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Cell Phones in Thailand

Does anyone know the real deal on Cell phones ownership in BKK?

I am currently here on a B visa doing business and plan to be here for quite sometime. Currently I am using an account that a friend opened for me. However I need to have it in my name for a few reasons. The clerk at store told me I need work permit? What are the real rules on this?

Oh I am using GSM if that helps.

thanks for the help :o


The clerk is right, you will need a work permit, if you want to go on an plan. i.e were you bill ed for what you use. Most of the foreigners I know living here including myself, use the pre paid service. By a refill card from any 7/11. In fact I don't know anyone who is using a plan.


[COLOR=orange]The clerk is right, you will need a work permit, if you want to go on an plan. i.e were you bill ed for what you use. Most of the foreigners I know living here including myself, use the pre paid service. By a refill card from any 7/11. In fact I don't know anyone who is using a plan.


Try Orange as per Marquess Quote B)B)B)




You are better off with pre-paid like 1-2-Call or DPrompt or the Orange version of pre-paid. No monthly bills, and if you lose the phone or have it stolen, the finder or thief can only use whatever time is left on the phone (before you can cancel the number).


Ok. then I think I will stick with my plan. GSM has the largest coverage area. I was thinking about the 1 2 go but it is expenisive and I have a cool number.

However I will look into Orange and see what they can do for me.

This is kinda stange needing a work permit to get a bloody cell phone?

thanks for the advice.


also for the really lazy, you can refill 1-2-Call and other prepaid phone plans, and pay post-pay bills, at most bank ATMs in thailand (if you have a local account at that bank).

sometimes i "recharge" my phone when doing other business at a Bangkok Bank ATM...it saves me the steps to the nearest 7-11 or whereever and the effort of scratching off the little black stuff from the card and getting my finger all black. service charge is i believe B10 or 20.

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