-wat family called it reasonable commission to the organizers.... spit.... spit.... spit.... :)

The main reason, and maybe the only reason, for the insistence on holding an election now is that with current government continuing most of the populist programs and the improving economy the PTP knows it will be a very had battle to even maintain their current strength in an election 18 months from now.


Yes if they actually can be seen for doing the good I believe thay have started,

it would be an insurmountable advantage, especially with an utterly discredited Thaksin,

languishing sans Twitter in a Montenegro Sanitarium and no checkbook access.

In the best of all possible worlds.

Could you list the good things that Abhisit has done for Thailand - I've asked you this before remember?

Well for me, I am happy to have a PM that spends time sellign Thailand to the world, and a team getting on with things without the PR.

crop insurance scheme - the biggest change to rural Thailand in 10 years I think

stabilised financial markets and staved off recession in Thailand - fact - Thailand's business sector had a great 3rd/4th quarter 2009 - that's the engine for Thailand

adherring to the will and desire of the constitution to improve rural rights without bending to big business- map da put

promoting and supporting free media without government interference

handling political protests in a responsible way and an open door for red shirts to meet, to talk to protest

improved govt departments management - particularly that infrastructure projects are moving forward including roading, water,

a healthcare system that now works

balls to open the Saudi blue diamond affair with an aim to getting 200,000+ Isaan workers access to that market again

responsible tourism

creative economy -building economic strength into the economy

BOI - strong FDI still coming despite the Map Ta Put issue

cancelling Thai elite scamcard

no stupid PR trips - reality TV etc

A successful ASEAN summit eventually

Good presentation worldwide addressing Thailand's image and selling Thailand

No stupid reality TV shows, cooking shows, supersticious mumbo jumbo

What i didn't like were the giveaways - crass and stupid. But they probably injected needed cash into the economy

I don't think he's done a good job in the south....yet. But the mess inherited from TRT won't be easy to fix

I don't like that he hasn't pushed to prosecute Jathamas former TAT governor

OK, let's see your list. What good did PPP do in their 1 year of power prior to this?

As for support of the red shirts in Bangkok, I think more than anything it's fatigue. Some of us have jobs and work. All these dumb protests (as they are perceived) about pointless junk (as it is perceived) interfere with our earnings.

Look at the MPs elected in the last election. And the list vote for PPP vs. Dems. I think you'll find red shirt support far lower than that. Having Arisaman and these twits talking about coming with petrol, faeces and plans to block traffic.....there's not a lot of love in BKK for red shirts.

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.....Your comment about the relief businessmen feel that their tax dollars aren't being wasted doesn't make any sense, just foolish bar talk though perhaps the bar at the Conrad....

next time come over, I'll buy you a few nice single malts ;_) Stop hiding in the corner.

I'll take you up on that offer one day.I'm often at All Seasons Place.

I appreciate your knowledge and good sense.

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Something that a lot of news sources failed to mention, is that there are a large amount of 'non-red-shirts' on the streets that are cheering on the red shirts:

(or 'terrorists' as some of you are calling them)

----many cute, but meaningless pix removed---

My opinion is...

Oh, come on! Happy waving faces doesn't prove a thing.

Everyone loves a "parade", and please don't forget; a very large segment of Thai society are basically people that are so disconnected from the serious "you tink too mut" kinds of things that many of the western posters on ThaiVisa think about; they'd probably wave gleefully at a squadron of enemy jet fighters screaming overhead. Don't get me wrong, I know and like many "you tink too mut" Thais, but the truth is, if the Reds aren't coming between them and their:

1) Som Tum

2) Chance to buy a lottery ticket

3) Freedom to shop at unnecessarily expensive malls (the Hi-So's, at least)

4) Ability to watch a TV show highlighting which fat man (dressed as a woman) can smash a congenitally deformed midget over the head with a household object better than the not-in-drag members of the cast... or a daily "drama" showcasing Thais acting, speaking (well, yelling), and thinking terribly to each other (which they CANNOT tear their eyes and ears away from), because contrary to the mandatory Thai cultural limitation of not being able to yell your head off at some complete sh_t-head who desperately deserves to be yelled at, most Thais would f_cking LOVE to tear someone a new _sshole, and therefore can't help but to stare transfixed at the spectacle of Thais screaming at (and being very, very mean to) each other on TV, cause they're living vicariously through it,

..then they'll just stand there and smile and wave at a red parade (and it really IS more of a parade, than a real political protest). Or at anything. In fact, you can even count on a reasonably good sized crowd of Thais to congregate around a decapitated "motorcycle verses lorry" victim on the side of the road. So I'm sorry; the fact that they'll stand on the sidelines, and simplistically enjoy the show/parade, isn't significant.

To be fair, a LOT of people will wave at a parade, but let's not write this off as what a "lot" of people will do.

These are Thais, and some of them are not as connected and enlightened to the deeper meaning in these events as you might think they are.

In fact, I regularly see Thais bypassing the news channels, or real newspapers, for sanook shows and glossy magazines (to see which celebrity's candid crotch/undies-photo made it into that weeks issue). Frankly, I've been amazed at how little coverage there has been on Thai TV news, regarding these protests. If it were happening in Washington DC, or Paris, or Tokyo, I'm pretty sure it would be getting nearly 24 hours a day coverage on those country's national news channels.

So, the "average" Thai? Well,, I mean, kids do love a parade, don't they? Thailand continues to be a nation were many 14 year olds are being unscrupulously lead (aka: hoodwinked) by a corrupt group of 16 year olds.

This is a VERY 3rd world country. It's filled with uneducated people who've been conditioned to "be happy that they're un-educated", and corruption-riddled economics, government, and it has a large gap between the corrupt "haves" and the (also corrupt) "have-nots".

In their easy little world of "mai bpen rai", "jai yen yen", "don't question teachers/elders", "don't cause loss of face", "sanook is more important than learning, or planning ahead", "tea money", and "vote-buying", NOTHING WILL CHANGE, until they're ready to leave these CHILDISH mannerisms behind.

And let's just clear this up once and for all..

People who genuinely believe in a demonstration for equality and democracy .. DONATE TO THE CAUSE, not get paid to attend it.

PERIOD!! There really isn't any valid way to twist or spin that.

I marched on Washington DC, and in protest marches in New York, for causes that I believed in. No one paid me, or a single other person who was there. (or gave me a bus ticket or "gas money" to get there).

These demonstrations AREN'T about democracy, equality, freedom, or ANY of the "issues" that these mobs are claiming to be driven by.

Isn't it patently obvious what this is about? It's about GREED, posturing, and hunger for power. And it's all coming from one egomaniacally demented man, who just can't let go.

And it's gonna really make things hard for ALL Thai people and foreigners who live here, as this ongoing nonsense ends up scaring off tourists and foreign business as well.

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Siang Dee Mahk,

There is 24 hour coverage of the Red "Rage"..... Go to or google TVU website and download the program to watch it (amongst many other channels).

The question should be asked of all is WHY there is almost ZERO audio coverage of of the protests on ALL the Thai channels covering the event....

Is someone afraid the rest of Thailand (not watching or listening to the ACTUAL protests) will have a different opinion of the voices during the protests?

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Siang Dee Mahk,

There is 24 hour coverage of the Red "Rage"..... Go to or google TVU website and download the program to watch it (amongst many other channels).

The question should be asked of all is WHY there is almost ZERO audio coverage of of the protests on ALL the Thai channels covering the event....

Is someone afraid the rest of Thailand (not watching or listening to the ACTUAL protests) will have a different opinion of the voices during the protests?

you are absolutely incorrect

in believing and stating


YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY BLINDED SIDED.... in not hearing the background noises.... nor seeing the oriental body expressions....

the noises.... the nonsensical noises.... the blaring noises.... and the incomprehensible noises.... the shouting of dissolving the parliament noises....

particularly the cheering and jeering noises....

and especially the sneering noises, the hand gestures of going away and getting out of here.... by the local merchants along the sideroads....

perhaps, many could not see the aforementioned.... because most farangs are not trained to observe all these expressions and gestures....

ABOUT 80% of what was said on the stand on p-channel was absolute half-truth from day 1 to day 8.... a very sorry state of redshirt affairs....

more specifically, the thai word--PRAI has three meanings.... the last of which means traitors....

which after day 7, the leader behind the scene--tuksin caught on the negative implication and the resultant damages already done to his own nightly videolink and his redshirts' full of holes oratory....

subsequently, the redshirt leaders, if you noticed, never mentioned that word again on stage today.... or perhaps, it could be that my ears were full of wax....

for what it is worth.... NopePaDont--tuksin's legal advisor.... stated to the press that he represents tuksin who wants PM apisit to grant an absolute pardon to his boss, as a PRE-condition of negotiation.... just imagine that.... :)

this can happen only in thailand.... in other pacificrims countries like malaysia, s'pore, taiwan or japan.... the crooked politicians including senators et al.... would all be thrown out of the parliament....

but we all need to be a little more patient.... holding our breath a little longer.... waiting for thailand to mature a little further along.... and hopefully.... in our life time.... :D

Edited by nakachalet
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