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Lately I have been noticing a pattern or perhaps a coincidence who knows ..... It seems that everything that either sucks, or has that potential, is supposed to make me lucky according to my wife, I guess someone decided that if you make things that suck, lucky, they might suck slightly less. Once in a while a cobra slithers down the road, which of course might make for a pretty suck wind day, but wait ..... it's supposed to be lucky !!! Something my wife claims is a lizardy sort of thing that sounds like an owl with the volume turned up at night annoys me, but wait .... you guessed it more luck my way. Sucks slightly less now ! Elephants are lucky no doubt because a herd stomped some village into a pile of sticks and making it lucky made rebuilding suck slightly less .....

On the flip slide everything that seems to annoy her mom I'm told is unlucky ! lol ..... Who decided tapping the spoon on the side of the cooker to get the rice off is unlucky ? Her mom I suppose, but she could have just said it's annoying and I would have stopped doing it as well. Smoking is unlucky ? Stupid and deadly sure, but now I have to worry about cancer and bad luck !

If I had a dollar for everything that was supposed bring me money I could start my own red army, between the good luck the bad luck and the things and colors that are supposed to bring me money I'm getting a bit confused. Lucky for me silver brings you money because that's the color I wanted for the car anyhow !

Last night I was a little drunk and as a non drinker I knew my wife wasn't thrilled, so when she asked me if I was drunk I said ..... When your husband is drunk it makes you lucky !

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