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Where Are The Air Apologists Today


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I to live in Doi Saket. This time last year IMHO it was worst, so bad that not only could I not see the temple from my house but also the 118 which is only half a klick from my house.

2007 was worse. 2009 was not as good as 2008, but 2007 was possibly the worst year in recent history.

The haze is actually lifting. First time in two days I can see Doi Saket Temple from my house. :):D

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I wonder just wonder how many pepola that say the air isnnae that bad believe in GOD.

cos that would take a massive leap of faith.

Hilarious! I guess that makes me an atheist, or a skeptic at the least. :)

I suggest that we identify the factions as PAD (Pollution Apologists in Denial) and UDD (Unsatisfied Doomsday Danglers) and start wearing shirts in designated colours so that we can begin organising mass rallies. I might phone in later to explain the details.

Cheers, CMX

Edited by chiangmaiexpat
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Happy to see this Fires/ Pollution thread #11 here. A very different topic, if a bit inflammatory (intended).

Look, it's not about being apologists, or in denial. I think it's more about who were the milk-toast, panty-waists that were griping and groaning as early as Dec and January. It's more like 'Where are THEY now ?' Deceased ? ON an iron lung ? There's a problem here, and we can all see it, but it's amazing how people get their panties all in a bind back when things are relatively a-ok. All that Henny Penny, Sky is Falling stuff is annoying. If you live here and don't know what you're in for, or don't accept what is, you're gonna have a hard time at it.

For me, the air's miserable and was embarrassed to have a friend from out of town here seeing the northern region's ugly truth. On the upside, with all the nutrition in this thick air I find I hardly feel like eating all day; two deep breaths and I'm full !

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Hilarious! I guess that makes me an atheist, or a skeptic at the least. :)

I suggest that we identify the factions as PAD (Pollution Apologists in Denial) and UDD (Unsatisfied Doomsday Danglers) and start wearing shirts in designated colours so that we can begin organising mass rallies. I might phone in later to explain the details.

Thanks, Khun ChiangMaiExapat, for this delicious lagniappe of fresh wit !


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rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow rain tomorrow ...........................

well im hoping if i repeat enough, it might come true :)

I think it finally worked!

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I wonder just wonder how many pepola that say the air isnnae that bad believe in GOD.

cos that would take a massive leap of faith.

Hilarious! I guess that makes me an atheist, or a skeptic at the least. :)

I suggest that we identify the factions as PAD (Pollution Apologists in Denial) and UDD (Unsatisfied Doomsday Danglers) and start wearing shirts in designated colours so that we can begin organising mass rallies. I might phone in later to explain the details.

Cheers, CMX


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Happy to see this Fires/ Pollution thread #11 here. A very different topic, if a bit inflammatory (intended).

Look, it's not about being apologists, or in denial. I think it's more about who were the milk-toast, panty-waists that were griping and groaning as early as Dec and January. It's more like 'Where are THEY now ?' Deceased ? ON an iron lung ? There's a problem here, and we can all see it, but it's amazing how people get their panties all in a bind back when things are relatively a-ok. All that Henny Penny, Sky is Falling stuff is annoying. If you live here and don't know what you're in for, or don't accept what is, you're gonna have a hard time at it.

For me, the air's miserable and was embarrassed to have a friend from out of town here seeing the northern region's ugly truth. On the upside, with all the nutrition in this thick air I find I hardly feel like eating all day; two deep breaths and I'm full !

Yes, I suppose some people are annoyed. Unfortunately, a lot of people are getting quite ill.

Bringing up the topic should not be seasonal. Solutions to the problem are a year-long effort.

It is indeed very sad that visitors to Chiang Mai in this season (which is basically mid-February - mid-April) can not enjoy the natural beauty of Northern Thailand.

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The recent smog is NOTHING like it was when I was a child growing up in Vancouver BC, Canada. Everyone heated their homes with sawdust. Every year we would get a temperature inversion and the fog would wrap itself around each smoke particulate. The fog was so thick you could hide from someone who was only 15 feet away. My sister and I would play hide and seek each morning on our way to school.

Of course, memory is a convenient thing. If I remember correctly we walked 12 miles to school up hill... both ways... in sub-zero weather. :)

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I'm 67, been here 7 years. No breathing problems. Walk and swim every day. This is the worst pollution I've ever seen. Dry throat and eyes. One km visibility.

Thanks, PB. I temporarily bailed out of CM last week (as did my neighbour to the US). Sure, parts of Europe and US have had a long and cold winter, but this morning I took a grateful dog for a walk through the woods and over fields in lovely spring sunshine and enjoyed deep lungfulls of clean, cool air. Suffolk, UK.

The only thing, in an otherwise crystal clear sky, was a sole USAF transport plane lumbering into the RAF/USAF base at Lakenheath.

Take care all.

I trust while you're there you're taking great care over the food you're eating.

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Forgive me if I am incorrect, but the only dates I can find in this link relate to 2007, is there another link to 2010?

Click on the main map for a "realtime" view, then click on any region in the world to zoom in.

This is the link for Asia-Pacific, by the way: http://satellite.ehabich.info/index3.5.html

At the time i write this, the Space Station is visible in orbit above the region. :)

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Has the smog cleared in the north now? Particularly interested in the area around Chiang Rai. Many thanks.

It has not cleared completely but is back to much lower levelsn which I can tolerate going outside for short periods without my beathing aparatus :)

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Todays readings are CM 84.2 and CR105.8

Todays satellite photo of fires.

Just a tip gotlost - it would be better if you save the image to your computer then upload it as an attachment. This is because the image link is dynamic and changes on that site will show up here so we can't see the differences from previous days. :)

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Click on the main map for a "realtime" view, then click on any region in the world to zoom in.

This is the link for Asia-Pacific, by the way: http://satellite.ehabich.info/index3.5.html

At the time i write this, the Space Station is visible in orbit above the region.

All I get when I zoom in is a picture from the 22 March. Anyone got one from today?

I'm landing in Chiang Mai tomorrow, so I'll be able to see/smell for myself......

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I'll repost this link now that my internet link seems stable and I can add what I was going to say before my PC died!

A good article below:


Some highlights include:

"Particulate matter is estimated to reduce people's lives by an average seven to eight months, while in pollution hotspots vulnerable residents, such as those with asthma, could be dying up to nine years early, the report says".

"EAC chairman Tim Yeo said: "Air pollution probably causes more deaths than passive smoking, traffic accidents or obesity, yet it receives very little attention from government or the media. n the worst affected areas this invisible killer could be taking years off the lives of people most at risk, such as those with asthma."

And before anyone gets confused the article is talking about the UK where the <PM10 levels average about 43, imagine what sort of field day the journalists could have it they lived in Mae HongSong!

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Has the smog cleared in the north now? Particularly interested in the area around Chiang Rai. Many thanks.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Samtam,

We were in Mae Sai yesterday, and while the haze did not seem as bad as two weeks ago, it was hazy.

best, ~o:37;

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