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Thaksin Draws Comparison Between Abhisit And Hitler

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<br />the government bribed people to leave the rally???<br /><br />how about the the money thaksin paid the protesters to show up?<br /><br />without HIS bribes no one would have shown up in the first place anyway.<br /><br />he's just proven once more that he's a loser. bye bye thaksin <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

What's Really hilarious about these allegations, and what hasn't seemingly registered with anyone yet, is if the govt were bribing people to leave, Thaksin would be broadcasting to no one.


Isn't the old expression "It's better to go through life having people think your stupid then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

I'm not so sure its Aphisit who has got the mental disorder <_<

I'm certain it's not Abhisit. Calling your opponent mentally disturbed, claiming he's poisoning his opponents, demonizing "the other" (Hitler singled out homosexuals and gypsies as well as Jews), indicates which one is truly "Hitler-like"! Very scary.

Definately a comedy classic. What a clown. I wonder if he does kids parties?

Would you trust him with kids? :)

He's lost the pink vote then.

i wonder if many people he is talking to actually know who Hitler was and that Thailand was on his side anyway.

On the side of Imperial Japan actually but thats the same



If someone is similar to Hitler (as in: brainwashing the low educated to get them on his side, using his power to accumulate personal wealth, making himself a dictator and losing his mind when the power fades) then this must be Thaksin, not Abhisit.

Abhisit should sue him for the defamation, and should do so right away. I understand there's a few more billions ready to be seized - here is a good opportunity.

And Thaksin's son is a homosexual himself. My gaydar says so (one must be homosexual to sense that, and i AM homosexual and see no reason to hide that fact).

Seems Thaksin is jealous because of Abhisit's good looks compared to himself :)

Best regards.....


does he know who is Hitler?

sure he has a copy(or maybe a signed original??) of "Mein Kampf"

I think he is a bit of a Ich bin ein Berliner bowl of boat noodles. For those wondering, this is also available in the Thai language networks as well.

given his close relationships with Mingkwan and Jakapop, as well as the rumours which swirl around his son, you would think he would not comment on homosexuality. I suppose the Chiang Mai 51 group have proven the homophobia within some of the red shirts, but I would have hardly expected a supposed leader (oh I mean, someone unrelated to this democratic movement, but that just coincidentally happens to have his image and his name plastered over the motorcade today) to come out with homophobic drivel like this.

My red shirt mates assured me that some of the blood poured around today was not actually human blood but pigs blood - but I take that with a grain of salt.

Seems a bit to have wasted potentially life saving human blood, but without proper testing who knows whether there was any HIV, hep, etc among the donors; let's hope next time they are generous enough to donate again but to red cross or one of the many organisations that provides blood to the multitude of motorcyclists who get drunk or fall off their bikes upcountry. On the other hand....the potential sales of dishes involving animal blood - it seems like you would have been able to feed quite a few people, even with the small amount of blood they wasted today.

Still...mine is not to reason why. And 1,000 cleaners got to work today.

A job with true dignity. Just as much dignity as the small group of red shirts who are now in the motorcade but concealing their faces with masks and hankerchieves. Proud to fight for democracy...but not proud enough to dare show their faces.....of course one would expect this is for entirely legal reasons, just as there were concealed faces in Songkran last year.

My guess.... numbers are down again, but still a substantial motorcade today and well planned not to inform the city. Quite a few angry folk in the Wireless Area given the speed with which the motorcade came in and effectively shut down roads. Lined the streets nevertheless, and no doubt red shirters are being told 'see the city folk love you as well'.

Entirely unsure how bailing up the US Embassy is critical in the fight for democracy, but then again this 'democracy movement' has more brain power than me in selecting which points to fight about.

Personally I would be demanding the ends, not the entirely unimportant means:

- true education of equivalent level to the cities for rural poor which not govt has really given them

- an improved social welfare system again which has never been fully provided

- continuation of the start of policies in the 1970s to extend roading, infrastructure and telecoms to the provinces

- continuation of the crop guarantee pricing system instigated by the dems, and a promise to never reintroduce crop pledging again

- controls on the barons like CP, the sugar mills, the rice mills with open education programs assisting farmers

- worker education programs to improve crop yields

- a promise from governments to never do an FTA like TRT did with China with zero involvment from the farmers themselves or the NGOs resulting in massive losses for no benefits

- true democratic representation with no vote buying; stiff penalties for cheating organisations in elections and individuals singled out and punished for cheating or corruption while in office

instead...it's all about pardoning thaksin which has no relation to democracy at all, and removing the currently elected house of representatives. And blood.



Oh Boy this is the best of his quotes. Let me note it down. Will go in my collection of Funniest Quotes. I don't even have any reasonable statement to make on this one. Just not possible. I may not be the brightest but I am not that dumb either.


Thaksin added that just like the German schizophrenic dictator, :

- Abhisit does not like to talk alone - well most people prefer to, most of the time, talk and discuss with other people, quite normal and rational, but perhaps thaksin ilikes to talk to himself in the mirror, that way, he get's the answers he wants.

- (Abhisit) , has problems controlling his ambitions - where's any indicators of this, he's in fact a humble rational, and fair man, all well documented.

- (Abhisit) , violent tendencies - where's the evidence of this? There's none at all.

And all of the above is rather ironic and laughable, given thaksins own history of operating like a dictator and at the same time intimidating anybody who dared to get in his way. And supervising the murder of 2,500 fellow Thais, is this not extreme and ruthless violence?.

Will be interesting to see which TV Red Shirt will be the first to step up and defend their master's latest rant.

The usual ones will be here, but they wont discuss this rant, just talk about blah, blah, coup, blah, blah, unelected, blah, blah he was stitched up guv :) etc, etc


In fact, very smart move: his target group is perfect for this kind of cr*p. What sort of being will drain his own blood to smear it over the house/gates?

Taxin fed exactly what they are ready to swallow: poison in the water, heros for the next generation, psycho demonic dictator, mental fags around him. Great move.


I would be dirty too if the up town people took the money. But they are still able to do it. the fact that his telecast was not blocked also says a lot.

But you would think more gay issues would be dealt with by current Govt. if Mr Thaksin was right.

At least it is only war of words at the moment.

If the Govt. is not feeding the Bangkok elite they get put out. Thaksin stood up to them which proved his undoing.

Hitler ?

Next demo in Bangkok .



Not black, they wear Brown

Korrect !!!!!!!!!!!!


Sorry for the confusion with Mussolini

Stop bringing more colors into the game, don't know what to wear as it is!! As for Mr. T. I really laughed out loud, does he realize he is that funny?

<br />the government bribed people to leave the rally???<br /><br />how about the the money thaksin paid the protesters to show up?<br /><br />without HIS bribes no one would have shown up in the first place anyway.<br /><br />he's just proven once more that he's a loser. bye bye thaksin <img src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

What's Really hilarious about these allegations, and what hasn't seemingly registered with anyone yet, is if the govt were bribing people to leave, Thaksin would be broadcasting to no one.

Good point!

I'm not so sure its Aphisit who has got the mental disorder :)

Seemed a self description to me, with remarks primarily to stir up those who are left.

Indeed, he couldn't describe himself better! Poor //deleted//, you're going down the drain with these words! Your educational background is slowly surfacing now! :D:D:D

I'm not so sure its Aphisit who has got the mental disorder :)

The public mental breakdown of Thaksin is rather hilarious. His ongoing rants will be comedy classics in years to come, similar to those Hitler rants that are so often spoofed on You Tube.

Completely agree. He has lost the plot.

The sad thing is thousands of his supporters think he is the best thing since sliced bread and want him back to lead this country wonder what you farang supporters of him and you know who you are think about his rantings.

Hitler ?

Next demo in Bangkok .



Not black, they wear Brown

Black would do.....but I think Hitler is associated with the Brown Shirts.


Finally, the true colours of this sad little man are beginning to emerge for all to see......... Personal attacks intertwined with lies, purely because the big push of the weekend never materialised. Just 10% of the claimed 1,000,000 bothered to turn up, whom are now beginning to head home, whilst the remainder lurch from day to day without a clue. As for pooring blood down drains (where it eventually ends up), this must have Abhisit shaking in his boots. Or chuckling with laughter more like. Thaksin has had it - reds, just forget about him and choose someone else to represent you in the same way but without all the baggage of a desparate little man on the run.


I have removed several posts that have used nick names and/or incorrect names for the man in question - please use the correct names when referring to people

Any further posts that do not use the correct names will be deleted without notice - thanks!

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