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Possible Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit?


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I think Webfact used to write headlines for the National Enquirer. :)

National Enquirer is nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for breaking the John Edwards mistress on the side thing. The times the're a changin'

But then I could nominate Webfact for the Pulitzer, if only for his body of work never mind the subject headline. Hey, now there's a thought.......... :D

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Anyways - what leader doesn't get daily threats on his life? Pretty much common stuff.

yeah ive been wanting gordon brown dead for years, does that make me an assination attempt??

Your argument is poor.

You would be arrested immediately if you either plotted or took any form of organisational action towards the stated aim.

And if you did, the defence that it was just a joke would not wash.

The sly subtext is that you would like to.

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Assassination squads hunting Abhisit: report

BANGKOK: -- Intelligence organs have warned of an assassination plot against Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, which is why he had to take cover inside the 11th Infantry Regiment base, PM's Office Minister Satit Wongnongtaey said yesterday.

Metropolitan Police spokesman Maj Gen Piya Uthayo also said police obtained a tip-off the premier and some other heavyweights were targets of death squads.

City police had stepped up their already-strict security measures for the key figures, he said.

Up to six groups known for violence and inciting chaos in the country are being monitored for possible attacks, he said.

Abhisit dodged a question from reporters about the assassination plan, leaving in his armoured vehicle without responding.


-- The Nation 2010-03-18


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Personally I have no problems with what is reported here on this thread,Goerge and webfact are doing a great job posting all the media reports on one thread, that is all they have claimed to do. Up to you to decipher it. They clearly can't substantiate every story before they post, it's just letting you know whats being reported.

However, I am a little disappointed with the sms service, the said text was truly misleading for the points already discussed. I also remember a text on the day of the assets seizure, can't remember the exact words but it was to the effect the baht was getting hit by the other currencies, this was clearly not the case if you look at the history it hardly moved over a 3 day period, no major shift at all.

Maybe the problem is with the 'Nation' who are the 'other half' of the news alerts. Inaccurate reporting yesterday from them carried a caption underneath a photo,'Masked health officials diligently scrubbed away the blood the red shirts splattered at the gates of Government House and nearby roads yesterday evening. ' the photo was actually of the Democrat Party offices 2 miles away.

Edited by sungod
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Anyways - what leader doesn't get daily threats on his life? Pretty much common stuff.

yeah ive been wanting gordon brown dead for years, does that make me an assination attempt??

Your argument is poor.

You would be arrested immediately if you either plotted or took any form of organisational action towards the stated aim.

And if you did, the defence that it was just a joke would not wash.

The sly subtext is that you would like to.

Yes, you could be arrested and charged if authorities could find admissable evidence you yourself alone were plotting to assassinate (John Hinkley vs Ronald Reagan), of if the same could be found that you and others were involved in discussions and/or connected actions towards such a purpose (numerous FBI vs al Qaeda stings).

If you're charged with executing your plot or attempting to execute it, a chain of evidence is required (shoe bomber Richard Reid). However, if you are acting alone, whether in thought supported by admissable evidence, or in concert with others based on same, you are subject to arrest, being charged, arraigned, prosecuted (ibid FBI).

Plotting is a crime, whether to kill your wife or a public official or anyone at random. You can plot alone or with others, but plotting coupled with admissable evidence is a chargable crime.

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^the yellow banana is not armor plated :) I think Abhisit would be better off without SNAFU and his minions.

come now imagine them forcing would be assasins to swim the chao praya as they sprayed bullets at their heads and surely any assasin would immediately surrender to those trained in the ancient art of repreatedly headbutting a brick wall

Mmmm not sure that the hummer being yellow will go down well but then again....

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Maybe the problem is with the 'Nation' who are the 'other half' of the news alerts. Inaccurate reporting yesterday from them carried a caption underneath a photo,'Masked health officials diligently scrubbed away the blood the red shirts splattered at the gates of Government House and nearby roads yesterday evening. ' the photo was actually of the Democrat Party offices 2 miles away.

Well said!

The newspapers are clearly going to make more from attention-grabbing headlines than the more tempered factual ones and the papers here are hardly going to rein-in the sensationalism!

I think it's also notable that in the original post, there's one key word that gives a clue as to whether the drive for the story is more from the PM's public relations 'spinners' or from the clamouring journalists and newspapers eager to stir this lame episode of the last week into something more dramatic... and that is the word "admits".

Needless to say, it's unlikely that the PM's office would hide information about an assasination plot *report* and it'd probably be detrimental to their objective of retaining a public image of calm control and open-ness; but there's quite a difference between coming forward and proclaiming vs. responding to questions from reporters looking for a headline.

It's doubtless that the PM (as with any astute politician - lest we forget that there are hardly any in any country that hasn't learnt some aspect of leveraging PR and 'spin') will stand to gain if the country sympathises with him following the reports of a threat on his life. However, I see more shrewd and thoughtful diplomacy in the statement issued by *Abhisit's office* than in the scurrilous and desperate accusations of the self-serving Thaksin. It's quite right for the PM to decline to "accept" that the red shirts are protesting for the sake of democracy, because there's absolutely no reason for them to accept such rubbish! But that doesn't make them so idiotic as to come forward and proclaim it in a tit-for-tat retort to the rantings of a foolish man. Which makes it clear who is currently best suited to govern the country!

Really, the tragedy of this whole thing is that such valuable principles as "democracy", and justice are being kicked around and (maybe irrevocably) damaged like footballs by a man who evidently has neither done nor sacrificed anything for whatsoever. How can a man with billions seriously claim to fight for the working classes and democracy!? So, now, whomever should want to do so sincerely and legitimately will quite probably be associated with the man who sold out his country's poorest and most in need in order to attempt to claw back ill-gotten wealth and power for his own elitist clan.

But then who knows what the truth is really here? We just stand on the sidelines, spectating and speculating at the possible facts based on hearsay and conjecture, while the rest is coming to us through very clumsy and inefficient filters - both that of the media and that of the language barrier...!

Edited by damaja
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Um, call me crazy, but it would seem that the situation has definitely reached the point where martial law should be HARSHLY enforced. When the leading entity's life has been threatened, national security has been threatened, and the nation's capitol has been sent spinning into chaos, what the <deleted>! Where are Ahbisit's cojones? Why is he allowing this to go on this long?

I'm back in the US, and last night the only blip of this to reach us on the news was the 'blood spilling' incident, which only made Thailand look like a bunch of backward savages, not an emerging economic tiger. It's so embarrassing to see this representation of a country that I love so much.

If any assassination attempt should be made, it should be on Thaksin for instigating so much disruption in his own native country, while he's jaunting around the world on his private jet. I'm sure there's some Cambodian who would gladly do the job. Even if he were allowed back into Thailand with all charges dropped, and by some miracle allowed resume his post as PM, the same thing would happen all over again: he'd be ousted by yet another coup.

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Assassination squads hunting Abhisit: report


-- The Nation 2010-03-18


OK Show of hands. How many believe this?

"Woman Gives Birth to Alien Baby".

Her husband was a foreigner(Alien) :)

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this is what my email notification was reading:

Assassination Attempt On PM Abhisit

can't find any of it on this page -- poor move, TV!!

I thought someone had tried to shoot him or blow him up or even worse drown him in a blood bath. The information on the Sm's was pretty scant to say the least.

So it did not happen???

Cheers, Rick

As they say don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Or like the old saying; "My mind is made up, don't confuse me with facts" :)

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Fell free to go elsewhere for your news if what we report isn't to your taste :)

/Edit: We dont write the news by the way, we just repost it from other sources - if you have a more reliable source for news - feel free to bring it to our attention :D

I just can't resist.

I have seen more selected Rumors that factual news. Pretty much propagand material! Not much hard news!

But if that's what turns your key, Have at it!


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If this report is genuine ,it shows a dangerous turning point.

I hope that caution will prevail

if you force the tiger to the wall, I am not surprise such act of retaliation may .... btw I am neither red nor yellow.

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JD - Nah I think its more a figment of a paranoid regime. An assassination is the last thing the reds want because it would be a death nail for their cause.

Maybe so, but there are enough nutter's within the reds who act without thinking anything thru, their leader is a good example of not thinking - and that's without even considering any of the other paid lackies.

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Nice attention grabbing headline backed up by zero substance. More top reporting from Sondhi L's TAN news network.

I'm waiting to get the News ALERT: Abhisit forced out from office. And upon clicking I read that Rentokill had come round to government house and Abhisit had to leave his room for 5 minutes whilst they sprayed for bugs

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