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Thaksin Draws Comparison Between Abhisit And Hitler

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... Fact is, do you think Thaksin gives a rats ass what you or any other farang thinks, "Thai's for Thai's" He now aim's every word and gesture at every poor/un-educated Thai.

He would have you believe this....but if you watched the motorcade today, there were perhaps 10-20% signs in english, with buzz words and photo opportunities for the foreign press. There are the shirts some in Thai some in english.





now given that the voice over was almost entirely in Thai, the people in the picks and so on were almost universally probably people who don't have an excellent command of english and prefer to use Thai....why do you think the carefully prepared clappers, the shirts, the memorabilia, has this english component?

It is for the foreign press....and some of the foreign press sit in the middle, some lean towards Thaksin, some lean away from him.

But....he definitely cares very very much what is said about him; much of this protest is being fought in the foreign press around the world.

The issues

- access to countries (he is already banned from UK, Germany, Japan - foreign media shapes government and popular opinion as to whether he is someone they want)

- access to information (column inches supporting him are important evidence that this is a local biased conspiracy and biased media)

- the war of popular opinion (other governments can also lean on Thailand to forgive him or to change things; this is an important fight he needs to win)

- changing the economy (ideally, he needs to prove only he can manage the economy - attempts to derail it play into his hands that he would be doing a better job)

His large team of PR consultants, the talking points, the key logic steps in the red shirt argument to link Thaksin's asset case to true democracy and the various interviews with worldwide news organisations conducted in secret locations don't happen by accident.

He is most definitely conducting a PR campaign for both locals and foreigners alike. In addition, the threats and the attempts to derail the Thai economy, for the foreign investors in Thailand, are a way to push the economic argument for locals through actions by foreigners.

The one group he cares perhaps less about are most likely the NGOs and foreigners living inThailand....based on his past track record.

Someone please refresh my memory.....whats an NGO??

NGO = Never Going Outdoors...? Farangs who live in this country as if they were living back home, enclosed in their apartment?

Beats me... NGO anyone?

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Let's all celebrate with a toast and a 'get well soon' tribute to our afflicted ty'rant'.


I forgot "CHEERS ALL"!

A drop of the full bodied redstuff

I'm not so sure its Aphisit who has got the mental disorder :)

The public mental breakdown of Thaksin is rather hilarious. His ongoing rants will be comedy classics in years to come, similar to those Hitler rants that are so often spoofed on You Tube.

Completely agree. He has lost the plot.

seriously, he has now (likely) lost some homosexual support...though people that he doesn't like still follow him...glutton for punishment I guess.

Still can't get over the audacity..and to do it right on camera. Too hilarious

I have said it for some time:

It was clear Thaksin has regularly losing control of his decision making abilities, when under pressure.

This has been a clearly visible pattern since at least the 2006 election cycle,

it grew in frequency in the following 6 months, and grew increasingly more obvious since the coup.

Particularly noticeable to the average person AND his die-hard fans last Songkran and this weekend.

I am of the opinion that this predictable loss of judgment was closely observed by those around him

and contributed in no small measure to the coups happening. He became a loose cannon too many times

in too short a period. Since these are very very poor characteristics in a nations leader,

on might imagine this scared more than a few people needing to work with him.

Anger, lose of control, and lose of self control cycle through him when thwarted,

and he seems to lash out. Without consideration of truth or consequences.

I would be very interested in having a true forensic psychologist

look at 20-30 of Thaksins public pronouncements of the last

5 years in sequence, and give and opinion.

I would donate money for that analysis.My wife, a red shirt fanatic acts a lot like T. No reasoning, no asking questions, and definitely no challenging the words or actions of him and the reds. This has progressively become more obsessive in her behavior and dialogue. She can frequently throw out "How would Democratic countries do...." but God help me if I start to answer that question. The results are, "You don't know. This is Thailand" No S%$t. Tonight, same short words back and forth, and I ended it with, "you know, Miss 3rd world country, a mind AND ears are like umbrellas!! When they are closed, they do nothing to protect you from the sun and rain.Closed, the ears and mind do nothing for enlightenment. I am pretty confident, its going to be a no nookie, no talking night for me. Som Nam Nai Mai pen rai


Hitler had a special talent. What ever he said the people believed him and followed him.

Looks very similar to what the red shirts are doing, or not????

... Fact is, do you think Thaksin gives a rats ass what you or any other farang thinks, "Thai's for Thai's" He now aim's every word and gesture at every poor/un-educated Thai.

He would have you believe this....but if you watched the motorcade today, there were perhaps 10-20% signs in english, with buzz words and photo opportunities for the foreign press. There are the shirts some in Thai some in english.





now given that the voice over was almost entirely in Thai, the people in the picks and so on were almost universally probably people who don't have an excellent command of english and prefer to use Thai....why do you think the carefully prepared clappers, the shirts, the memorabilia, has this english component?

It is for the foreign press....and some of the foreign press sit in the middle, some lean towards Thaksin, some lean away from him.

But....he definitely cares very very much what is said about him; much of this protest is being fought in the foreign press around the world.

The issues

- access to countries (he is already banned from UK, Germany, Japan - foreign media shapes government and popular opinion as to whether he is someone they want)

- access to information (column inches supporting him are important evidence that this is a local biased conspiracy and biased media)

- the war of popular opinion (other governments can also lean on Thailand to forgive him or to change things; this is an important fight he needs to win)

- changing the economy (ideally, he needs to prove only he can manage the economy - attempts to derail it play into his hands that he would be doing a better job)

His large team of PR consultants, the talking points, the key logic steps in the red shirt argument to link Thaksin's asset case to true democracy and the various interviews with worldwide news organisations conducted in secret locations don't happen by accident.

He is most definitely conducting a PR campaign for both locals and foreigners alike. In addition, the threats and the attempts to derail the Thai economy, for the foreign investors in Thailand, are a way to push the economic argument for locals through actions by foreigners.

The one group he cares perhaps less about are most likely the NGOs and foreigners living inThailand....based on his past track record.

Someone please refresh my memory.....whats an NGO??

NGO = Never Going Outdoors...? Farangs who live in this country as if they were living back home, enclosed in their apartment?

Beats me... NGO anyone?

From Wikipedia:

Non-governmental organization (NGO) is a term that has become widely accepted as referring to a legally constituted, non-governmental organization created by natural or legal persons with no participation or representation of any government. In the cases in which NGOs are funded totally or partially by governments, the NGO maintains its non-governmental status and excludes government representatives from membership in the organization. Unlike the term intergovernmental organization, "non-governmental organization" is a term in general use but is not a legal definition. In many jurisdictions these types of organization are defined as "civil society organizations" or referred to by other names.

Poujadism suddenly came to my mind.

Off topic but,

Ah, the memories.

Been to both Aveyron & Saint-Céré, Lot, France.

Poujade distanced himself from Le Pen and declared in 2002 that he

"would have preferred to break his own leg than to make him a deputy".

One of may favorite things he said. :)

My ex pfather in law was rather Poujadist,

I delivered the line above and got a frown.

I didn't have the heart to laugh...

I have said it for some time:

It was clear Thaksin has regularly losing control of his decision making abilities, when under pressure.

This has been a clearly visible pattern since at least the 2006 election cycle,

it grew in frequency in the following 6 months, and grew increasingly more obvious since the coup.

Particularly noticeable to the average person AND his die-hard fans last Songkran and this weekend.

I am of the opinion that this predictable loss of judgment was closely observed by those around him

and contributed in no small measure to the coups happening. He became a loose cannon too many times

in too short a period. Since these are very very poor characteristics in a nations leader,

on might imagine this scared more than a few people needing to work with him.

Anger, lose of control, and lose of self control cycle through him when thwarted,

and he seems to lash out. Without consideration of truth or consequences.

I would be very interested in having a true forensic psychologist

look at 20-30 of Thaksins public pronouncements of the last

5 years in sequence, and give and opinion.

I would donate money for that analysis.My wife, a red shirt fanatic acts a lot like T. No reasoning, no asking questions, and definitely no challenging the words or actions of him and the reds. This has progressively become more obsessive in her behavior and dialogue. She can frequently throw out "How would Democratic countries do...." but God help me if I start to answer that question. The results are, "You don't know. This is Thailand" No S%$t. Tonight, same short words back and forth, and I ended it with, "you know, Miss 3rd world country, a mind AND ears are like umbrellas!! When they are closed, they do nothing to protect you from the sun and rain.Closed, the ears and mind do nothing for enlightenment. I am pretty confident, its going to be a no nookie, no talking night for me. Som Nam Nai Mai pen rai

Typical sign of low forehead people, like the Hitler administration would have called it. Don't mix your genes into those. What offspring would that yield? :)

Sounds like you can get into hellish discussions about daily nonsense and stupid situations. If you're still able to take care life on your own... Get rid of her! Anything related to intellectual thinking from her part, is an Utopian dream. I know... Been there, done that. I call it: "Married to children"

Awaiting my leave from here right now...


For Taksins wife Potjaman, there is probably a "new" EVITA play in the making....... "DON'T CRY FOR ME ARGENTI....... I mean THAILAND".................

Hitler had a special talent. What ever he said the people believed him and followed him.

Looks very similar to what the red shirts are doing, or not????

Not. Do not follow Thaksin into the trivialisation of both WWII and the current situation.

Just so we're all clear as mud. A psychologist has a PH.D. (typically) and they work with people in therapy. A psychiatrist is a MD or DO who prescribes medication for the treatment of mental disorders. Many people see both types of these doctors.

You see - it's all about degrees

Yes and no. P

Psychologists don't prescribe they generally don't need or want to.

But there is a push to change that.

"Typically, forensic psychology is defined as the intersection of psychology and the law,

but forensic psychologists can perform many roles so this definition can vary.

In many cases, people working within forensic psychology are not necessarily “forensic psychologists.”

These individuals might be clinical psychologists, school psychologists, neurologists or counselors who

lend their psychological expertise to provide testimony, analysis or recommendations in legal or criminal cases."...

"Some of the functions typically performed within forensic psychology include:

* Competency evaluations

* Sentencing recommendations

* Evaluations of the risk of reoffending

* Testimony as an expert witness

* Child custody evaluations ".....

"How Does Forensic Psychology Differ From Other Areas?

So what exactly makes forensic psychology different from another specialty area such as clinical psychology?

Typically, the duties of a forensic psychologist are fairly limited in terms of scope and duration.

A forensic psychologist is asked to perform a very specific duty in each individual case,

such as determining if a suspect is mentally competent to face charges.

Unlike the typical clinical setting where a client as voluntarily sought out assistance or evaluation,

a forensic psychologist typically deals with clients who are not there of their own free will.

This can make assessment, diagnosis and treatment much more difficult,

since some clients willfully resist attempts at help."


Question: What's the Difference Between a Psychologist and a Psychiatrist?


The question sounds like the setup for a joke, but it's an important difference to understand,

whether you are a student of psychology or a consumer searching for a mental health provider.

The terms "psychologist" and "psychiatrist" are often used interchangeably to describe

anyone who provides therapy services. While psychologists and psychiatrists both conduct

psychotherapy and research, there are significant differences between the two professions.

Psychologists receive graduate training in psychology and pursue either a Ph.D. or Psy.D. in clinical

or counseling psychology. Doctorate programs typically take five to seven years to complete and

most states require an additional one or two year long internship in order to gain licensure.

Other states require an addition year or two of supervised practice before granting full licensure.

The title of "psychologist" can only be used by an individual who has completed the above education,

training, and state licensure. Informal titles such as "counselor" or "therapist" are often used as well,

but other mental health care professionals such as licensed social workers can also claim these titles.

Psychiatrists are physicians to have specific training in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment,

and prevention of mental illnesses. Psychiatrists attend medical school and receive an M.D.

After completing medical training, they complete an additional four years of residency training

in mental health. In addition to this, some receive additional training in a specific area of interest

such as geriatric psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, addictions and other areas.

Prescribing Medications

A second important distinction between the two careers is that psychiatrists can prescribe medication,

while psychologists cannot. There has been a recent push to grant prescribing powers to psychologists,

with states such as New Mexico and Louisiana now allowing psychologists to write prescriptions after

consulting with a psychiatrist.


A forensic Psychologist could look at videos and chart indications of mental issues over time.

The severity and causal external triggers etc, and look at it over a time line.

He's no Adolph, but I bet there is quite a case study there.


My "girlfriend from Issan" did study at the university and speak FAR much better English as the average Farang speak Thai. She knows about the "qualities" of the people in power in Thailand.

She knows what Thailand needs to make a next step in future. People who can win their inner battle and have their own good side overrule their own bad side. We all have our individual good and bad sides but, being white and black, but it takes inner spiritual strength to control your self. Thailand has the problem that many people who cannot control them self, their desire for power and money, are the ones that are in power, so the Thai people have to witness and endure what is the consequense of this. This is a tragedy and we only can hope it will not get worse someday. Thailand would be blessed when there would be a Thai Nelson Mandela, a Thai changing Thai culture becos then Thai culture has developed and would be ready to embrace that kind of morality. My girlfriend from Issan does not protest, she does what one needs to do to change society, she is almost all the day helping other people with a morality Thailand desperately needs.

Anyone who continues to support this bigoted scumbag after this latest rant must be paid too or nuts or both.

I was talking about a tyRANT. I definitely was not in support of him hence the bottle...


What a sad, pathetic, desperate, lonely old man who will clutch at any inappropriate and unhelpful comment without realising he's shooting himself in the foot. Pretty much the same attitude which got him into this mess in the first place.

A lot of what makes people like someone, is when they know how to self-censor their comments. It's like watching a rat die on a glue-mat... he's clutching at straws when he really should just give up.

You are absolutely right and the comparing him to a rat is spot on. I have more respect for the dingo who chews his foot off if caught in trap.

How about a new name for Mr T maybe:-


My "girlfriend from Issan" did study at the university and speak FAR much better English as the average Farang speak Thai. She knows about the "qualities" of the people in power in Thailand.

She knows what Thailand needs to make a next step in future. People who can win their inner battle and have their own good side overrule their own bad side. We all have our individual good and bad sides but, being white and black, but it takes inner spiritual strength to control your self. Thailand has the problem that many people who cannot control them self, their desire for power and money, are the ones that are in power, so the Thai people have to witness and endure what is the consequence of this. This is a tragedy and we only can hope it will not get worse someday. Thailand would be blessed when there would be a Thai Nelson Mandela, a Thai changing Thai culture because then Thai culture has developed and would be ready to embrace that kind of morality. My girlfriend from Issan does not protest, she does what one needs to do to change society, she is almost all the day helping other people with a morality Thailand desperately needs.

I think that Thailand lacks from western intellectual thinking and education. I meet students everyday that wouldn't have a chance on the international market. When it comes to education the Philippines are more motivated than the Thais, who's spending more braincells on how to avoid doing the effort of learning than it actually would've cost on doing it the right way. The clash in this country is not so much about retards against Einsteins. It's about laziness and take control over the situation. Imagine how US would've evolved if everyone just sat on the ground and waited for something of precious value to fall from the sky and bring fortune to everyone....

What a sad, pathetic, desperate, lonely old man who will clutch at any inappropriate and unhelpful comment without realising he's shooting himself in the foot. Pretty much the same attitude which got him into this mess in the first place.

A lot of what makes people like someone, is when they know how to self-censor their comments. It's like watching a rat die on a glue-mat... he's clutching at straws when he really should just give up.

You are absolutely right and the comparing him to a rat is spot on. I have more respect for the dingo who chews his foot off if caught in trap.

How about a new name for Mr T maybe:-


I guess Wacko Tacko is already taken.

Or was this the guy so drunk the night before

that he rolls over, arms trapped, looks at 'the date' he dragged home

and quietly gnaws his OWN arm off rather than wake it up...


You all say that Thaksin's comments are retarded, baseless and mere rants of a sad megalomaniac. Sure we can see it plain and clear.

...but just look at that red crowd roar when he said it. Makes you wonder if these people ~DO~ deserve to vote afterall?

And can any of us, with all our education and cultivated upbringing, fathom HOW and WHY the red shirts tick? Certainly it can't be the bribes, because some of my own folks here (in-laws) are red supporters and yet my wife's family is quite affluent, being city folk and not farmers. What do they see in such a transparently corrupt criminal? Is there a particular part of Thai culture that we absolutely missed? We like to joke that Thais worship money, that they are trained not to ask questions... so despite all the allegations and proof, a red farmer will simply not see how Thaksin achieved most of his wealth through dubious means. Certainly Thais can't be so stupid??

... and yet even my wife (who is anti-Thaksin) cannot give me an explanation as to why her mom is an avid Thaksin supporter. I don't speak a word of Thai to ask for myself, but I am bloody interested to know!! We are definitely missing something here~!!

I'm not so sure its Aphisit who has got the mental disorder :)

Here, here! And they're leaving because they've given no shelter to sleep under, no facilities for showers and the blood collection farce.

You all say that Thaksin's comments are retarded, baseless and mere rants of a sad megalomaniac. Sure we can see it plain and clear.

...but just look at that red crowd roar when he said it. Makes you wonder if these people ~DO~ deserve to vote afterall?

As difficult as it may be for you to understand, yes they should be allowed to vote. If people's votes are not being respected, if their concerns and voices are refused to be heard, they may become desperate. And desperate people take desperate measures. The Abhisit government should better start listening to its people, before it gets further out of hand.

You may say that Thaksin bought votes. Sure he did, but Newin and the Democrats were also convicted of vote buying. Every party in Thailand buys votes. But the people of Thailand voted for Thaksin's party and its then-allies. What happened is that a military coup removed that government and its allies jumped ship and joined the Democrats.

So, yes ...these people DO deserve to vote. And I find it disgusting that you even think about asking that question.

^Perhaps Khun T is a hero, not a criminal? :)

:D He's a convicted criminal with plenty of other cases waiting for his eventual appearance in court to deal with :D

^Perhaps Khun T is a hero, not a criminal? :)

:D He's a convicted criminal with plenty of other cases waiting for his eventual appearance in court to deal with :D

I am sure some would disagree with the convicted criminal aspect, and also challenge the legitimacy of said decisions. :D

You all say that Thaksin's comments are retarded, baseless and mere rants of a sad megalomaniac. Sure we can see it plain and clear.

...but just look at that red crowd roar when he said it. Makes you wonder if these people ~DO~ deserve to vote afterall?

As difficult as it may be for you to understand, yes they should be allowed to vote. If people's votes are not being respected, if their concerns and voices are refused to be heard, they may become desperate. And desperate people take desperate measures. The Abhisit government should better start listening to its people, before it gets further out of hand.

You may say that Thaksin bought votes. Sure he did, but Newin and the Democrats were also convicted of vote buying. Every party in Thailand buys votes. But the people of Thailand voted for Thaksin's party and its then-allies. What happened is that a military coup removed that government and its allies jumped ship and joined the Democrats.

So, yes ...these people DO deserve to vote. And I find it disgusting that you even think about asking that question.

Just to help rainman out --- not every PARTY has been convicted of buying votes. A few individuals in some parties have been redcarded in almost every election. Party executives managing to get their party banned for elctoral fraud has been very limited. The nice thing about the strawman arguments you see is that they don't deny Thaksin and his proxy parties' are guilty any more. (Kinda hard when they have party executives on tape!). Instead they make the strawman argument that others have done it ..... when in fact no other parties have actually done it. (well none that were not banned...)


The reds are dead and hopefully the democrats will now have the breathing room to get something accomplished that actually helps the people in need in Thailand. (Unlike Thaksin who actually damaged the poor more than he helped them!)

^Perhaps Khun T is a hero, not a criminal? :)

:D He's a convicted criminal with plenty of other cases waiting for his eventual appearance in court to deal with :D

I am sure some would disagree with the convicted criminal aspect, and also challenge the legitimacy of said decisions. :D

How can anyone deny that he is a convicted criminal? It is a matter of public record including exactly WHY he was convicted. Legitimacy isn't an issue either since the man himself said he trusted in the courts (before his lawyers' bakery scandal!) How could legitimacy be an issue? The only issue is why anyone would support a criminal like him!

^Perhaps Khun T is a hero, not a criminal? :)

:D He's a convicted criminal with plenty of other cases waiting for his eventual appearance in court to deal with :D

I am sure some would disagree with the convicted criminal aspect, and also challenge the legitimacy of said decisions. :D
The interesting thing is that despite all the rhetoric, neither Khun Thaksin nor his legal team have challenged the case, or judgment itself in law, only on the basis that the court was biased against him. Funny that.....


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