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Thaksin Draws Comparison Between Abhisit And Hitler

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I take it that the source of these 'quotes' is reliable and unbiased? Wouldn't be the first time. And reading through the posts on this thread, a lot of people are forming a lot of opionions based on them.


Is it possible someone could comandeer Thaksin's tweeter account - and send twits out, as if they came from him?

Regardless, that's an excuse Thaksin could use when general responses to his lame-assed tweets come back and to nip him on the butt and cause him ever more loss of face. Q; how much face can one man lose?

Maybe he should go to a faceologist and order more face, as he's been losing so much, it's embarrassing.

Politicians have speech writers, couldn't an ex-politician billionaire also afford a speech writer? I'm available, but I'm no cheap floozy. Thaksin would have to pay me us$5,000 per tweet. Here are some examples from my resume;

Abhisit no good, you can believe me or you can see for yourself, you choose.

I am only one who is qualified to save Thailand.

(p.s. Thaksin actually says that sort of thing in interviews, often)

I can show you how 2 b rich like me, or you can sit in rice field with no 30 baht.

I don't care if judge take my money, but I will fight with freedom fighters to regain it.

I am not rich, you can look at my bank account, though my chauffeur and chambermaid are rich - I can explain later. Honest mistake.

I am rich and you can be rich too, if you bring me back to Thailand victorious.

The UN is not my father, and Uncle Sam is not my aunt, and Abhisit is not my step-child.

.......do I get the job?

Finally, the true colours of this sad little man are beginning to emerge for all to see......... Personal attacks intertwined with lies, purely because the big push of the weekend never materialised. Just 10% of the claimed 1,000,000 bothered to turn up, whom are now beginning to head home, whilst the remainder lurch from day to day without a clue. As for pooring blood down drains (where it eventually ends up), this must have Abhisit shaking in his boots. Or chuckling with laughter more like. Thaksin has had it - reds, just forget about him and choose someone else to represent you in the same way but without all the baggage of a desparate little man on the run.

A calm, collected and rational White Knight would suit just now just right. Scrap the Monty-Joker and move on.

Red Hero to Zero, methinks, KTakki..... sunset's dropping..... IMO of course.

rgdz Brewsta

I take it that the source of these 'quotes' is reliable and unbiased? Wouldn't be the first time. And reading through the posts on this thread, a lot of people are forming a lot of opionions based on them.

I dont know my friend . It is on the web .

Dont talk like a twit,comedy classic,s,Hitler killed millions, how many has Thaskin killed? Name 1 decent thai politican that has been elected..i repeat elected, that isnt on the take......I wonder how many people the current PM of Thailand could get onto the streets to support him and his cronies....
I'm not so sure its Aphisit who has got the mental disorder :)

The public mental breakdown of Thaksin is rather hilarious. His ongoing rants will be comedy classics in years to come, similar to those Hitler rants that are so often spoofed on You Tube.

Thaksin is nowhere near being a Hitler given the nature of the crimes Hitler committed and as to how Hitler involved the world in the conflagration of WW 2.

However, each in his own way shares the trait of being stark raving mad. Thaksin is so vulnerable to the general belief he's lost his marbles that only someone who's truly lost his marbles could or would open himself to this kind of talk. The only people Thaksin hasn't accused of being wicked are the Jewish peoples, but I'm sure that was only because of the omissions of a madman. An absolutel lunatic. Howling at the moon mad.


This is so stupid! Now, I am ashamed that these people are going to be embarrassed by him and that the people who supported him have only learned what a fool Thaksin really is. This is sad. He "used" the naievity as well as the lack of education of these people to satisfy his own ends. I hope that this never happens again to these people. I thought that Thaksin was a good person who was treated poorly. I was unaware and ought to have read more abut him. Now, I too am ashamed of my support for the "idea" that he should not have been removed outside of parliamentary procedures. Apparently, in his case, it was necessary. If this is the first time that this has ever happened, then I understand. However, if this is a consistent practice in the government of Thailand, it would make me question whether or not the Thai government is politically free to act in the best interests of the people. Well, I also feel "burned" by Thaksin and will, in the future, take more time to read the "whole" story before committing to anything politically there. I do this kind of researach on leaders and policies in the US, why not here in Thailand? This has been a good lesson for me, that's for sure.

Well we haven't confirmed Dubai has banned him? Only Nation as been reporting this and they are far from correct these days. :)

Not sure , i saw it on the web . I think its very possible in the name of good relation with Thailand as Dubai says


What is the source of this news article?

The original post has the TAN logo on it, but this story can't be found on the TAN website or any other news site....?

does he know who is Hitler?

Just a name for him, he has no idea whatsoever what that piece of shit cost the world (50 million dead)

Hitler ?

Next demo in Bangkok .



Not black, they wear Brown

SS was all BLACK!

SS were indeed black, but the SA (Hitlers thugs) were brown shirts, until the Night of the Long Knives :)

Lets face reality. There is no chance for a Thai Nelson Mandela at the moment.

This all is a Big Tragedy for the Thai people and the Thai culture. Many comments we can read here realy do not contibute to make the situation better. Like my girlfriend tell, when there would be a Thai with the capabillity, the charisma and the honesty as Nelson Mandela, the people in power, from both sides would do anything to get rid of him, or her.

They would create ""gossip, stories, proove, situations" to make his or her work impossible and when they would not succeed they will somehow kill him or her.

Many Thai people know this is the "political" situation in Thailand

It is not the fight of the people it still is not. It is the fight of the people in power, the people with the power, the people with the money, also a lot of money that belongs to the people of Thailand, it is a fight on the account of the Thai people and on the account of the Thai King.

Because these people only care about themself.

With all governements there were in the past Thaksin gave many ordinary Thai people the idea something could change. He gave them hope. And maybe, or maybe proibably he did do so out of false intentions, but he did gave them some hope their future could change.

But as it looks now the same storie will continue as it is going on for years now.

And many people overhere are more focussed on commenting the actors on stage.

We are outsiders, we can yell from the outside never having to proove we will do better.

But the real tragedy is not on the stage where the actors play their part.

In the audience millions of people in Thailand have to suffer and lack the freedom to decide about and take care their life as most western people can in their country.

I see no reason to be funny about anything happening here.

Thank you for your comment . Nobody is entirely black or entirely white i believe (in most of cases)

I think perhaps you can express yourself with your vote next year .

At the end of the day its the thai people that decides

Hitler ?

Next demo in Bangkok .



Musolini was leader of black shirts. Hitler was the leader of the brown shirts

Most days, I work outside with no shirt. What affiliation does that afford for me? We should all be nudists. We weren't born with shirts.

Lets face reality. There is no chance for a Thai Nelson Mandela at the moment.

This all is a Big Tragedy for the Thai people and the Thai culture. Many comments we can read here realy do not contibute to make the situation better. Like my girlfriend tell, when there would be a Thai with the capabillity, the charisma and the honesty as Nelson Mandela, the people in power, from both sides would do anything to get rid of him, or her.

They would create ""gossip, stories, proove, situations" to make his or her work impossible and when they would not succeed they will somehow kill him or her.

Many Thai people know this is the "political" situation in Thailand

It is not the fight of the people it still is not. It is the fight of the people in power, the people with the power, the people with the money, also a lot of money that belongs to the people of Thailand, it is a fight on the account of the Thai people and on the account of the Thai King.

Because these people only care about themself.

With all governements there were in the past Thaksin gave many ordinary Thai people the idea something could change. He gave them hope. And maybe, or maybe proibably he did do so out of false intentions, but he did gave them some hope their future could change.

But as it looks now the same storie will continue as it is going on for years now.

And many people overhere are more focussed on commenting the actors on stage.

We are outsiders, we can yell from the outside never having to proove we will do better.

But the real tragedy is not on the stage where the actors play their part.

In the audience millions of people in Thailand have to suffer and lack the freedom to decide about and take care their life as most western people can in their country.

I see no reason to be funny about anything happening here.

How much do your Thai girlfriend from rural Issarn know about Nelson Mandela? If I ask my wife, she would say: Nesson who?

Anyway... This may be a good lesson to never neglect this country's majority, namely the poor people. Albeit a great percentage in Issarn are married or somehow involved with farangs (walking ATM's), but... In order to prevent another maniac like T-Rex to once again manipulate the poor in order to gain control over the country, the government must pay focus and NEVER neglect these people.

Hitler ?

Next demo in Bangkok .



Not black, they wear Brown

SS was all BLACK!

SS were indeed black, but the SA (Hitlers thugs) were brown shirts, until the Night of the Long Knives :)

Yes true . After the Night of the long knives the SA had red shirts . Sounds familiar LOL

Hitler ?

Next demo in Bangkok .



Musolini was leader of black shirts. Hitler was the leader of the brown shirts

Most days, I work outside with no shirt. What affiliation does that afford for me? We should all be nudists. We weren't born with shirts.

Your affiliation ? Red neck i guess :)


Another example of spin according to your interpretation of a speech. Seems like only you know what is said and by whom. Nowhere else is any of this crap represented as news.

I am not a supporter of T or anyone else but your rag is a sad example of a bought and paid for outlet for colored bias. There is no independent voice in this country.


You know there's lot of noise in the media. Thaksin comparing Abhisit to Hitler and Thai visa posters firmly believing he is the front man of the Yellow Shirt or "elitists". the truth is these Red people have had no better champion of their cause than the current PM. He is trying to uplift them and create a more egalitarian society. Thaksin wanted to keep them poor AND in debt. Did Thaksin really ever go after the elites? Well, Abhisit has:


He does it as a matter of good governance for the Thai people. You'll never hear any mewling "do you love me?" coming from his mouth. He just gets on with the job.


I can draw a comparison between Taksin and the DEVIL (or maybe a Mafia Boss) who just can't accept the fact that he can't have his way everytime........ He rode "a good horse to death" so now he has to walk........... And this 'BLOOD" thing was just about the most idiotic thing they could do, I'm sure in most other situations that it would be serious criminal offences............. I wish they would have used the WATER-CANONS to clean it as they were pouring........AND ANOTHER THING, I don't believe that there was 50,000 blood donors, as they claim, I'll bet there might have been about 10 0f them who had "balls" enough to feel the needle and pose for pictures - and the rest of it was pig or chicken blood...........

It just shows that you can take the pig to the city and dress it up, but it is still a pig............... What a disgusting act the blood thing was, I wish that they had to clean up their own mess................

I'm not so sure its Aphisit who has got the mental disorder :)

Abhisit has now been cursed and therefore obviously his days are now numbered. If you don't believe me I can tell you that I have been the victim of a secret tattoo curse to make me stay with one woman and I'm still with the old Dragon! There's more to this Black majic stuff than you think! :D


The unlovely Potjaman must be wearing a wry smile just now. Looks like you made a good decision in HK missus.

Thailand needs its own Alan Paton right now. Cry, The Beloved Country indeed.

You know there's lot of noise in the media. Thaksin comparing Abhisit to Hitler and Thai visa posters firmly believing he is the front man of the Yellow Shirt or "elitists". the truth is these Red people have had no better champion of their cause than the current PM. He is trying to uplift them and create a more egalitarian society. Thaksin wanted to keep them poor AND in debt. Did Thaksin really ever go after the elites? Well, Abhisit has:


He does it as a matter of good governance for the Thai people. You'll never hear any mewling "do you love me?" coming from his mouth. He just gets on with the job.

Oh really! check out the latest Forbes richest people in the world list and look for the most elite of all in Thailand... Its interesting reading. :)

You know there's lot of noise in the media. Thaksin comparing Abhisit to Hitler and Thai visa posters firmly believing he is the front man of the Yellow Shirt or "elitists". the truth is these Red people have had no better champion of their cause than the current PM. He is trying to uplift them and create a more egalitarian society. Thaksin wanted to keep them poor AND in debt. Did Thaksin really ever go after the elites? Well, Abhisit has:


He does it as a matter of good governance for the Thai people. You'll never hear any mewling "do you love me?" coming from his mouth. He just gets on with the job.

Oh really! check out the latest Forbes richest people in the world list and look for the most elite of all in Thailand... Its interesting reading. :)

I've read it. That's got nothing to do with what I posted. He has to work within the framework of the constitution, which calls for a constitutional monarchy..

Lets face reality. There is no chance for a Thai Nelson Mandela at the moment.

This all is a Big Tragedy for the Thai people and the Thai culture. Many comments we can read here realy do not contibute to make the situation better. Like my girlfriend tell, when there would be a Thai with the capabillity, the charisma and the honesty as Nelson Mandela, the people in power, from both sides would do anything to get rid of him, or her.

They would create ""gossip, stories, proove, situations" to make his or her work impossible and when they would not succeed they will somehow kill him or her.

Many Thai people know this is the "political" situation in Thailand

It is not the fight of the people it still is not. It is the fight of the people in power, the people with the power, the people with the money, also a lot of money that belongs to the people of Thailand, it is a fight on the account of the Thai people and on the account of the Thai King.

Because these people only care about themself.

With all governements there were in the past Thaksin gave many ordinary Thai people the idea something could change. He gave them hope. And maybe, or maybe proibably he did do so out of false intentions, but he did gave them some hope their future could change.

But as it looks now the same storie will continue as it is going on for years now.

And many people overhere are more focussed on commenting the actors on stage.

We are outsiders, we can yell from the outside never having to proove we will do better.

But the real tragedy is not on the stage where the actors play their part.

In the audience millions of people in Thailand have to suffer and lack the freedom to decide about and take care their life as most western people can in their country.

I see no reason to be funny about anything happening here.

How much do your Thai girlfriend from rural Issarn know about Nelson Mandela? If I ask my wife, she would say: Nesson who?

Anyway... This may be a good lesson to never neglect this country's majority, namely the poor people. Albeit a great percentage in Issarn are married or somehow involved with farangs (walking ATM's), but... In order to prevent another maniac like T-Rex to once again manipulate the poor in order to gain control over the country, the government must pay focus and NEVER neglect these people.

Well what you say would be the smart thing to do

... Fact is, do you think Thaksin gives a rats ass what you or any other farang thinks, "Thai's for Thai's" He now aim's every word and gesture at every poor/un-educated Thai.

He would have you believe this....but if you watched the motorcade today, there were perhaps 10-20% signs in english, with buzz words and photo opportunities for the foreign press. There are the shirts some in Thai some in english.





now given that the voice over was almost entirely in Thai, the people in the picks and so on were almost universally probably people who don't have an excellent command of english and prefer to use Thai....why do you think the carefully prepared clappers, the shirts, the memorabilia, has this english component?

It is for the foreign press....and some of the foreign press sit in the middle, some lean towards Thaksin, some lean away from him.

But....he definitely cares very very much what is said about him; much of this protest is being fought in the foreign press around the world.

The issues

- access to countries (he is already banned from UK, Germany, Japan - foreign media shapes government and popular opinion as to whether he is someone they want)

- access to information (column inches supporting him are important evidence that this is a local biased conspiracy and biased media)

- the war of popular opinion (other governments can also lean on Thailand to forgive him or to change things; this is an important fight he needs to win)

- changing the economy (ideally, he needs to prove only he can manage the economy - attempts to derail it play into his hands that he would be doing a better job)

His large team of PR consultants, the talking points, the key logic steps in the red shirt argument to link Thaksin's asset case to true democracy and the various interviews with worldwide news organisations conducted in secret locations don't happen by accident.

He is most definitely conducting a PR campaign for both locals and foreigners alike. In addition, the threats and the attempts to derail the Thai economy, for the foreign investors in Thailand, are a way to push the economic argument for locals through actions by foreigners.

The one group he cares perhaps less about are most likely the NGOs and foreigners living inThailand....based on his past track record.

Someone please refresh my memory.....whats an NGO??


I hope Oak doesn't judge his father's negative connotations regarding homosexuals too harshly.

maybe he meant except for metrosexuals and chick-chicks

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